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  1. I want to create space plane and make Val to fly it, but first i want test design i plane to add flea engine to kick it up above magic 70 km
  2. Ok, I am putting this here for visibility sake. I just noticed something very peculiar. When I put a fairing on a ship, be it my primary fairing Procedural Fairing or even that stock fairing, the moment I pin a window, I lose the ability to access my parts via clicking parts or even trying to click away stuff. this ONLY occurs with a fairing on the vessel. Anyone else seeing this? Yes, I run a modded install, MechJeb, Novapunch, KIS/KAS, Proc Fairings. LOG: http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_2 Just in case its the persistent file, here that is too, I called it in my game: Test Box Bravo http://www.filedropper.com/persistent Any and all help is welcome. This issue may be game killing for me if I cant use fairings of any kind ya know?
  3. Ok, I have not really played KSP 1.1 all that much since it came out, frankly been busy with culinary school, but, I just noticed something that I just cannot get around. The nav ball is HUGE. I need to shrink it down but the only option I see is UI and that shrinks the entire UI down to the point reading it is painful. Sure, setting the UI slider to 80% gets the nav ball where I need it size wise, but, again, the rest of the UI becomes too painful to read. Before its even suggested, I do not have nor do I use module manager as I am not a coder and cannot write script. Anyway to fix just the nav ball's size only? I swear the used to be an option for this in prior versions of KSP, or am I just being blind? Any help welcome Thanks in advance guys! Here are some pictures: First is from some versions ago, but, since its a picture of the UI against the pad, it is the "control" image: as you see, its a decent sized Nav Ball, not too big, not too small. Fit my needs just right. Next, the current sized 1.1 Nav Ball against the pad: This thing is far far far far too large. How do I make it smaller like in the NEXT picture with out shrinking the rest of the UI to the point of physically hurting me, which, text that small does hurt my eyes. Here is the UI reduced via the slider to 80%, it gets the nav ball to the right size, but again, it has made the rest of the UI soo small as to be painful: As you see, the NavBall is the right size, but now all the text is obscenely small. I KNOW there USED to be a way to tweak JUST the nav balls size, but now, that seems gone. I need help, please help me.
  4. I'm trying to get some new parts in unity (4.2.2) and some of my models aren't creating a material when I load them into unity. I've found out how to make materials but can't assign them to the objects that are missing materials, and I can't make the hierarchy window appear either (by clicking in the menu or pressing ctrl+4). I did just upgrade to windows 10 and haven't reinstalled unity, not sure if I need to or not. I also think there may be some issue with my UVs, when I assign my texture to the default material sometimes it displays my textures properly and sometimes it displays it like I have no UVs, and sometimes when I duplicate my model in Maya it loses its UVs for some reason. The googling I've done so far makes me think that Unity only creates a material for a model if it has a UV set so so far I think this may be part of the issue. Anyone have any advice on how to get materials assigned to models?
  5. Hello I am attempting to add my own planet into the game using kopernicus. But i ran into a issue were it will use my textures while zoomed out but now while on the surface or zoomed in closer. Here is a example: The first one is zoomed out all the way and has the textures i want to use. But the second one is when you zoom in or are on the surface and are not the textures i would like to use. That is my config file. And here are the textures: So basically i just need to figure out how I can set my own surface textures instead of just being able set the height texture.
  6. hi im a demo user and i need help i need to make a space station in demo but im having probs getting it into space anyone have ideas or can send me there DEMO space station as a .craft file so i can use it for my build ill say when done when ive found a working idea! -Thanks Zizzlethekerbal Aka Zizzle8383
  7. Hi im zizzle and im new to the fourm and ksp Itself any tips you have got for this rocket? It always turns at 13000m in the air D: ill post it in comments Also im new so any other tips (i use demo) https://imgflip.com/i/1277cu
  8. After I installed 1.1 I have been unable to put a kerbals in a command module. There is no spot for me to place them.
  9. Hello! I'm interested if anyone can link me a still working tutorial on making planet mods for ksp! Thanks in advance!
  10. I was looking youtube for ksp videos and saw a video. At the end of the video it was written kerbal kon 3rd anniversary
  11. I am struggling to log into the ksp wikipedia because when I logged in (as PlanetBuster2246), the wiki only showed my ip address which is frustrating. I've tried to log in through other browsers but that failed. I tried cleaning up the cookies but it didn't work. I'm not sure where to post this since the technical issues only relate to the game in general. Any suggestions?
  12. A few days ago I was trying to install a mod but I failed, and tried to remove the mods files, but since I'm new to file exploring I accidentally deleted the files for the gearbays! Can someone please tell me how to reinstall them??
  13. Hello. Bluntly put: I don't know how to do this modding thing for KSP. I might not be the only one, and because I didn't see a topic already made for this sort of thing, this is open to anyone. I'll start it off I got three mods. I was an idiot and didn't write down the names although I could look it up in my history if that is needed. But I received this error message. https://gyazo.com/351f3ff1ee0d85a5402a3951330bd054 what do I do to fix this?
  14. Hey, whenever I switch from the VAB to the SpaceCenter, the icon for this plugin get create multiple times. How can I fix this? Thanks! https://gist.github.com/bananashavings/e698f4359e1628b5d6ef
  15. So I put together this interplanetary vessel back in .24 but it wasn't until 1.0.5 when I used it to get to Duna (deadly re-entry is off because the ship was designed pre-aerodynamic update). I encountered a few issues along the way, such as the solar pannels I put on the lander not retracting for my aerobrake maneuver due to the pannel update, but my biggest concern is fuel. Currently I have a refuel stage headed to duna to give a little extra fuel to the transport stage (even though I have plenty) but it's also hauling a battery pack and retractable solar pannels to go down with the lander. I was curious if, over all, the lander has enough fuel to make it to orbit and meet the transport stage, which is at about 105-110k meters. It's a lander can with a senior port, a quarter 2.5m tank of fuel, a poodle engine, two solid rocket boosters (thumper) for takeoff that have decouplers to seperate, 8 parachutes (better safe than sorry), and the heaviest landing legs (4). Including the additional stuff, will this be good or should I consider more fuel to be taken by the refuel vessel. I should add this is by memory. I won't have access to my computer for a bit, and as such I can't check any stats (though I could wiki it but I got stuff to do).
  16. so when i start ksp up to test my mod that i added a new part too , it loads everything but it gets stuck on my mod . does anyone know how to fix this.
  17. I propose two edits to help with docking: Make the intercept markers red when within 10km, yellow when in 5km, and green when in 1km. When within 10m of targeted docking port, there should be an option to auto-dock. That would really help save a LOT of time, since I have to constantly mess with the maneuver node, then hover over the intercept, then repeat to get the intercept right. Plus, the autodock would save HOURS of wasted time.
  18. I really need help with orbital stuff, i mean i can get stuff of the launchpad and can land and dock but i really need help with orbital stuff. I just can't do it! The manoever thing does not make sense, and i don't get what all the slidy bits mean. I also do not know what "Delta V" Or perapsis/ apoasis mean.I just really want to know because even MechJeb does not have help with orbital stuff. So, if someone could show me a good tutorial i could get a lot farther in the game.
  19. I'm new to KSP modding, so I would like a bit of help with this part I am trying to make just for myself to sort of get into it. I've no desire to write an actual plugin. If this is in the wrong section I apologize as I wasn't exactly sure where to place this. But yeah. I can't get my part to consume any sort of resource in the config and it's driving me mad. It works without consuming anything so I'm not entirely sure what's going on here. PART { name = mk2blackrose module = Part author = Alexander mesh = mk2FuselageShort.mu rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 node_attach = 1.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 TechRequired = advScienceTech entryCost = 18500 cost = 12000 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Mk2 Black Rose Oxidizer And LF manufacturer = Enigma Tech description = This airframe fuselage has a built in Oxidizer and fluid fuel generator. It requires a large amount of electricity to perform. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.49 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 1 crashTolerance = 50 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 maxTemp = 2500 // = 3000 emissiveConstant = 0.8 fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = srf, mk2 MODULE { name = ModuleGenerator isAlwaysActive = False isTweakable = False OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel rate = 8 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer rate = 8 } INPUT_RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge Rate 1.0 } requiresAllInputs = true } RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 0 maxAmount = 400 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 0 maxAmount = 400 } } Any help on this would be super appreciated, thank you.
  20. Please, help me! Can't complete the mission "Build a new orbital station around Minmus". I achieved the orbit of Minmus and all goals, but goal "Have your station near Minmus" isn't checked. I looked for information about this problem, but couldn't find anything. Do you have any suggestions why that's might happened?
  21. The launch pad light is always on, SPH hanger floor is black and the craft is really white. I tried reinstalling KSP two times but that didn't work. Logs https://www.dropbox.com/s/8glfbpj3edf3od9/output_log.txt?dl=0 Please help me, I haven't built a plane for a week because of this.
  22. Well now that I am an expert at planes but I really suck at making landers can someone help me? (And some tips too) Thanks by the way.
  23. For some reason the VAB is limiting me to 18 tons at level 2. Why?
  24. Does anyone know how how to make something similar to a shuttle in the 0.0.813 version of the demo? there's no sph so I just build a rocket, put wings and utility on it, and I have my shuttle. but does anyone know how to make an actual good one? maybe one that can get into space?
  25. Hi, everyone. This is my second time posting here and I need some help. I cannot reach orbit with the Slim Shuttle nor the Dynawing. Both of them run of of fuel before orbit. Please help me. Thanks
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