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Everything posted by Proot

  1. Let's establish a few "minimums" with this topic... I'm a complete supporter of free software, but I must think in all players. Independently, 8K textures "for all" are not needed "at all", and less now. I'll try to explain it with my crappy english: 1) None of the seen captures has a 8K texture, except for Kerbin. All the rest are your assumptions. This lead us to the next. 2) Independently of the memory wasting. Not every planet or moon need, or looks well, with 8k textures. Hard and long to explain. A simply summary: a 8k Bop doesn't looks natural with a 8K Kerbin. And not worth it at all in memory/performance terms. My goal is to double the stock resolutions where it's needed, not much more. Because... 3) Thanks to Rbray89, Wip-EVE includes now (not now precisely, is paused by the development, but I assume that this feature will come back) a "detail" tool for the planetary scales. That means I can add a new level of detail when the stock texture starts to be blurred. So, thanks to the geniality and wizardry of Rbray89, 8K textures will be not necessary nevermore, to achieve pretty good levels of detail.
  2. May I give my humble opinion here? Seems like your are using the clouds sizes like before the last revision of the cloud system. But now sizes seem to work different than before: the first cypher seems to control the global scale of the clouds, second and third cypher seems to manage a multiplier for the axes. So if you are using, as example: "4500,2,0" ... that means that "4500" is the scale, the height scale of the cloud texture is multiplied by "2" and the width remains untouched "0". I could be wrong about the new system, it's just my figuration based on my tests (Rbray89 can correct me). But anyways I'm pretty sure that your problem comes from old configurations for the clouds.
  3. Good news: my friends are awesome people, so as soon as they heard about my problem, they gave me a new HDD (ssd)! On Sunday! Believe me: awesome people. I have no much in this life (material), but I'm surrounded by amazing human beings who care about me, and that is a huge treasure. I want to thank to THX-1138, who has too offered me his help. And to all who support me over here. The people around this forum seems so amazing as my friends. You both, never cease to amaze me. Thanks! PD: the show goes on!
  4. Murphy's law. Now my main hdd is burned by the extreme hot of these days... Stucked, at least until monday. Ugh, just what I need now... Work is safe, don't worry but...
  5. I want to stay under-around 1,8\2 GB. Without ATM\opengl, just by using DDS format. Not easy at all... but is the goal.
  6. Maybe the PS4 version push them to make something better... but I can't see why should have better graphics than a PC version... IMHO, probably the only thing we will notice with U5 will be the multithreading. I bet that KSP has "simple" graphics for their market goals (KSP has a great potential for educative purposes so the game should work in computers with really low requirements), not because Squad can't make anything better, now or later.
  7. 1) Changes in the "color" (color and alpha) setting for the particles seems to do nothing atm. I mean: 1,1,1,1 drop the same result than 2,6,1,5 (random example). Color and transparency are always the same. 2) Perfect, thanks! 3) Oh, ok!. (I hope to not be annoying asking for this but... would be possible to get an alpha setting for the shadows? or cast the shadows from the detail texture, if it's present, in that new mechanism?) Just if you can/want to do it, of course. 4) Since time ago I'm using my own textures (like the last sea texture I sent you), but some of them look different since the PQS changes (not worse or better, just darker in the case of the "vertical" -elevation- ones). That, IMHO, is not important at all (I just need to do new textures), I miss much more the specular and shiny options for the planet. Gives an impressive look to the planets. - - - Updated - - - Wow, before to publish my last post! Man, sometimes you are like flash!
  8. Rbray... This... this is a new level. The clouds work smooth, without tiling effect, perfectly blended, much more consistent... The new features are awesome: the rotation, area, translation and sizes... (Much) more new effects are possible now! I've found just three small issues: 1) color & alpha-channel seems to not work for the particles; 2) Set any cloud shadow as "false" still seem to smash everything; 3) the cloud shadows are yet flickering and misplacing in movement at the map view/tracking station (I seen this behaviour just in the two last versions, never before; I thought it could be caused by scatterer but it still happens without scatterer). Seriously, congrats. This will be revolutionary for KSP. PD: Terrains works differently now? Some textures looks much more dark and I can't set the specular colors or the shininess.
  9. Congrats! I wish to give you more reputation, but I can't yet. Meanwhile: kudos Ryan, you have all my admiration, respect and support. EDIT: May I ask...?: why you have the main cloud layers in DDS? Is possible to use DDS here, now? I've tried my own without success, I'm missing something?
  10. I think remember... Eve clouds had normal maps a lot of versions ago. Which was pretty cool for some things... I think Rbray89 put out the normals after a few versions with the particle system, because was pretty expensive in performance terms (normals for the particles and for 8k cloudmaps... this is ksp, you know...). Maybe a 4k normal map would be enough to achieve certain effects, but I don't know how will be the result of the cloud map+normal in combination with the particles without normals...
  11. Blackrack is dealing now with the full Scatterer-EVE compatibility. After this (acording to his own plans) the multi-planet support should be the next feature to include.
  12. I follow this development since the beginning, that massive red tone in the atmo exist since just some versions ago (I'm speaking about versions here, not about time). As far I know (I'm not the developer and I have not his knowledge) this is a derivative problem from the new atmo system (unfinished). English is not my main language, but that is not an excuse, I should learn to express my thoughts properly (maybe even learn to be quiet if I can't/don't-know answer properly). So please, excuse any misunderstood. I really appreciate your tip on grammar, many thank you. The trick is in the detail distance.
  13. Wrong. That glow is there just since a few versions and is not a bug: is the new atmo/sunset system (unfinished yet).
  14. The main work is done. I just need to retouch a few parts, add some things to the Kopernicus configs and split some textures to improve the memory usage (I want to keep the memory usage around 1,7 - 2GB, to have room to use more mods). So probably it's like 85-90% finished. However Scatterer and EVE's Overhaul are still in progress and, while development progresses, some new features appear and some old (but good) ideas become possible. Anyways it's hard to pin down. The mod's frameworks (the base plugins) are not dependant on me. Rbray89 is doing his magic again with EVE-overhaul, but Scatterer is in stand-by (Blackrack seems pretty busy IRL). So, from my point of view, if you like KSPRC, if you want KSPRC, the best thing you all can do right now about this, is to give your best support and your donations to the creators of the base plugins: Shaw (for "Texture Replacer"), Rbray89 (for "E.V.E."), Valerian (for "PlanetShine"), Thomas P. and Co. (for "Kopernicus"), MOARdV (which maintains Rubber Ducky's "Distant Object Enhancement"). The next version will include, at least, Blackrack's "Scatterer" and "Engine Lighting" by tajampi, so you should be giving your best feedback to them too. Believe me people: they are the real heroes. I'm just an artist who dream about space since I was a kid... and who enjoys this like if still were a boy. PD: uff... more than 2 lines of my english... usually turns quickly into a Tarzan's speech. As always, excuse my crappy english. I promise to try to be more succinct(?).
  15. I think I've found that problem too. Tracking station/Map-View: the cloud shadows seems to have lag, so looks flickering and misplaced in movement.
  16. Glad you like it. Eve will look similar to this in the next version: And as extra, a new pic of the new planets remake. This time, Tylo:
  17. Previous configs didn't work (I'm redoing my stuff). Some config parameters seem to have changed (the area setting is great for some effects!). But the mod works perfectly.
  18. So good as chocolate. Muchas, muchas gracias tajampi. PD: I think it fit perfectly inside EL, and its a great and exciting feature!
  19. Congrats Rbray, the clouds in the last version works nicer than ever. As you have pointed, the hexagon tiling effect is gone and all is much more fluid. I've managed a way to get several sizes, textures and types of cumulus with just a pair of layers, so I'm looking forward to see how this works again with the "randomness" and the tweakable sizes of the previous version. It's gonna be epic. About the rest, appart from the unfinished details, all seems to work perfectly. I've sent you a new texture for the water. Much better than the actual one (is the one I'm using right now). Hope you like it and it can be useful. Keep doing your magic, sir!
  20. No, that is a feature from the marvelous Scatterer Mod, by Blackrack. But I want to add Scatterer in the next version, as least for the atmo effects. Water can be a medium-term feature, Blackrack is still working on it.
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