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  1. This mod started when I was trying to find a way to make a smaller rover for landing on Duna. It strikes me that building rovers requires a crew capable part, which are all pretty big. So I thought to myself, I need a small off-road vehicle to land, AND to see the scale of the stock parts to reality check my impression. Then, looking around for a familiar, real-world vehicle, to use as a rover, I stumbled into realizing I could not pass up the opportunity to make a Rover rover. So, like most real world parts from mods, this is half scale. Because kerbals are (roughly) half human scale, most of the rocket parts are about half the scale they should be, and, well it needs to kinda fit in, and with the IVA overlay, it'd be nice if Kerbanauts didn't look like they'd stolen their mom's car. And well, it's smallish. Download from SpaceDock, http://spacedock.info/mod/602/KerbinRover%20Off-Road%20Vehicles Dev thread at Features; Hybrid generator/fuel cell powering a small battery system powering electric wheels. Two wheel types available, dual purpose road/off-road and dedicated off-road tires. Roof rack. It's useful, honest. Miniaturized spotlights. Handy for seeing where you're going. Versioning: X.Y.Z X: Changes to number of and which fully working vehicles are included. EG: I'll increment when I add a new rover. Y: Any changes that significantly affect any deployed vehicles. Caution to be applied moving from subversion to subversion if (and only if) vehicles using the parts are "In Flight". Z: Tweaks, bug fixes etc. Plans for next vehicles; I really want to do the Haglund Bandvagn 206, but there will be a slight delay as there's no module for tracked vehicles. Plus I'll need to look at KAS/InfernalR for articulation and decide what (if anything) will work. So, although it's my favourite for next-to-work-on, it won't be the next released. (The Bandvagn is a low centre of gravity dual box on tracks that floats, is sealed, and is generally used by every country that has to deal with really cold horrible conditions.) APC: I want to add in a modern style APC like the Russian BTR range or any of the others that look very similar. I'm thinking an 8x8 amphibious sealed vehicle. I'll probably do an original and light-weight variant. The mil spec APC would be a lot more solid, but a lot heavier than anything built for space. So I'll do that second version without the armour, and provide some waffle about lightweight construction etc. This will mean two wheel variants as well. APC wheels are often solid. AWD car. I really want to make a GTR or WRX type AWD coupe type thing just for contrast. But experience with ground edges and smaller wheels is suggesting this might not be a good idea. Also, KSP hates close wheel arches due to wheel colliders liking lots of elbow room. So this may not be possible. Which would lead me to a 1930's style open-wheeler racing car with KSPification. A dedicated, probably invented from scratch, extra-planetary rover. And, taking suggestions.
  2. Hello, I am going to do the elcano challenge for Kerbin, but in the future, I'd like to make a Gilly rover. If you think it is impossible, don't clog the tubes. Thanks!
  3. Craft Download Subassemblies Download Basic stats Mass- 1.7 Parts- 31 Crew- 2 max speed(1g)- 36m/s Price tag- 37'500 Dimensions- W:2 L:4.6 H:1.7 Features -High impact chassis, cases of destruction not seen. -75 degree light FOV. -Modular augmentation system. -Automated control point. Notable activities -Climbed the KSC mountains and returned. -Circumnavigated Eeloo without player input. -Circumnavigated Gilly,Mun,Minmus,and Pol. -Drove to Kerbins north pole. -Regularly clears runway of debris. -Performs every role in Kethane mining operations. -Survives regular orbital drops to easter eggs. -Drove out of a moving aircraft and landed safely. -Drove into a munar crater. -Broke 64m/s before bursting it's tyres. -Balanced on it's roll-legs for several days. -Came first in the under 22m/s category in KSC speed championships(while in 'safe' mode) Version history Continuing thanks to Rareden for his mk11 interpretation
  4. Enjoy! http://imgur.com/a/NkeTU
  5. My Challenge idea is something that I don't think I've seen on the forum as yet and I feel there should be some people that will get a kick out of trying this out. I found the design challenge section alone was fun in itself, but figured it needed something extra before being published. (Thanks to those that have help flesh this out!) Background: The idea came from me never really being comfortable with the idea of using a "brute force rocket" to lift a huge fully-formed rover off Kerbin and have it miraculously land on the Mun with all the leftover thrust from the gigantic thing that initially launched it. I built a rover that was broken up into its components (like how er.. "most" people would construct a KSP space station) and had its final steps of constructions performed in orbit using little RCS tugbots. I initially was going to have separate rockets from the different packages so it could fit into a somewhat slimmer fairing, but ended up with the single rocket example shown in the imgur album below that I built in career mode. I was pleasantly surprised how good decouplers are at being oh-so-slightly-flexible-shock-absorbers. Happy to take any additional suggestions/ideas for activities required for the built vehicle. Design Challenge Section - Launch Rover sections into Orbit and complete assembly in Orbit. All parts should be stock (No mod parts) Must be a 4 wheel rover with 1 x "Modular Girder Segment" used in each wheel "arm" (can't be a mini rover-in-a-can thing) Needs to be partially constructed in orbit (Getting wheel arms / landing tanks on straight is part of the fun) Rover has to has landing capabilities independence from vehicle that got it to orbit Capable of landing on Mun from a (Rough-maximum) 12k orbit (ideally should only carry what required to get down with a small margin of error) Launch with all rover parts within a 2.5m Fairing. (Can be multiple launches if you want to avoid lifting too much in one rocket) Requires the following sensors is minimum (Science Jr, Mystery Goo, Accelerometer, Gravioli Detector, Thermometer, Barometer, Surface Scanning Module) Activity Challenge Section - Land the constructed rover Get constructed rover into 9-12km Mun orbit Land the rover and drive at least a few hundred kms and jump a crater or two to check the durability of the rover Checking the submission guide, I figure the above should tick most of the boxes... new? pretty sure this is new from the searching I'd done Possible? Yep, did it myself, but the example doesn't count as it uses a 3m fairing. Fun? Trying to stuff a disassembled rover into a rocket, and reassemble in Zero-G... depends on your taste - could be frustrating if you're as bad as RCS contral as I am, but I still found it fun overall what are you doing? Partly design challenge with a couple of durability test of the resulting vehicle. Win conditions? Post pics of craft(s) in VAB, in construction and on glamour shot on Mun Needs to be able to be driven a few hundred Kms on surface Survived crater jump (RCS is optional if your overly Kerbal!) The maker of the entry that scores the highest number of likes is the winner Separate Bonus Section: Doing all the above and making it a "mining rover" - must include: Drill-O-Matic Junior Convert-O-Tron 125 2 x Radial Holding Tanks Here the .CRAFT file for the below rocket as well as a .CRAFT file for the rover in the SPH in case you wanted to test that separately
  6. So last night I built my first rover (only one I've ever intended to actually use) and plopped it down on the tarmac for a test-drive and... it goes no-where. Zero m/s. Wheel drive engaged, brakes off, plenty of power on-board. I know wheels are screwed up, but I figured it would at least roll in some direction or other. I checked the wheels, played with settings, nothing. The leading pair and trailing pair of the 6 wheels are listed as "Wheel Blocked" when I pull up the parts though, despite the fact that there is nothing contacting the wheel's rotation. Will the "Wheels Blocked" result come up if even only the axle and wheel struts are slightly recessed? Does anyone know what conditions could cause this, given it appears that nothing should be impeding or contacting the actual wheels at all? My apologies for not bringing pictures, I will try to do so Monday.
  7. I recently got back from exile (on other Steam games ) and decided to do something related to Dres Awareness. I downloaded @SpaceplaneAddict's Mercenary rover and took it to Dres for testing. But driving around for testing only is boring, and I landed only a couple kilometers off of the famous canyon, so why not have some fun by plummeting over the edge? Well, until I got stuck in the end Also, the Mercenary is indestructible
  8. Now you can travel across the solar system in style, as the Epsilon rover is coming to your local spaceport! The Epsilon rover is a lightweight rover, designed to go anywhere in the solar system (Kerbol or not*)! It can withstand the searing hot temperatures of Venus, the frozen landscape of Triton, or anywhere else you can think of! The Epsilon rover comes with two high gain antennae, one radioisotope thermoelectric generator, many cameras, and a few basic scientific instruments. Not to mention, it has been outfitted with all sorts of safety gear! It has four radiators for high-heat environments, six wheels for any accidents, and three batteries, just in case the generator gets damaged. Have you been sold on this marvelous rover yet? If so, there is a download link below! Instructions: First, click the link below to download the craft. Second, open up your KSP folder! Then, open saves, and open which save you'd like to have the craft in. Place it in the VAB folder, and you're set! However, this is a modded vehicle. You will require Hullcam VDS in order for it to work. And if you're looking for a little fun, you can download the Kerbin-scale version of RSS and have some fun adventures in our very own solar system! So get on out there, and have fun! Download here! Here's a promo video as well. Note: There are action groups for this! 1 is to activate the antennae, and 1-6 activates different cameras! P.S. Some of the camera angles are a tad odd, sorry for that! I just wanted to make it look nice, even if it was a bit odd. There's only one that is odd, thankfully! *I use the Kerbin-scale version of RSS, so if you're planning on putting it in the real version, I doubt it'd work! Sorry!
  9. UDR Concept Vehicle U: Universally D: Deployable (Yes I know, it's not a word) R: Rover What makes this rover different than others? It's simple really, as far as I can tell, it's probably the first rover to utilize the inverse motor in 1.1 allowing it to turn like a tank, which is both fun and practical (Not so practical with your batteries though). It also is rocket propelled, meaning it can climb steep gradients at the expense of it's relatively large fuel capacity. This vehicle can traverse the land at up to 100 meters per second for safety. It comes with to frontal landing gear in the front, making it able to clear debris that may be blocking the runway or just to capture kerbals and throw them into the pit of --- Anyways... this vehicle's control scheme is quite different from that of a normal car. Tutorial: This vehicle turns by using the W and S key. These two buttons will control where your tank points. For instance, holding your W key will cause the left track to reverse and the right track to spin normally, thus causing a left pivot.... (I made that sound way too confusing). Use the engines to propel your vehicle around since the wheels aren't actually driving but rather being your steering aid. If you need to, use point turn mode via action groups which permanently locks one side's track until released by pressing the action group button again. DON'T PRESS F3 (#LogBugsEverywhere) DOWNLOAD IT HERE!
  10. Following my recent post on the pros and cons of Ion Engine and the overwhelming amount of response, I've noticed that a few of you fellow kerbonauts use ion engines mainly for your rovers. That's the background of this challenge. -- Mission -- Get to Minmus using a stock only lifter that has a rover powered by ion engines only (No delta V). Then you must land the rover/probe on the surface and drive around. While there be creative, maybe add some science parts for those of you in career mode? That is about it for the mission, if you attempt and/or complete this mission share your screenshots and your experiences on this thread! Thanks again, - Mr_Kerbal
  11. With a Jool transfer window coming up in a few days I've decided that it's time for me to send a mission to Jool. Actually six missions, one for Jool and one for each of its moons. Additionally, R&D has determined that it would be really great to get surface and ocean samples, so they've requested two Laythe landers as well. The ocean probe is pretty simple, but I've decided that I want a rover for the land. The problem I'm running into is that I don't have large solar panels unlocked yet, nor RTGs or fuel cells. So my question is, are solar panels feasible sources of power all the way out at Jool with the nerfed solar panel curve? Or should I hold off on the rover until I can find a better source of power?
  12. I never messed with wheels in pre 1.1 KSP, so I don't know if this is new or always existed. If it always existed, no-one seems to discuss it. So, onwards... I've noticed that rovers (esp 4 wheel rovers) get stuck with no motive power when their wheels are the only parts touching the ground, but it's not the "bottom" of the wheel. Eg; While this might be a fine approximation for a track race car, it seems somewhat limiting for an off-road vehicle like a lunar rover, or any rover for that matter. I notice in Unity, once you add the Rigid Body so you can see the wheel collider, that there's a small ball of lines drawn in at the bottom of the wheelCollider. This seems to correspond to the part of the wheel that can drive. See; There doesn't seem to be any configurable value to change this widget. Does anyone know what it is? Or why only a tiny bit of the wheel is capable of producing forward force? Thanks
  13. Sunshine Rover What you will find in this mod package: 1. Sunshine car body 2. TR-2PL wheel - You can ignore this folder if you downloaded another rover project by me in the past What is TR-2PL wheel? TR-2PL is the modified version of TR-2L. Instead of sticking to the car body with surface attachment, now it is nodal stack (the green circle thing). So the car can travel much faster without worrying it falling apart. Can I use another wheel on the car body? Unless the wheel also has the green node, you can't attach another wheel to the car body. Will there be an IVA version coming out? Short answer is no. I can model exterior of a lot of cars (as long as I have time), but I am terrible at making interior. I know that this is a GTA V car. Will you make a real car in near future? Definitely. Maybe after a few more GTA V cars though because I don't want to get too serious with real cars at this stage. Download link Spacedock: http://spacedock.info/mod/601/Sunshine%20rover?ga=%3CGame+3102+%27Kerbal+Space+Program%27%3E Curseforge: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/sunshine-rover License All Rights Reserved
  14. Dear Squad, I am having some major problems with the 1.1 update. The rover wheel block check seems too strict for me, as it has stopped most of my rovers from working. This is the Ok2Rov, which would have worked in 1.0.5. I needed to clip the wheels in slightly to make the rover fit in a service bay. However, with the new 1.1 update, the check for whether or not the wheel is blocked makes designs like this solid as stone. Can you please remove this feature, or make it less strict? (For example, only count it as blocked if the wheel itself is clipped into another part, and not the wheel assembly.)
  15. Ok, this my first post here, i hope i've done it right and i don't absolutely know what tags should i use, so, let's begin: Master Aerospace Technologies is proud to announce the new, fantastic, versatile probe design, the Wheeled Autonomous Surface Probe or W.A.S.P. : The W.A.S.P. can carry al sort of scientific experiments, it has solar panels for daylight and a small fuel cell with 2 Oscar-B fuel tanks and a light for night time. The ultimate 3 wheeled design is stable and reliable and allow the W.A.S.P. to travel up to 11 m/s without flipping*! The model here illustrated is equipped with a Remotetech antenna and some scientific stuff from DMagic, but the core is full stock and can be easily reproduced. *That's not true, but nobody reads the notes: http://i.imgur.com/2uqmVcm.png
  16. *click for full res version!* Hey guys! Following the release of my newest short cinematic, Science, I decided I'd release the -all stock- star of the show: Marte Having actually used the whole design before even having the idea for the film, I can vouch that it works excellently, and is great for anyone who is wanting to try and go to the next stage in their space program. Whether you need a reference craft capable of reaching various interplanetary destinations for designing your own, or for practicing aerocaptures and rover landings, the Marte should be a great tool! Grab the craft on KerbalX, here! If you want subassemblies, and a written guide on how to use it, check here! https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3KMolVXKZX_ZW11S0xqb2Rma3M "Short cinematic you say? I wanna see that!" Check it out!
  17. Is There A way to add a Science Lab to the probe - rover -base thingy? Like with a "0" crew requirement? I made a curiosty rover replica and i would like to have a science lab onboard like the real thing.
  18. This craft is getting up to 200+ m/s but also gets destroyed, chutes could be added or thrust limits could be set if you prefer. This is mostly a craft show and for fun, I am also not sure if this is something others are ok with or not. I am setting up a poll for this reason. No autographs please! Craft File Version 1.1 The Blue Flame
  19. I recently noticed one of my craft had gotten downloaded and it brought back memories of how well the craft handle and I decided to do a recreation for 1.0.5 & 1.1 Use only the small landing gear for takeoffs, landing, speeds above 25 m/s. Notice: I just discovered something really cool that can used for road vehicles, a third wheel on the rear, the feature is available on the 1.1 Version, the third wheel is on action group 3. Indy Car 7 Drifter Indy Car 7 (Version 1.0.5) Craft File 1.0.5 Indy Car 7 Craft File 1.1 Indy Car 7 Drifter
  20. Brought my Mk3 up to 1.1 spec. This design has been calibrated. Numerous testruns. Nonessential parts stripped away. http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/mk3-orbiter On re-entry the fuel should be moved up into the front wing sections. It carries a small amount extra liquid on re-entry should you undershoot runway..or landmass in general. I think you all might like Ion bike (ruggedized), control from the octo.
  21. The Sentinel Conglomerate is proud to announce the 2016 "Model 4" Advanced Surface Reconnaissance Rover, new from Sentinel Heavy Industries. The Sentinel "Model Four" ASSR has been new updated and features several new features, improvements, and additions. First and foremost is the all new advanced 6x6 wheel base featuring an all new frame and suspension reinforcement structure. New in Model four is a fully redundant sensor suit containing all the latest scientific equipment, backed up by dual transmission antenna's that re featured in model four's newly upgraded communications suite. Model four also features a surface "truth" and GPS location monitoring system, as well as a fully functioning materials bay for all your science needs. Also new in Model four is the tripple redundant power pack featuring, * An FL-T100 Fuel Tank and Twin Fuel Cells * Four PB-NUK Reactors * Back up Solar power pack Powering a Tripple Z-1k rechargeable battery-back. Model Four also features fully autonomous auto-pilot for all your rescue operations needs. See your Authorized Sentinel Dealer for more, https://kerbalx.com/DamionRayne/SHI-ASRR-4-6x6 Glamour Shot
  22. I did a Mun Elcano challenge, my first one. I used a derivative of my rover science probe. I removed all science equipment and add 2 seats. I set the reaction wheel at the back, that wasn’t a good idea, braking was much less efficient. I also add 2 RTG to set the vehicle 4WD instead of 2WD for the science probe. As for the trip, I landed ate a nearly random equatorial location and went westward. I stopped twice to let the sun follow, thus having a nicer scenery sight. I stopped at the 3 arches, at the Armstrong memorial and at one of the monolith (which wasn’t there…). I also meet with one of my rover probe near a crater assembly I was playing around. I used MJ auto pilot, only stopping to quick save. I reloaded few times because of misplaced waypoints. The rover has difficulties crossing crater border at 22m/s in x4 physical time warp. Rocket design, take-off and mun orbiting Undock and Mun landing (the skycrane is overfueled by design) and starting point To the first Crater The the first Arch Meeting with science rover probe The long road to the second Arch The last arch The Armstrong memorial (in harsh terrain...) The Big crater monolith (where it is ?) End of the road Well, that was fun! BTW, here is the doggy science rover probe from which the rover I used is derived.
  23. So... I don't know if this was made before, but I had this Idea after seeing some streamers on twitch having problems designing heavy rovers. This is basically a spring suspension. It's not good for high speed, but are very good to move heavy stuff around and can be used for other things. The image explains it all... The only detail are, You must lock steering and disable brakes on the small landing gears inside the cylinder. Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/luizopiloto/Taurus-M1
  24. Challenge: Build a rover that fits inside a 2.5m cargo bay. Impetus: In Scott Manley's Career Mode Tutorial Part 22 he builds a rover and mounts it into a 2.5m cargo bay; see 10 minute mark). Seems like a reliable and intelligent way to get it from here to there. Goal: Design a small one-size-fits-all rover inside a cargo bay (for easy subassembly) with the best balance of mass, power, reliability, durability, science, and part count. Motivation: It sure would be nice to have a rover subassembly ready to attach to the rocket you're building. If we could get the mass and part count low enough we could even add multiple rovers to the same rocket or lander. Rules: 1. Use stock parts. 2. Parts may clip, but must still be visible/clickable. 3. Post a picture of your rover. Consider posting the craft file as well, especially if you think you've come up with something exceptional. 4. Explain your risk mitigation strategies for broken wheels, overturned craft, etc. 5. OPTIONAL: Score your craft (honor system) as below and post the score. Scoring: low part count (includes cargo bay lander): 1 point for every part less than 24. example: if your total part count is 20 then your score is 24-20=4 points. part count includes the can you delivered it in, and also whatever part was used to dock it to th light mass (can carry more than one to a planet): 1 point for every 0.1kg less than 3kg science gear: 10 for science jr (max 1); 5 for goo (max 1); 3 for each other science detector type durability: 10 points: Can you fix a broken wheel? Can you right the craft if it overturns? crew: 5 points if it can carry a Kerbal capable: 5 points: can your craft handle steep hill climb and steep descent? speed on flat ground: 5 points: average speed 10m/s-20m/s. 8 points: avg speed 20-30m/s. 10 points: avg speed >30m/s (without sustaining injury from terrain or unanticipated airborned events): self-sustaining: 10 points. can it power itself without fuel? typ. solar power and electric wheels. returnable to orbit: 16 points. Can it return to orbit with onboard rockets? Also counts if the can you delivered it in has enough fuel and engines to return the rover to orbit, and the rover is able to get back inside the can or otherwise mount back onto it somehow. Badge for badgers: Final thoughts: I could use some suggestions on the scoring. The goal is to create lightweight rover designs that maximize reliable science collection. Below is Scott Manley's example from the video I mentioned above:
  25. I was wondering how to mount this thing: onto something like this: The rover doesn't have anywhere to place docking ports etc to make it symmetrical. How should I attach it to my ship? (Yes some of these are modded parts, and I am going to mount engines onto the orbiter)
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