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  1. I have a problem with ckan, when i download anything the speed at the start is enough to download 300kbs, but after that it just drops to a few bytes per second of download. i have restarted my pc as my router, and made sure i have an up to date version of ckan. my internet speed when tested was 50mbs/s. https://imgur.com/a/sbPjFRt dont know what to do, just wanna install the mods for R.O
  2. Hello, i installed mk1-2 command pod IVA with all its dependency but still getting stock iva... (DE_IVA is working even alchor landing can iva is working) i'm running ksp 1.9.0
  3. Hello Mods. I hope your having a nice day but I'm wondering if you guys and gals can deactivate my account please so I can start a new one. There is nothing wrong with this account and it's just because this account is rather old. Since you can not change usernames more than twice sort of leaves my username looking rather goofy. If the mods of these forums can contact me by mail and or here would be appreciated. Thanks for the help if any.
  4. I have Realism Overhaul installed with Remote Tech, and I can't seem to understand how to get an connection going. I added an antenna an it is activated but it does say no target? But to set a target I need a connection. Help pls. https://imgur.com/a/MmnmeDn
  5. So I go into KSP and click on my savefile named "oof". I made it before the breaking ground dlc came out and i wanted to play it because I did my "Decorate Dres December" challenge in it. I press load and nothing happens except the words behind the window (i.e. "new save" and "load save" ) stop being grayed-out. I tried making a copy and renaming the file but still no luck. Can someone please help? I currently have 9 savefiles in my game not including the ones i didnt create like "scenarios".
  6. Basically what the title says. As you can see in my signature it's a link to the imgur image, but it won't embed.
  7. Help! My rover cannot communicate with KSC. Two repeaters fly in orbit around Dune. The map shows that the rover is connected to the repeater, and the repeater is connected to the KSC. What's the matter?
  8. Hi! I have a (what i believe) a really useful mod idea and an even vaguer idea of how to execute it, but it involves reverse engineering an already existing squad part. If anyone is feeling extra kind and has a few hours in spare time, feel free to reach out to me on discord at Fishfinger#8513.
  9. I modified one of the stock crater crawlers to suit my play style, managed to land it safely on Eve using cheats (I'm quite new to the game, i'm playing sandbox to wrap my head around the mechanisms before I start a career). Once I'd landed I realised that the crawler was sliding down a sand dune at about 19m/s, the vehicle began to roll and I saw that the wheels were turning. TL/DR: I'm upside down on Eve and my wheels are turning on their own. I can't stop them please help
  10. no error message, no crash log, no nothing it just stops working when it says ''expansion loading complete'' i have alot of mods installed but it wasn't a problem ever since i installed rssve, but that crashed my pc so i uninstalled it but the problem wont go away, is there any way you guys can help? here is my mods list: https://imgur.com/a/LJsNWSF https://imgur.com/a/rl6B0NH https://imgur.com/a/cT0YLOh i have been up all night trying to solve but nothing is working, i think i might go to bed and try in maybe a few hours, i hope you guys can help me out with this save.
  11. I am in the process of making functional recreations of all the Thunderbirds and am currently working on Thunderbird 1. I have made a rough replica of the design that is able to do a vertical takeoff and turn horizontally. I had the idea of using robotics from the breaking ground dlc to make the extendable wings using hinges, however they don't seem to be stable. When going at highspeeds the wings just flail around making them useless, I am wondering if anyone has any idea on how to make extendable wings that work at high speeds
  12. Hello everyone this is my first post on this site and yes I am here because i need help, Recently i discovered (old) KSP Blender addon that allows you to import .craft models to blender, but i cannot do that due to the error There are my specs KSP (previous 1.3.1 on steam) Windows 10 Blender 2.83.2, here is my kspdir.txt direction D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\ (note that Blender and KSP are on the second D: Drive) and here is my error ###### Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\import_craft.py", line 106, in execute return import_craft_op(self, context, **keywords) File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\import_craft.py", line 80, in import_craft_op obj = import_craft(filepath) File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\import_craft.py", line 44, in import_craft gamedata = GameData(Preferences().GameData) File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\gamedata.py", line 146, in __init__ self.create_db() File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\gamedata.py", line 129, in create_db recurse_tree(self.root, self.build_db) File "D:\blender\2.83\scripts\addons\io_object_mu-master\import_craft\gamedata.py", line 29, in recurse_tree files = os.listdir(path) FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki: '' location: <unknown location>:-1 ###### System nie może odnaleźć określonej ścieżki = The system cannot find the specified path (yes I am Polish) (and no i have default english blender version but sometimes like today i get console errors in Polish) Pls help i have been reaserching this bug for a while now, and all i want is to get my KSP rocket to real life
  13. I'm on console(ps4pro) and can't figure out how to track the unknown objects. I know they are asteroids and after watching a couple of YouTubers bring them into orbit I decided I want to try that but I can't seem to track them. Their orbits will not show up. I saw a similar post that said click the blue track button in the bottom left corner but I have no button like that. How do I get their orbits to appear on the tracking station so I know where to rendezvous with them?
  14. Wondering, as the summer sale is going on, I was gonna buy making history and breaking ground, but I play on 1.7.3, if I buy the dlc, will it work with 1.7.3 and if not, is there a workaround that means it will?
  15. When i load up the VAB in my new RO install, then try to open a craft the place where the craft normally is is all black. The ui is still there but i cant see or edit the craft. Please does anyone know why this could be happening?
  16. Well guess what? I accidentally misspelled my topic's name, and now I forgot how to change it. Help!
  17. I am trying to build a refueling station around Minmus and I both times I landed at my spot, my drills said there was no ground contact. I thought they were placed pretty well so I started tinkering with them on the launchpad and got the same errors no matter where I placed them. I built this contraption quick just to make sure it wasn't an issue with my launchpad or my ship: https://streamable.com/utuj5y None of them work. I've restarted the game and all that, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've tried somewhere around 50 different placements and only one drillomatic jr alternated on and off every half second. I can't figure out how to fix it.
  18. i love the forums here but when it comes to customising your profile it becomes a pain to do, i see everyone with amazing profile pictures and because of it i want to get one of my own, so i decided to load up some mods, build a craft, send it into an elliptical orbit around kerbin, wait for the right moment and BAM screenshot, i wanted to post it to the forums and ask squad to put it in the 1.10 loading screen but i dont know how to insert image from url, i ran a test picture from imjur and decided to see if it would work but the box would just go red, im not a technical person and i know i could just look at some tutorials but there isnt any that i can find, i also tried to set is as my profile cover but its 2mb instead of the 512 kb, can anyone help me?
  19. 194 degrees fahrenheit for the americans out there, my i was launching the first part of the space station into orbit when i suddenly noticed that my pc fans started to ramp up and i mean REALLY ramp up, it got so bad that it hit 100% fan speed and now it started to sound lke a jet engine, i checked the temps and JESUS CHRIST 90 DEGREES?!?!?!? i immediately pressed alt f4 to close down my game and turned off my pc to let it cool down, it never hits this high whilst playing this game its not even that demanding, by the way i have graphics cranked all the way to the lowest setting, can anyone help me?
  20. okay, i've kinda made quite a reputation for myself [snip] and i admit, i was just not rational but i did lose a space station that took me weeks to build [snip], but that's not the point here, i want to put people's crafts in orbit, when your rocket gets too big or too heavy, you can ask me if i want to put the craft in orbit for struggling players since i've been playing since 1.2 i have pretty much mastered KSP, i have a good reputation but everyone around me always has a excellent reputation so i want to get there, i want to help struggling players put thier crafts into orbit or maybe, take it anywhere they want me to take it, i don't know how this site works since i rarely visit the ksp forums but i feel like i need to visit this site more often since it has alot of amazing people there and i want to be just like them, so send me your craft files and lets see what i can do. Also btw im using restock, restock+ space station expansion parts redux and planetary base systems, im also on 1.9.1 the latest version and your ''craft'' can be no more than 700 parts since i don't have the best pc, i can just turn the graphics all the way down so i can extend the max parts to 1000 but only on rare occasions because my cpu hits 90 degrees celcius when im running crafts like this. Anyway, if you meet the requirement send in your save file and i can get your craft in orbit. oh and one more thing i live in the UK so the time as of writing this is nearly 6:00 AM so i had no sleep so im gonna be at least 10 hours late to dm's
  21. Hello Guys, I have a Problem and need your advice/ help! I played the Career Mode for the second time and as I knew how to build efficient rockets and how to play the missions fast, I wanted to take as many tourists on the same Mission as possible. So I took off with around 15 Kerbal Tourists (and a pilot) on a relative small spacecraft with external commmdoseats. I took them to Mun, orbited and then went on to Minimus, landed and headed back to Kerbin. Meanwhile I started another small mission to rescue a kerbal from low kerbin orbit... but then i realised that the tourists where back in the space center... I could choose them again and take them on other missions!?! I didnt think much about it and told myself thats surels just a display bug and continued the mission to take the tourists home. after a difficult and slow reentry (I had to refuel the spacecraft tho, otherwise they would have burned in the atmosphere :P) I landed safely and ended the mission. The normal After-Mission screen appeared with the 3 info tabs (600 Science in a single Mission, I was really proud!) but then the game bugged. I couldnt enter the assembly hall anymore and most other buildings too. I also couldn't save the game at this point, the screen just froze and I couldn't even close it other than Alt + F4... I restarted the game and the autosave took me to the landing on kerbin, so i told myself if I just start another rocket and take all the duplicated kerbals on that rocket there must be space for the originals then... but the same bug came up... Now I have no Idea how to continue and what to do... I dont want to kill the Kerbals as the mission is worth at least 1.7 mio. and as said, 600 Science Points. Any Idea how to solve that? Did someone had similar issues? Does it have to do with my PC maybe..? Thanks a lot for any help!
  22. Hello Guys, I have a Problem and need your advice/ help! I played the Career Mode for the second time and as I knew how to build efficient rockets and how to play the missions fast, I wanted to take as many tourists on the same Mission as possible. So I took off with around 15 Kerbal Tourists (and a pilot) on a relative small spacecraft with external commmdoseats. I took them to Mun, orbited and then went on to Minimus, landed and headed back to Kerbin. Meanwhile I started another small mission to rescue a kerbal from low kerbin orbit... but then i realised that the tourists where back in the space center... I could choose them again and take them on other missions!?! I didnt think much about it and told myself thats surels just a display bug and continued the mission to take the tourists home. after a difficult and slow reentry (I had to refuel the spacecraft tho, otherwise they would have burned in the atmosphere :P) I landed safely and ended the mission. The normal After-Mission screen appeared with the 3 info tabs (600 Science in a single Mission, I was really proud!) but then the game bugged. I couldnt enter the assembly hall anymore and most other buildings too. I also couldn't save the game at this point, the screen just froze and I couldn't even close it other than Alt + F4... I restarted the game and the autosave took me to the landing on kerbin, so i told myself if I just start another rocket and take all the duplicated kerbals on that rocket there must be space for the originals then... but the same bug came up... Now I have no Idea how to continue and what to do... I dont want to kill the Kerbals as the mission is worth at least 1.7 mio. and as said, 600 Science Points. Any Idea how to solve that? Did someone had similar issues? Does it have to do with my PC maybe..? Thanks a lot for any help!
  23. Upon loading a new save/world I encounter a black screen. It's not frozen, I can still move around my cursor and the thingy spinning around in the bottom right corner still spins. I've tried waiting 20 min once and it didn't change. Also when KSP has loaded, into the main menu, it gives me a error of kopernicus which is my only clue. Could this error message have something to do with this? I am playing with mods, in version 1.7.3 After Kerbin/Beyond Kerbin. I want to include my KSP log but I could not find it so please help me find this aswell so I can include it. I found something called "output_log.txt" in "AppData/LocalLow/KSP" or whatever. I think I should also say that I am using CKAN. I've tried finding a solution for this, for a while now, nothing has worked. Some things I've tried: Changing the desktop size and position to see if it was some problem with KSP not finding my monitor, I tried removing Module Manager Cache. It's really getting to me that everytime I try something new it doesn't work. At all. Crashes, errors, Black Screens, Infinite Loading, etc... Again, if you could help me find the KSP logs too that'd be awesome. I mean it doesn't seem to be here? https://gyazo.com/776ab82faf33f804278e314d9a73d90e - The Logs folder. EDIT: KSP Logs: "output_log" and "Player.log" - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u0dedbj8fj61i56/AACjxRQx2NM4p3QwWJsOemg9a?dl=0 (I think this should work, first time using dropbox )
  24. I have looked everywhere and all the videos are like from 5 years ago. I know that you need a 3 modeling engine which is blender (for me) and unity. Can maybe an experienced Modder or anyone please tell me how to get started?
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