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Everything posted by sashan

  1. Stupid question, but what am I supposed to do with the files, how to install them?
  2. paint.NET supports DDS natively, and is a nice tool for simple edits with layers support. By the way, anyone has a working link to Part Tools? I want to make RPM configs for some IVAs.
  3. EDF, or electric ducted fan are very popular among modelists who want an RC jet without the danger and expenses of mini jet engine. THe main downside is that the efficiency is 2x lower of the propeller of the same thrust.
  4. [quote name='Algiark']This might be a stupid question, but... What makes this different from other visual enhancements, like basic EVE or Astronomer's?[/QUOTE] I guess it's the only mod that uses new EVE. Also, the Jool is amazing. And it may eventually revamp ground textures. And it is up to date. Well, just try. :P By the way, how heavy is it comparing to Astronomer's? [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Is it the problem of new EVE, or is the old Eve and Scatterer play together much better on edges of the visible part of the planet? Here's the old EVE, compare it to the pic in the OP: [img]http://i.imgur.com/9YwxrIG.png[/img]
  5. Wow, awesome. Short question - does it work in 1.0.4? I'm holding up my update untill I'm sure all the mods in both installs would work.
  6. [quote name='Ruedii']Does this include improved height maps?[/QUOTE] Do you mean visual bumpmaps for orbit view or actual heightmaps? If actual them I'm sure no one made this so far. KSP's PQS system is extremely complex - what you see is made up by many layers, basic lowres height map, then the layer that makes shores more pronounced, then the layer that adds sharp mountain peaks, then many layers for terrain features like ice caps, flat piece around KSC and other buildings etc. Very difficult to modify in such way as to get desired result.
  7. [quote name='Nils277']They are not procedurally like KAS tubes. I made my own module to allow them to be modular. They can be constructed in the VAB/SPH and on site ;-)[/QUOTE] Oh, ok, will definetely try them out. Will they work in 1.0.4? I'm still using it due to not all mods being updated.
  8. [quote name='Nils277']They are not really removed. They are still loaded by the game to not break older saves. But they are not available anymore to build new crafts. I replaced them to allow an easyier construction and to not clutter up the list of parts that much. Why would you want to use the old part? I can't think of anything that was possible with the old ones but not with the new ones.[/QUOTE] Well, are they procedural like KAS tubes or in some other way? BEcause if they're KAS tubes then they would have to be constructed on site, which is not always convitient. I often use them as simple structural elements for my various designs.
  9. So, have you actually removed corridors? Cause they are still useful even if there are procedurals avaialble.
  10. OMG that's awesome! Now that brings up an old question - what about that water overhaul? Water is one of the main things that drags KSP graphics down.
  11. This mod introduces a very nasty bug. The tank that can be hollowed out acts weird, jumps and rotates in place and sometimes dissapears. THe other parts, both up and down from the tank in hierarchy are good, unmoving at all.
  12. Maybe someone else is, that's why I'm asking. One thing that would need to be made for sure - reorient left wing so it's flipped upside down. It may actually be simpler to get this working with FAR than stock, but that needs the wing to be oriented certain way, and have origin at the root.
  13. Okay, I can edit the CFGs myself, just can anyone tell me what's the major difference between pold version and 1.0.4? I wasn't able to detect anything noticeable.
  14. I guess everything that doesn't modify wheels, UIs or thermals will work. Nils, I've just noticed you've added a node to docking port. Awesome. Just thought, can you add surface attachment nodes to all corridors? Most of stock parts have them.
  15. I believe it'll need update from IR mod itself. I doubt they've changed the cfgs that much.
  16. Good. Are they used by main download, or how? WOould be nice if you add this to first post.
  17. The problem is that I want rotatrons to reset to original positon when button is released. Like I press w - 5 degrees are slowly added to rotatron's position. I release it - rotatron slowly returns to previous position.
  18. Thanks. I've asked about scale problem in main thread, hope someone helps. Do you by the way know of any plugins that allow hinges to react to control inputs? I have a classic dual-jets-in-wingtips VTOL setup and want to control yaw in said method.
  19. Can you just post the list of stock assets that require "unpruning" for us Ven's revamp users? Unpruning a few textures anually by renaming them back is much better for RAM than unpruning whole lotta of them. Btw, hydroplanes are magnificent. Will give them a try after 1.1 is released with its water fixes.
  20. I'm getting the problem of tweakscale bar being 100% transparent and, obviously, unusable. Latest tweakscale, latest IR, IR rework parts. What's the problem? I remember having smae problem a year ago, don't remember how it was solved. P.S. How to get IR sequencer? My install seems to have no such thing.
  21. I'm getting the problem of tweakscale bar being 100% transparent and, obviously, unusable. Latest tweakscale, latest IR, IR rework parts. What's the problem? I remember having smae problem a year ago, don't remember how it was solved.
  22. May I suggest this A-7 Corsair II cockpit, but as 1.25m with intake part cut off (we can add it ourselves with other parts) and 0.625m node instead of nosecone? It would be useful not only for this plane but for a bunch of other designs as well.
  23. Awesome. The shadow shouldn't be as sharp tho, like it can be seen here. Also, shadows from planes that have atmosphere should be strongly colored - have you seen Moon eclipse? Because atmosphere allows lots of red light to pass through it and refracts it at the same time the moon is not black but red.
  24. I suppose the fourth module should be the science lab, which isn't shown in the movie. In the book they were doing quite a lot of scientific stuff during the journey.
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