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  1. This thread is outdated and old, check out the new one here Check out the discord server! This thread will remain up for archive stuff and also because why not
  2. This is no longer the main thread find the new one here^
  3. I have always wanted to create a few ksp planets, but I find that the learning curve of kopernicus prevents me from achieving anything. So an idea would be to have an integrated editor, where the only thing you would have to do manually is creating the textures for the system. There should be an array of options that set the properties of the planet, with a view of the body you are making - similar to the map view in flight. You would also skip the process of constantly opening and closing the game to see the results. To visualise this, I created an incredibly rough design of what this could look like if implemented: I'm not suggesting a procedural planet editor like space engine, but instead an understandable UI that visualises the whole process.
  4. OTHER_WORLDS REBOOTED IN THE MAKING THE ORIGINAL SYSTEM BUT WITH ~x42 TIMES DE QUALITY! DOWNLOADS Requires Kopernicus Beta and Module Manager This mod adds a new star to KSP, with 5 exoplanets and 7 exomoons! Cercani Star: An K-type (Orange dwarf) star orbiting Kerbol with half the diameter of this. Planetary System: (Distances and sizes not to perfect scale) Let's meet the exoplanets and exomoons: --------------------------------------------- 1st planet --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 2nd planet --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 3rd planet --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 4th planet --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 5th planet --------------------------------------------- (Double planet if using SigmaBinary) Big Photos I'll add more in the future Version History: KNOWN BUGS: While at C2-1 Sphere of Influence. Vassa and C2-1 will lose their tidal lock state. Although only visual for Vassa (It resets when you leave C2-1 SOI), C2-1 loses it's rotation. COMPATIBLE MODS: Custom Asteroids (Adds a Troni Asteroid Belt and Nienna ones) (Included in main download) Old EVE (Separated download) Galactic Neighborhood. Distant Object Enhancements - /!\ If it makes the other planets flares to stop rendering, remove the config in GameData/OtherWorlds/CercaniSystem/-CONFIGS-/DOE.cfg /!\ Outer planets mod, New horizons pack and this type of kopernicus packs are all supported RECOMENDED MODS Interstellar/Alcubierre drive are mandatory to get to Cercani! (If you don't want to do years of travel) Near Future Technologies for navigating though the system. TO-DO: Compatibility with Planetshine, Distant Objects Enchantment, Custom Asteroids, Final Fronteir, FAR mods. Make Prima and Secunda be real double planets. EVE mod compatibility with custom clouds and Astronomer's Interestellar visual pack style. (Almost finished) Science descriptions for stock experiments and some other mods ones like DMagic Orbital Science. (I will need help for this, because I'm not a native english-speaker) Do a better forum post presentation. Check for grammar/vocabulary errors. DEVELOPMENT THREAD WIP area: THE CREW: Special Thanks: Thomas P for creating Kopernicus mod. (Most important one) The guys at the IRC channel for helping me with stupid errors. Vladimir Romanyuk a.k.a. the Space Engine creator for his randomized planet textures. (Mostly Heightmap used) Disclaimer: This is my first mod, so It can be bad, buggy, not good looking, not funny at all, or even be good! License:
  5. Last Updated: 1/16/2023 This is the release thread for Ahum 2. Here you will find all releases of Ahum 2 Planet Pack, but not active development updates. See the development thread for such updates. A journey awaits. Kerbals have fled from their home system. The warping of the Exodus has made Kerbin fly out of its orbit, sending it into a cold dark hellscape. After thousands of years of cryogenic freezing, they awake on a new home. Now, their objective remains the same. Space. Where do I find the link? Here or on the discord server. Will there be any more mods like this? This will get a final addition to the series and a handful of spinoffs in KSP1 and KSP2 to finish the Ahum Main Trilogy and Extended Universe. Will this installment get a KSP2 port? Yes. You can find the Development thread here with all of the new images relating to the ongoing development here: Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b-OJBJ_XLoQRV2Sgqi4RV_1fnNoKeiCT/view?usp=sharing Parallax Download (may be buggy! report any issues!) Install Instructions 1. Unzip into GameData 2. Go into Extras/EVE/Textures and delete clouds.cfg. This is because the config is incompatible with the current EVE version. Unzip Clouds.zip after deleting the old clouds.cfg, 3. Install this (required): 4. If you want Parallax, go to the Discord and get the link. (the Parallax file is uploaded to MediaFire which is *not* allowed on KSP forums.) 5. Unzip Parallax_StockTextures into GameData. Currently it is bloated with extra files but later I will go back and fix this. 6. Play
  6. TOTM January 2023! In celebration of this award, an update and or KSP 2 port is to be expected. Stay Tuned! The idea is simple. A wacky change to the Kerbol system. Some of the planets are based off of real life planets, but modified. This is intentional. Frequently Asked Questions: (none) Current Version: Alpha Release 1 Download: https://github.com/manguything50/ahum-planet-pack/releases Discord Server: https://discord.gg/MjrAwTfyN9 REQUIREMENTS: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/207768-112-niakos-kopernicus-utilities-smoother-heightmaps/#comment-4117435 Recommended Mods Photos: LICENSE: CC-BY-NC-ND
  7. Alien Space Programs Re-Visited Updated edition of Alien Space Programs for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 Download: GitHub Releases SpaceDock Requires: Kopernicus Optional: Stock Visual Enhancements and pre-requisites, but requires adjustments - @GregroxMun has graciously granted me permission to maintain Alien Space Programs until he's ready to take it back. Originally inspired by Little Green Men from Mars for Realism Overhaul, and by Alternis Kerbol Rejiggered, Alien Space Programs was originally three separately packaged add-ons that changed the home world to Duna, Laythe, or Eve. These offered unique challenges for our plucky kerbals. I've personally taken a shine to Eve, but these add-ons needed updating badly and I learned enough of Kopernicus to update them for KSP 1.2 to fix biomes, and later 1.3 to introduce localization. GregroxMun went a step much further, by re-packaging all of these into a single add-on with a selectable home world setting, including the original Kerbin, and provided three (four if you count Restored Duna) additional home world choices. This release is up to date for KSP 1.12.3 and a matching version of Kopernicus, tested fully on Kopernicus Stable Branch 1.12.2. It may work on matching backports of Kopernicus for previous KSP versions. Making History supported, but alternate launch sites may seem strange. Breaking Ground objects might not appear on the home world. Support Matrix (Updated 29 MAY 2021) KSP version - Kopernicus version - Alien Space Programs Version 1.8.1 Release 38 for 1.8.1 1.11.0 1.9.1 Release 38 1.11.0 1.10.1 Release 38 1.11.0 1.12.3 Release 85 1.12.0 Game Modes: Little Green Men from Duna (Duna Space Program) Alternis Kerbol Light (Laythe Space Program) KSP BadS Mode (Eve Space Program) No Dessert For You (Minmus Space Program) KSP BadS Mode II: Electric Tyloogaloo (Tylo Space Program) (Also check out Whirligig World) Unrealism Overhaul, Green Edition (Jool Space Program) Installation Instructions: Use a clean, stock KSP installation to start. You can copy your current installation and delete all folders inside GameData, except for the Squad folder. Make sure it starts. Exit KSP. Install Kopernicus and its included pre-requisites into GameData, and make sure KSP still starts. The main menu will open to a different view of Kerbin if successful. Exit KSP. Install AlienSpacePrograms into GameData, and make sure KSP still starts. It should default to Kerbin as the home world. Exit KSP. Edit HomeWorldSetting.cfg to choose your home world and, optionally, atmospheric and other settings. Start KSP, and your chosen home world should be on the main menu screen. Enjoy. You can keep a different save file for each home world, so you don't need to clone your KSP installation for each home world playthrough. While there's supposed to be support for changing the home world for a given save file, such as demonstrated by Hazard-ish, it seems to work best when craft are in solar orbit only. Your game play experience may vary. Translations Wanted: There are a few custom strings in the dictionary_en-us.cfg file that could be translated to KSP's other supported languages. If you can translate, please send your translation dictionary to me or fork the GitHub repository and submit a Pull Request. Challenges: The HomeWorldSetting.cfg also lists challenges for seasoned KSP players. Please post challenge submissions to here, or if needed I'll start a thread in Challenges and Mission Ideas. Bug Reports, Support: Please submit bugs to the GitHub repository as an issue. Feel free to ask other support questions here. Be prepared to submit KSP and Kopernicus logs; GitHub lets you upload zip files and screen shots to issues without needing your own file storage host.
  8. I need help fixing this: I haven't been able to find a solution to this issue anywhere, but I assume it's a texture issue. Mods are: Kopernicus, no visual mods, and some parts/texture mods.
  9. Crankyjedi's Planet Pack: What CPP does: CPP adds in to the game 2 celestial bodies with high resolution textures and ground textures. The 2 bodies that it adds is made up of a planet named Brainwash and its moon named Ren. Brainwash sits in-between Dres and Jool. The Future of CPP: I am currently working on making more planets and moons for this planet pack and plan to continually update it with new things being fixed, updated, or added every couple of weeks. The current body that I am working on will be a gas giant and will sit in the far edges of the Kerbol system. Screenshots: Download and Requirements: CPP: https://github.com/CrankyJedii/Crankyjedi-s-Planet-Pack Kopernicus (Make sure to install dependencies): https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/tag/release-38 Module Manager: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/releases/tag/v4.1.3 Visual Enhancements: CVP: https://github.com/CrankyJedii/Crankyjedis-Visual-Pack/releases/tag/1.0 EVE: https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements Scatterer: https://github.com/LGhassen/Scatterer/releases/tag/0.0770 |License: MIT| _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  10. This project has been discontinued for reasons I am keeping private. All downloads have been removed and no support will be given. The Vulture System The Vulture Star is a main sequence star similar but more massive to Kerbol. It holds 6 planets, all with individual backstories. The Vulture System is my first ever full Kerbal Space Program project, taking about a month to complete. Github Repo Donate Bodies The Vulture System has 6 planets and 13 moons, making for a total of 19 celestial bodies in total. Features 19 detailed bodies with their own individual stories and high amounts of care put into creation. Two gas giants with detailed moons. Hints toward life and the previous existence of it in the system. Scatterer / EVE support. DistantObject support. PlanetShine support. Installation Requirements: Kopernicus (Should also work with the Bleeding Edge however unrecommended). The Mod Itself (Download Latest Release Here) Scatterer - Not technically requied, but due to an unfixable bug with Kopernicus is extremely recommended to prevent this from appearing. You simply need to install Kopernicus (and it's dependencies) + the Vulture System into your KSP's GameData folder. Vulture should work with 1.9.1+ Recommended Mods: EVE - Adds clouds to both Palleo and Desolation. Make sure to get the stock configs (BoulderCo Folder) for this too! Planet Shine - Makes your vessels reflect the colors of the planet. DistantObject - Makes the planets visible from a distance. Interstellar Extended - Interstellar travel parts. These mods follow a similar installation process. Credits Kopernicus Discord Server - Main place I went to for help and feedback. Great community. @Caps Lock - Made Vulture's sunflare and gave a lot of feedback. Support The best way to get support regarding Vulture is to make a reply on the forum thread (where you are now), or to make an issue on the github repo. Cool Screenshots Licence Squad requires all addons be released with a licence. Vulture is licenced under Apache License 2.0. For a basic rundown you can go here.
  11. Let me just cut to the chase Kazal is a planet pack that replaces the home system of the kerbals to a custom made star system, fully designed and planned out by me. While this isn't complete and total peak peformance from me, i hope you, the viewer, would enjoy this planet pack. This planet pack is also not done so the carrer and science gamemode progression will be off for now Dowload Compatibility Pics Dependencies Q&A Changelog Licensing
  12. I have a mod concept here that, I think would be interesting, I just need peoples opinion. I want to make a mod that takes place eons before the base Kerbal Space Program. There is only one other mod that does that, Its called "Before Kerbin" and its no longer supported. I like this idea for a mod, so I think i want to make one inspired by it! (Before Kerbin made by Gameslinx, check out his new mod Paralax 2.0) What if Kerbals did not evolve on Kerbin, but on DRES instead! Yep, you heard me, Dres in this mod is like a lost city of Atlantis, they evolved on Dres, but Kerbol is starting to cool! The Kerbals need to get of Dres, and head to Kerbin, a world discovered as the cradle of all life, by the ascent, Kayan Civilization! https://imgur.com/a/L7gEUbv (Image of a concept art for Dres) What to expect from this mod: An enterly new solar system, 2 Billion years in the past New planets, and changed stock planets. Lore on each one! Fun! Tell me what do you guys think about this, and ill start making it!
  13. When I try to load up Kopernicus on KSP 1.12 (along with some other mods, mainly OPM) it stays on the "Loading" screen and won't actually load. I know it's Kopernicus since I removed it after this happened and everything worked fine. Can anyone help?
  14. A whole new universe to explore! Welcome to the Kerbal Universe! This mod will (eventually) add a whole new universe (including galaxies and nebulas) to KSP. Contains the Gravitas, Iris-Zephyrus, and Juno systems. Download (Github): https://github.com/RMSpace/KerbalUniverse/releases Credits: @blackrack for Singularity License: CC-BY (you can contribute to this mod!)
  15. Too long has stock Kerbol gone unloved. No longer will it sit at the center of the solar system, ugly and drab. With new high resolution textures, Scatterer support, and custom light curves, BetterKerbol attempts to remake Kerbol as eye candy worthy of pretty screenshots. Towards this end, the radius has also been tweaked by an imperceptibly tiny amount, to get around a quirk in KSPs engine. This change does not effect the orbits of the planets, as Kerbol's mass is unchanged. Experience the searing light of Kerbol as you approach the corona, or watch is it dims to a pale flicker as you travel beyond the orbit of Eeloo. Additionally, for those who desire a more realistically scaled Kerbol, that better aligns with stock scale, a optional patch is provided to reduce the radius of Kerbol by a factor of 4.24x Changelog v1.0.1 Fix optional rescale not applying Clean up readme Features Base 8k Photosphere and Corona textures A visual surface that aligns with the true surface, opening up the possibility for spectacular close passes Scatterer configs for close up corona glow and sky tint when in the Kerbolar atmosphere Custom light curves for starlight that realistically changes brightness with distance from Kerbol Optional Reduced radius by 4.24x, bringing Kerbol into line with the 1:10.63 scale of the rest of the Kerbal universe Notes Due to a long-standing bug with the way KSP calculates solar heat, temperatures near the surface are extreme, with radiant power density approaching infinity! Bring your exploit shielding or it's a one way trip! No sunflare is provided. If using Scatterer, pick your favorite sunflare mod, personally I recommend Sunflares of Maar. This is my first Mod, pls be gentle. Gallery Download CKAN GitHub SpaceDock Installation Base Extract the zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Optional - BetterKerbol Rescale Open the Optional Mods folder Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Provided Compatibility Scatterer, v0.0831 Requirements Kopernicus (latest version for your specific version of KSP, or latest backport release for older KSP versions) ModuleManager 4 or newer Recommended Mods Sunflares of Maar Licensing BetterKerbol is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
  16. This mod intends to give users a decent alternative to scatterer oceans. If the scatterer ocean performance hit is too much for your system, this mod may provide you some relief and a little bit of eye candy. While this mod does not match scatterer in quality, it does look a lot better than stock oceans, in my opinion. There are 3 different versions: High Resolution: 2048x2048 textures Medium Resolution: 1024x1024 textures Low Resolution: 512x512 textures (this is also the stock resolution) This mod disables Scatterer's ocean shaders so you don't have to worry about doing that. Also works fine along side SVE and SVT. Only works for stock oceanic bodies (Kerbin, Laythe, Eve) and GPP (Gael, Tellumo, Tarsiss, Hadrian) oceanic bodies. Change log Update for 1.4.2 Removed MiniAVC; install full AVC to get update notifications TO INSTALL: Install the latest kopernicus (https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/) Drop the BLO folder into your GameData folder. some screenshots: Known Issues: DOWNLOAD HERE CC BY-NC-ND
  17. Ever wanted to look up from the Muns surface and see two Kerbins? Well now you can! This mod adds a binary friend to the Mun called "Leriter" one noticeable feature is, water, plant life, and a atmosphere! One day the Kerbal's, finished exploring Kerbin's moons, so they all prayed to have a new one, then Eeloo, goddess of change, blessed them with this new moon, but Dres Demigod of mischief, tampered with the moon! So be carful, this moon is not its chalked up to be! There will be scatters, that will show the dark history of this moon! https://imgur.com/a/JidyP0l - A poster for the mod! Coming: Soon-ish
  18. So radius: 10 km semi major axis 23 726 155 264 m gravity .003G lumpy grey asteroid shaped
  19. i am getting the error where kopernicus is not able to load the custom planetary system, I have a pretty large modpack: https://pastebin.com/2N3baULb KSP.log: https://file.io/JtuQuDPDXrW9 ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://file.io/j1szrlQVKlhY
  20. Cerillion This mod adds a planet called 'Cerillion' to the Kerbal solar system, as well as it's four moons - Mavis, Shirley, Jacob and Disparia. Cerillion comes bundled with several configurations for other mods such as EVE, as well as hand-made textures, including an 8K cloudmap. Cerillion is entirely procedurally generated, has full science support as well as 15 unique biomes to explore. If that's not enough, we've got you covered! Cerillion has various strange geological anomalies to visit and fly through. It's orange atmosphere has a strange composition, but does contain enough oxygen for jet engines to function. Also, I love it when people make videos of this planet! Official Trailer Facts about Cerillion - a recordbreaking planet pack: - For the first time in history of KSP planet packs, a planet pack features easter eggs in the form of custom 3D models. - For the first time in the history of KSP planet packs, a planet pack features custom terrain scatter models (with working textures!) Image Gallery Downloads Pick one of the following websites. Current version: V4.0 'Limitbreaker' SpaceDock (V4.0) Google Drive (V4.0) Old versions:
  21. Stock Planet Expansion or S.P.E is a pack that adds countless moons to the Kerbal solar system for you to explore! From Moho to Eeloo, we got you covered! Meet the moons Grillian, moon of Moho "Grillian is the Mohonian moon. It's surface is covered in vast, trademark canyons that have baffled scientists ever since their discovery. Strangely though, Grillian appears more frequently in discussions of whether or not 'Mohonian' is a word rather than it does in scientific reports." Grillian is a half-molten mountainous moon in orbit of Moho. It's lava actually damages spacecrafts, so perhaps it's best to stay clear of those areas. Driea, moon of Eve "Driea is a small, pink moon in orbit of Eve. For reasons unknown though it has a huge, silver mountain on it's equator. Scientists still do not know what caused it, considering Driea is likely geologically inactive, and thus Mount Hyacinthum remains a mystery to Kerbalkind." Driea is Eve's first moon, Gilly becoming Eve's second moon due to it's larger orbit. Driea has a landscape covered in hills as well as one truly enormous mountain that science cannot explain. Trao, moon of Kerbin "Once a moon similar to Mun, Trao has been struck by a rather large object a long time ago, resulting in a large impact crater on one side of the moon that reaches all the way to the moon's core. The resulting debris either impacted the moon elsewhere, or is still orbiting Kerbin. The impact also caused the moon to spin out of control, so be cautious." Trao becomes a new moon of Kerbin, it becomes the iconic blue planet's new second moon due to it orbiting further away than the moon, yet not as far out as Minmus. The debris from the impact also formed a ring around Kerbin near Trao's orbit. Smov and Prolla, moons of Duna "Smov is a strange, uneven moon orbiting Duna. For some weird reason it shares it's larger neighbor Ike's pattern of a gray surface with strange, darker areas. One thing is certain, Smov is a lot more bumpy." "Prolla is a strange moon and the outermost of Duna's three moons. While Smov shares it's colors with Ike, Prolla seems to have colors similar to Duna, with red lowlands and ice-covered highlands. Why Smov and Prolla love cosplaying as the two larger bodies in the Dunaian system is a mystery." Smov is a smaller, asteroid-like moon while Prolla is about 1.5 times Smov's size, about half as large as Ike. The two moons dominate the outer regions of Duna's sphere of influence, but how the two moons got there in the first place is a mystery. Dres-1 and Dres-2, the moons that orbit Dres (who would've guessed?) D-1 and D-2 are two little rocky moons orbiting Dres with the same inclination. D-1 is an icy asteroid, a remnant of the solar system's birth. D-2 is also an asteroid, but is more metallic in composition. Klan, moon of Jool Klan is, without even a shadow of a doubt, the most bizarre moon ever discovered by the Kerbal Astronimcal Society. Nobody truly knows what is going on down there, on its strange and ravaged surface. Be wary, Kerbals. Froth, moon of Eeloo "Froth is a magnificent little ball of ice in orbit around Eeloo. Eons ago a few annoying little asteroids slammed into the icy surface, exposing the moon's inner layers. The debris from this event formed Froth's iconic rings of ice particles. Taking a shard from the rings of Froth is said to bring luck." A moon that closely resembles the planet it orbits save for the fact that this moon has a set of beautiful rings. The jealous Eeloo has attempted to steal these rings several times, but the rings are in a stable orbit around Froth and are unlikely to leave anytime soon. Download Stock Planet Expansion SpaceDock The S.P.E Team @SmashingKirby148 - Concept and career integration, project starter @The White Guardian - Kopernicus configs, mod compatibilities, textures Changelog Version V2.1 [For KSP 1.3.0 and 1.3.1] - Hotfix related to the Outer Planets Mod compatibility patch. (Thank you, psamathe!) Version V2.0 [For KSP 1.3.0 and 1.3.1] - Updated to Kerbal Space Program versions 1.3.0 and 1.3.1 - Slight Grillian and Froth overhaul (though the moons have kept their original style) - Completely redid Driea, Trao, Smov, Prolla, Dres-1 and Dres-2 - Added a new moon named Klan - Some under-the-hood changes to reduce lag - Made the moons much more colorful and diverse - Terrain texture rework - Removed some hidden space tacos Version V1.0 [For KSP 1.1.2] - Initial release - Removed Herobrine
  22. I'm working on a mod that will add a new Solar System, and I wanted to tell each planet's story in a fun, humorous way through Science reports. How do I implement custom EVA descriptions instead of using the Stock ones? I can't seem to find any info on it
  23. When Tomgard Kerman pointed his telescope at Proxima, he thought a smudge was covering his telescope. When attempts to remove the smudge failed, the Kerbal Astronomical Union told him that it was actually a large planet. KerbalUniverse - A new universe to explore! The final goal of this project is: A modular universe with multiple galaxies Detailed planets and moons that are very interesting to explore New targets for interstellar mods Download: GitHub License: CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
  24. The More Habitable Planets Mod (for 1.2.2) http://www.strawpoll.me/12359135 Warning: This mod is in development and contains trillions of bugs, if you find one of them, I'll make sure to fix it! This mod is focused on making 10 more habitable planets than just Kerbin and Laythe (Laythe might not be habitable to kerbals, but there's bound to be life there.) In 0.2.0 you get to explore the far reaches of space near a brown dwarf! Make sure you download to get the full experience of MHP!
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