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  1. Comrades, it's time to join the space race. The N1 stands ready. Let's land on the Mun and show all of Kerbin what we can achieve. https://www.dropbox.com/s/udod72znlzzcgbc/Mission-N1-L3 Mun Landing.zip?dl=0 Admittedly, this is my first mission, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible to avoid mishaps. I hope it will be enjoyable.
  2. This is the record of my first official Joolian mission and the craft, infrastructure, and various steps to make that a reality. I'm not sure if this will be an actual "Jool 5" attempt, although we'll see as it progresses. Mission Goals Design, build, and implement comprehensive space-faring infrastructure to facilitate a kerbaled mission to Jool and its moons Complete the process for the next Joolian transfer window within 1 Year, 96 Days, 4 Hours (Transfer window is Year 2, Day 245) Document key moments in the process via screenshots, specifically milestone achievements, main spacecraft, and orbital infrastructure Mission Objectives Create large-scale space stations, massive transfer vehicle, smaller spacecraft (landers, etc.), and other probes to support the overall mission The mission must travel as a single craft: the Zeus Transfer Vehicle ('ZTV' or 'Zeus'). This will include smaller payloads (craft, satellites, escape pods) all combined into a single launch towards Jool Construction of modules and sub-components for the Zeus must be completed in orbit (more efficient, based on early testing) using RPs manufactured in orbit from metal also processed in orbit. Ore will be ferried to orbit from Kerbin and/or extracted from other local bodies (Minmus, asteroids, etc.) Narrative Elements This mission report will be primarily first person, not really a "role playing" or storytelling document for the parts & pieces of the mission. That said, I hope to communicate with some degree of gravitas the different stages of the evolution of the history of space flight that leads up to the Joolian Mission. Here are some parts of the narrative that I'll document that have inspired our kerbals to undertake the Joolian Mission: First steps into space: "Spirit of Jebediah" spacecraft, first Munar mission Evolution of spaceflight: Mk3 Shuttle Program Vision for Jool: Construction of the 'Olympus' Orbital Facility Early Space-faring Infrastructure: 'The Foundry' Orbital Manufacturing Platform, Minmus Survey Mission Secret Missions and Skunkworks projects from the infamous Helmut Von Kerman (Werner's "evil" twin brother) Gameplay Rules I thought I'd put some thought into basic rules of gameplay that I'll try to follow in this mission. These of course are subject to change (and ignoring if necessary!). HyperEdit shall be used for testing purposes and whenever the Kraken/physics-easing makes things too ridiculous (i.e. if I don't want to re-design) Case in point: Olympus was actually HE'd into orbit after literally 10 attempts to lift off with at least 8 unplanned disassemblies. None successful. All parts mods and other functionality are acceptable (obv). But I'm not using any physics-changing mods or solar system-changing mods, other than OPM. Ore for refining can't come from the VAB via new launches. Since Foundry & Olympus both launched with ore, I'm considering dumping them to recreate the need to fill them. Additional missions for support craft, such as more Mk3 shuttles, additional satellites in the Kerbin system, or unkerballed probes to Jool will be launched from KSC. Larger craft or infrastructure, including material transport ships and ore mining platforms should be built from Foundry. I may do trial-run missions in an "alternate reality", i.e. save games that move forward in time but aren't going to be part of the "prime timeline" (my main save). Case in point: My Joolian Probe test missions are going beyond Year 5 to work out orbital injection, etc. and test spacecraft design. I don't want my other infrastructure sitting around in the meantime, so I'm using alternate saves. [Will add more if I think of them] Special Thanks! Awesome flag artwork by @cratercracker Excellent advice and support: @B-STRK, @Geschosskopf
  3. せっかく作ったミッションはシェアしないとね! ここは、KSPの拡張パック「Making History Expansion」で追加された機能「Mission Builder」で自作したミッション(のzipファイル)を公開したりダウンロードしたりする場所です。 ↓参考↓ 日本コミュニティミッション 世界のミッション投稿所(英語) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/ ↓ミッションのエクスポートとインポート方法↓ ミッションをエクスポート!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。) ミッションをインポート!(表示するにはこの下にある「Reveal hidden contents」を開いてね。)
  4. "Wait... where's Bob?" "Didn't you check on him?" "Hey, I thought YOU checked on him!" The words echoed ominously through the crew cabin of Duna I, the first crewed mission to the red planet. After an initial stop on Ike, the crew prepared to descend to the surface of Duna itself. Jeb, Bill, and Val strapped into the command pod, while Bob took a nap in the crew module. ...Or so they thought. Turns out he was so excited he just had to step out and get just one more rock sample, unbeknownst to his crewmates, who took off and left him behind as they landed on Duna. Now they're in a pickle. They don't have enough dV to land on Ike again and then go home. Somehow... Bob has to get to them, without a ship, using only his EVA thrusters. He's got limited air in his suit, so there's no time to lose! Your mission: Bring Bob to the Duna I, board it, and get them all safely to low Duna orbit in preparation for the trip home. Download Notes Starting conditions The mission begins with Bob on Ike, while the Duna I is parked on Duna's surface. Duna I only has enough fuel to get to orbit-- not to land on Ike again. Bob has enough EVA propellant that he can fly himself from Ike's surface to Duna's. Objectives Bob has to board Duna I within 4 hours of mission start, or he runs out of air and you fail. After boarding, you need to get Duna I to low Duna orbit with at least 140 units of fuel remaining. Strategy It's a kind of "reentry golf": the challenge is to eject from Ike so that you land on Duna reasonably close to Duna I. Your EVA chute gives you a few kilometers of maneuvering room, once you hit atmosphere. If you end up landing a bit too far to walk... there's a rover parked next to Duna I, which you can use to go retrieve Bob. Scoring None. The mission's a pass/fail. Either you make it, or you don't. Would have loved to add bonus scores for various things (e.g. extra points if you land close to Duna I, penalty if you use the rover, etc.), except that the mission builder has virtually no nodes available for tracking an EVA kerbal's actions. "Board vessel" is basically all they have. Achievements (These are informal, not actually modeled as a score in-game because the mission builder doesn't have the right nodes for it. Just my suggestions for things to challenge yourself with. Sorry, due to lack of artistic talent I don't have any "badges" to offer.) Get It Done, Level 1: Just complete the mission successfully. Get It Done, Level 2: Complete the mission without needing to use the rover (i.e. land close enough that you can walk to the ship before time runs out). Get It Done, Level 3: Land within 100 meters of Duna I. Hole in One: Glide down and grab on to the Duna I ladder without actually touching the ground. I've never managed this myself yet, so I don't actually know that it's possible. It might not be; for one thing, stall speed for an EVA parachute at Duna I is around 10 m/s, which I expect will be... problematic. If you do manage to pull it off, though, please let us know! Bragging rights to the first person who manages it. Orbital Rendezvous: Instead of sending Bob down to the surface, send him into low Duna orbit. Then launch Duna I to rendezvous with him there. I've never done this myself, but I believe it to be possible. It'll be very tricky, because you have very little propellant left by the time you get to Duna, meaning that you'd need to aerobrake just right. And you'd better rendezvous on the first pass, because you'll be in danger of passing the four-hour time limit. If you pull this off, please let us know! Bragging rights to the first person who manages it.
  5. Welcome to my third mission report! As for the first two, one save got eaten by the Kraken(Speaking of Krakens, liking your Mission Reports @Alpha 360!), and the second one got its mods eaten and I gave up on trying to resurrect it. Links to these are here if you want to see my old work: The My Space Program Thread, the first mission report I did, and the second one, a 2.5x playthrough. Please don't post in these threads, they are old and discontinued. Hopefully, the third time is the charm! Also, this one will have a bit of a storyline. This S.A.V.E (Thanks @Parkaboy, I also need to catch up on Plan Kappa, although I haven't seen it in a while.) is in Sandbox mode, in the stock star system, lightly modded. The mods I have are... goes and checks GameData folder... BetterBurnTime, and BetterCrewAssingment, by @Snark, MechJeb, the Making History DLC, and Kerbal Alarm Clock by @TriggerAu (right?). I will be doing a Jool 5 mission, although I doubt that I will be able to keep my readers strung along for as long before getting to Jool as @Kuzzter did(I'm actually caught up on that, eagerly awaiting more!). I will also be doing in-depth missions to Laythe and Duna(Sort of like @Brotoro's, if you've read them; if you haven't I highly suggest reading them, they are wonderful!). I will also be establishing bases on the Mun and Minmus. Don't expect my story to be as good as @Just Jim's(I need to catch up on Emkio Station too.), but hopefully, it will be good enough. Project Voyager: Jool 5 Mission. Mothership launch. I have surprisingly few pictures of the launch of the mothership, these are the only ones. The launch of the Val/Pol/Bop lander: Intrepid. The pictures of the launch have disappeared. Valentina Kerman: "Mission Control, this is Intrepid." Docking successful." "We'll float through the hatch and join the boys. Mission Control(CAPCOM): "Roger Interpid, have fun." Well, 4/5 of the crew are partying in orbit, let's see the ship designs, and figure out who the last 1/5 of the crew is. Tylo Lander "Nut" in the VAB. Stats: Stage 2: 3953m/s of Vacum DeltaV, 2.30 Tylo Local TWR. Stage 1: 3148m/s of Vacum DeltaV, 5.09 Tylo Local TWR. Crew Capacity: 2 Kerbals. Laythe Lander "Dawn": Stats: Stage 1(0) 3975m/s Vacum DeltaV, Laythe SLT 2.17. Crew Capacity: 2 Kerbals. Vall/Pol/Bop Lander "Intrepid": Stats: Stage 1(0): 4058m/s Vacum DeltaV, 4.70 Vall TWR. Crew Capacity: 2 Kerbals. Vall has the heaviest gravity of the three moons, so the TWR's for the other moons are higher. Mothership: K.S.S. Eagle: Stats: 10703m/s Vacum DeltaV, without landers, with tugs. Crew capacity: 10. Writing this I just realized that those "tugs" on the docking ports lack RCS thrusters, which means that the other landers will have to have their transfer stages dock them too. Also, the vacuum TWR without landers is 0.77. Let's meet the other crewmember. Linser Kerman, a scientist. Well, I'm off to play the game. I feel like I wanted to say more, but I can't remember it.
  6. ミッションを企画・開催しよう! KSP1.4の拡張パック「Making History Expansion」で「ミッションビルダー」という機能が実装されました。 これは、いわば「KSPツクール」ともいえるもので、こんな機体を作ろう!この星を目指そう!この場所に着陸しよう!といった指令を組み合わせて、簡単な遊びから本格的な宇宙開発ミッションの立案まで可能な、奥深い機能です。 KSP1.4.3現在ではまだ日本語の表現がおかしかったり、バグがあったりしますが、面白いミッションを思いついたらぜひ作成したり、提案してくださいね。 ↓参考↓ 日本コミュニティミッション 世界のミッション投稿所(英語) https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/98-making-history-missions/
  7. I've been playing with the missions built in to Making History, and while some of them are fun challenges, the whole mess is filled with problems. The big one is that on two occasions I've encountered sudden out-of-nowhere "FAILURE" messages just before succeeding in the final mission objective. • Munar 1: I designed an excellent replica of the Saturn V, flew it all the way to Mun, landed my LEM, re-orbited the top half, docked with the Command Module, transferred crew, flew the Command Module back to Kerbin, started re-entry, disconnected from the Service Module, and everything seemed to be going fine, when suddenly FAILURE pops up out of nowhere. I closed the message, continued airbraking, deployed parachutes, and landed safely. Why the sudden FAILURE? My only guess is that the no-longer-needed Service Module (not even part of my vessel anymore) had just blown up from re-entry heat, and the program thought "oh wait, a required part has just blown up! FAILURE!" • Acapello 13: orbited Kerbin, went to the Mun in spite of the setbacks, landed Jeb in the lander, got Jeb back into the Command Module, returned to Kerbin atmosphere, got the "oh noes your parachutes have failed and you'll have to bail out and use personal parachutes" message, had all three of the crew bail out and deploy personal parachutes... and then suddenly got an "I told you you should've bailed out!" message from Gene Kerman and the FAILURE message out of nowhere. Again, I closed the FAILURE message and continued playing... Valentina (the one I was controlling at the moment) landed safely; the other two kerbals seem to have vanished into thin air (in spite of their parachutes having already been deployed); the crew capsule, ironically, made it to the ground completely undamaged! And yet FAILURE anyway. No clue why. I've also been having problems with the Service Module part that is required to be used in the Munar 1 mission. I loaded it up with fuel tanks (of the 1.25m variety), and discovered when I reached the appropriate stage that they weren't feeding fuel to the engine (connected directly to said Service Module) at all. I started over, discovered that the tanks were attached to the ceiling of the SM, and tried attaching them to the floor of the SM instead--the "fuel overlay" view confirmed that they should both be feeding fuel to the engine. When I actually flew it, though, only half of the tanks (either just left side or just right side; I forget) fed fuel to the engine; the other half remained full and untouched throughout the entire mission--and untouchable, too, since apparently the "transfer fuel from one tank to another" ability has been disabled?? By some miracle of engineering and the Tsiolkovsky equation I made it back to Kerbin anyway, but, well, FAILURE; see above. I hate to complain here, because KSP is such an amazing product and as a physics teacher I get so much use out of it both personally and professionally... but I'm getting really tired of these bugs. I'd expect to see this sort of problem in a hastily assembled mod, not purchased DLC that was in development for so long.
  8. I am currently working on a complex mission. I want to check if a certain Kerbal has entered a specific part of my vessel. However, as soon as I switch to that vessel, the node is triggered automatically, no matter where the Kerbal is. I have no idea how to fix this. Help? EDIT: if I add a "Kerbal boarded" check beforehand it works correctly. But this is not possible in the mission scenario I have planned. It would make no sense to EVA and board just to correctly transfer the Kerbal to its correct capsule.
  9. KSP 1.4.1 and Making History on Windows 10, 64 Bit: and Linux Mint 18.3 x86_64 So I started the first of the MH missions, "Dawn of the Space Age" and built the first rocket, launched it and so on. Then I quit the game, started it again and wanted to continue the mission where I left. Unfortunately, this will not work and you are placed in map view with a focus around the "sun" (shouldn't that be Kerbol?) and the date suddenly is: Year 999, Day 499 - 05:59:59. Also there is no way to access the menu in order to leave map view (e.g. select Tracking Station or Space Center).
  10. It is now Val's turn in the pilot rotation. Her mission has been classified Top Secret. Kerbodyne has designed a new ISRU that will speed ore conversion by 300%; without an engineer. She is to travel to the low-g world of Gilly to test the new converter. The mission is straight-forward and confidence is high. Safety risks are minimal. Mission is considered to be routine. The stage is set. Take Val to Gilly, land, drop your drills, and test the new converter. What could possibly go wrong? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dHFY9n-rVrXEAV7lfJX8DVfIaKPlcEJ7 This is my first mission, and I've been working on it for awhile (mostly testing). Some of the functionality in the Mission Builder is not quite right yet, so I couldn't do everything I wanted; and had to find some workarounds for others. Overall, it turned out pretty well, I think. I used creator-built vessels to help expedite things. The mission is somewhat difficult in a couple of places, so I thought it would help speed things along if you didn't need to spend time in the VAB working on your design. Also, I thought it might be fun to fly somebody else's ship (something I've yet to do; gonna start delving into other people's missions now that mine is complete). Anyway, I hope you guys dig it. Any questions or comments are welcome. And any feedback (either good or bad) would be appreciated. As I said, it's my first mission, so I'm eager to improve however I can. Thanks, Cpt Kerbalcrunch
  11. This is a simple mission designed around doing a free-return trajectory with the Mun, with a few tips to guide them along. See if you can get to low Mun space and low Kerbin space with no maneuvers from when you reach the Mun's SOI onwards! I suspect there's something wrong with the mission logic somewhere, but I figure that it'll only be discovered by getting it out and tested. Download link For those having trouble with maneuver placement etc., here is a hint at what a good free-return node looks like: https://imgur.com/uGcr9QC
  12. So Explore the Mun seems to be broken. I can't seem to complete it. I have orbited at all heights. Looked at the mission requirements and attempted orbits from other directions. Is this a bug or is this user error?
  13. Hey guys, so I am working on my first mission and thought to create a rather oldschool mission to reach a stable orbit as efficiently as possible using a specific craft, the "Efficiency Star". There are still some bugs like messages not showing up in the end graphic. It could be a mission builder bug but I'm not sure! My workaround is to work with dialogs that pop up next to it! The way I have designed the mission is quite complex because there are some nodes missing yet. For example a node that returns a resource number so that I could directly turn that number into a score. I hope that will be implemented! So right now the score can only jump by 100 points when you reach certain milestones. To achieve GOLD you have to reach 2400 points which is for the pros! You need the latest KSP Making History Expansion to play this. All you have to do is to unpack the zip file into your KSP/Missions folder. Example path: Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Missions\Efficiency Star Challenge I hope you enjoy and post your result here! Remember, this is not as easy as it looks. Mission Download (I get a possible virus alert on my browser but it's just the exported zip file) --- edit: I fixed an issue where it would show a success allthough the player ran into a fail condition. Explosions are not bugs! ;P You should always get a message when something went wrong.
  14. Hello everyone! I would like to introduce my first simple and fun mission about Kerbin community. Briefing: So, our martketers decided to start flights for tourists. We developed an uniq cheap rocket with solid fuel that can be returned back by parachutes. But there is one "but"! The first tourist is Kerbin President Mr. Vondelf Kerman! We need to show us for everyone as the best space company (I know there is only one space company on Kerbin). Oh... that stupid marketers... Download Here
  15. I came across this issue when I was trying to find out what the periapsis should be over KSC if you want to land there. I noticed the orbit and location of my ship changing each time I tried testing the mission. KSP Version: v1.4.1.2089 (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us What Happens: Orbits created in Mission Builder do not save correctly. Mods /Add-Ons: All Stock (Fresh Install) Steps to Replicate: 1) Open Mission Builder 2) Open Mission Brief - rename - click ok 3) Select 'Spawn Vessel' node 4) Choose 'Creator Built' 5) Choose 'Create New Vessel' 6) Select 'Take me to the VAB' 7) Select 'Mk1 Command Pod' 8) Leave - Click 'Save and Continue' 9) Select 'Spawn Vessel' node 10) Choose 'Untitled Space Craft' from 'Please select a craft' dropdown 11) Choose 'In Orbit' from 'Situation' dropdown 12) Change Periapsis to 38000 13) Change Apoapsis to 100000 14) Change Arg. of Periapsis to 196 degrees 15) Change Target of Mean Anomaly to 260 degrees 16) Click 'Assign Crew' 17) Assign Jebediah Kerman to the Mk1 - click ok 18) Save and Test Mission 19) Return to Mission Builder 20) Click 'Spawn Vessel' node 21) Test Mission 22) Finish the test mission by crashing 23) Return to Mission Builder - End Test 24) Click 'Spawn Vessel' node Result: Note 1 - step 18) The purpose for this is to crash near KSC Note 2 - step 18) You will notice the Target of Mean Anomaly is not 260 degrees Note 3 - step 18) You will notice the Periapsis where it should be Note 4 - step 20) You will notice Target Mean Anomaly is still set to 260 degrees, but the world viewer does not reflect this Note 5 - step 20) Changing Target Mean Anomaly from and to 260 degrees updates the world viewer Note 6 - step 22) Mission time should finish around T+ 0y, 0d, 00:18:45 Note 7 - step 24) You'll notice the Periapsis is no longer above the KSC Note 8 - step 24) Even though Mission Start Time is set to 0 time seems to have jumped forward for the orbit and world viewer after testing. Saving and playing a mission instead of just testing yields the same results of the last test. Fixes/Workarounds: N/A Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: Pictures of 3 different Map Views with the same settings.
  16. Hey guys! I wonder, if there is any collection thread concerning missions made in the mission builder? Or even better: could we get a sub-forum for user-created missions? Best Regards, Mario
  17. So in my Sandbox I have been to the Mun and Minmus. Now I want to get to Duna, but there are so many ways, Like an Orion/Apollo style, The Martian style with a mothership, A simple giant rocket, etc. What is the Most efficient way? Or the Easiest?
  18. I have a rocket that I want to show and ask about, but I can't get the attachment onto here. How do I upload the photo without using other sites?
  19. How the heck do I get my satellite to come close to matching this stupid orbit? Heres a pic. I've managed to get get the orbit to approximately 1 or two degrees, but everything I do to try to adjust and match the green orbit only seems to make things worse. Edit: Here's a bit more info: Its totally a polar orbit.Thats how I got into this predicament in the first place. The issue is that I have no clue how to fine tune to match the objective orbit as closely as possible, even with mechjeb. I kinda am a bit dense in the head when it comes to these things. When It comes to fuel, I think I got plenty. I've got two stages on the satellite you see in the picture. ~2400 m/s of dV on stage 1 and about ~2360 m/s of dV on the Final Stage. Unless I do something really stupid, I should have plenty to match the orbit, and possibly a bit left over in case I decide to do anything else with this satellite (not likely) Also, I got the picture uploaded. Thanks in advance!
  20. Hi there Ive just come across a weird issue. I have 2 tourist missions a total of 6 Kerbals 4 of which want to land on the Mun, theres various other objectives split between the 6 Kerbals as well. Kerbin Sub-Orbital trajectory, Kerbin Orbit, Fly by Mun, Orbit Mun etc. I was on the mun with all the objectives complete, except returning back to kerbin. Since then i have loaded in my save (both quick and named) and i don''t have any Kerbals on board anymore! Now it shows all the objectives as not completed. I'm on the mun and the 4 kerbals are gone not in the Hitchhicker Container anymore! the mission says they haven't landed on the mun. or completed any of the objecives. Does anyone know how this happened, how to prevent it from happening, I have a mod Capcom - Mission Control on the GO Does anyone know if that mod causes conflicts? Do i have to do the whole mission in one go without saving?
  21. Hello to the KSPC, I've joined the Kerbal space race recently, and i've come across a type of missions i can't seem to be able to complete. i.e: Test Rockomax Brand Decoupler splashed down at Kerbin Test Rovemax Model S2 splashed down at Kerbin When i complete those missions, the 2nd and 3rd ("kerbin" and the "splashed down") lines get the green check mark, but the first line the one that says "Test..." doesn't. Could this be a bug? Has anyone had the same issue? Or am i just doing something wrong? Guidance needed over here!
  22. Version:; Windows; x64; en-us; with Steam; no mods at all Active and archived Contracts are lost when a building is entered and instantly left again. Tested for Spaceplane Hangar, VAB and Tracking Station as they load slow enough to be ready to click on the exit button on the top right. The more crafts are loaded in the map the easier it gets but it works even with a fresh career and no crafts. Solution: Take it easy and some time.
  23. Hello everyone. I have an idea for a unofficial KSP mission that shall include mods. This mission as you can guess from the title needs a mod (or mods depends feed back from all of you) that extends the Kerbal-Verse (Universe for the kerbals) and possibly adds extra terrestrial technology or enemies. Thats right, the Kerbals after conquering the Mun turned their eyes towards the other possible galaxies and such stuff and decided to start a new mission. Extended Galaxy Resaech Team 1 or EGR1 This mission is in prototype stages and wont be shared soon unless some of you volonteer to help me find mods and test them. This is and idea i might remind you so dont get to comfy on the idea. If i get lots of good feedback i will start EGR1 P.S: Anyone knows mods that can add planets to the Kerbal-Verse please either give a direct download or a site where i can download the mod or review it. P.S.S: The mods need to be in 1.3.1 (I use a Mac with Steam) Good luck to all who participate in this grand adventure.
  24. On this thread, I will shout out a users name for them to do a challenge in KSP. If the user doesn't respond, please atquote (@...) their names so they respond yes or no. 1. @adsii1970 Mission: Send a submarine to Duna, to sail its "once oceans". If you don't want to do the challenge, say so.
  25. I've launched the following craft twice, it's got an antenna, batteries, and solar panels. Only after separating the first stage (solid rocket booster + fairings) it no longer is a valid unmanned probe. Note that the fairing is the root part. After rerooting to the OKTO and launching it a third time (no other changes), everything worked fine
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