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  1. Hello. I am have some strange result after trying to update the plugin Kerbanomics for 1.1. When I have the plugin present contracts get broken upon going into the editor and back out to the space center. Contracts will no longer be active and will have disappeared and must be accepted. This prevents any progress and completely breaks career mode. Here is the contract Scenario from my persistent.sfs file. Notice the repetition of some contract types. I believe this is what leads to contracts breaking. I have no idea how my plugin would cause this. Logs or any other info will be provided upon request. Thanks for any help in advance! Here is a link to a copy of my source and the dll I have been using, and the source below for quick viewing
  2. Hello all, I've kinda come up against a wall when it comes to precisely setting up a Remotetech 2 network. It's early on in Career Mode, and one of the juicy contracts is to set up a network with 4 sats, and another to Alt Map scan Kerbin (with network). I've upgraded the VAB, tracking Station and Launch pad once and I would've thought I would have access to node placement, but alas and alack, no. I've had quite a few hours put into KSP over the years, and you'd think I could successfully circularise and orbit from launch without using nodes. Nope. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. With node, I can time the burn to 1/2 the Dv burn duration either side of the burn and generally get it bang on the money. Without node placement, I'd wait for Ap. and start my burn there. I look over at my engineer and it says my Apoapsis is holding (give or take), until my Periapsis starts climbing out of negative territory. Then my Ap. starts climbing rapidly. A life spoiled by access to nodes I guess. I've done searches for this, but all search results come up with no reference to Remotetech 2 and the need to remain in contact with ground station. The RT2 contact in question requires each satellite to have an eccentricity of no more than 0.04. How do I achieve this without nodes? BTW, here's a small list of mods I'm running (don't laugh. There are some real crackers in that list I can't Kerbal without)...
  3. Hi guys, I've been playing KSP since 0.9 and I truly love it. One of the only games in my life I can say that about. Theres been a couple of occasions I've left the game for a while, but I've always came back with the same original excitement. When 1.1 PreRelease was released I came back after a few months (6-7) away and I'm in love all over again...except the contracts system STILL sucks sweaty balls. My main issue is that theres no depth, no substance. No POINT (other than science) to do missions. They don't feel like they're PART of my Space Program, more like little add-ons. What I want is the "Space Program" part of "Kerbal Space Program". There are some mods which attempt to address this and most do a decent job, but its still only surface deep. The closest mod to creating a true space program I feel is Strategia. This is a step towards making a realistic space program in game. At the moment the contracts seem totally random, unstructured events - and I'm sure thats because, they are! In real life, when Kennedy said the USA was going to the Moon, the NASA Space Program became ALL ABOUT the moon. Every thing they did was geared towards this goal (generally, I'm sure they did other things, although I'm not sure testing a parachute while splashed down was one of them). In Strategia, you get to CHOOSE a goal for your space program. For example, "Plant Flag on Mun" - this gives more incentive to land on the Mun, while penalising any other planets / moons you land on while this goal is active. This is kind of a start, not ideal but a start. What I suggest is implemented, and I don't think this would be too much work as its just a rejig of the current system: 1) We choose our Space Programs Goal (lets say landing on the Mun). From that point ALL contracts are geared towards that goal. Lifter tests, Kerbin Orbits in the proposed Lander etc. 2) We can have a few different categories of Space Program Goals - Exploration, Probing, Terrestrial for example - Exploration is our chosen goal to explore somewhere, The Mun for example (as in point 1). Probing is our goal to send a probe somewhere (maybe unlocking that location for a possible Exploration goal once complete) like Duna. Terrestrial goal would be getting data from and around Kerbin. 3) While science is great for unlocking the tech tree, I would like to see it linked to unlocking future goals also. For example, we can't choose Duna as an Exploration goal unless we have enough science from Kerbin, or the Mun etc. In practice this is how I see it working: Beginning of the game, we can only choose a Terrestrial Goal: Get to Orbit. This will give us contracts like, test Lifter, test Launches, Test Launch Escape System, Leave Atmosphere, Get to Orbit. GOAL COMPLETE. Now we're in space we can choose an Exploration Goal and a Probe Goal. Exploration Goal would be Land On Mun. Contracts then appear like, Build Lander, Test Lander in Kerbin Orbit, Fly By Mun, Orbit Mun, Land on Mun. At the same time our Probe goal is active which would be to build a probe to get to Duna with contracts such as Design Probe, Test Probe around Kerbin, Test Prove around Mun, Put Probe into Orbit around Duna. Im sure you get the idea, but overall id LOVE to see this or something similar implemented for Career mode because all it feels like now is a Grind for Science without any real targets. Yes we can create self imposed goals, but we can do that in Sandbox. Anyway, thanks for reading this far!
  4. Hi everyone! I'm just wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue (I'm still playing 1.0.5): I had accepted two contracts of the grand tour type - one of them asking for the "Eve 3", the other for the "Ike 3" (if I remember correctly) challenge. The first contract asked for a flyby of Eve, Gilly, and Duna, and the second asked for a flyby of Mun, Duna, and Ike (again: iirc, I'm busy at work right now ). So, of course, I sent off an ultra-light probe to visit all of those destinations. Easy-peasy. The strange thing was, that although I still had plenty of time to finish the contracts, and although I'm absolutely certain that none of my craft did visit all the mentioned locations, both contracts suddenly moved from "Active" to the "Archive" and were marked as "completed" (as opposed to "failed" or "aborted"). At this point, the craft I wanted to use for the contracts had passed by Mun, and had reached an orbit around Gilly, from where it should have continued to Duna at the next transfer window. Even more funny: When looking at the "completed" contracts only the "Flyby the Mun", "Flyby Eve", and "Flyby Gilly" parts were marked as "complete", the other goals were still labeled as being "incomplete". Just before I noticed that said contracts had been marked as completed, I had landed another craft on Ike and then switched to the probe planned for said contracts in Gilly's orbit using Kerbal Alarm Clock. So, I could imagine KSP getting confused by my switch from a craft that had performed a flyby of Duna and Ike directly to a craft that had done all other flyby contract parameters (without going through the Space Center scene). As said, just asking if anyone else has seen this, as it was quite easy to mark the contract as active again by editing the save file.
  5. Rescue Contract: Save Andred Kerman stranded in orbit above Minmus. I grab him on a return trip, splash down and retrieve. Save and exit the game. I return and my save and last autosave both say I've failed and Andred was lost. But hes not lost, hes on my roster. I just put his green behind on another mission. What's going on here and if it IS a bug, can I edit my savefile so I dont have that unfair blemish on my record?
  6. TL;DR: I want to keep receiving contracts like "Get this Tourist to Kerbin orbit and back.", even long after I've been to the Mun or Duna or wherever. I've recently started a new career mode and found out that I can make reasonably sized mountains of Funds by bracketing multiple "Tourism" contracts together, i.e. sending 5 tourists to Kerbin orbit and back in one rocket. This was a very practical way of gaining around 100,000 funds on hard difficulty in a single launch as it only required going to Kerbin orbit and back which is a relatively short trip. Then I sent my first craft to fly by the Mun and realized that I was effectively punished for the progress, as I no longer received contracts to take tourists into Kerbin orbit, but rather to the Mun. It seems to me that, as it stands, you only get "frontier" contracts, meaning contracts that take your space program to the edge of its demonstrated capabilities. I would like to make the point that this is bad for two reasons: 1. It has the potential to punish players for their progress, as described above. 2. It simply doesn't make sense: My space program manages to go to the Mun and all the sudden all tourists want to go to the Mun, while any interest in a faster and cheaper flight just to Kerbin orbit vanishes. Though I am unsure how other types of contracts, like satellite launches, are affected by your progress. I would prefer if "outdated" contracts, like taking tourists to kerbin orbin when you could go to the Mun, kept appearing, instead of getting replaced by "frontier" alternatives. This obviously means that you would get alot more contracts, but that makes sense to me: Your progress unlocks a greater variety of choices for how you want to fund your space program. A better categorization and sorting interface for your contracts could be added deal with large numbers of available contracts. What do you guys think? Is it just a coincidence that I haven't gotten simpler contracts in a while? Do you think that heaps of available contracts are a bad idea?
  7. I have been playing vanilla career mode (easy setting), for the first time, in the past few days. I have been successful completing some of the easier contracts, and have noticed that very similar ones respawn right after I am done. My question is, can I expect survey, ferrying, and part testing type contracts (the easy ones) to ALWAYS respawn, or will the pool dry up? I ask because I have yet to upgrade any buildings, other then launch pad (lvl 2), for fear of running out of money. I understand it would be grindy, but it would be nice to know if I could always count on something easy and quick to do if I needed the cash. Thanks! EDIT: While I am bothering to open a thread, I have another question. Is there a way to see the Biome map in game without the cheat? I know that survey parts exist, but I thought they showed you ore.
  8. Hi I am trying to adjust some parameter for the contract system. I am trying to adjust these parameter for a resized system and want to know the units for these measurements. I believe I read somewhere before that it is a fraction of the SOI of Kerbin/the target. I need the unit to properly adjust the max height for each difficulty to different orbit "classes" e.g. LEO, MEO and HEO/GSO. Then I am trying to get a part request that is in 100% of satellite contracts this worked beautifully before with the percent system making every contract include the part request. Now with this weight system, which needed to be changed why, I am not sure what value will make sure a contract always calls this part request. Thanks in advance. Pining @NathanKell Maybe you know, can find out easily or know who I should ping? Thanks!
  9. It's really surprising to me that a mod like this doesn't already exist (as far as my search efforts have shown). The concept is a really simple one: in career mode, when a new contract becomes available, the player is alerted about it. This allows the player never to miss out on an interesting contract opportunity (as my understanding is that offered contracts do expire after a time), or at least to know ASAP that new contracts are available. I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but it could even probably be really nicely incorporated into existing mods like CapCom or Kerbal Alarm Clock. Just wanted to put that idea out there!
  10. Yes i know there are other threads on this, however they all seem to be dead. For the record, i had this issue back in 0.90, but it was mod-related, while this is a relatively clean install. The only mod i used was FMRS, but the plugin was deactivated for the entire session where the issue occurred, so i doubt it was the cause. The save was made only a few days ago, and nothing i can think of has changed that might have caused this. Basically what it says on the tin. I started 4(3 sets of 2, and 1 set of four) tourist contracts for visits to LKO, and launched several two-kerbal ships, however after landing them all, and heading to the tracking station to recover, i noticed that the contracts had disappeared. The contracts where definitely there when i started. I loaded the quick-save i made before de-orbiting any of the capsules, but the problem was still present. I looked at the save file using a text editor, and all of the contracts are still present, but do not appear in-game. This gives me some hope that i can salvage this situation. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as i sunk a lot of funds into these missions hoping for a big payout My persistent file, with ships still in orbit, and contracts that exist but do not appear: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jalgsyfdhimsf12/persistent.sfs?dl=0 Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fnnv5tkfjb1uvdl/KSP.log?dl=0
  11. In contracts that require building something (e.g. a station) that has a particular part on it, use the actual part name in the contract criteria, not a chatty paraphrased description that players can misinterpret. Some examples: Bad: "an ISRU conversion unit" (Note that none of the terms "ISRU", "conversion", or "unit" appear in the part's actual name or description.) Good: "a Convert-O-Tron 250" Bad: "a research lab" Good: "a Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2" Bad: "materials bay" (Note that neither "materials" nor "bay" appears in the part's actual name or description. The word "laboratory," however, does, which makes this confusable with "a research lab.") Good: "SC-9001 Science Jr." Why this is important: The chatty description can mislead players. I just wasted over an hour of my time because I assumed "an ISRU conversion unit" meant any ISRU, whereas apparently the contract wanted a Convert-O-Tron 250 and not a Convert-O-Tron 125. In another thread a month or two ago, I saw a player get really confused because they saw "a research lab" and thought it meant a SC-9001 Science Jr. because the part's description says "...a cutting edge, self contained laboratory." Chatty descriptions are terrible. They're very easy to misinterpret. They can also be extremely opaque. For example, "an ISRU conversion unit" made sense to me because I've been playing KSP a long time and I'm very familiar with the term ISRU. (And even then, I got it wrong, 'coz I thought the little one would be okay. But at least I knew what kind of part it was.) But suppose a new KSP player comes along, how the dickens are they supposed to interpret that? The contract wants a Convert-O-Tron 250, but says "an ISRU conversion unit." Guess what? None of the words "ISRU", "conversion", or "unit" appear anywhere on that part! Not in the name, not in the description. There is no way for a player to know that "ISRU conversion unit" means "Convert-O-Tron 250" without having prior knowledge. Ditto "materials bay" for the Science Jr. Furthermore, it seems to me that re-working it this way would be good not just for the players, but for Squad as well. Any time you have a chatty description, somebody has to sit down and explicitly type that out. I don't know if KSP is localized into other languages (and if so, how many), but you've also just added an additional term that your translators are going to have to translate, too. And it's a maintenance hassle, because parts sometimes get renamed or their descriptions tinkered with, and new parts get added all the time, so a chatty description that makes sense now could become ambiguous or flat-out wrong in the future. So if you re-do the contract logic so that the contract internally just specifies the unique ID of the part (i.e. the one that's immutable, will never change, is never displayed to a user), and the game just programmatically inserts the actual name of the part, then you have less work for the developers, less work for the translators, and it will automatically stay completely up-to-date in the future. The only case where a chatty description could be acceptable is when you're describing an entire category of parts (i.e. "an antenna", "a docking port") and it's completely clear and obvious what that means. For all cases where a specific part is needed, however, use the actual part name. I've restrained myself, with difficulty, from delving into my particular tale of woe here that led me to make this post, since it's less relevant to anyone but me. But I just have to get this off my chest, so here it is in a spoiler section for anyone who's interested.
  12. @SQAUD, can I ask a simple request that you could implement in less than a week? I want to have reputation and contracts in sandbox mode. Simpy allow me to see my rep and take contracts without trudging through early career mode. Please, this would make KSP infinitely better IMHO. I would make it a configureable option, because I know a few people who would disagree with me on that.
  13. As per this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130796-admin-building-to-control-contract-types/#comment-2381009 I'd like some guidance on what it would take to make this. What I would need: A Gui with sliders A way to change inputs of the sliders based on a building level A way to manipulate contract type spawning percentages In the Contracts.cfg I see entries like this: Recovery // Rescue and Recovery Contracts that appear to be the categories I can manipulate. Preferably I'd be able to make this happen with addons like MM but I doubt this will happen- any advice, or pointing to some examples that use similar code would be great. I am not the greatest coder on the planet but I'd like to see this as an addon- if it doesn't require too much brain power I'll give it a shot
  14. When you get one of those "recover Yadda Kerbin from orbit, and his vessel" contracts, or those "recover object Blarg form orbit", I haven't found a way to plan properly what the mission vessel should look like because I have no idea what the target vessel looks like until I get there and it comes within vessel range to switch to it. You can't see the vessel from the tracking center because the only way to do so is to take over flight control of it, and you're not supposed to be able to do that yet. This is frustrating because I plan for a small capsule, then get there and find it's a big one, and I can't grab it and bring it back with the vessel I showed up with because it's engineered wrongly for it. You need a different configuration (a more expensive one) to recover a large object because of heat shielding issues - you need a very big protective occlusion area behind your heat shield to recover something like a hitchhiker can. The only way I can think of to do this is to save the game and read the saved game file to find the target vessel and see what part(s) it's composed of. Is there a means to do so in-game? There really should be, because if you're accepting the contract, people on the ground would have the tech specs of the vessel and know what it is that you're going to go get.
  15. I accepted a contract to build a new Space Station in Mun orbit. Then I launched the first part of the station into Mun orbit. When I had the station in position in the contract overview at the top right the tick for new station was green. After docking the second part to it with some more fuel I did not check this. After docking the third part with even more fuel (4000 units is required) the tick was not set anymore (the second and third part were launched after the first part obviously). I had to load a quicksave while docking the second part to the station if this might have something to do with it. Since then I can't finish the contract (I actually tried with a small craft having enough fuel to fulfill the requirements, an antenna and solar panels. That craft fulfilled the contract requirements again until it docked to the station). I'm absolutely not sure whether I did something wrong or if I encountered a (rare?) bug. I also looked through the save file and checked launchId values after reading somewhere that this is how the novelty of a station is determined. The contract has a launchId value of 30, and the lowest launchId value of any part of my station is also 30, so this shouldn't be the problem. To verify I made a copy of the save, changed the launchId in the contract to 29 and loaded that. I then went to the tracking station and jumped to my station. The tick was still not there. Except to disassembling the whole thing and replacing one or more parts of the station which is financially unattractive I am out of ideas. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with this station? The save file can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k2mj978vhh8mje7/broken-space-station.sfs?dl=0
  16. I'm having trouble completing one of the ScanSat contracts. Here are the details: subtype = SCAN_M700 title = Scan Minmus for resources description = It seemed decent for boffins at SCAN: Scientific Committee on Advanced Navigation's labs, trying to reproduce an experiment about whether some Kerbals seem to enjoy high speeds, while others apparently just don't, that we knew very little about whether brave Kerbals regain their nerve faster than not-so-brave ones. It can't be denied, however, that the way we would frequently see a proper new discovery was how we got into that situation in the first place... This is why we're here. synopsis = Scan Minmus with the M700 Scanner I have the satellite in orbit with the M700. The only option is to an "Orbital Scan" or something like. I do the scan, it automatically sends the data to KSC and then nothing. Contract has not been completed What am I missing here? thanks, Andrew
  17. How can I cheat the contract system into thinking my ship counts as a "newly-launched vessel"? I've done it before using KAS/KIS but can't remember what I did.
  18. I ended up taking a space station contract that required me to staff two tourists to fulfill the contract. They were not available as I built the station nor were they available later after all other contract requirements were met. (I had figured they might show for transfer. Something I am missing or a game bug?
  19. This might have been posted before, but I couldn't find it (though that really doesn't mean that much). When I have a contract to "transmit science in xxx orbit" there are various ways of doing that. I could do a crew report and transmit it. I could do an eva report. I can read a temperature. The list goes on. But ironically, the one thing that does exactly what the contract says—letting your MPL transmit science—cannot be used to fulfill the contract. It's not a big deal. I sent Bill for a coffee break in the local storage pod and had him send a crew report from there, before going back to sciencing science. And it got a good chuckle out of me. But really, change the verbage on either the MLP or the contract, because this just looks... bizar. Oh, and I'm sure it's in the wrong forum, but I'm clueless as where to post this.
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