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Everything posted by theend3r

  1. It definitely is possible. I found a paper touching the subject: http://annales.ensae.fr/anciens/n5556/vol5556-13.pdf, page 321, although I'm not entirely sure how to apply it to my case. Thanks for your input.
  2. I'm a̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶ completely lost here and would welcome any help. I have data in this dataset which can be appoximately described by a simple MA(2) equation (according to the ACF of the data) with zero mean: x(t) = ε(t) + θ1 ε(t-1) + θ2 ε(t-2). What I need to do is to find the moments that would help me estimate the θ1 and θ2 using generalized method of moments. Full instructions would be invaluable but any help is appreciated.
  3. If I understand the concept correctly, an outside observer looking at an object swallowed by a black hole would see it slow down and never quite pass the event horizon, although the image of the object would become more and more redshifted as time passes. Now imagine a scenario where a star gets pulled in a black hole. What would we see? If the above is true we would see it just hover near the black hole getting more red at first and then fading out of view as the spectrum of this image gets out of our visible spectrum (IR machines would still see it). Finally the star "afterimage" would output just a "nearly straight" light with close to 0 frequency/infinite wavelength (sorry for those terms). The question is would we really see the star just disappear like a ghost? And if so how long would it approximately take? If this process takes a long time or if I'm completely wrong and nothing like that happens would a black hole lucky enough to meet a few stars appear like the lot of them are just moving together, sitting each next to each other? Is that what's happening in the galactic core?
  4. I still have someone's craft file of over 1000t stock launcher. It probably wouldn't fly under FAR though, I'll have to try it soon.
  5. B9 + Interstellar + RealSchute + USI SSTO shuttle, FAR compatible: Extremely cheaty as it can go anywhere and back in about a week or so.
  6. Looks great, wheels where always a problem in stock and even in B9. Adding this to my "can't play without".
  7. I know all that but that doesn't change the fact that black holes lose mass, which is already proven I think. Then the question is what happens when it loses enough mass that it can no longer sustain its current state. If we assume that it explodes then all the things (or rather the particles they were made of) are loosed eventually. Also since they're probably accelerated to relativistic speeds inside it may even seem from their pov that it doesn't take much time for this to happen.
  8. Some things obviously can exit since black holes are gradually losing mass. Definitely not ships though.
  9. This. I need a reason to use them. Maybe include a 3.5 thermal turbojet too, it'd be just a rescale and I need something for my ultra SSTOs
  10. Spaceplanes only. I don't think I've launched a single rocket these past few months.
  11. Persistently? If so then that's quite new. I remember you needed to ckick every time to hide them.
  12. The Pirate Bay, it was really popular one time. Bought shortly after.
  13. True. On the other hand this prevents problems such as those with the TreeLoader. If the author disappears it's better to have an open license. Ad author's wishes: You don't have to offer your seat in public transportation to the elderly but it's decent to do so.
  14. Definitely this! That would alse get rid of all those flags. Great idea.
  15. 1) Have enough lift, you can liftoff even without it with enough power but you probably won't land. 2) Fully fueled plane: CoL as close to CoM as possible but never in front of it. 3) Fully drained plane: CoL as close to CoM as possible but never in front of it. 4) If you want to orbit then pack more intakes (airhog). Detachable fuel tanks or boosters make everything much easier although your plane won't be a SSTO. The further the CoL behind the CoM is the more stable but less maneuverable your plane is. As for suggestions: 1) Tilted wheels usually behave strangely for me. 2) I'm not sure those intakes are efficient, especially for such a lightweight design. There's a reason they're hardly ever seen here.
  16. I've been thinking about this for a while but Thermal Turbojet >> Thermal Nozzle as it works for "free" in athmosphere. Uncapping the Nozzles would fix this.
  17. "Spaceplane" + flied only 19 seconds = in orbit in 19 seconds? Wow. It usually takes me at least 5 minutes. But keep experimenting, SSTO spaceplanes are the most rewarding thing in the game.
  18. You don't need to recompile anything, you can just edit the dll with Reflector or something. I agree that ignoring and reporting to mods would be for the best if the posts were few and far between which wasn't the case. We are not entitled to anything and the modders could just stop publishing their mods if they wanted, they aren't getting paid.
  19. Exactly. This was my attempt using KSPI, took about half an hour real time:
  20. It didn't. The thing is the authors didn't forbid or prevent us from using their mods in x64 but rather made it more difficult. It takes basic skills to remove the protection but people who do so are less expected to do irrational things like begging for support. If my mod thread was flooded by senseless begging or even threats ordering me what to do I'd not only do the same but probably make the protection even more severe and change my license.
  21. I know you could manually reshape the fairings in the past but I can't find out how to do that now. It seems you switched to a fully automatic system which unfortunately doesn't work in all cases: In this case the engine lacks an attachment node so I used an improvised decoupler. The system fails to recognize this.
  22. I've stumbled upon this one right now:
  23. The ARM engines testing missions yield ridiculously high rewards. I pretty much ignore everything except those and exploration missions. Currently sitting at about 14M funds, just about enough to launch some of my costlier vehicles. Once.
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