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Everything posted by Proot

  1. I'm in the creative/test process of a lot of new textures for terrains and improved normalmaps, wich is pretty boring and a bit heavy to push to git in every change... It's in my plans, in fact I have the GIT since long time ago, but I'll not put in there probably until the new EVE and my main graphical work are finished. It's like CKAN: in the plans, but not by now.
  2. Hi Shaw, I was wondering: would be possible to add a normalmap to the scattered rocks? right now it uses just a flat texture ("rock00", I think). The rocks would be much nicer if they could use normalmaps, like the kerbal heads.
  3. IMHO. Is not about the system, In fact I prefer the 0-255 values. It's about how this works. I'll try to explain it. With this new system, a lot of effects (like the auroras an so on) are dead, because that type of effects are possible thanks to the fact that you can exceed the max values (1.0 now 255). Using an aurora as example: max values in 0-1 color system should be red 1.0, green 1.0, blue 1.0, alpha 1.0. But use red 1.0, green 20.0, blue 10.0, alpha 0.25 is what makes possible the aurora, because green and blue multiplies his power and glows over the dark while you can still have it in a transparent layer (alpha 0.25). I don't know if this previous behaviour was deliberate, but was ideal to create a huge range of effects. Can you mantain the old behaviour in the 0-255 system?
  4. It is in "Add-on Development" and labeled as "Work in progess" (WIP)... But if you play in DirectX this should be pretty estable. And very, very nice.
  5. Is not a problem related to scatterer. TR reflection plugin is not yet updated to work with Scatterer or wip-EVE. So it can't reflect well the scattering effect (yet?). I guess Shaw is waiting for the definitive releases to work in the compatibility which, with so many changes in the WIP versions, is the most intelligent thing he can do.
  6. All seems to work well, but I've found a great disadvantage in the 0-255 parameter for the color: it can not be exceeded. I mean, 0-1 values allows to use values over 1. That allow stronger color effects, like in the auroras... or to correct the intensity/colour in the particles without touch the main textures. If I use values over 255 the layer disappears. That kills a lot of possible effects, just for the new color value limits. Seen this, and if this new system can't function in that ways in the future, IMHO, I strongly prefer the old method.
  7. 4 is the scale. You can see that the tiling works well, is just that small gap. Could be related just to me, by not use the terrain system at the moment?
  8. Is not so easy to see in normal view, because is covered by the particles. I've noticed this in the equator (near to the KSC), because the shadow does a gap too. Then in map view I've found it at many other edges. So I'll go for "all".
  9. I'm the only one who has this issue? Small linear gaps at the edges of cloud detail's.
  10. IMHO, no difference at all, beyond from changes needed in the config files. In fact 0-255 values are common in the design programs, so will be easier to pick colour references outside the game. Your choice.
  11. You can do it with every planet, and with every surface. I check the Kopernicus logs and then I replace the things I want to change (Thanks to Thomas!). I hope that the incoming EVE new system for terrains could be so "flexible" as Kopernicus, or at least fully compatible. When the plugins goes forward, everything goes after them. So it's people like you who boost this changes. Thanks.
  12. While wip-EVE goes finished I'm using kopernicus to assay the terrain changes. I'm redoing all the terrain surfaces and trying my own normal maps. It has a weird equilibrium (things can go crazy easily), but if you can do good normal maps the results can be realy good. In fact I'm improving the previous results (reminder... these are PQS scales):
  13. That "glow" is the stock effect of the sunglare over the sun. The Kittopia tech texture was used for the solar "flames". I can't tell you much more about that right now, sorry. Some new pics:
  14. Excuse my bad explanation. I mean that with Kopernicus it's possible to modify all the stock textures, I mean at all altitudes (more than 3 variables). And all the bumps. Atm, I didn't found EVE-Kopernicus incompatibilities.
  15. While you finish the terrains and so on I'm using Kopernicus for that. Allows to modify all the stock terrains altitudes and bumps, without touching other stock values. I've modified some PQS details in Kerbin, Mun and Minmus atm too. Will be possible to modify all the bumps and terrains altitudes in EVE in the future? could the kopernicus terrain modifications be compatible with EVE maybe? (again, just curious) EDIT: BTW, You was right as always... with the terrains, the oceans and city lights are back.
  16. So if I want to change the ocean or the planet I must change the terrains too? Those could be independent in the future? or it'll be a mandatory requirement? EDIT: Whatever you do will be good, just curious.
  17. I've tried again removing Kopernicus. That seems to not be the problem. This is the confing that I have right now. Just this, without terrain modifications. Created from a scratch saved, then modified: EVE_TERRAIN { Kerbin { oceanMaterial { _SurfaceColor = -1.5,0.25,0.45,1 _UnderColor = 0,.1992,.5976,1 _DetailTex = KSPRC/Terrain/Textures/sea _DetailScale = 400 _DetailDist = .000001 _Clarity = .002 _SpecColor = 1.5,1.25,0.75,1 _Shininess = 7.5 _MinLight = 0.25 _LightPower = 1.75 _Reflectivity = 0.15 } } } Curiously, some of the parameters (like the specular color) still appears as terrain configs in the IU. I prefer this new way, is more "independent", but I can't get it working. City lights are the same old config, or at least a scratch save didn't create anything new.
  18. I've tried both, and I tried to make new ones from scratch, nothing works. I've found that the UI have not all the new parameters that a scratch saves creates. May be related?
  19. Nope. No matter what I do. Oceans and city lights are gone. The clouds seems to work well.
  20. They refuse to work totally, even with the last version. I've checked the configs and the folder's order. That is not the problem. The only mod I didn't removed to check an incompatibility is Texture Replacer. I'll remove it to check all possibilities. BTW, ocean refuses to work too. It always appears as stock.
  21. I'm doing something wrong? (may the city lights still work outside of BoulderCo?) because I can't get them working in any way.
  22. Except for some parts and the cloud particles... I'm redoing all, and adding a lot of new things.
  23. In that way (example: 2,3000,0) I get the same issue that jsimmons and my clouds became slow rectangles.But if I use the opposite (3000,2,0) all looks pretty well... (?) BTW, have you changed the texture system for the texture details? I mean, the edge seams works again in the old way? Alt+E (on windows)
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