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  1. Screenshots: Trailer KSP 0.22 ! source of inspiration for Kraken Science. This Part pack include many Science parts with report values: 2 Probe Core, LittleFrog and ScaRaB system with 1 monopropellant engine : 2 Strategies for your career: Download: SpaceDock / GitHub Development considered completed, this mod will not receive new parts. Licence : Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) Installation : Please delete your old Folder before update! ChangeLog:
  2. I just made this drawing of a kerbal facing a kraken: It is my submission for Fanwork Friday
  3. Hello, I've read this forum a long time and found it very helpful to me in KSP. So today, I launched a Space Shuttle to service one of my Space Stations. During re-entry, it tore apart at 20,000m above the glistening sea. Luckily, the Mk3 Command Pod (and the Kerbals inside) survived the splash. However, when I entered the Tracking Station, this happened. It's a 99 Large Landing Gear. What could have happened?
  4. Have you ever encountered the Kraken? I have! My Space Station ones started spinning for no reason, and i was in IVA, so i could not see what it what it was. But im sure it was something like the kraken. But is he really real? I havent really seen him, so i could not confirm it was the kraken. But im sure it was not space debris, my space station was in a 250Km orbit, and i have no debris in that height. Many people believe the Kraken on Bop is the real Kraken, but it is dead, and it does nothing. What do you believe? And before you say: Oh! Its just a bug! This thread is stupid! This is not a topic that should be taken too seriously. Lets just say bugs and glitches dont exist. I started this topic just so we can have a fun talk, not to be angry at eachother. Ok? Ok!
  5. Hello everyone! As the title already says, in my modded main install are frequently ships going missing (at least 4 by now, 3 of them interplanetary) . I did not remove any modpacks required for them. The Victims are manned, unmanned, modded or stock. It even happened when I did not have anymods installed but KAC and graphical ones. For saving before closing the game, I use the Save button on the escape menu in the KSC view. I tried manually editing the ships from previous saves where they still existed in, but failed and nothing happened. I also can't load previous save files from the escape menu, as the game crashes when I try to do so. When I have set up an alarm for that vessel and it dissapears, KAC states "vesselID not found". It seems to be a variation of the nullspace/hell kraken, as when I have last switched to a vessel that went to the grave some saves later, the altidude meter changed to white, speed went to NaN, black main screen. The only way to fix it was alt-f4 to save the vessel, but it also happens when I do not switch to the vessel before, it can randomly dissappear at any time as I feel. Does anyone know a trick to edit the save mechanic to prevent this or some other tips? It really bugs me out, lost the Eeloo rover, a manned moho mission, the 1.000.000 funds refueling station in Kerbin orbit and a contract kerbol refueling station with duna landers on it already.
  6. To be more specific, wobbly self-destructing base woes. My Minmus mining base has been waiting very patiently to come online and start sending interplanetary missions, but trying to build it has been a nightmare. Beginning with the landing leg rotation bug that prevented (or at least made it very difficult) to place landing legs the way I wanted to, followed by the undocking bug which basically super glued the fuel storage tank to the skycrane in LMO and now my most feared bug has returned to lay waste to this poor outpost. I haven't been able to nail down what exactly causes it, but it seems if there's too much mass spread out over too long a distance (such as 4 full large ore tanks and 16 drills placed far away from each other, see included image) then any tiny nudges or oscillations tend to constructively interfere and basically build up until the entire structure tears itself asunder. The docking ports also seem to contribute to the instability of the whole system. Assuming those are the reasons this is happening, I could attempt to redesign the whole base by using the Sr sized docking ports and keeping the mass close to the center, but that's just a theory and it may not even work. Why is this bug still in the game? I seem to recall having this issue years ago. And do we know what exactly causes it? KSP 1.1.3 1289
  7. hi hi I would like to share with you what has been, for me, quite the learning experience. Not to mention a mission filled with plotting, thrills, and all the normal kinds of things that happen when you mess with things beyond mortal ken. It all started out as most of these crazy schemes do, with an over ambitious plan. My plan to land a mining platform on Ike and put refueling stations in Ike and Duna orbit was going along swimmingly, with a vast fleet of ships in Low Kerbin Orbit, when suddenly... without warning, the orbital trajectory planners down in the labs realized that the next window to launch a mission to Dres was going to happen before the next window for Duna, not afterwards. Our engineers immediately scrambled to start assembling a space craft, including some never before tested rover designs. (The winning design was the one that didn't explode, so I figured we were good.) Pictured above, the "Rocket Car," rover design passes it's final pre-flight test. Moments after cutting the main engine, about to safely land on Minmus. Pictured below, you can see the behemoth craft in orbit, ready to slooooowly boost the entire mining operation into Dres orbit. I thought docking all those modules together was a pretty impressive feat in its own right, considering the time pressure we were on to get everything out the door on time. Yes, we knew wobble would be an issue, but we planned to take it nice and slow. After all, why launch six ships once, when you can launch one ship in six orbits? Unfortunately, I apparently managed to find a magical resonant frequency, and the entire thing wobbled apart while mission planners looked on helplessly. After about 5 minutes of thrust, we noticed the first signs of wobbling, so we cut engines and planned to pick up again on the next orbit, but the wobbling didn't stop. So then we cut SAS and RCS too, thinking that might allow it to settle down, but the wobbling only got worse. After several more minutes, with no control inputs or thrusting of any kind, several of the modules on the extremities converted themselves from space ships into fireworks. Luckily, I was able to rescue the crew. And thanks to the good work by our legal department, their contracts still required them to go on the mission. Above, you can see the shotgun style approach used to send the hastily rebuilt fleet toward the mid-course plane change points. (I learned a very important skill during this mission: making very precise adjustments to my encounter trajectory with RCS thrusters while at the ascending/descending node, rather than during the initial burn. Also, estimating orbital angles by eyeball is hard.) Pictured below, you can see one of the surface-to-orbit fuel tankers making its capture burn into orbit around Dres. Of course, before the entirety of my Dres fleet had arrived at their destination, it was time to start launching my Duna/Ike mission. With my experience launching the Dres fleet, I was able to launch the eight vessel Duna/Ike fleet in less than two days. Pictured above is the surface refinery module for Ike, with detachable landing boosters, about to be launched with a big interplanetary nuclear booster. Once the second fleet was out the door though, I had to switch back and make sure the first fleet made it into orbit alright. Lucky for me, I had at the very least, two hours between intercept maneuvers. Most of them were a few days apart though, so it all worked out. You can see the Dres orbital refueling station here, just after it finished parking itself in a roughly circular orbit around 99,000 meters above Dres's equator. Still needs to have the refueling rig land before it can fill those tanks though. While Gralyn Kerman was conducting a low altitude (23,000 meter) survey scan of the equatorial region, in hopes of finding an ideal flat spot for the refinery, I noticed a little flag icon appear on the scanner. With curiosity at maximum, Gralyn (the tire repair expert) set the rocket car down to take a closer look. Driving approximately 3 kilometers from the touchdown spot to the point of interest, she managed to avoid flipping the rover even once. She might have made a good pilot as well as an engineer. (I still need to work on precision landing without the aid of targeting beacons from already landed craft.) Turns out, we had stumbled across the landing site of the very first mission to Dres I had made, all those years ago. The mood at mission control was celebratory, little did we know what waited in store for us. Instead, with this historic landing accomplished, the Ike crew wanted their shot at the spotlight. Also, we really needed to get some rocket fuel up to the orbiting tanker, because somewhere along the line, the Duna survey probes' engines turned on and they drained all their propellant. And since we had to drain some propellant out of the Duna lander's tanks to get the probes on their way, nobody in mission control was willing to send Jebediah and company down to the surface until the refueling mission was complete. Believe you me, Jeb was none too happy about having to wait. I think. It is really hard to tell, he always seems happy. Above, you can see the tanker trucks on final approach to the flattest spot I could find near Ike's equator. We all had a bit of a scare when one of the techs pointed out, "Hey, did anyone realize that one of the docking nodes never latched down properly? That's probably why it's dancing about so much." But we were able to set them down after only a couple false starts. Unfortunately, this is when disaster struck. When I focused back on the Dres mission, Grelyn's lander craft was nowhere to be seen! It had just vanished, possibly a victim of the once notorious Space Kraken. She was a brave Kerbal, and she will be missed. Now, it is up to me to see if I can find funding to continue the mission, or if the entire Dres Base will need a rescue craft to come and bring home the surviving crew.
  8. Hey guys, I've been wondering why the glitches/features known as Kraken attacks that we have all come to know and have a love/hate relationship with obtained their name, and when it first started being used. Did it first appear on the forums as some kind of casual reference? Was it used by the devs when those bugs first arose? Is there one forum user who should be duly praised for starting the tradition?
  9. Oh boy, this has been driving me mad for the past three hours. I play KSP on version 1.1.2 with (quite) a few mods. (These mods being Aviator Arsenal, BDArmory, BD Vessel Switcher, Camera Tools, Dark Multiplayer, Destruction Effects, Firespitter, KAS, KAX, Hyperedit, Kerbinside, KIS, MechJeb, North Kerbin, Tweakscale, Texture Replacer, and Vessel Mover) How this Kraken attack goes: Load up the game, everything is normal, but music is off even though music is set to on. Press "Start Game" and "Load Save" and it shows a blank screen. I press cancel and open up "Load Save" again, thinking it was a one-time bug, the "Load Save" button stops working. To test something I make a new save and re-open KSP. Surprise surprise, the save is gone. I did some investigating and opened up my saves folder to be caught off guard by seeing all my saves still existing, but unplayable. Anyone know what is going on here? I'm assuming I just need to reinstall, but I don't know what caused it and if it will happen again due to my mods.
  10. it krakens when i use [] to switch vessels. soimetimes also, my rockets are "stuck" on the pad. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692108590 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692108493 also, occasinal blackscreen http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=692108679 log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8EAjKTlkqEqVnJ3aFktX1RaSVU/view?usp=sharing line 68952 is where the krakening happens
  11. We've all been there. You start docking together space station modules, then try to rotate the whole thing to get more sunlight, stabilize with SAS... and the whole thing starts to wobble uncontrollably. Apparently, the bigger your station is, and the more reaction wheels it has, the higher the chances of wobbling and snapping apart due to excessive torque on the parts. Keeping your huge stations stable and in one piece is fun in career mode, but I wonder... Stations can wobble and snap apart - how small is the smallest station that can wobble and snap apart? Your goal: design a station that consistently undergoes a RTIDE (Rapid Torque-Initiated Disassembly Event) when exposed to excessive enough torque. Scoring: Designs will be ranked by two criteria (there will be two leaderboards): smallest end-to-end length, and lightest weight. Constraints for the rule-savvy: The vessel must be a space station by KSP standards: It must have crewable parts, it must generate electric charge (solar panels), and it must have a command module or probe core. No engines must be active during the RTIDE (no tearing apart the station by firing rockets in opposite directions). RCS thrusters (and vernors) should be fine. The vessel must be in a stable orbit. No atmospheric drag, and absolutely no physics warp allowed! No mods that change the structural integrity of parts. This means no part welding, no reinforced struts, and the like. Hyperedit to get your vessel in orbit is fine, though. This is a design challenge, not a see-if-you-can-fly-this-monstrosity challenge. I'll illustrate with my own quick entry: Wobble things and summon the kraken!
  12. I'm playing KSP quite some time now. Since the most recent update I'm having trouble launching my stations. Sometimes in the launchpad, sometimes in space my stations start to wobble slightly, but the wobble gets worse every second and cannot be prevented until the station is just a lump of parts. The only relevant mod installed is Kerbal Joint reinforcement. I have prepared an example Video: https://youtu.be/TVWBvM3oiB0 What is causing this, it really is preventing my Jool missions!
  13. I made a craft I was pretty proud of, it was supposed to be the backbone of my charter fleet. It works perfectly, it has got range, it is easy to pilot, it can reenter... Just minimum clipping actually but indeed I moved the wings with the SPH gizmos. The problem is that whenever I am already in orbit if I get back to the space center to arrange for another launch or any other KSC related activity and then I try to fly again the craft, the outer section of the wings gets ejected. Pics below, the issue is depicted in the fourth one. Has anybody experienced such an issue before? To me sounds like a clipping issue, but even if I tried to move everything I could not find the guilty part. If anybody feels like to have a first hand look, here you can download the craft; it is full stock. To reach orbit just pitch 5° at take off (1 to toggle the ramjets) and keep it straight. Add nukes at 19000 pressing 3. Jets will go out just a little bit over 24000, toggle intakes with 2. There isn't any external fuel line to save on drag so you will need to move the fuel manually from the wings to the inner tanks to feed the nukes. I do not have any "major" mod installed, just a few for aestethics and mechjeb. I am not even sure this is the right section where to post this, I apologize if I made the wrong choice. Thank you in advance for any feed back on this.
  14. I accidentally opened KSP twice and got some error during the loading screen, this appeared: Kraken is that you?
  15. All this has, I'm sure, been asked and answered, but I want to make sure I have things squared away. I like backups, and backups of my backups. I installed v.1.1 from Steam (since I've had a Steam account for a few years now), then upgraded to 1.1.1, thence to 1.1.2 (which I'm satisfied with, so far, knock wood, and now that I've written that, am thus Kraken-food from here forward). Soooo, what I've gathered from reading some threads here is that there are some steps I ought to take: 1. Immediately uninstall KSP and ensure there are no traces of it in my C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common directory. 2. Run a fresh reinstall and verify local files. Use the Steam install as my working/updateable copy, and drag a shortcut of the KSP _x64.exe onto my desktop if I feel like being antisocial and playing KSP in peace while not having to connect to Steam and interact with my Steam Friends, who are wondering where the hell I've been for the last 2 years or so and frantically asking me to reinstall this or that game and start playing with them again. 3. Make a couple of copies of this virgin install and deposit in places like, say C:/Temp/KSP/KSP Builds and C:/Games/KSP/KSP Builds. Update and/or just add new builds to these locations as they roll out. 4. Keep copies of my save files in like locations. 5. Continue to climb the Mt. Olympus that KSP represents. Do I have all this about right? Thanks for any advice/answers/help/corrections in this.
  16. So I started up 1.1 with some mods, nothing special. SpaceY family, KER, MJ and old Kerbonov.. I made my usual LKO tourist craft (proven reliable during 1.x era), loaded some tourists and some science, went for 80x80 orbit. Everything went smoothly until I tried to return to Kerbin. Something was wrong. It should brake, but it didn't. Few explosions later I tried more gentle aerobraking at ~50km. After some time I checked AP... 300km... 400km... 500km... hmmmm. After aeroaccelerating was complete, orbit was intersecting Moho... Here's the craft file. Enjoy looking for new Kraken drive
  17. Hate the Kraken? Do you hate him for destroying your beloved craft? Go and show him who's boss! In this challenge, you will have to build a base on the dead Kraken on Bop. The base can NOT have any parts touching anything that is not the Kraken. Rules: Cheats are not allowed EXCEPT clipping. Base has to be @ least 100 parts. Hyperedit IS ALLOWED, but you can only teleport to a Jool orbit that is BELOW the orbit of Laythe. Mechjeb is allowed, except when your altitude is less than 1000m above SURFACE. Multiple launches allowed I will need: List of all mods Screenshots of part count, krew, and flag placement, and the base as a whole. Mods: Prizes: Easy: Hyperedit & Mechjeb are used +100pt Less Easy: Either Hyperedit or Mechjeb is used +150pt Medium: No Mechjeb or Hyperedit is used AT ANY TIME +200pt Hard: No mods used +250pt Xtreme: One launch (with mods) +300pt Xtreme+: One launch (stock) +350pt Extra points: Flag on the Kraken's fallen-out eye +50pt Poking any eye of the Kraken with a drill +200pt Part count +1pt/part Kerbals +10pt/kerbal Best-looking base (determned by me) +100pt Badge: Person with most points (after May 1) gets a special badge! Leaderboard: @JebsDead: +250pt for awesom thing @Just Jim: +50pt for flag in eye @Galacticvoyager -1000pt for praising the kraken @LaytheDragon +2255pt! WE HAVE A WINNER! @JacobJHC +3236!!!!! New best!
  18. I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to save my game, but I seem to have awoken the kraken, although the wiki says this is a fixed problem. I'm playing in a career mode and it seems any aircraft I build will randomly start to fall apart shortly after takeoff. I use Kerbal Construction Time and the simulated flight flies fine, but as soon as I try to fly a built plane pieces just start falling off it. I know it's not the plane design because at the same time I see explosions happening on the Launchpad where nothing is sitting, and which is about a kilometre from my take off point. I have previously flown propeller aircraft in the current career and they were unaffected. I suppose I could do a backup and start experimenting with workarounds using different plane designs to see if it makes any difference, though its tedious with KCT installed. I'm kind of hoping this a known issue that has a fix hiding somewhere. Any advice appreciated! {UPDATE} Ok, it seems if I load the game and fly the plane all is well. It seems only to explode if I pilot another vehicle first.
  19. This is a group of challenges all involving asteroids, with each mission getting harder. easy: land on a asteroid/colonize it medium: put an asteroid in orbit around kerbin hard: crash a asteroid into the KSC extreme: crash an asteroid into the kraken Some mods are O.K. such as: Mathy ones (i.e mechjeb) visual effect mods are fine (i.e texture replacer) basicly no mods that add parts, or change gameplay
  20. Hello everyone, after playing around with some overpowered plane designs in the wait for 1.1, I tested a rather simple plane I named the X-69. This plane is basically a cockpit, fuselage, a few wing parts, and 4 turbo ramjets clipped into each other. After testing its limits in the upper atmosphere, I decided to play around closer to sea level (note that I had the max temp, no crash damage, and unbreakable joints cheats enabled). Under a few km, I reached speeds around 1700m/s. At this point, I quickly used 4x physics warp. This sent my craft into an escape trajectory of the Kerbol system at a speed of over 500,000,000,000m/s (over 1000x the speed of light!) and altitudes above the sun exceeding 1000 Petameters (1000 quintillion meters!!!) (over 1 exemeter = 1E+18m)! Upon exiting to the space center, I found that the Space Center screen was severely distorted, producing unusual building placement & zooms and terrain issues at various camera angles. Wanting to do this again, I (randomly clicked around) to enter the Space Plane Hanger and repeat. Well, i did the same procedure and got essentially the same results, this time reaching speeds in excess of, well, I don't really know, because the Kraken had already been summoned! This time upon exiting to the Space Center, the title screen contained absolutely nothing but stars. I was able to reproduce these results a few times over, and will continue to play with this. I just wished to share this with all of you
  21. Hello KSP Players, today i wanted to switch to a vessel that i launched about 30 kerbin days ago and everything disappeared space center kerbin etc. And even a quickload couldnt solve this so i had to delete my whole savegame. Im using these mods: What mods are causing this bug or what am i doing wrong? Greetings Dustin Fischer
  22. Hello everyone who is reading this. I would like to tell you about my recent encounter with the legendary space kraken. In my opinion a lot of people nowadays who encounter this creature in the game do not come across it "naturally". What I mean by this is that these people are usually messing around with mods (hyperedit is one of the most common ways the kraken is summoned). This kind of induced attack is not what I would call "natural". My recent encounter; however, was completely natural. For those of you who don't know about the kraken you should know that in games like ksp there are sometimes bugs. The kraken is a more specific type of bug. Based on what I can gather a normal bug is just something strange happening in a game for some reason. The kraken is a bug that is much more violent. A kraken attack can be classified by a bug or series of bugs that suddenly appear with little to no warning and often result in the total destruction of your craft in ksp. Often these series of bugs are quite interesting and strange. In the early game kraken attacks were quite common but as the game was developed further these because less frequent. One release (I can't remember which) after years of strange attacks the Devs announced that the kraken had finally been slain. To further emphasize their point they put a dead corpse of a kraken somewhere in the game (I won't say where to avoid spoilers). After this I saw no evidence that the kraken was still alive besides a video here or there where someone was messing around with hyperedit (which to be fair is just taunting this beast). For at least a year I would just encounter a normal bug here or there but nothing that really could be called the kraken. This all changed the day I wrote this post. I was testing an SSTO design that could go to the Mun's orbit and back. I got to the Mun, got into orbit, then came back to Kerbin. I aero braked once then went in for the final desent. I was trying to land at the KSC but I overshot so I turned around and flew back towards the runway by burning some on my left over fuel in my rapier engines. I lined up almost perfectly with the runway, throttled back my engines and pitched down to bring me onto the end of the runway. About 10 seconds before I would have touched down I saw a little puff of smoke fly by my plane. I remember thinking it was strange because normally when you see puffs of smoke like that you are much higher up and they are white or grey colored. This puff was black like the kind of smoke you get from explosions. I didn't hear any explosions and the puff was really small so I thought nothing of it. About 3 seconds later (7 to landing) I saw another puff of smoke that was much the same as the first one. At the same time the smoke left my screen I heard my jet engines dying and restarting in rapid succession but I saw no sparks and at this point my throttle was at 0 so it shouldn't have mattered. Immediately after this my plane started to yaw to the left quite hard. This all took place in the time of about 1 second. I was not hitting the yaw keys and my throttles were at 0 so there was no reason for this yaw to the left. At this point I knew something was very wrong. Sudden, off in the distance, the small fuel tanks off the front of the VAB and to the side of mission control exploded for no reason. My plane was in one piece so there was no reason those tanks should have exploded. At this time I was about 5 seconds from landing so I attempted to straighten my plane out so I could land. It was also at this time it dawned on me that this was the kraken. I was messing with no mods so this was a completely natural and unprovoked attack. As soon as I thought this there was a brief lag spike and at the end of it my plane was suddenly pointed straight up for no reason. After another brief lag spike the plane jerked again and was pointed in a slightly different direction. It was at this time I though to record this so I hit the pause button. My video should be live in a day or so so I will put the link to it in a comment on this post when it is done. My plane was too low to the ground to recover from the attack so I stalled and slammed into the ground. A large part of my plane survived (unfortunately the crew was killed) and after it came to a stop it suddenly shot forward, stopped against and then just sat there and vibrated until I reverted the flight. As you can see, this attack from the space kraken was unprovoked so it proves the kraken still lives. The areas above where my original post but some new stuff has happened. Specifically this happened again in almost the exact same way and this time the entire thing was caught on camera. Here is my video where it took place. If you are interested I just the bugs or the kraken watch the first 3 minutes and the last 5.
  23. Or is it just Americans realising how far they are behind Mexico? http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-35736435 compared to... Peace... Edit - realised this should have been in Science Forum. My apologies (please move!)
  24. Ugh. After multiple tries every rover I put on eve succumbs, after almost an hour of driving, to the kraken (black screen, no altitude). It only happens after doing science experiments (the whole point of my rovers going to eve). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this? Correction: the kraken strikes no matter what after loading the rover (give or take 20 seconds) This is the log, where I assume the kraken attacks: normal logs up to this point... [LOG 14:28:38.383] Parsing rect [LOG 14:28:38.384] Parsing bool [LOG 14:28:38.385] Parsing int [LOG 14:28:38.386] Parsing bool [LOG 14:28:38.386] Parsing bool [LOG 14:28:39.311] [Eve Rover Mk1]: ground contact! - error: 0.456m [LOG 14:28:39.313] Unpacking Eve Rover Mk1 [LOG 14:28:41.473] Active Vessel is moving (sqrVel = 0.284546199636992). Cannot save. [LOG 14:28:47.096] Flight State Captured [LOG 14:28:47.118] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.119] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.120] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.121] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.122] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.123] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.124] Saving Achievements Tree... [LOG 14:28:47.163] [VCTScenario] Saved. [LOG 14:28:47.716] Game State Saved to saves/Badger Industries (Career)/quicksave [LOG 14:28:48.271] Game State Saved to saves/Badger Industries (Career)/persistent [LOG 14:28:52.022] Packing Eve Rover Mk1 for orbit [LOG 14:28:55.023] [Eve Rover Mk1]: ground contact! - error: 0.000m [LOG 14:28:55.024] Unpacking Eve Rover Mk1 [LOG 14:28:57.006] [CurrencyConverter for Fundraising Campaign]: 0 Reputation taken, yields 0 Funds [LOG 14:29:23.952] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.953] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.966] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.967] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.976] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.977] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:23.999] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:24.000] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:24.021] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:24.021] Look rotation viewing vector is zero [LOG 14:29:24.031] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.0467972025715843 0.0457689321951441 NaN [LOG 14:29:24.033] part1: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.034] part2: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.035] part3: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.036] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.0467972025715843 0.0467972025715843 NaN [LOG 14:29:24.038] part1: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.038] part2: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.039] part3: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.040] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.0457689321951441 0.0467972025715843 NaN [LOG 14:29:24.041] part1: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.042] part2: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.043] part3: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.044] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.0467972025715843 0.0457689321951441 NaN [LOG 14:29:24.045] part1: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.046] part2: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.047] part3: NaN [LOG 14:29:24.047] Occlusion area test is NAN! Args 0.0457689321951441 0.0457689321951441 NaN [LOG 14:29:24.049] part1: NaN and so on.
  25. My highest performing K-drive in 1.0.5 , 26.2 G's super reliable (just dont turn it too hard or go below 750 m/s while active) TWR of 262.22 and a thrust of 295.6 kN and only at 16 parts, very controllable and very stable, in surface mode it's capable of lifting 25 mT without a problem. (thrust may decrease when attaching cargo) while it is possible to attach multiple drives to a single craft thrust may infact be reduced from one or both of the devices, so far accelerations of over 27 G's using multiple drives have failed. Download Warranty void if activated,loaded into a save file or looked at in this post. I am not responsible to any lost saves,installs,computers or family members caused by this device.
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