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Everything posted by sashan

  1. Is it just me or does the new FAR refuse to extend flaps in hangar and do proper simulations of them extended? Can't find my stall speed with flaps extended till I fly...
  2. May I suggest rectacting landing light? Like this one: Making it have visible flare when watching from distance would be awesome as well.
  3. I believe Dragon Age Inquisition uses it. It isn't as good as multisampling AA and has some problems when, for exampling, standing 100 or so meters in front of stairs, but it has only minor perfomance impact. Would be awesome to have it, as well as some other postprocessing effects. KSP isn't all about graphics, I know, but having 2005-style graphics isn't good either.
  4. Judging by low ASL Isp and high one in vacuum it's definetely an orbital engine.
  5. Nah, the new version is so eye-unfriendly. My eyes hurt after 5 minutes. Not sure if that's the contrast or font size but I find it extremely discomforting.
  6. [quote name='SmashingKirby148']I'm sorry, but I honestly don't know what either of those are. ^^;[/QUOTE] That small exhaust pipe on the side. Helium bottle - just a tank that looks similar to monopropellannt ones.
  7. [quote name='ObsessedWithKSP']I believe it's actually the CoM that's off-centre, which would be intended behaviour (to help control re-entry).[/QUOTE] That makes launch escape system useless tho. IMO it should be done like in RealismOverhaul - adding a switch that allows moving COM in flight. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [quote name='Spanier']Thanks for fixing, but I think the TR-18A Decoupler is also too big :sealed: Edit: More bugs [url=http://imgur.com/YW2DfF9][url]http://i.imgur.com/YW2DfF9l.png[/url][/url] Many engines don't have an "engine" module, and for some reason, there is a *outdated* Skipper in TechTree node 0. And yes, the engine is too small.[/QUOTE] That Skipper is an old version that is there to prevent craft vanishing when upgrading.
  8. Nice engine, only I'd recommend removing gas generator exhaust. Maybe add smal helium bottle in its place? Orbital engines never use gas generators - they decrease Isp.
  9. I suggest sonic effects. There was a mod for that but it doesn't work with the new sound system.
  10. [quote name='blackrack']Just fixed the edge/shimmering issues of the new depth buffer. Also got rid of the old horizon break and other artifacts OpenGL has. [url]http://i.imgur.com/xMfdyN6.jpg[/url] I'll be cleaning this up and making a release soon. It looks like this may have some performance impact though, I will check again tomorrow, maybe I messed something up. Scatterer isn't supposed to hide them, probably the additive blending makes them more visible also, nothing you can do there.[/QUOTE] Very good. The problem is that horizon is supposed to be bright enough to overlap them... But I guess it isn't possible to implement without complex exposure calculations
  11. [quote name='blackrack']The fix is literally the first post on this page.[/QUOTE] Thx, will try it out. By the way, sunset is somewhat weird because you can see stars through it. Or is it supposed to look like that from 5 km altitude? [IMG]https://scontent-arn2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/12232827_812031282252872_863728496992419365_o.jpg[/IMG]
  12. [quote name='blackrack']If the moire patterns is there it means this is using direwolffixes.zip I'm compiling a new release now that will have all of these options included.[/QUOTE] I've downloaded that release from kerbal stuff yesterday evening.
  13. Any plans to finish that awesome mk3 cockpit? It's probably the best cockpit for mk3 airliners around.
  14. I still have noire patterns and other artifacts on opengl. That green line on the horizon is only present when looking into the sun direction, as the last shot demonstrates. [imgur]sfZOS[/imgur] Do you need logs?
  15. [quote name='DECQ']It's just that I do not have a program to read format MAX. Wings on Buran separated, apparently you have not downloaded the addon :( [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/QUOTE] Yep, I hadn't. I am using FAR, so I need a config. See this to get the values for FAR: [url]https://github.com/ferram4/Ferram-Aerospace-Research/wiki/Deriving-FAR-values-for-a-wing-using-Blender-2.7[/url]
  16. [quote name='DECQ']The word "Birdie" there is no error, just a font. We need to do better aerodynamics, and then think about FAR although I have no idea how to do it, aerodynamics question for Dragon,not for me. :) [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] Mriya interesting project, but I can not get it out of Buran.ru since I can not open format MAX. :D If someone can get it and convert into 3ds / dae I'll be happy. It should be noted that work is ongoing on the American Space Shuttle, new big project like Mriya/MAX will not be enough time.[/QUOTE] Want me to convert it into something? I have Max, shared by a friend. As for FAR - I guell you'll need to cut wings into 2 parts, as FAR supports only simple trapezoidal shapes.
  17. [quote name='Sampa']Hey, here's a good idea...make an An-337 or whatever the monster jet was that carried (or was designed to carry) Buran![/QUOTE] An-225 Mriya (the Dream). Seen it flying, awesome machine. It plays a role of US Boeing-747, just carries the Buran around. There was MAX project which would be launched off that plane tho. There is a good model of it on the same site where this Buran comes from, would be awesome to see it in KSP. Btw, they also have the Mriya.
  18. [quote name='fairy']Nice! :) Doesn't "Ptashka" mean "little bird" or something? If I recall correctly, I think Ptashka was the smallest of the orbiters.[/QUOTE] Yep, in Ukrainian. It's spelled wrong tho, it should be "Пташка". Small T in Cyrillic is same as the capital one. Please fix :P Also, can it be made to work with FAR?
  19. Also, I recomment beveling the edges of windows a bit - there are never sharp window corners in aerospace, because fatigue.
  20. When will you update the cargo ramp to use new code? My planes always sit low like the real ones, and the ramp makes the plane rise off the gears...
  21. Suggestion: Rover parts to attach below the current modules and a cockpit similar to The Martian's rover: [IMG]http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/outthere/files/2015/10/martian-gallery11-gallery-image.jpg[/IMG]
  22. Okay, anyone can help me to get existing IVA and props in the unity? I want to replace all the props.
  23. If you send me centrifuge modules in something 3ds Max can read then I'll make the windows much closer to what we can see in the movie for you. Here's what we can see in the movie: [img]http://i.imgur.com/EttVbFA.png[/img] And here's your one: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/S3qJZDs.png[/IMG] As you can see, the areas between the windows should have constant width.
  24. [quote name='softweir']The problem is that when there is any sideslip a long fairing creates [I]lateral [/I]drag which acts to increase the sideslip. So if your rocket drifts off prograde even slightly, a long fairing will make the drift worse - unless you have sufficient control authority to correct for this. RL rockets can get away with rather larger fairings than we can in KSP because their rockets are more rigid, and their control systems are much more sensitive and are carefully tuned to perform at the optimum for the load being carried. We in KSP have far more wobbly rockets, much slower control systems, and no ability to tune them.[/QUOTE] Wobble is cured by KerbalJointReinfircement, control system speed is fixed by MechJeb, tuning - by MechJeb or any mod that allows to modifiy stock SAS PID coefficients. Just FYI. :P
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