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Release May 2024: Release October 2021: Release July 2021: Update June 2021: Update April 2021: Well, here it is... The lack of KSP fan art animations was bothering me. I am a long time fan of KSP with hundreds of hours well spended in the game. I'm convinced we can bring to the community some good kerbal stories and get a good laugh on the go. A new, longer and better animation is in early steps of production, but animations are no easy feat; every supporter joining this endeavour means more time I can spend doing this kind of things. I really hope you like this and, as always, I'm open to questions & recommendations.
In case nobody has posted this before, i want to share with you guys this fantastic KSP animated short film created by AnimatedK, all credits goes to him. Hope you enjoy this brilliantly made piece of art as much as i did!
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In the original KSP, when you made a Kerbal exit the cockpit it magically teleported to the outside. Maybe they could expand on this a little bit in the second game. It would be cool if we could actually see the Kerbals opening the hatch or canopy of their cockpit. Taking it a step further, we could add different animations depending on how fast the craft is going. It would be really funny to see a Kerbal poke it’s head out a hatch in atmosphere only to get sucked out, or for the hatch or canopy of a spaceplane cockpit to get ripped off after it opens. I have no idea if they are going to add something like this, but Intercept has already created a bunch of idol animations and emotes so they may. Something like this would add a lot more life to the game.
imagine if when you loaded ksp 2 a cinematic (that you could skip) came on. jebediah is sitting outside of the mun or bust (main menu) rocket and is building a mun sandcastle, suddenly a massive shadow makes everything dark and jeb turns around to see a giant station (like the one in the trailer) flying over head and a smaller rocket detaching from it, it slows itself down and lands next to the mun or bust rocket and jeb climbs into the capsule and tells bill and bob the come outside and the step out to see the rocket towering over them and a kerbal step outs them fall down the rocket until he lands face first in front of them. then they look up and the KSP 2 logo appears above kerbin
Hi all, I was wondering if for modelling and animating the gimballing of engines, is it (the animating) done in Blender (or any 3D modelling/animating software used to make the engine model), in Unity, while preparing to import the part into KSP, or does the game itself read the .cfg file and automatically add the correct amount of gimbal?
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Hallo allerseits, Ich lerne gerade Blender. Nach meinen ersten abgeschlossenen Projekten möchte ich das Modellieren, Animieren und Texturieren verbessern. Daher möchte ich meine Unterstützung beim Erstellen von Modellen für KSP-Add-Ons anbieten. Wenn jemand Interesse an meiner Hilfe hat, können Sie mich gerne kontaktieren. Ich bin 28 Jahre alt, studiere Technik und arbeite in meiner Freizeit mit Blender. Früher habe ich viel KSP gespielt, aber jetzt habe ich mehr Spaß beim Erstellen Dies ist meine ArtSation-Site: Freundliche Grüße Christian [Moderator Added Translation] Hello everybody, I am currently learning Blender. After my first completed projects, I would like to improve modeling, animating and texturing. Therefore, I would like to offer my support in creating models for KSP add-ons. If someone is interested in my help, please feel free to contact me. I am 28 years old, study technology and work with Blender in my free time. I used to play a lot of KSP, but now I have more fun creating it This is my ArtSation site: Friendly greetings Christian
Hello everybody! My name is Juan Ignacio and I should have created a KSP forum account a long time ago, but here I am! I wanted to mention that I'm an animator and also wanted to share a still frame: This kerbal is going to experience a roller coaster of emotions in just 30 seconds of animation. My only question is: which KSP forum section should I post the finished animation? I hope you have a fantastic day! Jgilhutton
Hi, i downloaded this addon for blender to import ships from ksp because i want to make animations but every time i try to import .craft files i get this error. I've tried a couple of fixes listed by others in the comments of the original post, but none of them seem to have worked. (Most of them were Mac and i am using Windows 10). Does anyone know what's wrong here? Is there a newer version of this plugin? Last update seems to be around 2 years ago. Also, im using Blender 2.78 and KSP 1.3 without mods.
I'm quite new to this forum even I join for quite a long time so I'm not sure is this the right place to ask. Anyways, I trying to create a KSP animation but I stuck at one problem. I couldn't find any Kerbal model that I can use which look like in game one. Nor I could make one that look appealing enough. And I wonder is there a way to get Kerbal model from the game/game's folder itself. Though this model would still be courtesy of Squad ,I'll use it only for the animation and I'll credit them as well. Can anyone help?
I am currently creating a part and it has many functionalities. One of it is a cargo door. Is there any way I can add a sound effect to the door opening animation. How would I go about doing this? Any help and feedback is appreciated.
While making my animation plugin i started my last (pre-release) phase of adding sound support (Configuration, Animation, Control, Utility and Visual are done) I want to add sound fx to my animation(s) but my currently employed method of control/tracking animations properties can be a hit-and-miss for sound support (controlling animations looks fine for now). It works via PartModule.Update() and PartModule.OnUpdate(). These are not directly visible in PartModule (ie not suggested by VS IDE), but can be used because it inherits from Monobehaviour. After successfully doing some basic audio tests, i wanted to write an event handler that receives a reference to my class holding all needed data. And this is where i hit a wall. AnimationEvent handler is not designed to receive data in arbitrary form. There is objectReferenceParameter, but i don't know how to reference my class this way, it expects UnityEngine.Object. If example is needed, i'll try to provide a short version. Reference material
I use IMGUR for images and have had no problems in the past. I was trying to post in the tech support forum about my bouncing landing gear issue. I created a GIF file to demonstrate the issue, but I cannot seem to upload it, no matter what URL I use, be it right clicking and copying the image address or using the options IMGUR provides. The best I managed was a static thumbnail. I see others have done it, so what am I doing incorrectly?
Does anyone know a way to animate containers? ie: container or tank animates as you fill it? BahamutoD used to have plugin but I don't know anyone has updated it or done anything similar.
Hi, I'm developing a part for one of my mods and this part will have a mechanical iris. this iris consists of many separated geometries that are animated and keyframed in time (take a look at the picture bellow), how should i approach the animation for the part config for this to have a single button in UI to open and close all these parts with each other at once?
Hey Guys! I would like to know if there's a way on a CFG file animation to vinculate resources to start an animation. I'm building another mod (i'm calling it "Moon Village") and on on the cover action it would be great if you need to harvest some dust before start the cover. Any tips?
Based on this guide for changing emissions here, I was wondering how I would go about adding multiple emissive animations like this together. Figured it out by actually watching the video in the very tutorial I already saw but somehow missed the exact part I was looking for in.... Get different animations selected after making them following said guide. Right click, Animation, Compile
I have 3 problems I think could be solved fairly quickly as Im sure its a few small things Im missing. Firstly, Im currently trying to animate this model using the ModuleLight module. While the model appears in the game without any animations, it does not show up (part not found), whenever I add an animation. Its quite frustrating as I have no idea why it isnt working. Ive tried many variations to no avail. I would like to include more info that might perhaps help whoever reads this to get what issue Im having, but Im not sure what other details are needed. My second issue, relating to the first, is Im not actually sure which version of Unity I should be using. On the forums in various places, what I have seen being recommended as the go to version is 4.2.2. However, those posts are generally fairly dated, and in the wiki, patch notes say the game has been updated to 5.4.0. Im thinking perhaps the older posts are right and my having the wrong (newer) version, is whats causing me trouble. Lastly, completely unrelated to the first 2, I have no idea how to orient parts in Blender/Unity to have them facing upwards both with surface attachment and placement. Im not sure that really gets what Im trying to convey across well, so heres a video showing what Im talking about, where another part, used for comparison, is orientated correctly before and after surface placement. First part is this one (without animation working), and the second part is from MRS as an example. Thanks in advance.
A while ago, I attempted to create a tool to animate kerbals, for things like cinematics and other plugins, but I ran into a completely breaking issue, that only occurred on some computers, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Thankfully, my computer began encountering this error thanks to the Windows 10 update, and I was (hopefully) able to fix it. So here it is, Kerbal Animation Suite v1.1.3.2. It runs with KSP 1.0.4, and allows the creation of animations for kerbals on EVA. These gifs demonstrates this mod: I posted these gifs on reddit a while back, if you recongnized them. The animation files for them are all included in the download. This mod has 2 components: the animator, and the API. Animator: The animator is the main tool, which allows you to create, edit, play, and export .anim files, which can be used by your own plugins. Getting started with the animator Install this mod Launch a ship, or go to one you've already landed somewhere. Go on EVA. The animation tool will only work if the kerbal is standing on dry ground. Click the kerbal face looking button in the App Launcher You will see 4 windows pop up. The Bone Hierarchy window, which is where you select the bones to manipulate. The Manipulation window, which is where you manipulate the selected bone. The Animation window. This is the most important window, it's where you Load animation files, create them, and manage the timeline of the loaded animation. A little window in the top right corner which allows you to hide any of the other 3 windows You will also see, if you right click on the kerbal while you're NOT in the animation screen, there are some new right click actions. You can play any animation anywhere in the GameData folder, and you can reload the animations (Reload Animations) if you want to test animations you've just made. You can also use the 1-9 keys to play animations without the rightclick menu. There are 4 animations included with the download in the Presets folder. Source Code: Download: Latest Version: v1.2.0.0 License: GPL v3.0 [full text]. Code in the API subdirectory is not restricted by this licence, and is in the public domain. API: The API is a file that mod developers can include in their plugins that handles the loading and playing of animation files. Because it is not a seperate dll, there's no need to include the animator with your download when releasing a mod that uses these animations. You do, however, need to include a copy of animation_hierarchy.dat with your mod, which can be found in GameData/KerbalAnimationSuite/Config You can see the API here: The API has 2 classes. KerbalEVAUtility class public static void AddPartModule(string moduleName) public static List<KFSMState> GetEVAStates(KerbalEVA eva) public static List<KFSMState> GetEVAStates(KerbalEVA eva, List<KFSMState> states) public static void RunEvent(this KerbalEVA eva, string name) public static void RunEvent(this KerbalFSM fsm, string name) The first method, AddPartModule, is the most important. You can use it to add your own part module to the kerbalEVA and kerbalEVAfemale parts, which aren't supported by ModuleManager, so using a plugin is the only way. This is the reccommended way to handle animations, but if you're feeling adventurous (or stupid) then you can use some other method. The other methods are methods to manipulate the Kerbal's Finite State Machine (KerbalFSM). The KerbalFSM is the engine kerbal's use to handle animations, like walking, swimming, etc. I highly reccomend you research the concept of Finite State Machines if you haven't already, and want to use this. KerbalAnimationClip class public KerbalAnimationClip(string url, bool fullPath = false) public void Initialize(Transform transform, Animation animation) public string Name { get; } public int Layer { get; } public float Duration { get; } public UnityEngine.AnimationClip Clip { get; } Basically, you use the constructor to create the clip object, then load the animation by putting in a path relative to the GameData folder (example: Squad/Animations/bleh.anim), a ConfigNode object, or a full path if you so choose. You can optionally set more values in the Clip property, such as the frame rate, wrap mode, etc. All of the properties are set in the .anim when you create the animation using the animator, but you can edit those values in the Unity animation system later, after you call Initialize. Then, you use Initialize to add the animation to the kerbal's transform/animation components. If you're use a part module added to the kerbalEVA and kerbalEVAfemale parts using KerbalEVAUtility.AddPartModule, then just use transform and GetComponent<Animation>() as arguments. The rest of the code will be done with Unity's AnimationClip, Animation and AnimationState classes. You can see the documentation for those here: So far, 1 mod has been made that uses the API: Special thanks to @Xacktar @Fred Cop @Gaiiden @SpriteCoke @SmashingKirby148 @nightingale
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Hi, So I'm working on making my Fusion Tech mod all pretty. I'll probably use one of Nertea's Near Future Magnetoplasmadynamic Engine models if he/she says I can use them, but I'd really like to change the exhaust plume to something more fitting. Does anyone know where I can find a list of all the engine animations and how to make my engines use them? (preferably with screenshots) Also, if anyone knows of plume animations that are REALLY big and fiery, it would be great if you could direct me to them. Thanks, UbuntuLinuxKing
My animation plugin development has reached another phase : adding sound effect support to animations. More precisely, is sound fx really needed in KSP plugin ? Is absence of it a minor annoyance or game-immersion-breaking bug ? Note that my plugin is intended for animating various parts that are (at least for now) used as structural or aerodynamics parts (resource capacity/usage support may be added later, its on a backburner for now). Also note that due to nature of my plugin, i can't use normal EFFECTS node setup for audio.
I need to know how to properly manage timing during physics warp and high-speed warp (the non-physics variety). Timing is required for my animations. I can use Time.time under normal scale and it works ok, but i need a timing variable / method that reads game time and is affected by both warp types. Note that MET is not acceptable since it does not run while vessel is landed.
Fengist's Animator NOTICE: This is a plugin designed for modders. NO PARTS! .dll Download from Curse NOTE: This is the first release of this mod. Expect me to have gotten something wrong. Support this and my other mods on. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Source Code: (note: I do not code pretty. I code functional. Feel free to fix things and let me know.) The license included in the .dll download is a modified Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This mod includes version checking using MiniAVC. If you opt-in, it will use the internet to check whether there is a new version available. Data is only read from the internet and no personal information is sent. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ok, so what is this? Like most modders I had a need to spin parts. And like most modders I turned to Snjo's Firespitter. However, I sorta outgrew it. As a result, I created my own plugin to spin parts. However, the approach I took was to use Unity's built-in animations to do the work. The result is, you can do a LOT more than just spin the part. So, what does it do? Rather than just spin parts, it plays animations. Unlike animateGeneric it can be linked to thrust or throttle position. The animations can be reversed based on thrust reversing and they can be looped or played forward and backward. It can be used to animate batteries and can also animate parts based on their heat. Some .cfg Examples In the examples below is a video that includes my 'fish tail' engine. In unity, I created an animation of the tail moving back and forth. I also added in the pistons pushing and pulling on each side of the tail (it's a steampunk thing). Here's what the partModule looks like: MODULE { name = FAnimEngine // Name of the partModule to call animationName = fishAnim // Name of the animation saved in Unity partType = Engine // One of several part types which I'll describe below syncThrust = True // This tells the partModule to adjust the animation speed based on the thrust output of the engine. loopAnim = True // This tells the partModule to essentially rewind the animation and play it again when it finishes. animSpeed = 3 // The play speed of the animation. } And here's the partModule for the propeller engine below. You'll notice some differences. MODULE { name = FAnimEngine animationName = propAnim partType = Engine syncThrust = True loopAnim = True animSpeed = 20 // This is an actual aircraft propeller so it needs to go a bit faster than the fish tail useRotorDiscSwap = True // Uses the same technique as Firespitter to switch from a propeller to an alpha (blurry) spinning disc. rotorDiscName = rotorDisc // This is the name in Unity of the disk to swap to. rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.2 // This helps to fade the disk in and out propellerName = propeller // And this is the actual propeller which the plugin switches to when the prop speed is low. } And here's the partModule for the glowing battery MODULE { name = FAnimEngine animationName = lightsAnim partType = Battery loopAnim = False animSpeed = 1 } As you can see this one is pretty simple. It works like a cockpit lights animation except, the position of the animation is based on the percentage of battery life left. My first use was to create some 'flaps' over an exhaust for my submarine. I wanted a LF powered generator. The partModule looks like this. MODULE { name = FAnimEngine partType = Engine animationName = doorAnim syncThrottle = true smoothThrottle = true } In this case, the animation plays and stops based on a percentage of the throttle position. As the throttle is increased, a set of 'flaps' open wider and wider until full throttle. As the throttle decreases, the flaps close. The smoothThrottle keeps the flaps from slamming shut or instantly opening to full when the user presses x or y. Usage optoins: name = FAnimEngine // Always this. animationName = // The name of the animation you created in Unity partType = // one of the below types Engine - The most common one I use. All of the options below can be applied to an Engine type. Battery - This links the animation to the ships total battery power. The animation stops at a position that equivalent to the percentage of total battery power. Stirling - Setting part type to Stirling will tell the partModule to play the animation based on the part's Thermal Radiation Flux. The hotter the part gets, the faster the animation plays. Intake - This one you'll probably not use. It's specifically for my submarine. This finds the first intake available and play the animation when the intake opens or closes. I use this to automatically raise and lower a 'mast' intake on the sub when it surfaces or dives. syncThrust = true/false // The animation is linked to the thrust output of the engine. Do not use with syncThrottle syncThrottle = true/false // The animation is linked to the throttle position. Do not use with syncThrust smoothThrottle = true/fase //used only with syncThrottle to smooth the animation transition when the player rapidly changes the throttle. Setting to false, the animation instantly jumps to a new location. loopAnim = true/false // whether the animation should loop back to the beginning when it's finished playing. animSpeed = 1.0 // Adjust this to make the max animation speed faster or slower detectReverseThrust = true/false // If set to true and the engine reverses thrust, the partModule will reverse the animation. smoothRev = true/false // If set to false the animation will instantly reverse directions. If set to true, it will smooth the transition. useRotorDiscSwap = true/false // Mostly for propellers it allows a blurry alpha disc to be swapped for a spinning propeller rotorDiscName = // name of the disc you created in Unity rotorDiscFadeInStart = 1.0 // When the rotor and propeller swap places propellerName = The name of the propeller in Unity Some visual examples: If you watch this video you'll see some interesting effects, namely the fish tail. That is an animation that's directly linked to the thrust. Yes, the fish tail is a KSP engine. The Archimedes engines also use this plugin to handle their spinning. Here's another video showing how crazy you can get. Each of these "umbrella's" is an actual KSP engine producing thrust. And again, the animation speed is based on the engine's thrust. And that's just the beginning. Here's an image of a propeller engine I created. If you look closely inside the cowl, there's actually a crank shaft that spins with the propeller. The crank shaft has a bearing attached and 4 piston rods attached to it. As the crankshaft spins the bearing stays on the crank lobe and the piston rods move in and out of the pistons as the propeller turns. And there's more. If you re-watch the video of the umbrella drive, you'll see some green glowy things on the side. Those are batteries. They use this plugin and the glow increases and decreases depending on their charge. In the case of these batteries the green glow is an animated emissive. Enjoy.
When I saw @linuxgurugamer had revived better science labs I was quite happy to have some early and smaller labs again. However I disliked the reuse of stock models. For me a hitchhiker is a just not a lab, so I set out on a journey to create some better alternative models. There is a 1.25m lab, a 2.5m and an inflatable lab that has an odd size but can be launched on a 1.25m rocket. All still very much work in progress.
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