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  1. AtmosphereAutopilot plugin I'm a flight man. After getting bored from mundane KSP launch routine I found myself enjoying my old hobby - atmospheric flight. And then the struggle was born - lack of control. SSTO's were annoying, keeping them on ascent was hard. Flying anything but overdamped dart was exhausting even with joystick. I felt like i'm in 1940-s, and it was not the feeling i wanted to get from a game I love so much. One year ago, in November of 2014, I started working on this plugin to solve those problems for me. I needed three things in my life: generic fly-by-wire, cruise control and automatic lander. It makes me sad, but after one year, I only managed to implement the first autopilot (cruise control is also implemented). Considering my free time shortage as a student, I decided to still release this mod here, for one may find it's functionality useful for him, or for another to see the potential in this mod and help it with his advice or coding\engineering skills. Autopilots list: Standard Fly-By-Wire. Control signal abstraction autopilot, SAS replacement. Here is a short flight footage of statically unstable plane I took: VIDEO. You can see roll-yaw induced isolation, AoA and G moderation, as well as general behaviour of the autopilot. Mouse Director. Plane tries to fly towards camera direction. Use middle mouse button hold + mouse turn to look above the craft and have a convenient camera angle. Precise control (CAPS LOCK) prevents from roll-over while accelerating down, as well as restrains acceleration in general. VIDEO. Cruise Flight. Maintain course, altitude, speed, fly towards a waypoint, picked on Kerbin in map view by click. More details in documentation. AoA-Hold. Maintain desired pitch AoA. Videos: Quick overview by KerbalItalia dude (in Italian of course, but that doesn't really matter): https://youtu.be/k3rLK4uuJg8 Short feature-review in english by Jongsh (timestamped): https://youtu.be/ukcW2SW29fg?t=526 F-35 post-stall piloting with FAR (no commentary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi-zXRDfyAs Download links: SpaceDock or Github As usual, put .zip contents in gamedata. License: GNU GPL v3. The KSPUpgradeScriptFix.dll and its source can be found on this post (link for convenience) (alternative: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksph/KSPUpgradeScriptFix). Dependencies and compatibility: You'll need ModuleManager. FAR is supported. No wind mods are supported, as well as any mods, wich are changing control surface, rcs and engine gimbaling behaviour. I recommend using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement by ferram4. If you're using "Stock Bug Fix Modules", turn off ModuleControlSurfacePlus and ModuleGimbalPlus modules in it's manager. FAQ: >FAR? - yes >My control surface settings are not respected - Make sure you reconfigure your crafts (set pitch, roll, yaw again) after mod installation, if you're using stock aero. You will not have to do that again, unless you delete the mod. >Wobbling on my plane. - yes. In 99% of cases I'll know what's the problem, it's just that to fix it would be impossible under my time budget. Warm it up by pitching\rolling, tweak some stuff, it may help. Ask me, if desperate. >How to make the plane follows surface-level pitch, instead of orbital, while using fly-by-wire? -Put navball in surface mode. >AFBW mod is not cooperating with the standard fly-by-wire. -Activate "AA compatibility" in AFBW's GUI. Documentation: I tried my best at providing documentation of the code itself and writing a readme you can find in the archive, or in Git repo - https://github.com/Boris-Barboris/AtmosphereAutopilot/blob/master/README.md. Please, make sure you've examined it before asking any questions. I'm not very good at support, but i will try. FPS impact: Computational complexity of plugin (when active) - O(n), where n - number of parts. You will feel it on 100+ part crafts, and you will feel a heavy GUI, wich is full of numbers (Unity is slow with rendering strings, or maybe I'm just a bad coder), needed for debugging. Fortunately, most of the time, you don't need any GUI at all. Hotkeys: Default ones: "P" - "Master switch" you can use to toggle AA. "Shift"+"P" - toggle Autopilot Module manager GUI. "O" - default hotkey for moderation switch, when Fly-By-Wire is active. Can be changed in Global_settings.cfg in Fly-By-Wire section. KOS integration: Acknowledgments: Sarbian - for support of ModuleManager and consultation on numerical precision issues, and other cheesy KSP stuff. Kobymaru - he kindly helped with initial criticizm and debugging of plugin in August-September. Ferram4 - for providing a license application example to copy from, I'm new to this stuff. Morse - neo-GUI design and implementation. Hotel26 - multiple UI-related additions.
  2. kOS Scriptable Autopilot System v1.4.0.0 for KSP 1.12.x (This is a continuation of the old thread about the kOS mod: ( 1.2.2 kOS scriptable autopilot system ).) kOS (Kerbal Operating System) is an autopilot you script yourself. kOS is to programming, what Kerbal Space Program itself is to rocket science. You don’t have to know what you’re doing to get started, but you may find yourself learning a lot by accident as you play with it. And if you already know a lot about programming, it will still be able to hold your interest. kOS is meant to scale with the skill level of the user. You can start off doing very small simple things with it, and get more and more into using its features as you go. Example: print "Launching". lock steering to heading(90,80). lock throttle to 1. stage. wait until altitude > 5000. lock steering to heading(90,60). wait until altitude > 15000. lock steering to heading(90,45). wait until altitude > 25000. lock steering to heading(90,30). until apoapsis > 80000 { print "apoapsis is " + round(apoapsis,0). wait 0. } lock throttle to 0. // ..etc... What it does kOS introduces a few new parts that each contain a simulated computer capable of running programs written in its own scripting langauge called kerboscript. The computer has powerful smarts built in to the hardware that allow it to do complex spacecraft operations in one command, thus making it possible to make complex programs with only a few lines of script text. The intent of kOS is to be a fully in-game item that lives inside the Kerbal’s universe. The program isn’t running on your own gaming computer, but rather it’s being run in a virtual machine that is simulated in the underlying Unity engine. History kOS was originally begun as a mod by a single author, Kevin Laity aka Nivekk. Although the project has undergone massive changes since then and now has a very different underlying archetecture and is under active development by a different set of people, none of that would have been possible without his original vision and work. Changelog Source Downloading: From Curse From SpaceDock Direct from the GitHub Project
  3. Features Speed control Maintain altitude Maintain heading Maintain climbrate Autonomous takeoff Autonomous landing Fly a pre-programmed route Fly to a pre-programmed waypoint Also works in FAR What it is This is a project I've been working on forever. Programming an atmospheric autopilot can be very, very hard, but I've came up with an acceptable result, at least in my eyes, and wanted to let you guys be able to check it out! There is much to be optimized which I will do in the future as well as add new features, but for now, the results were quite good in my opinion, which is why I'm releasing it now. Installation Install kOS https://github.com/KSP-KOS/KOS/releases Download the script https://spacedock.info/mod/2346/KK's Airplane Autopilot Put all the files inside your KSP Main/Ships/Script folder How to use Attach a kOS unit to your aircraft If your craft has thrust reversers, put them on action group 4 Launch the craft Open the kOS terminal Enter the following: switch to 0. run auto307. Once the gui is built, you can hop into the settings menu and adjust all your parameters there. For some more detailed information, you can also hop into the script, I've added some comments there explaining the different variables, but it should be pretty much self-explanatory. You can also choose to add a new "airplane" to the database, simply copy an existing one (do not copy the last aircraft, copy one of the first) and adjust the parameters. Enjoy! To create new waypoints, simply copy an existing one (best if you copy the first one), give it a new name and enter it's latlng position. You can do this two ways: log the current geoposition of your craft to a file and then copy the logged coordinates into the waypoint OR enter the coordinates from the cheat menu "Set position". The same procedure for navigation / flyroute mode. Copy an existing one, add the waypoints and end with a runway. This script could be extremely handy for career mode where you have to fly to certain waypoints, gather some data etc. Now you can just enter the heading you need to fly to, select the speed and altitude and lean back! Bus / Known issues: You might see some severe wobble / oscillation of the craft shortly after you activate a mode for the first time. The script will automatically try to reduce the oscillation but this might take a few seconds. If the oscillation is really bad, try to reduce control authority on the rudders in the beginning and steadily increase it. Some more action: @Mods, I hope this is considered to be an Addon and thus is in the right subforum!
  4. Hey everyone, I wanted to jump in a share my personal take on the topic of a mcJeb for KSP2. In my opinion McJeb Is hands down one of the most valuable mods ever created for Kerbal space program. If this mod were to be officially integrated into the game or adopted as a native feature, it would bring an incredible amount of freedom to new players. Some of you may be surprised to know, but after hours of reading through the discord of Kerbal space program Reddit and the intercept games Discord. I came to the conclusion that veterans and newbies took Kerbal space program Struggle to pilot their crafts. There are various reasons behind this challenge, making mistakes during docking or achieving a stable orbit On a regular basis, can be quite demanding. having some form of automation to assist in achieving a perfect equatorial or polar orbit becomes almost essential, especially for a game that revolves around space flight and exploration. Now I understand that many experienced KSP players might immediately argue that piloting is one of the most important aspects of the game, and I respect that perspective. however, I belong to the 1% who actually prefer to focus on building and engineering rockets, rather than piloting them. I never signed up to be a pilot - I lack the skills and interest to navigate the spacecraft myself... If anyone is out there capable of creating this mod, I want you to know that you would personally enhance my experience with Kerbal Space Program tremendously. while it may not mean much to others, it means the world to me. I struggle to Enjoy KSP because I'm a mid-tier pilot who often makes mistakes. And this is more targeted to KSP staff. if you are reading this, please put the word out, it is worth highlighting that in real world space exploration virtually all rockets have some form of automated guidance system or autopilot. This fact further emphasizes the significance of incorporating native autopilot controls within kerbal space program. by introducing features like synthetic guidance, orbit guidance and docking guidance, the game would not only enhance the overall user experience, but also mirror the practices and technologies utilized in actual space missions. this alignment with real life autopilot systems would add a layer of authenticity and realism to the gameplay, allowing players to immerse themselves in a more accurate representation of space exploration.
  5. Throttle Controlled Avionics - Continued real-time engine balancing, attitude and altitude control, VTOL autopiloting Originally created by qfeys and Zenka Current development and maintenance: allista TCA is a plugin that enhances the attitude control of a ship by dynamically changing the output of its engines and RCS thrusters. Even with most unbalanced designs TCA maintains stable flight and quick precise response to user or autopilot input. TCA also provides many sophisticated autopilot programs based on this core functionality, including waypoint navigation and automatic landing. It is also fast enough to simultaneously control a whole squadron of ships without much overhead. First read, then fly! TCA Manual First read, then fly! Support me on Patreon Features Functionality: Simultaneous control over multiple vessels. Realtime RCS and engine balancing. Multiple engine roles and engine profiles. Full support of slow engines (jets, propellers, etc.) Thrust attitude control. Hovering control. Many sophisticated autopilot programs. Orbital maneuvering independent of command module orientation. User defined macros. Technical: Both the Toolbar and the stock AppLauncher are supported. Per-vessel/per-save configuration profiles and custom presets. In-game configurable key binding. Full career mode integration (see below). Introduction to TCA2 New Features in TCA3 Launching shuttle with TCA Flying Harrier-like VTOL plane with TCA New orbital autopilots in TCA 3.2.0 TCA Modules in Tech Tree Downloads and Installation !!! ModuleManager is required but not included !!! SpaceDock Page GitHub Releases Source Code If you're upgrading, DELETE the old version before installing a new one BUT do not delete the TCA.conf and config.xml files to preserve your settings. ChangeLog Acknowledgments: First of all, many thanks to qfeys and Zenka for creating the original concept and implementation. Without them TCA would not exist. And I want to express extreme gratitude to @smjjames, who helped me so much with the testing of TCA3 and proposed countless improvements. Without it this version would never have come to a release! My patrons on Patreon. Thank you for your support! Kevin Casey Bob Palmer Ryan Rasmussen Matthew Zaleski Bart Blommaerts eL.Dude Layne Benofsky Igor Zavoychinskiy Issarlk Meiyo BP Jenna Mitchell Squiddy Ted Achenbach SCESW Patrice Hédé Steve Victory Also, here are the mods whose code and ideas were used in one way or another: Hangar MechJeb2
  6. I have always liked the idea of having a launch craft that gets a payload to somewhere in atmosphere and then launches or drops it. Launches for releasing a rocket to go into orbit or dropping a glider or vehicle on a pallet with parachutes to a location. Even just parachuting a Kerbal from the plane. The trouble is that once you pass 2.3 km apart, the craft you didn't stay with is usually lost. What I would love is if you left a pilot on the launch aircraft, there is an option to tell them to go home upon separation and they then fly and land the aircraft back at base in background simulation. I know there are programs like "Bon Voyage" that can get a rover to a location in background simulation. Does anybody know of a mod that can return an aircraft home while you are concentrating on other things? Also, if not. Would it be possible to intergate it into KSP?
  7. Are there any mods where I could set up a mission which would be repeated on a regular basis? Such as having a space station around Duna with craft that automatically go down to the moons and mine for fuel so the space station always has fuel? I'm more specifically thinking about this so is there another way of doing this so I dont have to be constantly doing the same mission over and over again?
  8. Had an idea for a new set of SAS buttons to add to the current set: Flight heading Buttons. Currently you can set your SAS autopilot to prograde, normal, etc., but it would be extremely helpful to be able to align your craft with the compass headings. 90°- (east) 0° - (north) 270° -(west) 180° - (south) While it would have many helpful uses, I currently have the greatest need for it when launching into orbit and want to keep my heading at exactly 90°. The only way to do this currently is to manually keep your marker lined up with the compass. The prograde marker helps, but constantly changes heading while under acceleration.
  9. Do you hate it when your craft is tugging along on SAS and you want to correct the course a bit? You touch pitch controls and it gets all wobbly. There is a simple solution to your problem: SAS should not control the control input, but work via the TRIM settings. You control input would be combined with the TRIM and you would have perfect controls even with SAS activated. Better yet: Allow the TRIM settings to be kept when leaving SAS (maybe with a modifier key or so) and move your craft from SAS to full manual control without even the slightest bump. Why we should do this? Because usually it is done like that. Your input is combined with stabilisation/trim. If it is still unclear what I mean exactly, move down three posts. User OHARA does explain it better!
  10. Guuuuuwd Moooorning everyone! I hope you all have a fantastic Saturday so far! I have a question regarding MechJeb 2 and the Aircraft Autopilot. Since the wiki is so outdated it doesn't even contain a single line of text regarding the specific part of the MJ2 mod, I thought I would try my luck over here! So far I managed to make the autopilot obey my orders of altitude and direction, however, I struggle with getting it to listen to my command when it comes to speed Down here I have provided a screenshot, you will see the Aircraft Autopilot window. Notice that I have set the speed to 200 m/s and also notice that my aircrafts actual speed is 358.2 m/s. Screenshot Why doesn't it regulate the thrust for me? What am I doing wrong? Please MechJeb gurus, guide me on the right path! Kind Regards - Schmelge
  11. The goal of this series/project is to develop a KOS script that can fly a falcon heavy like rocket or a single booster rocket and return all boosters and the first stage to the KSC autonomously. Progress will be posted over time. I will post single 'flights' on YouTube and in responses to this post. Each 'flight' will include an iteration on the source code adding or improving a single feature. The source code is available on Github. There now is a followup project: Questions/comments/improvements are greatly appreciated. Mission Log: Flight #1 - Simple Hop Flight #2 - Liftingbody flight path adjustment Flight #3 - High altitude path reversal boostback Flight #4 - Heavy demonstrator with boosters Launch #1 - Foo-Sat to LKO - A COMPLETE MISSION!!! Github source code Kamik423
  12. For about a year now I've been looking a mod to give space ship/fighters "combat AI" to move ships around, turn guns to face and to dodge incoming fire. Are there any fighter/ship AIs out yet for use with BDA these days?
  13. I am working on a plugin for docking and am trying to align the current vessel with the docking axis of the target. I am trying to use the vessel Autopilot.SAS to do this and so far it does not seem to work. In my FixedUpdate() handler I am first ensuring that it is in StabilityAssist mode: if (vessel.Autopilot.Mode != VesselAutopilot.AutopilotMode.StabilityAssist) { Deb.Log("Engaging StabilityAssist"); vessel.Autopilot.SetMode(VesselAutopilot.AutopilotMode.StabilityAssist); sas_orientation_set = false; } And then calculating a quaternion based on the target zaxis (which is the target transform forward vector) and the target transform up vector: Quaternion quat = Quaternion.LookRotation(-zaxis, tgt_tr.up.normalized); And then setting that if I have not already set it: if (!sas_orientation_set) { Deb.Log("SAS set to quat: {0}", quat); vessel.Autopilot.SAS.LockRotation(quat); sas_orientation_set = true; } I also am printing out the current "lockedRotation" quant and what I set it to: Deb.Log("currentRotationLock: {0}", vessel.Autopilot.SAS.lockedRotation); Deb.Log("desiredRotationLock: {0}", quat); Initially the two values match up, but after a few updates, the lockedRotation value changes to what it was before I set it: [LOG 23:42:22.139] [KRAMAX] currentRotationLock: (0.0, -0.6, 0.0, -0.8) [LOG 23:42:22.139] [KRAMAX] desiredRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.140] [KRAMAX] SAS set to quat: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.163] [KRAMAX] currentRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.164] [KRAMAX] desiredRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.164] [KRAMAX] SAS set to quat: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.187] [KRAMAX] currentRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.187] [KRAMAX] desiredRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.192] [KRAMAX] currentRotationLock: (0.0, -0.6, 0.0, -0.8) [LOG 23:42:22.193] [KRAMAX] desiredRotationLock: (-0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.9) [LOG 23:42:22.215] [KRAMAX] currentRotationLock: (0.0, -0.6, 0.0, -0.8) Does anyone know how to make this work? I would really like to use SAS to do this and not have to write my own yaw/pitch/roll autopilot or require users to use mechjeb. -Thanks, Kramer
  14. Hi all, I am wondering if it would be possible to create a Mechjeb-like interface that can control the ship with three parameters: 1: A target planet or ship. 2: A selected amount of acceleration force measured in gravities. 3: Whether or not the ship has the delta-v to complete the brachistochrone trajectory. Once all three of these are fulfilled, the ship should (hopefully) burn at the target, flip 180 degrees at the exact midpoint, and burn to arrive at a safe speed. These rules do assume a torchdrive, but that's easy - just set the thrust value and ISP of your torch to some ridiculous value in the CFG. So, does anyone know what it would take to make something like this? Thanks!
  15. I started working on a new Module that will allow me to do a hands-off powered descent and mun lander. The module is good at controlling the throttle. However, it is not good at keeping the craft locked on its retrograde! At first, the ship will point almost exactly at the retrograde. However, after several seconds, the craft will stop following the retrograde, and only adjust once the retrograde has drifted very far from the craft's heading. Using SAS, I can click on the hold retrograde icon, and it fixes the problem. This works, but I don't want people to have to mess with their SAS. Here is my code, and I also have a video of a working attempt:
  16. This is a continuation of the Excellent work by Nivekk. Without it, this mod would certainly not exist. What's new CHANGELOG Current Version: - Released 2017/9/18 What is it kOS is a scriptable autopilot Mod for Kerbal Space Program. It allows you write small programs that automate specific tasks. With kOS, you can issue commands to your ships via a command line, or write programs to automate tasks. kOS can interact with other parts on your craft via action groups, it can also be set to run programs in response to action groups being fired. kOS requires Kerbal Space Program 0.90 or later. Where to get it Download the latest version from Curse Download the latest version from Spacedock Releases and Pre-Release Builds are posted on Github Installation Simply merge the contents of the zip file into your Kerbal Space Program folder. Usage Add the Compotronix SCS part to your vessel; it's under the "Control" category in the Vehicle Assembly Building or Space Plane Hanger. After hitting launch, you can right-click on the part and select the "Open Terminal" option. This will give you access to the KerboScript interface where you can begin issuing commands and writing programs. The SCS module requires some electric charge to operate. You can shut it off to save power by right-clicking it and using the "Toggle Power" option. Some commands can be aborted, including programs that you have run. Simply open the terminal and hit control-c to break. This is useful if you accidentally write something that runs forever. Documentation Reference Documentation Other Resources kOS Subreddit - Regular conversation with devs and a lot of code sharing Bug Report / Feature Requests Issue Tracker Changelog License This software is released under the GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007. View complete license on GitHub.
  17. Hi. I am having some trouble with rovers going downhill with mechjeb rover autopilot on. I set speed for 10m/s, for instance, but when downhill mechjeb won't apply brakes and will only, apparently, try to brake with the engines, which doesn't works. I can easily, manually, brake and the brakes are effective, it is just MJ that does not appears to use them. Any alternatives? I am using KSP 1.2, RO, RSS, all dependencies, and a few more mods like MJ2
  18. Can someone recommend a good autopilot/cruise control mod? I mainly just want something that will maintain a consistent altitude during atmospheric flight but other kinds of autopilot would be a cool bonus.
  19. I recently had another series, 2mF, developing a KOS script to automatically fly, return and land boosters in KSP. I decided to try that again, this time with less "empirically determined values" and with explaining my code. This should make the script fit to multiple different missions, not just this one specific rocket. I hope to be able to demonstrate New Shepard, Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy like missions. This also is an editing-learning-experience for me. So I hope the audio quality on the next video will be better, I am trying! I want this to be a community-thing, so I am looking forward to your feedback, improvement suggestions and criticism! Links YouTube channel Forum Thread GitHub Repo Modlist CameraTools for recording DistantObjectEnhancement little dots for planets and ships PlanetShine planet illuminating the vessel Scatterer better atmosphere and water kOS programming rockets Other Info Text Editor Atom Syntax Theme Solarized Dark KSP Version 1.2.2 Video Editing Software Adobe Premiere Pro Microphone Blue Snowball Hans Episode #1: Automated Booster landing development tutorial using a KOS Autopilot script. Inaugural episode: Dumb suicide burn with a simple hop. I promise the audio will be better next time! Also go to the YouTube video, to like and subscribe!
  20. Здраствуйте любители космоса. Подскажите пожалуйста мод автопилота к версии ksp 1.2.9 какие моды пробовал: MechJeb - 2.6.0 вылетает при загрузке.
  21. I Recently downloaded KOS and I kind of have an idea of what I want to do. I want to script multiple scripts to achieve an Apollo style Landing on the moon and to do this I have decided on the scripts I want to make.. The first one is the auto-launch program where the craft goes up to 5 - 10 km then preforms a gravity turn and is put on a heading until the objective altitude is reached then it coasts to Apogee then makes the circularization burn I also want it to script the if negative vertical velocity to trigger the abort action group and switch to a file that contains procedures for the abort to jettison the les and to deploy the parachutes. I need a program that will execute maneuver nodes, a lunar landing Descent and Liftoff, a reentry autopilot for displaying heat shield integrity and action groups. I will also need a few micro managing programs that I think I can code my self and some of this I may be able to do since I do not fully understand the Kerbal computing language.
  22. The way stability assist seems to work at the moment is it holds your position based on some universal plane; while this is great for orbiting celestial bodies, it is a pain in the atmosphere. I suggest changing the plane of reference when surface mode is engaged to lock onto the current angle and orientation of the navball. If you wish to hold 20° vertically while travelling east, face east and aim at 20° then engage stability assist in surface mode. When the navball is changed to orbital mode then change the plane of reference back to its normal behavior (the way stability assist works now).
  23. I am having a problem where I want to launch rockets from a high-altitude airplane to lower costs. The airplane has a detachable rocket with enough delta-V to get to orbit from high altitude, but not enough to get to orbit from the ground. Currently I am doing my best to put the airplane in level flight, hit stability control, switch control to the rocket, then launch, but I find that in the time it takes to put the rocket in stable orbit, the airplane eventually hits the ground destructively. I'm not even sure if I can switch back to the aircraft from the space control center if it survived (anyone know?). Perhaps this type of project is not even possible in KSP? Does anyone have any ideas to allow the airplane to survive with low cost, or implement some career-mode-allowable autopilot functionality without mods, or mods that enable this functionality via coding or otherwise without seeming like complete cheating (mechjeb)?
  24. Hi, I found two bugs so far in KSP 1.1.1 unmodded (both 32 and 64 bits clients): 1) When I have a ship sitting on a RE-I5 skipper on the launch pad (for example a cockpit, two X200-32 and a RE-I5) with engine and SAS off, it starts wobbling more and more until it crash on the side. 2) Sometimes, in the upper atmosphere my SAS will go crazy (at around 40 000 m, 1000 m/s). It is difficult to reproduce, I will update my post if I find the cause. Edit: I could not isolate #2. I'm not sure if it is a bug. When a rocket can bend just enough, the SAS will overuse the engine's gimbals. Thanks, Felix Nicol
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