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  1. today i want to install RP-0 i try it with CKAN but i cant because in CKAN the version of my game is 1.3.1 but in my KSP is 1.2 if anyone want screenshots to help me im in the RO sever in discord my name is SirNoobly
  2. I want to create custom configs for solid rocket motors to simulate fictional and alternate historical rockets, yet I can't locate anything that gives the propellant quantity in either mass or volume. Is it in a different file or what? Here's an example config file for the Castor 1 in case you want to take a look: // ================================================== // Castor 1 solid rocket motor global engine configuration. // Throttle Range: N/A // Burn Time: 28 s // O/F Ratio: 2.12 // Sources: // Thrust Misalignments of Fixed Solid Rocket Motors: http://rsandt.com/media/Thrust%20Misalignments%20of%20Fixed-Nozzle%20Solid%20Rocket%20Motors.pdf // The Satellite Encyclopedia - Castor Series: https://www.tbs-satellite.com/tse/online/lanc_castor.html // Used by: // Squad // ================================================== @PART[*]:HAS[#engineType[Castor-1]]:FOR[RealismOverhaulEngines] { %category = Engine %title = Castor 1 %manufacturer = Thiokol %description = The Castor 1 was first used for a successful suborbital launch of a Scout X-1 rocket on September 2, 1960. Castor 1 stages were also used as strap-on boosters for launch vehicles using Thor first stages, including the Delta-D. Diameter: [0.79 m]. @MODULE[ModuleEngines*] { %EngineType = SolidBooster } !MODULE[ModuleGimbal],*{} !MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs],*{} MODULE { name = ModuleEngineConfigs type = ModuleEngines configuration = Castor-1 modded = false CONFIG { name = Castor-1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 286 heatProduction = 100 PROPELLANT { name = PSPC ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 247 key = 1 232 } curveResource = PSPC // guesses (note: max is above nominal * thrust_curve_max) chamberNominalTemp = 1500 maxEngineTemp = 1745 thrustCurve { key = 0 0.2 0.6566457 0.6566457 key = 0.08 0.7826234 11.38028 11.38028 key = 0.12 1.091428 0 0 key = 0.177 1.072238 -0.3012535 -0.3012535 key = 0.832 0.9977316 0.2489114 0.2489114 key = 0.91 1.052388 1.565168 1.565168 key = 0.9730649 1.160696 0 0 key = 1 0.93 -4.794868 -6.284284 } } } !MODULE[ModuleAlternator],*{} !RESOURCE,*{} } @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEngineConfigs]:HAS[@CONFIG[Castor-1]],!MODULE[TestFlightInterop]]:BEFORE[zTestFlight] { TESTFLIGHT { name = Castor-1 ratedBurnTime = 28 ignitionReliabilityStart = 0.91 ignitionReliabilityEnd = 0.994 cycleReliabilityStart = 0.94 cycleReliabilityEnd = 0.997 reliabilityDataRateMultiplier = 2 isSolid = True } } Also, how do you unscramble the thrustCurve for this? It's not simple like it is for the Star 48B or other motors?
  3. just curious. realized ive been using 50% of my ram. so thats 8gb for me. I have 128 downloads from ckan, AVC tells me I have 96. I know I may have a problem...
  4. I am using KSP Version 1.3.1 and the game keeps crashing after I tried installing USITools, KW Rocketry, WarpPlugin (Interstellar), DistantObjectEnhancement, and TacLifeSupport. I installed them, they didn't work and then I uninstalled them. Then, the game keeps crashing after it gets to "MODULEMANAGER: FINAL" when loading. Log: Oops! I forgot to mention that I also tried installing FASA with them.
  5. A glimpse of future releases from SKUNK WORKS. The SCF4U, Space Corsair, heavily armed fighter. Estimated release date, spring 2018 with other capitol craft.
  6. I made this video tutorial which should help you install all visual mods for better textures, clouds, reflections, etc. If you have any questions leave it under this forum post or in the video decription and I will try to help you.
  7. I used to have graphic mods (EVE and SVE in that case) that worked fine but I had to delete them as I updated KSP to 1.3.1. I've been trying to install these mods back, but with no success so far. When I install EVE and SVE into GameData, no patches are applied to KSP. When I install EVE and EVE configs, Kerbin looks fine in the main menu (clouds) but when I play, a white orb covers Kerbin...
  8. I was installing several mods, but this one showed up and I'm not able to diagnose it because I'm not actually sure what mod this is? Can anyone help me identify? Thanks!
  9. Today the Pegasus X 99 project starts, after first flight tests, which were successful.The beginning of a new era of space exploration.The X99 the newest NASA project, reconnaissance, transport and apartment. First Flight ver. 0.7 First Rollout Ver. 0.9 Flight Test Ver. 0.9
  10. An idea for an attack and research VTOL Vessel. Transportation: Attack: Exploration: Flight tests are running!
  11. In normal KSP, whenever somebody makes a save file with vessels that require a mod in it, they go *poof*. What if a small placeholder part, the size of the not-rocketmax cubic node thingy acted as a placeholder part instead being unable to load the vessels in the editor of in the world. This would greatly save annoyance in cases where you load up someone else's ship on your stock save but you don't have KOS/Mechjeb/Burn Together so you can't load in ships thanks to that one tiny modded part.
  12. Im trying to get KSS on KSP and i did everything right i installed the kopernicus files and downloaded KSS basic and then the error message came up and I have no idea why and it would be nice if someone could help
  13. I have installed mods on my original steam edition and they work, but I want to use the mods on a copy of ksp that I made. I copied the files into game data like I did on the original version and then opened the application in the copy of ksp folder and the mod doesn't work. Someone please help me.
  14. I've been working on tanks lately, and I thought that, hey, what if you could flip a tank with another tank's cannon? Rules: 1. The tank that you are flipping needs to survive with no or minimal damage 2. Both vehicles need to have 6 (at a minimum) wheels 3. Both tanks must have a cannon weapon (not a high powered gun) 4. Weapons MUST be from BDArmory 5. The tank to be flipped MUST be upside down or on its side, not just a little hop. Have fun and post the results in the comments!
  15. Hallo und herzlich Willkommen, ersteinmal eine kurze Erklärung: Nach einem Windows Update nur noch einen blauen Bildschirm ( blue screen). Komplette Neuinstallation. Alles weg! Jetzt KSP 1.3.1 auch die aktuelle Version, will mit meinem Sohn die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) bauen am originellsten nachbilden. Brauche dafür kompatible Mods! Es müssen die besten Mods sein, die es für 1.3.1 gibt, ... wer kann mir helfen Grafik, Teile usw. !!! Auch über Team Viewer 13 lg Korkens und Sohn
  16. Hallo und herzlich Willkommen, ersteinmal eine kurze Erklärung: Nach einem Windows Update nur noch einen blauen Bildschirm ( blue screen). Komplette Neuinstallation. Alles weg! Jetzt KSP 1.3.1 auch die aktuelle Version, will mit meinem Sohn die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) bauen am originellsten nachbilden. Brauche dafür kompatible Mods! Es müssen die besten Mods sein, die es für 1.3.1 gibt, ... wer kann mir helfen Grafik, Teile usw. !!! Auch über Team Viewer 13 lg Korkens und Sohn Moderator edit: translated via Google Translate
  17. Hello, I've seen a post on kerbal academy showing a craft orbiting 2 m off the ground on a perfectly spherical moon with no hills or valleys. I'd like to mess around with such a planet but cannot see a mod that adds a planet that's just a ball. Anyone know how I can get this? Thank you dearly
  18. Just List Your Favorite Mods, Not Too Many Maybe 4 or 5 Ok
  19. Hello to all again. I'm new to the KSP forums and after searching google I'm turning here for support. I want to build a customized artillery shell but the small warhead isn't working. Sometimes it'll explode like its supposed to, but mostly it just impacts and disintegrates. Can anyone help?
  20. I know this question had probably been asked many times, but I want to know what graphical mods I should get for my 1.3 install. I've seen many great mods, but I've had lots of trouble getting them to work with the latest version. What are you guys using? Thanks for the help!
  21. Hi! I've been struggling to find a way to install the outer planets mod for KSP, because it's my very first mod. i have installed tons of different versions of Kopernicus, and different versions of the planet pack, trying them in all of KSP's versions from when the mod was released up to 1.3.1, and i always get 3 results: 1st: everything starts out OK, as the game loads up i can see items from the planet pack being loaded, but once i get into the main menu, a screen pops up saying there was an error in the loading process, and loading your saves is not recommended, because it could corrupt them. if i ignore this message and start a new save, it leads into the second result. 2nd: everything is OK until i either continue a save or make a new one. i then get an infinite loading screen with the KSC night crickets playing in the background. i have given this loading screen hours to do anything, and nothing happened. 3rd: the game goes up to the KSC, and when i check the tracking station, Sarnus, Urlum, Neidon and Plock are nowhere to be found. I have been trying to install the mod for 2 days now, and these three results keep coming up with no matter what advice i take and what combination of Kopernicus, OPM and KSP updates i try. it's really frustrating! If anyone can help me, for example a combo of KSP, Kopernicus and OPM that works, it would be much appreciated! thanks!
  22. Hello, I recently had to reinstall all my mods because I hadn't played since before 1.3's release. I didn't have much trouble updating all the relevant mods and getting them reinstalled and my game now opens and works correctly. However, the only issue I have is that when I tried to load up one of the specific ships I made earlier, it fails and says that it can't be loaded because it requires a missing component 'scienceModuleAdvanced'. Does anyone know what mod this component might be from as I may have missed one of my mods while reinstalling or something. Thanks Image of error
  23. Well, after playing for stock so long, I decided to add a challenge and go ASET IVA, love the instrumentation and the cameras! Added mechjeb for boring automated stuff, plus I hate when you have inactive stuff in your new IVA panel , but lets face it, NASA flys by computer, do why not at this point? Ok, so then I found CXA Aerospace aprts, love the APAS, etc. But ... I have no shuttle and arm to go really build up a station, I was "Launching" parts by using rnv cheat to place 150m and then docking, but witht eh realism of the parts and ASET IVA, I'd like to go for a real time station assembly as the new way to enjoy myself. Current mods installed in 1.3.1: ASET, CxAerospace, RPM, mechjeb, DPAI, prob control room, SCANsat, and vessel view. Any recommendations? I know for most I'l lbe adding more dependancies, but with to give this a shot. Thanks beforehand. Marc
  24. so recently ive figured out you can reduce image quality to help save on ram and increased preformance; I'm assuming it's mostly related to part/world textures, but not all image files are nessisarily part/world textures. i downloaded KER and noticed they use a PNG image file. guessing its for the GUI or toolbar icon. anyways, im wondering if KSP automatically knows how to treat all image file formats? I read yesterday that .dds files run more efficiently than the others, so is there a reason why modders use png or mbm formats? could i use a converter to turn them into dds files and ksp would still know how to treat them without much hicup? or would i have to edit some files to point them to the right direction? would it break the mod in any way? Thank you, just trying to save some ram is all, im just about at my limit. and I do understand that in most cases, the images resolution is reduced. Ive seen some threads about ram reduction, but as far as i know its in relation to actual part textures and things as such, not necessarily the other objects people might overlook like toolbar icons, or ingame GUIs, maybe it wont make much difference, but im willing to try and find out lol, unless of course someone already knows the answer :D. Thanks again guys! please correct any misinformation.(i say this because ive read the squad folder had some performance/size issues, but that may have been because the image files were not in dds format? which a recent patch corrected? basically dds files would be a better choice for performance correct?) THANK-YA! THANK-YA!
  25. Hello everyone! I use ksp 1.2 and I want to make a small plane with folding wings to deploy from a bomb bay, I think I need something that allows me to fold the wings to place the small plane inside. I'm looking for any mod that has this, do you know if it exists? Thanks to all!
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