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Everything posted by tmikesecrist3

  1. was the satern 1 b maned rated rocket?
  2. This tech tree reminds me of RPL any thoughts about RSS/RO compatibly
  3. any one notice a problem installing RP-0, When clicked it dont seem to let my go to changes to in stall it
  4. jack I have been thinking about doing much the same thing though mine may be a bet defrent as I will be playing with RSS/RO and RP-0
  5. sorry coffeeman its not your mod, it is a known bug in the latest update of realchutes thats cousing all me greaf
  6. Hey I noticed something odd, since isntalling this and dangit... so I think its eather this or the parrashots that maybe causing it I installed with kclan, but in luanch my sounding rocket dissapers, and I have no clew what happend to my parrashoot...... heres an out put log, https://www.dropbox.com/s/fsvelfc3w0yqkuc/output_log.txt?dl=0 thank you
  7. Thats what RP-0 is its the WIP of campigne support for RO I am helping with research actually
  8. no I was not trying to make it seem like you where coming off mean, I was trying to keep form coming off impatient
  9. about having the timers run on none active craft, would could you do some kind of background processing mod to work that out it out? What exactly are the problems your running into with procedural tanks and FAR. I play in RO and RSS so those mods are kind of vital. also would it be possible to tie in part reliability with the the parts testing, i man sure some of that has been done "off camera". But the first time a new rocket is launched it should be more likely to fail, and the same with new parts. Remember Vanguard 1
  10. I know we dont have any piston engines unless we use fire spliter, but I think we should start with plane engines and a cockpit atleast by the 2nd node on the tech tree, I dont know but firespliter might not be a bad thing to add...
  11. When I look up sts I really only find the space shuttle, And I thought the space station was part of AAP or do I need more then one.... I could always build one in orbit around the moon but am not real sure what that would do for me. and there is always the MOL that I have parts for
  12. Can we please be civil , And retrun to the topic at hand... if nasa had not been looking for a resuable spance craft would they have even gone with STS or skiped it for something more like orion, which would have been easyer and cheaper for them to build... I mean we could have made reusable capsuels easyer then we could salve all the problems of launching the space shuttle like the didwith the thrust offset form the center of mass and the fact that the center of mass moves tword the space craft as the fuel burns... and I think AAP would take me about to 1985. at most (probley run that one out sonner then that. so what next, what would bring me form the late 80s to the present
  13. cool magico this is one of the mods I need for my planed play throw........ now if I can guest get a copy of RP-0 that works
  14. Bill if you recall form the OP I am playing in RSS/RO mods. so not only will every thing be real sized but I will actually have the earth to play with....
  15. here is something else I noticed, I was able to find a lot of info on the explorers and vanguards how close should I try and come to matching there orbits?
  16. yes and the last Apollo missions using that hardware where where skylab and the Apollo/syiex (how ever you spell it) which is not a mission I plan on doing really because, I am not planing on doing the sovit space program at the same time I am doing NASA, so the only things from other space angincys we will see in my play throw will be things that where launched by nasa for them
  17. but how do I keep the plane that drops the X-15 form crashing?
  18. true and I can lauch it, just not the way it was lauched.....
  19. yeah I just did not list the Dependent mods for RO
  20. yes to bad there is really no way to do the x-15 launchs:(
  21. The veanis fly by sounds interesting to, not sure what the pressing need would be to do that manned I mean we can do a manned landing there, the maned mars fly by makes more since
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