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  1. So KSP 2 is coming out in 2020 very soon. I wanted to add an expansion package based on the 1998 Lost in Space film. These include: Jool 2 spacecraft (based on the spacecraft seen in the film, called Jupiter 2) Jool 1 booster rocket (based on the Jupiter 1 booster rocket also seen in the film, with Super Large fairings with holes to mount rocket engines) Jettisonable adapter for the bottom of the Jool 1 booster Launch tower for the Jool 1 booster/Jool 2 spacecraft (with crew access arm and umbilical masts, new launch pad addition) Extension of "R-12 'Doughnut' External Tank" called "R-20 Large Jettisonable Sliced External Tank"
  2. You know that more will be coming after release, right?
  3. Just a few hours ago, a new PC Gamer article went up discussing Colony mechanics (and Kerbal reproduction, but only in that it is something too horrible to disclose, apparently.) https://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-2-dev-reveals-how-baby-kerbals-are-made/ JUICY Details: Colonies will start out with set deployable modules that you will land on a planet's surface. Once deployed, it sounds like you can then use the Building Assembly Editor (or BAE for short... nice) to add pieces to your colony. At first, you can only use parts that you have brought with you from Offworld, but eventually you will be able to unlock the ability to directly manufacture parts from available resources. Unlocking these parts seems to originate from a progression system tied to colony size. Colony size (and the aforementiond Kerbal multiplication) will not be a product of time, but rather the result of you achieving specific goals, which will then cause a... uh... "celebration" that will lead to a significant baby boom in your colony. No comment. Eventually, you will unlock buildings to create vehicles that can then be built and launched at that colony! Obviously this will grant you the benefits of building in low (or null) gravity, and which will apparently be a requirement for unlocking interstellar progression. A few other notes or observations on my part: They've talked primarily about terrestrial colonies, but I'm assuming space colonies will follow some similar methods. In both cases, I think we will probably still be able to launch and dock colonies/space stations as we used to, but this sounds like it will be a great alternative with real substance in late game mechanics Star Theory has previously said that buildings will be subject to physics after they are constructed, but not necessarily in the editor, so expect space kraken shenanigans! Except not in space... we may need a new, land-based mythological creature to blame our colony woes on. For now, I'm taking the Cinematic trailer at its word when it comes to physical models, if not the actual visual effects, in representing the main game. Given that population is so emphasized, expect lots of geo-domes and habs, and maybe many other specialized buildings (not just ol' spaceship parts). Maybe these will automatically generate when your population increases? Or will we need to be building habs to accommodate? I have a... not great reputation for creating sustainable housing in Frostpunk, I'm a bit worried here. Interestingly, how these things unlock seems a bit ambiguous. There's been no mention of science so far, and it's unclear if colony progression will unlock entirely new parts, or simply make parts you already have usable for the colony. It also sounds like additional functions within the colony will be unlockable through population growth: obviously spaceship construction is one, but airstrips and land vehicular construction are also likely. I imagine other functions could be resource management, communications and control, and research. Population also makes me think about how this will impact astronaut recruitment. Will astronauts be able to inhabit colonies? Will colonies each have their own pool of astronauts, or will it be one large collective pool? Will astronauts need to be transported between colonies before they can be assigned to ships launching from each world? Lots to consider, verrry verrry interesting.
  4. I play on PC, but my brother plays on XBox. Since KSP 2 IS going on XBox, would the multiplayer be cross platform for PC and XBox?
  5. So with the awesome announcement of the sequel of our favorite game a question has to be asked... Will N-body physics à-là Principia be implemented? What do you think.
  6. Hello everyone. Following a reddit thread, let me post here some thoughts about the current science system and what I'd love to see in KSP2. Currently, experiments give you science points. Some missions or achievements also give you a small amount of points. You use these points to unlock nodes of a tech tree. Nodes give you parts. Upgrading the RD Building allows you to reach further in the tree. You may (according to your career settings) need money to unlock each different parts. What I like about it. It's a familiar concept in games. It's easy to understand. Fancy parts are harder to get. What I dislike about it. All the experiments are equivalent (1). It encourages grinding science (2). Experiments aren't connected to unlocked technologies (3). (1) Science points are science points, no matter where they come from. (2) I feel like it's a lot of "go that high, go that far, bring thermometer, barometer, goo, come back" (3) I know the temperature of the North Pole of the Mun, my scientists can finally develop supersonic air intakes ! A system that I think would be interesting (I will most likely purchase KSP2 in any case but hey, my pride would be infinite if I can contribute) would be to..... Have missions to unlock technologies or parts. Yeah, revolutionary idea, right ? For instance, launching the first uncontrolled rocket "that high" would unlock basic control. Then the first suborbital flight unlocks higher vacuum ISP engines. The first orbit unlocks basic RCS, while the first rendezvous unlocks docking ports. And so on. You get the idea. EDIT : I think I got misunderstood at some point. I didn't mean that the "missions" or "milestones" would come one after the other in a predetermined sequence. You could have a tree as well. And chose how you want to progress through that tree. My point is just that instead of having science point requirement to unlock technologies or parts, you'd have to do specific stuff, or go to specific places. But not in a specific order. /EDIT Why do I think it would make sense ? Well, right now, you can basically have almost everything unlocked before you send your first interplanetary craft. Not so challenging. So it would be more.... less..... well, I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. But moreover, and especially with colonies and interstellar flight, it makes even more sense. Because... imagine making your first colony and.... you already have unlocked fancy habitat techs. Nah.... The first offworld colony must be a dusty sh*thole. Barely habitable. But from that experience your scientists would learn sustainability. And so on. That being said, a science point system can still be useful to either upgrade parts (cheaper, lighter, harder, whatever-er) or to unlock some better technologies. Like the first Orbit unlocks small RCS. Science points unlocks bigger RCS blocks or increase the ISP, or allows for LFO, ion or other kind of technologies. You've read so far. I'm flattered. What do you think about it ?
  7. So, I'm back from both PAX West AND the KSP2 Roundtable at the Star Theory Studios. As promised, I've got interviews, screenshots, gameplay footage, and a LOT of comments on the time I spent with the devs. I'll be streaming an AMA LIVE on Twitch this evening for a few hours, starting at 4 PM EDT (Basically Now). The VOD will also be available afterwards if you want to get caught up on your own schedule. Link to stream is here. If you come from the forums, say so! Stream is over, but I've permanently archived the video off to here: http://twitch.tv/dasvaldez
  8. I'm going to try to be as careful as I can with my phrasing here, because I really don't want to be misconstrued. (I tried asking this on one of the KSP groups on Facebook and it spiraled out of control pretty fast.) KSP2 developers stated that there will be no FTL drives in the game. I'm perfectly happy with this, and to be honest, would have been let down if they did add warp drives, wormholes, or other handwavium. Also, implementing full Special Relativity is way impractical for a game, and besides, the math gets hairy enough that I can't imagine a developer spending time trying to add proper SR into a game. However, it does occur to me that a developer could easily add the speed of light as an upper speed limit for ships, and also model acceleration so that, as your velocity is a larger and larger fraction of the speed of light, it becomes harder to accelerate faster. For stock KSP1, the parts are nowhere near powerful enough to reach sizable fractions of the speed of light with a reasonable fuel supply. However, they can in theory exceed the speed of light with the infinite fuel cheat, and with enough patience. Also, glitches can and have sent craft well exceeding the speed of light, as Danny2462 and others can attest. For KSP2, presuming that the Project Orion/Project Daedalus parts are similar to their real-world counterparts, they'd be able to reach a top speed in the neighborhood of 0.1c, but I can't hold myself to that presumption. It's entirely possible that these parts will perform more powerfully than their real-world equivalents, to reduce the travel time between stars. So having said that: What is the likelihood that KSP2 will have an upper speed limit? Do we even want an upper speed limit, as a community? (There are arguments for and against. I'd favor the realism of it taking a long while to reach other stars, even with advanced sublight drives, but I know some will insist on a mod that permits FTL travel, or think the concern is irrelevant.) I welcome your well-considered and respectful thoughts. Thanks. NOTE: I've updated the title and the post below to reflect that I was saying "General Relativity", but as @chaos_forge pointed out, Special Relativity is where the cosmic speed limit was first set. As SR is a special case of GR, my statement wasn't entirely inaccurate, but it was imprecise.
  9. I was watching the KSP2 IGN interview, and they were showing the pre-alpa footage of KSP2, and I noticed this. You see it yet? Well, let me show you. I don't know what this could be. Maybe I'm just wrong and it is part of the visual effects. But I have seen it in other places too, so can somebody explain to me what this is?
  10. I think kerbal space program 2 looks stunning. I like the idea of interstellar travel and colonization, but I am worried that we can't keep the freedom ksp 1 had. I would suggest some mandatory things to stay, like the nav ball and all the keyboard controls. Then I would suggest a Gameplay mechanic so we ca place Colonies ANYWHERE. First : launch a factory to the place you want to colonize maybe a beautiful hill or something like that. Second build construction rovers. Third plan your colony, like the way you build bases in subnautica. You can place without you materials but it will only be a hologram. Fourth collect resources, get them to the factory and the let it construct the colony. I would suggest that the modules are built instantly, leaving no room for any time delays that could add micro transactions. I only want to buy the base game and the maybe 2 or 3 dlc's but NO MICROTRANSACTIONS It would really hurt the game. But other than that I am SO EXCITED pls keep up you work!
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