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  1. Hi I have just bought the game. It is such that my game does not launch, and I do not know what to do to fix the problem. i have tried serveral difrent things such as validating the game, and updated my nvidia Driver, but nothing seem to work. Please someone help me
  2. Just returned to the game after a long break, decided to start a new career with a few mods (mostly engineer and contract configurator). I habitually take a scientist on most missions as their description says they boost science return on the vessel they are in. As an experiment I decided to work out how much extra science it was making from my typical Mun mission with and without a scientist. To my surprise I found that my level 1 scientist (its early game OK! ) was not boosting the science return of my vessels by the advertised amount (5%) and the science return was the same no matter my crew composition. I have already tried the same test in a new un-modded save with the same result. Have I misunderstood the scientist description text or am I doing something wrong? Cheers.
  3. Adds a button in VAB/SPH to add the mass of a Kerbal to the External Command Seat. That's it. Mass added is temporary and doesn't stick around. Enjoy accurate dV and mass representations! Download from SpaceDock Source Code under the MIT License
  4. Just thought I'd share a bit of spirit with everyone! How's your year been? Did you celebrate much? Or did you stay at home and watch other people have fun on TV like me?
  5. BDARMORY FX NOT WORKING PLS HELP my ksp is 1.3.0 and i have downlloaded all de bdarmory mods with kchan but the mods dont function as ive expected the effects of most bombs do not work
  6. So recently I was flying to Mun for a Mun base mission. but as I was landing, I forgot to start another stage and Jebediah was killed almost immediately. instead of reverting the flight I accidentally switched to the space center. I have already switched Kebediah's status from "Dead" to "Available" but that hasn't worked. MANY OF YOU WILL READ THE TITLE AND LEAVE THE COMMENT SAYING "its fine, Jebediah will respawn" HE WONT, ITS BEEN 5 DAYS NOW PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT . Thank you
  7. Is it known what the actual heat tolerance of Kerbals themselves is? I seem to vaguely recall something like 700K/1000K internal/external from... nowhere, so I'm probably making it up.
  8. This is small, just a little idea I had: the scientific classification of Kerbals. Domain Eukarya- cells have nuclei Kingdom Animalia- moves, eats Phylum Chordata- Has a spinal chord Class Virentia- Latin for "green things"; a cross between Mammals and plants Order Primates- walks upright Family Kerbalidae- Kerbal-Like Genus Kerbo- Kerbalized version of Homo Species hebes- Latin word suggesting at Kerbals' not-all-that-intelligent-ness. Thus concludes the scientific classification of Kerbo hebes.
  9. I was wondering...How do I get an avatar like Roverdude's? Do I go to a website or what?
  10. Kerbal Mythology: Chapter 3 - The Creatures The Kerbals loved creatures, until they went extinct, here they are: Griphon: The Griphon was apparently a very rare creature, it had two wings an eagle's head and a backside like a lion's. They lived in nests on the tallest trees, called Pandrus. They ate small mammals and reptiles. Their eggs are 7.75in (20cm) in diameter. They were ridden by Kerbals.
  11. Diary of a Kerbal Daily reports from the KSA (Kerbin Space Administration) Day 1: Today at the KSA, we decided we would launch our first rocket straight to orbit. We used the Pyro 1, flown by Jeb, Bill and Bob. The launch was fine until Jeb let out some gas, which caused the rocket to destabilize for a few moments. After that the rocket was stable and they got to an 87 thousand km Ap and 84 thousand Pe. Jeb did all this without manuevers, we told him off, but he didn't even care.
  12. Kerbal Mythology: Chapter 2 - The Alphabet The ancient Kerbals had there own alphabet, and here it is: α - Arti Δ - Durbe γ - Gammya ψ - Siei η - Ethar π - Pyro τ - Taur ι - Ipsil μ - Micrun ν - Nania λ - Lamm φ - Frei Σ - Sona ρ - Roqet ε - Epier Ξ - Χilof θ - Thimo Ω - Zebri Chapter 3 HERE
  13. Kerbal Mythology: Chapter 1 - The Gods There are 17 gods in Kerbal Mythology, and they all lived in a temple atop Mount Himalaeia the tallest mountain in the world, here they are: Kerbollo: Kerbollo is the Kerbal god of light and heat, he wore a crown nearly the size of his head, which in the center, had the Star Gem, he had blonde hair, and his face was half orange (heat), fading into yellow (light). He was the king of the gods. Muh: Muh is the Kerbal god of the underworld (Mogho), he symbolizes death, and wore a horned crown with a skull-shaped gem, called the Gem of Mogho. He had brown hair, and a dark vermilion face. He was banished by Kerbollo. Eva: Eva is the Kerbal goddess of beauty and acid, she wore a small tiara, and a necklace with the Terran symbol of Venus, inside the hole was the Acid Gem. She had light brown hair and a purple face. She had a son, Gili the god of smallness and shrinking. He wore a little crown. Kirbea: Kerbea is the Kerbal goddess of life and space, she wore a crown with the Mountain Gem inside. She had black hair and a green face. She had a daughter, Muna, the goddess of the Mun, and a son, Minimo the god of cold and ice. Dune: Dune is the Kerbal god of war and injuries, he wore a kerbium helmet, that inside had the Blood Gem and had an iron sword, he had brown hair and a red face. He had a son, Ike, the goddess of strength. Cress: Cress is the Kerbal goddess of farming and harvest, she wore a tiara with the Karrot Gem inside. She had blond hair and an orange-green face, and was the lesser-treated of the god/desses. Juele: Juele is the Kerbal god of thunder and lightning, he wore a crown with the Lightning Gem inside, he had brown hair and a dark green face. He had four sons, Laize (water), Tyle (deserts), Bope (invsibility) and Poll (loneliness); and one daughter, Vall (music). Eilu: Eilu is the Kerbal goddess of hatred and selfishness, she wore a crown with the Hate Gem inside, she had black hair and a white face. She was also banished by Kerbollo. Chapter 2 HERE
  14. Diario de un Kerbal Informes diarios de la AEE (Agencia Espacial Electrón) Día 1: Hoy en la AEE decidimos que el cohete lanzaremos a la órbita de Kerbin. Los pilotos eran Bill y Bob y Jebediah Kerman. Utilizaban el Helio 1 o Helium 1, la primera nave espacial desde el año 2.000 a.C, que no quiero decir que ha pasado; ay, pués, el filósofo Arquímedes Kerman creía que pudiera lanzar una nave a la órbita, pero sólo lanzaba a 3 metros de altitud. Bueno, al informe. El vuelo fue muy bien, hasta que Jebediah hizo un pedo, qué, por algún razón, hizo que la nave, se desestabilizaba por algunos momentillos. (creo que era porque olía tan mal que hizo que se mareaban los pilotos.) En fin, estaban en una orbita estabilizada, de 78,5 mil kilómetros por 78,7 mil kilómetros. Y volvieron a la superficie de Kerbin, sin heridos y sin fallecimientos. Descarga Cohete: AQUÍ Día 2: Hoy, StruCo. LTD® nos ha pagado 100,000 para lanzar su satélite, la ION. ION significa Satélite Orbital Científica, y la nave que utilizábamos fue el Helio 2 o Helium 2. El, vuelo, otra vez fue muy bien, hasta que un erupción solar gigantísimo, que ha cortado nuestro señal con el cohete, pero, desués de una hora, el señal volvió. La ION va hacer muchos estudios sobre la atmósfera, especialmente la ionosfera. Descarga Cohete: AQUÍ Día 3: Misión Para Un Satélite Munar.
  15. Saelben's Space Program The Backstory Craft List Mission Log's Mod List As the mission progresses, data and activity will be added. Any suggestions are accepted. Thank you for joining me on this humble voyage. -SaelbenNoa
  16. Help getting game crashed mistake while opening the game game crashed file link https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6pNiIxsE7Jfd18wcks2bEx0LXM please help me
  17. Does anybody have any KSP puns? I have one: You don't understand the GRAVITY of the situation here! Any better than mine?
  18. This story will be based on Real And Fictional craft but Alternate History Events. The Kerbal Space Programs
  19. Year 1, Day 1. 'Studying' I've been studying aerodynamics and physics at the Kerbin University, and I'm going to try to apply for a spot at the Kerbal Space Center. I can just imagine myself taking off, going into space, floating around the cabin for a few minutes, looking at the universe, seeing how tiny everything is. I can imagine being the first Kerbal on the Mun. I can imagine travelling to the big green thing in the night sky, with little things going around it. It's funny, really, how we rotate around Kerbol, the Mun rotates around us, Minmus rotates around the Mun (I think), and then the green thing also rotates around Kerbol, and things rotate around it, and those things have things that rotate around those things an- Year 1, Day 2. 'Studying' I didn't finish what I was writing last night, as I fell asleep. As I was saying, the things that rotate around the big green thing, have things that rotate around them as well. Now my brain's starting to hurt... Year 1. Day 285. 'Studying, but better' I made it! I put my application in at the KSC about a month ago, and after evaluation, it's been accepted! I'm going to the KSC for 'basic training'. I'll have a lot of work ahead of me!
  20. Evet arkadaşlar, sayıca çok fazla olmadığımız bu mekanda en azından muhabbet dönmesi için bir başlangıç yapabiliriz. Ben bugün 3D Extreme Pro için ayar yapmakla geçirdim. Sanırım en iyisini buldum. Önceki senelerdeki oyun kaydım eski modlarıma sahip olmadığım için çöp oldu. 46 oyun yılı, 2 uzay istasyonu ve 60 dan fazla aktif görev çöp oldu. Baştan başlayacağım yani. Konu açılmışken size tavsiyem eğer modlu oynuyorsanız o modlarınızı mutlaka saklayın. Yoksa benim gibi çöp olma durumu olursa çok üzülürsünüz.
  21. Welcome to Kerbal Shaming where you shame the person above you. For example, the most recent person to comment on this thread will shame the person above. Then you can think of a good comeback to what they said to the person who posted before them, or lets say their profile picture. After that, you will be shamed by the next person to post on the thread. That will be all you need to know accept for the rules: 1. Don't be to mean to others 2. Have Fun P.S You may shame yourself Start Here
  22. I happen to be making a movie for my science project on "The Origins of Us". I want to explain the formation of our solar system, how the moon was formed, how asteroids with water ice brought liquid water to earth, etc. However, I don't really know how to convey this information to the audience through a Kerbal movie without a narration (because, you know, narration+kerbal movie = no). So, I kind of needed help with that. Also, i need mission ideas. I have filmed my moon mission, where the astronauts find out that the rock in the moon is similar to the rock on Kerbin. But for the rest, I really don't know. I'mplanning on a mission to Laythe, but again, I don't know how to convey the facts and knowlege to the audience without it being to vague. Also, Kerbal voices. I need help with those too. Thanks UPDATE Just finished my first scene, what do you think? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByFj3hLfFCqbLVA1NWFUYlgxSDQ
  23. Here is a place for your most kerbal designs and ideas. Mods, stock, who cares. Happy building!
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