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  1. Version: 0.10 OS: Windows 10 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Expected Behaviour: Timewarp Observed Behaviour: Mission failed pop up Steps to replicate: Timewarp in atmosphere
  2. I usually make planes and fly them in KSP, so I frequently have to deal with a big bug: if you attach landing gears to big wings, like the commercial airplanes wings or a sistem of wings, the plane immediately starts to bounce and never stops, and it makes taking off literally impossible (mainly if you have a big part of your wing going further to the fueselage than the gears), and the only solution is to attach the gear to the fueselage and move it, but I think this is a big bug and deserves some attention.
  3. I appear to be losing control of my rocket whenever I enter map view with SAS turned on and set to hold position. SAS also appears to lose control of the rocket, as it drifts off course instead of holding like it should have. I regain control when I exit map view, only to lose it again once I re-enter. This has messed up multiple burns that I have used map mode to monitor, not realising until too late that the vehicle was uncontrollable, and I would be grateful if it was fixed soon.
  4. Decouplers/Separators will not properly separate from an engine if the engine was activated before separation. this will mainly happen when the engine and decoupler are in the same stage. A workaround i found is to have the decouplers and engines in there own stage one after another instead of in the same stage.
  5. This is something I just encountered today. My view controls suddenly don't work in flight. I'm not sure of any details for why this is happening or what I did to cause it, just all of a sudden, my view controls totally stopped working.
  6. KSP Version Windows 11 AMD Ryzen 5 / NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060 After loading a savegame I can't move in KSP and not select a building - see weird camera angle in video Expected Behavior Observed Behavior Load a savegame https://imgur.com/a/O6yqwHM
  7. Ships that land on the easter egg monument on Minmus are not saved by the game. Upon return to KSC, they are gone from the save. They don't appear in the tracking station nor in the save game file. They're literally gone. Landing outside the ring of the site is perfectly safe. One would expect that ships laned in the monument are persisted just like landing everywhere else. (Or if their disappearance is intentional...some kind of indication that this is the case while on the site) KSP2: v0.1 PC: AMD Ryzen 9 3900XT | Geforce RTX 3090 Founders | 32GB RAM
  8. I can't grab onto the hatch or ladders nor can I board my ship, the prompt to grab and board do show up but pressing F or B does nothing. I guess Bill gets to enjoy the Mun a little longer lol.
  9. This vessel has no kerbals or probes, and I am unable to control it (i.e. pressing "u" results in the message "no vessel control"). However I am still able to extend/retract parts in the parts manager.
  10. Sent my new Dream Chaser-esque spaceplane to the minty moon for grins and giggles, only to notice that the surface was almost devoid of the tiny ground scatters. I moved the camera below on accident because it isn't stopped by surfaces for some reason, and I saw a lot of these tiny scatters underground, out of sight. Underground view, erroneous scatters circled, many more, but don't have the time to find em all View from the surface, the little scatters are almost all hidden Quicksave + Quickload doesn't fix it, neither does going to map screen and back Currently, Minmus is looking a bit bland and bleak, even for Minmus standards, and I hope that once this issue is resolved, it will make the minty moon a bit more interesting to visit.
  11. I personally prefer the control configuration of w s a d on pitch and roll with e and q on yaw. However, when I try to assign the e key to right yaw, the input is ignored.
  12. Hello, I was recreating a historical aircraft in ksp 2, when I realized that at a certain time after launch, due to a certain maneuver or because of behavior of parts, on of the prior listed reasons (I am not sure which one is the true cause) the game enters a freeze state where it becomes unplayable. There are 3 levels to this, the game either just deletes the craft but lets you revert to VAB, the game deletes the craft and freezes, forcing you to alt f4 or the game crashes entirely. I have attached an image of the game in the "game deletes the craft and freezes" type, however it seems I cannot add my Ksp2.log file.
  13. Flight ui is displaying when first opening save after booting up the game. The opening menu is not visible.
  14. This is admittedly a little non-standard but hopefully it proves fruitful to some degree; I've moved this post from https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/212549-problemeciums-bug-reports-hopefully-im-not-making-a-mistake-posting-this-here and updated it with some corrections and additional details. I played for the first time for about four hours on Friday, including taking all of the tutorials. During that time I jotted down every significant bug I found (i.e. excluding little stutters, inexplicable crashes, and things I just personally didn't like). There were way too many for me to make a thread for every one of them, so here's the whole list. The ones I think are most important to address are in bold: part selection highlight all over the VAB and around Kerbin can't remap any non-keyboard inputs (e.g. mouse buttons) or adjust sensitivity of any inputs mouse wheel sensitivity very low UI too big tutorial blocking some parts of UI UI appears to be designed for pixel perfection at 1080p and scales itself, badly, on other resolutions such as 1440p, resulting in uneven jagged blocky outlines etc. UI can't be rescaled or repositioned atmospheres too bright near horizon: as used to be the case in KSP1, atmospheres are nearly white near the horizon, much brighter than the terrain at the same point, which should only occur when within the atmosphere looking out at a sun, not while in space looking down cannot pause dialogue during tutorials tutorial progress not saved persistently (automatically) and thus is lost in crashes cannot use F for momentary SAS toggle Navball heading marker still not precise, covers actual heading with dot the Mun is a "terrestrial planet" (further analysis suggests that the "terrestrial planet" text is a placeholder so this is probably known already) cannot persist vehicle popup in Map (only visible while hovering) marker popups such as the Apoapsis do not remain open when leaving and re-entering the Map skybox needs revision, e.g. a lot more stars tutorials do not define or explain delta-V before referring to it KSC LOD pop in/out is too close and thus looks horrible PQS LOD pop ins/outs look bad cannot change focus using Tab in Tracking Station or Map yellow alert popups are annoying, are too large, and can't be disabled end/replay/continue buttons are too similar and not in consistent places leading to confusion workspace thumbnails are too low resolution and thus blurry thermal part category popup description truncated ("Disperse and protect against") several part descriptions truncated or with formatting errors can't place parts while holding Alt absolute translate/rotate does not snap to an absolute grid/orientation cannot deselect parts in translate/rotate mode undo does not undo colors Procedural wings in symmetry appear with the first one being a big pink rectangle while the rest are normal sometimes when adjusting the parameters of a procedural wing in a symmetry group and then detaching and reattaching the group, the wing parameters get reset Laythe's atmosphere looks like a solid plastic shell docking ports cannot decouple from preattached state (hopefully not intentional) cannot view current fuel level in specific tanks or transfer fuel EDIT apparently this is a thing but I couldn't find it so my "bug report" is that maybe we need a hint about how to access this cannot aim camera at a particular part in flight cannot adjust camera aim using MMB in flight default zoom in VAB and flight is too close for large craft no auto-saved craft on launch (intentional?) no TWR readout anywhere I can find in the VAB or in flight EDIT apparently this is also a thing that I just couldn't find so same as above undocking marks the mission as a failure and causes the vessel to stop in place and free fall saving seems to break randomly!I was not able to find a clear pattern or trigger for this. Supplemental information: KSP version: KSP 2 version Operating system: Windows 10 Hardware: Intel Core i9-10900k, NVidia RTX 3080 Founder's Edition No mods. I'm happy to explain any of these in more detail. I hope my calling attention to these helps at least a little, in some way. Obviously Intercept Games has a lot of known issues through which to work and I have no idea how many of these already exist in the bug tracker. Please let me know if there is a more effective way for me to report these.
  15. I looked around and didn't see anyone else reporting this, so it might be my... meager hardware? When I launch any mission and move the camera around, a second kerbin land-mass appears vertically alongside my rocket. This happens anywhere I've gone- from sitting at the launch pad to orbiting the mun. It appears "static" but it's just the base- and as it moves by (or I move by it?) it will re-set itself. Eventually, I crash into one of the buildings as they move by destroying my rocket. The farthest I've made it so far is to mun orbit before hitting these phantom land, and I had to do that by flying from the map view so I wouldn't change the camrea angle. Alas, I forget and touch the camrea and boom- instant land. Werid, huh?
  16. Hey guys, seems like my save got corrupted after ~2 hours of playtime. I did load save a game before attempting a mun landing and as you can see there is no fuel in the craft anymore. Not sure what exactly caused this. I will try to provide the log and search for the save on my disc. Logfile: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jYBR57PhnV29TFTCokdSKSmN8I_LTQpk/view?usp=sharing Save: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YlMgeTaxP_YWkv1lsEFG49sEW7jcV2gp/view?usp=share_link Hope this report does help for improving the game. I think there should be a "Report a bug" feature inside the game which will take a screenshot, collect the log and send the save with it. Each additional file select or unselectable via checkbox. Anyone searching the savefile location just take a look at "%appdata%\..\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer".
  17. When you hold an object the object delete button turns blue. When you then hover over it while having an object selected, it turns red and you can delete it. But when you quickly move the mouse over the button right after you clicked the object then it doesent turn red, but the trash can opening animation still plays
  18. After Leaving Mun under "ground view" and switching to "chase" the camera view becomes disconnected and no view will track the craft. The controls do not function properly and the craft spins out of control way off in the distance and there is no way to reset the view - loading a saved game does not fix this Ryzen 9 5800X Crosshair VIIIDH X570X Strix RTX3090OC 32GB(4x8GB) 980Pro 1TB SSD
  19. The Kerbals remain listed as in flight after going EVA at landing. It recovered the ship but there is no way to recover the kerbals that are now stranded there. Ryzen 9 5800X Crosshair VIIIDH X570 Strix RTX3090OC 32GB(4x8GB) 980Pro 1TB SSD
  20. I have a 980 pro, so most of the loading times were pretty fast in the game, but when I tried reverting to VAB from splashdown it just stopped. The progress bar went to around 2/3 and froze for 10+ minutes, after which I killed the process through task manager.
  21. Keybinds are gone when i restart the game. They Show in the options as if they are still bound but they dont work. happens for me when i bind "full throttle" to "forward thumb mouse button" and "cut throttle" to "backward thumb mouse button" Copied here from the KSP Discord Bug Forum
  22. I noticed a few times when Time Warping [was using to do a landing in the day] it would yeet another craft that is in orbit. 1st time it yeeted it up high then forced a collision course with Kerbin. 2nd time it was yeeted into an orbit around Kerbol.
  23. This problem only happens when the game is paused and fixes when going back to 1x time warp
  24. After bailing from a vessel, recovering the kerbal, and reverting to vab soft locks on the confirmation screen but the game doesn't crash.
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