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  1. In an exercise in precision landing and both over-engineering and micro-engineering, I go to the mun and back THREE times in a single launch without using any docking, mining, refueling or gameplay mods! A lot of testing and work went into this video so I hope you enjoy it!
  2. Hi, I recently began the project of creating a mining station in one of the craters of the Mun. a complete one, with mining modules, tank modules, and power modules. Of course, I had to launch each part separately and assemble them on the Mun. and there comes the trouble: when I asemble more than a few parts (mining, tank and power), as soon as the last part is docked, the entire outpost starts twisting and wiggling and jumping and then of course... exploding... I still don't understand why, I turned off every SAS, it still behaves completely randomly, so I end up with no mining station Any suggestion welcome ! Thanks in advance
  3. This new spacecraft is capable of taking astronauts to the moon and back perfectly. I find it easy to fly and use. Use it and please distribute it among your friends. [Edit: contents moved to spoiler section by Snark]
  4. I watched a great movie called MOON (which i heartly recomend you) So the mission is simple : You build your moon base and find the very good place to mine ore. you're supposed to collect ore with a rover (How?-Just use MechJeb set up coordinates and let youre rover(s) move .when finally obtain a 9 large cannisters of ore the real challenge begins!You're supposed to take all of the ore and return it back to kerbin but not converted.Dont use cheats but youre still alowed to use mods instead. If you manage to obtain more ore and make video /footage of it send it somewhere...i dont know ...just leave a link to your mission And i will appreciate that (meme intended)
  5. This is my SSTO, the Neophron VI (named after a genus of vulture), capable of going to the Mun and back. Specifications: Part Count: 88 Mass: 72.560t Height: 4.6m Width: 22.8m Length: 20m Here it is on the Mun. It can make the trip no problem. Here it is after a successful Mun trip, back on the runway. Here it is in the SPH. Here you can really get an idea of its shape. This flies nice and stable, and I really like the wing shape, it might be my new favorite craft.
  6. So, hi! I got a contract about going to the mun. Seemed pretty easy, from what I did in tutorial, I tried pretty hard, until thought about finishing the tutorial! But every time I can't complete it, because of this phrase: "I suggest you start ASAP!" I don't understand what he means by that, but what do i do, when he says that? Do I wait for the manuever or do something else?
  7. So I joined this forum out of boredness and to solve the issue of over shooting the mun and orbiting the Kerbol with a bigger radius than the Kerbin Orbit, I play on Xbox, I have played for a week on science mode with great progress on rockets, but not trajectory and science in general. And my rockets are out of fuel.
  8. Was pondering this question and thought it might be interesting to pose to the forum. What's a more efficient planetary grand tour: going to the Mun first, or going to Minmus first? The way I see it, there are two moderately-high-efficiency routes. Minmus first Burn from LKO into a Mun flyby to get a gravity assist to Minmus Capture and land on Minmus Launch and orbit Minmus Burn from Minmusian orbit into a Hohmann transfer to the Mun Capture and land on the Mun Launch and orbit the Mun Burn from Munar orbit into a Kerbin aerocapture Mun first Burn from LKO into a Hohmann transfer to the Mun Capture and land on the Mun Launch and orbit the Mun Burn from Munar orbit into a Hohmann transfer to Minmus Capture and land on Minmus Launch and orbit Minmus Burn from Minmusian orbit into a Mun flyby to get a gravity assist to a Kerbin aerocapture For the sake of the question, we can assume the entire trip uses a single stage starting from a 100km circular Kerbin orbit, and that TWR is high enough to make gravity drag negligible on launch. Is a Mun-first approach more efficient, less efficient, or equal to a Minmus-first approach? Would it be different if the Mun was the same mass as Minmus?
  9. I think I explain everything adequately in the videos, but I'll just put down a couple stats here. 35 Pit Stops 1 Lander/Return Vehicle Valentina Kerman and one long walk of 1,256 KM total. This will take a little while. Please don't expect daily updates. Apologizes for part one having gotten messed up. I think I must have accidentally hit my recording hotkey twice instead of once at some point.
  10. I'm constantly hearing people's stories about how people launched missions to the Mun that left their Kerbals stranded, either with a damaged craft or without enough fuel to take off or return to Kerbin. However, I always felt left out as my first Mun mission (which was my only land-and-return mission to the Mun; the next ship brought the first parts of a space station with it which became my base for Munar operations from then on) went fairly smoothly and its pilot made it back home without issue and didn't need a rescue. I got a taste of what those other players went through today, though, as I accepted a "Rescue Kerbal and recover craft" mission, got my Claw ready, picked up the Kerbal in her derelict lander can and then discovered that I was almost completely out of fuel. I had enough to reach a safe orbit, but not nearly enough to reach my station. Luckily I had a Nuke-tug docked at the station so I got it fuelled up and ready to rescue the rescue mission (although the actual rescue will have to wait for another day,) so there's no major crisis, but there's an odd sense of satisfaction in being able to cross the "bungle a Mun mission leaving a Kerbal stranded" checkbox off my list.
  11. (Not sure if this should go in Fan Works or Mission Reports...) Thought this image coming in for a Mun landing approach wasn't halfway bad. My three transfer stage parallel boosters staged off into a nice clover (klover?) as I was preparing for my landing approach, with Kerbin rising on the horizon. And the landing burn! I was rather proud of this mission, as I managed to pull it off in just three burns out of LKO: transfer to a Munar periapse just touching surface at the equator, simultaneous capture and landing burn, and ascent burn directly into Kerbin aerocapture. Timed the last burn off the Munar equator to bring me precisely to the KSC, too! Completed burn off the Munar equator into an aerocapture. Coming in hot, lined up for a descent right on top of the KSC, once drag slows me down. High approach, fingers crossed... Oddly, re-entry seemed to pull me south from this point, even though I was lined up symmetrically. Still haven't touched my engines. If I had another 500 attempts, maybe I could land ON TOP of the VAB? I'll settle for the grassy knoll, though. Calculating suicide burn in my head.... Final ignition! To downthrottle or not to downthrottle: that is the question. Talk about timing! The smoke cleareth.... Home!
  12. Hello everyone! I just wanted to share a little SSTO I made for fun, I call it the Banana Twins. It has two separate landers that can independently land on Mun/Minmus and return to the main craft. So really, this is 3 separate craft in 1. All 3 craft contain a probe core so they can be controlled remotely. 100% reusable design, nothing is lost except fuel. If you can manage to land it at KSC, it's even possible to refuel and do more missions. It's a bit tricky to fly, but it's perfectly balanced and provides just enough punch to get into orbit. The trick is activating the NERVs at 15,000m (while going close to 1,400m/s) and then switching RAPIER modes at around 20,000m. The Whiplash engines provide nice economy for transport and landings. The landers throw the main craft off balance when they deplete their mono-propellant, so there is extra mono-propellant to top off the landers when they return to the craft. It's capable of unpowered landings as well. 100% stock, v1.2.2. Enjoy! Image 1 Image 2 Craft File
  13. I've been doing some roleplaying recently, and having sent a probe to Mun, my next target became to put there a little rover. My experience with landing such vehicles on celestial bodies without atmosphere is very small, so I kinda overbuilt my rocket, but it worked fine afterall.
  14. The challenge is simple. Build a stock fully functioning space station in orbit of the Mun. Easy: Have the station in orbit around Minmus. Challenging: Only use multi stage rockets to build it around the mun. Insane: Only use SSTO's to build it around the mun. Why: Have the station in orbit around Laythe. To get on the leaderboard of the challenge you will be judged by me to see if you deserve a spot on the leaderboard. Easy Leaderboard 1st: bEAstmode 2nd: Nobody 3rd: Nobody Challenging Leaderboard 1st: Nobody 2nd: Nobody 3rd: Nobody Insane Leaderboard 1st: Nobody 2nd: Nobody 3rd: Nobody Why Leaderboard 1st: Nobody 2nd: Nobody 3rd: Nobody Have fun out there!
  15. Apollo 11 was the first spacecraft to land on the Moon,and im gonna recreate it in KSP! The lander: The rocket (its really big): Launch in 3..2..1 LIFTOFF!! LATER.... Yay! Orbit achieved! 10 MINUTES LATER... Awesome,a mun encounter! Almost there.... YES!!!! Getting closer! Yes.....! YEAA!!!!! Succesful landing! That's one small step for kerbals,one giant leap for kerbalkind!
  16. Welcome to the MCP 101! This is the Mun colony program that has craft files in CurseForge! Search in CurseFprge MCP and you will find craft files in an ZIP that has all craft files... Well the craft files are these! The first is an Space station useful for had an connection with the Mun base and all the SpaceShips in the Mun, even some spaceships on Minmus, the second is an basic lander that can get to Mun, but you need to rescue the Kerbal , then we go more up, the third is the core of the Mun base, it has science instruments and just an MK1-2 Command pod but it's cool! And finally we go a lot of advance... the finally fourth that is very cool and is an mining rig that has two drills but here is an problem... You need to download the Tweakscale mod, here it's an link for you download TweakScale Download on Curseforge:https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220549-tweakscale and also there's one thing finally the download file of the MCP 101 including all the craft files:https://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/mun-colony-program-101 the file that says correct file is because before I upload an screenshot! Always an person does an error...
  17. Claim the Mun! So since I've landed on the Mun, I've jad nothing but bad luck on EVERY flight I've done. Lost about K$1 mil on this two part, 11 contract setup I'm running. So now that I've finally beat this bohemeth I came up with, imo, a nice little challenge. CHALLENGE: Since I just started playing KSP IDK if this has been done befrore, but didnt see anything like this. If there is, maybe just del this thread. * Start a new stock career using no cheats or help. Basic info mods (dv and things like that) can be used. * Least amount of funds used is main focus here. (The basis of the rankings, for ease I thought about only listing top 10. 10-1 pts) * Least amount of contracts used/accepted. (0 contracts = 10pts, 10 contracts = 0pts) * Least amount of building upgrades. (-1pts per building) * Least amount of sci used.(5sci = -0.5pts. Less = rounded up) * "Wild card" rank for those that want to use starts.( Diff leader board) * Hard mode is just landing on Duna. (Don't even know if this is worth it. Maybe drop?) So that's the basic idea, any tweaks/thoughts/blabla would be nice. So there is a max amount of points you can earn here, but because the main point id the funds, ties will refer there. Every K$ counts!
  18. Hey guys! Today I wanted to issue you a fun challenge to give you something to do with your life! Okay as the title said, I'm challenging you to TAKEOVER THE MUN!! but first! the guidelines and rules SO! without further ado! Mission 1: Place 10 functional probes around the Mun 2 must be in polar regions. The Probes must have a sustainable form of power. (Batteries and fuel cells are not permitted) (1 point per probe, Each extra probe is worth 2 points Mission 2: Using the new ESU perform 4 sample returns to Kerbin. One ESU must deliver samples from the Northern Pole of the Mun. (batteries and Fuel cells Permitted) (2 points per ESU, every extra is worth 3 points) Mission 3: Communication Network surrounding Mun. Minimum of 3 satellites. Anything but Batteries are permitted. (Satellites delivered VIA Orbital Mission worth 4 points, normally 1 point) Mission 4: Conduct 4 Orbital Missions around the Mun. NO MK1 PODS! Bonuses will be given to SSTO's (3 points normally, 5 points for SSTO) Mission 5: Place a 10 part Space station orbiting around Mun (20 points, anything more than 20 parts receives 40 points) Mission 6: 6 Mun landings, Any apollo style missions are worth 10 points (5 points per landing) Mission 7: 8 part Mun base. (50 points) Mission 8: 2 rovers at the poles Mission 9 (optional): Mobile Base on Mun. (100 points) Must be able to carry at least 20 Kerbals Rules: -no Multi-launches for the probes or satellites. -max of 5 parts per launch for the Space Station -NO HYPEREDIT -MechJeb and KER only allowed for Delta-V calculations -All mods must be stated -Best entries will be Put on Leaderboard. -Video earns you Bonus points -Music in the video gives you Dank video -Have fun..... -If you are looking for a quicker challenge I will be doing a leaderboard for people who only do missions 1 through 4 LEADERBOARDS
  19. The Great Thread of Mun & Minmus Landers In this thread you can post pictures or videos of Mun and/or Minmus landers, bases, satellites or space stations. You are also allowed to post pictures of you doing a fly-by of the Mun and/or Minmus. Hope to see them!
  20. I'm a rather new player and I accepted a mission to put a satellite into a designated orbit around the Mun. So I built the sat and put it into orbit and all mission critical circumstances were fulfilled except the: Reach the designated equatorial orbit around the Mun with reasonable deviation. The Periapsis is supposed to be 241,665m and the sat. is at 241,653m, and the Apoapsis is supposed to be 252,929m and my sats is 252,958. In my book that is a reasonable deviation. Especially since in all the videos I watched on youtube they usualy had far greater deviations. The orbit is pretty much spot on with only a few dozen meters difference, yet it won't let me accomplish the mission. Is that a bug? or is there something I'm doing wrong?
  21. Greetings. Firstly let me just explain that I am quite new to the game as I have only been playing for a week or so. I'm having a bit of difficulty getting my Mun lander into orbit of Kerbin, let alone to the Mun. My main issue is loss of control - the rocket spins, flips and does whatever it wants, even with SAS enabled, whenever I engage the main liquid engine. It's fairly stable whilst using the initial boosters to get off the ground though...until I fire up the main engine that is... I have tried many different setups using my brain to design them but to no avail, so I thought i'd ask you guys for some help. I'm not asking for someone to design a rocket for me (i'm not that lazy), however if what I am doing needs to be binned, then I will happily accept any help that is offered. My lander and command module is 13T in mass...which might be my first problem. Here is a screenshot (not including AE-FF1 protective shell - is this needed?) without any of the many rocket designs I have tried below it. I have tried both slim and fat launch vehicles, usually with 2/4 boosters at the bottom. I have tried attaching some boosters further up near my payload to "tug" it unto orbit and that also doesn't work. Perhaps I need to learn more about launch profiles, perhaps just rocket design. Either way, I have been trying all day to launch this to no avail. I can get to 80km+ but when I try to round off my orbit, the rocket spins out of control even on quite a low throttle. Redesigning my lander isn't out of the question either. Does anyone have any tips, suggestions or help please? Many thanks in advance.
  22. Presenting the Private Mun challenge A.K.A. "Muncheap" So by now I am sure almost everyone has landed on the Mun (If not then welcome new kerbal player) So let's make a special challenge so we can have fun. You are tasked with creating a cheap Mun lander for private use. Due to it being a private lander some rules are in place 1. You do not have access to docking technology, you may use docking ports for staging in place of separators as long as you don't redock 2. Due to being privately funded you only have access to one meter command pods. 3. Parts that can be re-used (such as landing stages like Space X) will not help your score, however feel free to use them since they look cool. 4. due to being privately funded you are limited to only ONE, two meter engine you may use as many 1 meter engines as you like 5. You cannot user any three meter parts aside from the three meter fairing and heat shield 6. You cannot use Vector, Atomic Engines, or Rapiers 7. you must land at least one Kerbal on the Mun or planet of your choice (see categories below) 8. Your craft must have at least two command pods, one for the landing and space travel, one for the re-entry. you can use any combination of probes, chairs and piloted pieces you want. 9. If you are using the allowed mods posted be sure to mention them so I can put them into the proper category The person with the cheapest option wins in their "category" MODS ALLOWED: KW Rocketry (as long as your engines follow the rules stated) Tweakscale Firespitter HL Airships (can not use the cirrus part, real lift cirrus part is allowed) Any atheistic mods such as scatterer Mech Jeb for info ONLY Categories: Easy- Land and return from mun Medium- Land and return from mun and drop off a rover Hard- Land on the Mun, and Minmus drop off a rover on both, then return Super hard- Land and return from Duna Now you're just showing off- Land and return from Eve How did you?!?!- Land on Moho, drop off rover, then go to Eeloo, drop of rover, then return Hope to see some fun designs.
  23. ola pessoal. eu não consigo chegar um mun. mas eu uso hyperedit é melhor bem pessoal nos eu uso mod hyperedit é melhor de mod
  24. So ive been working on a mun base recently. ive designed the modules and did the maths. but i still have a problem: resupply missions. i have usi life support installed and crew cant just stay there forever (ive made it self suffiecent using planetary base systems, but usi ls also includes hab and home, so u need to change the crew every now and then). thing is, that im not the best with accuracy landings. i also know that mechjeb can do it for u but im a type of guy that enjoys lko station resupply missions. so, how do i transport kerbals and supplies from lander to base? are there any tools to show you more accurate landing predictions? should i move that to another thread? tnx for reading and (hopefully) responding.
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