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  1. it keeps getting stuck, i dont know why. i have PRE and ModuleManager installed and it still does that.
  2. Aviator Arsenal (continued) A WW2 aircraft weapons and utilities collection. Aviator Arsenal was a BDAc expansion pack containing some of the most famous WW2 aircraft weapons created by @tetrydsand @VintageXP that has gone un-updated since KSP 1.2, and all credit for this mod should go to them. I am merely a maintainer. Following interest in AA from a few BDAc competitions I've become associated with, I've received tetryd's blessing to maintain this mod and update it to current versions of KSP and BDAc. <<The original thread can be found here>> Every weapon on this pack was researched to be represented accurately, while still maintaining a unique style and making them look appealing into the game. The focus of the pack was originally being used in actual dogfighting, mainly the BAD-T tournaments, and as such a complex balancing system was implemented. This meant that every weapon was rigorously balanced to be used out of the box, you do not need to worry about tweaking anything in order to have a fair gameplay. Every weapon fulfills a role, and you can choose your preferential stats through different variations of the same weapon. Every parameter, from rate of fire to tracer color is represented as accurately as possible. A lot of research was put on making sure the weapons are as similar to their real life counterparts as possible. Have fun, and good fighting! Main Features: Cannons: Machine Guns: ShVAK 20mm (2 Variants), MG 151/20 20mm, MG 151 15mm (2 Variants), Hispano Mk II 20mm (2 Variants) ShKAS 7.62mm, Breda-SAFAT 7.7mm (2 Variants), UBK .50, M2 Gunpod .50, Browning M2 .50 (4 variants) Heavy Cannons: Explosives: Mk 108 30mm, Vya-23 23mm, Vickers S 40mm, BordKannon 7.5 75mm RP-3 Rocket, XM158 2.75in rocket pod, HVAR Rocket, 100lb, 250lb, 500lb, 1000lb bomb Also includes ammo boxes, various ordinance mounts, Jericho Trumpet, Sperry Ball Turret, and custom BDAc AI/Weapon Manager antennas BDArmory 1.4+ (Required) Download Aviator Arsenal from SpaceDock Changelog: Per tetryd's wishes, the license remains All Rights Reserved. All credit to this mod goes to tetryds and vintageXP
  3. I have created a fresh new Topic to maintain BDAc continuity. For any past forum posts please refer to the Old BDAcTopic here: The old BDAc Forum Topic has been locked by the topic owner. Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BD Armory Continued Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has it's own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BD Armory wiki: http://bdarmory.wikia.com/wiki/BDArmory_Wikia BDAc Release Links: Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases Papa Joe's Soup Github link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup?tab=repositories ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Importing craft that are armed into the new BDAc is going to mess with the weapons as the craft file that has been saved will have values in it that are no longer in BDAc as well as not having the new variables that are in BDAc The current release of BDAc is a maintenance release, and only KSP compatibility updates will be performed going forward. The Mod is NOT dead, though, as others have taken the reigns of keeping BDA alive and well. with that said: Please Check out the New BDA+ NOTE. BDA for Runway Project (now BDA+) is a separate fork by Brett Ryland and others. New forum Post for BDA+ is here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TL;DR - DO NOT IMPORT OLDER CRAFT WITH WEAPONS ON THEM FROM VERSIONS OF BDAc PRIOR TO THE ONE YOU ARE INSTALLING ..... REMOVE ALL BDAc AND BDAc ADDON PARTS AND THEN IMPORT YOUR CRAFT See spoilers below for release notes, videos, Github issues and download links The BDAc family of mods were all created by @BahamutoD, and in his absence, we have taken it upon ourselves to keep the explosions flowing For anything related to BDAc or mods in the BDAc family, I refer you to the Github link for Papa Joe's Soup (Slightly Over Used Parts) where there is listed download links for the mods in question ... If you have questions or concerns, feel free to post here and the team will do our best to assist you I also refer you to our in game KSPedia where you will find a wealth of information on the operation of BDAc Be aware that forcing opengl will result in many shaders showing as pink ... the only solution is DO NOT force opengl If you think you have come across a gremlin or a bug with BDAc or any of the mods we maintain, feel free to post here, however we ask that you also take a look at the issues list on Github to see if your problem has been addressed. We use the built in Github issues tracker to keep record of bugs, enhancements and feature requests as it is difficult to keep track of bug reports and all the great ideas that the community have come up with on the forum (things can get buried and lost under newer posts) Please note that only the most recent version of BDAc is supported at this time and that BDA needs PhysicsRangeExtender to work properly: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases Also, to correctly install BDAc, first download the latest release from the BDAc releases link posted below (not the source download) and then extract the BDArmory folder contained within the zip file and place it into your KSP/Gamedata folder ... Do not, I repeat, do not place the Gamedata folder contained within the BDAc zip into your Gamedata folder as this will cause umpteen million conflicts to arise as the BahaTurret pickle looks for textures, configs and whatnot in specific places In regards to CKAN ... It is our policy not to provide support for CKAN as we have no control over the process beyond listing when deploying to SpaceDock. If you are having issues with CKAN we request that you take it up with CKAN, otherwise follow the clear instructions posted above and if your issue continues then feel free to ask the team for assistance In regards to support, KSP.log please (Found in the same directory as the KSP executable ... this file is overwritten each time you start KSP ... upload this file to a filesharing site such as dropbox and post the link so the team can take a look) ... I also refer you to the following thread where it describes in detail everything else that is required for us to help you: Best Regards, The BDAc Team @Papa_Joe @jrodriguez @SpannerMonkey(smce) @gomker @TheDog @DoctorDavinci @Eidahlil @TheKurgan BDAc Release Notes (latest only): BDAc Development Timelapse: Just a little video that @jrodriguez put together to show the development of BDA from its modest beginnings to around April of 2018. We thought you might like to see it: BDAc Family Mod links: BDMk22 Plugin Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/issues Burn Together Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BurnTogether/issues Camera Tools Releases link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/releases Issues link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/CameraTools/issues Destruction Effects Forum link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154379-12x-destruction-effects-v130-010217/&page=1 Releases link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/releases Issues link: https://github.com/jrodrigv/DestructionEffects/issues Improved Chase Camera Forum link : https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/173436-14x-improved-chase-camera-v162-apr-02-2018/ Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ImprovedChaseCamera/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/ImprovedChaseCamera/issues Vessel Mover Continued Forum link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/144421-12-vesselmover-continued-v1513/& Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/VesselMover/issues Vessel Switcher has been incorporated into BD Armory Continued In regards to Adjustable Landing Gear, please consult the Kerbal Foundries Continued thread where @Shadowmage has taken it upon himself to maintain an ALG-like addition to KF Continued ... his thread can be found at the following link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/155056-122-kerbal-foundries-continued-tracks-wheels-and-gear-02-05-17/&page=1 Videos: Physic Range Extender: Guard Mode and Wing Commander: Modular Missiles: Sonar and Torpedoes: Missiles - Cruise and Terminal Guidance BD Armory was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. BahamutoD has moved on to creating VTOL VR, found on Steam. Go check it out! This mod is now called BD Armory Continued, and is being maintained in BahamutoD's absence by the BDAc team. It continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/before attempting to modify and redistribute it BD Armory Continued contains code based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories and is used with permission (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/) ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Continued also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts. https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter
  4. Non Issues (1) - The Mk81 just plain out sucked IRL, so it sucks in game, only carry if you need a bomb as small as a kerbal. Known Issues (2) - M151 AT Rockets do no damage to any parts. possible BDA Bug as even using the stock BDA Rockets CFG Yields no damage. - Minor Shader issues on most weapons when highlighted, Turn off Part highlighting when hovering the mouse over them or Ignore. Dependencies (1) - BahamutoD Armory continued Download Pre-Revival 1.x.x: https://spacedock.info/mod/1581/Non Politically Motivated Salvaged Parts Tested working up to : 1.9.1 License - Configs are GNU/GPLv3, Models/textures All rights reserved
  5. Originally a quality of life improvement I modded into a personal copy of BDAc for running various tournaments, but rather than continually modding each successive version of BDAc, it was spun off into its own plugin. Team Icons adds UI icons to BDA vessels - no more purple squares and trying to remember which is which once the furball begins: Usage notes: This Plugin will do nothing by itself - it is an addon to and requires BDA There are two versions of BD TeamIcons, for the two versions of BDAc. Version 1.8.5 requires vanilla BDAc 1.3.x Press F4 to toggle off the default vessel UI overlay. * [Enable Team Icons] toggles icons on or off. * [Enable Team Labels] toggles the 'Team: ' identifier. * [Enable Vessel Labels] toggles vessel names. * [Missile Icons] toggles missile alert icons. * [Debris Icons] toggles debris icons on/off. * [Do not hide with UI] toggles icons being hid along with the rest of the HUD via F2. * [Show Pointers] toggles off-screen icon tails * [Icon Scale] adjusts icons scale Team Icons v1.8.5 supports a max of 16 teams. Clicking on a team label under the settings will allow selection of a custom team color for that team. Version 1.9-RWP requires BDAc-RWP 1.3.4.x Version 1.9 additional features that are exclusive to and require Runway Project: * [Enable Score] toggles competition mode score display * [Vessel Healthbars] toggles HP bars * [Vessel Threat Icons] toggles icons showing who is attacking who Team Icons v1.9 supports unlimited teams Additionally, vessels will be tagged with different icons based on vessel type into 7 different categories: Planes, Rovers, Bases/Landers, Probes, Ships, Submarines, and Stations/Relays Download from SpaceDock | GitHub Changelog This work is licensed under a BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.
  6. This might be a change of pace for a lot of folks but I've been setting up a BDAc competition for a while now. It's going to be using a lot of the infrastructure that's been set up for Scott Manley's Runway Project but we're going to be, hopefully, setting up some infrastructure down the line for AI-run competitions so that at any time somebody could hop onto a stream and watch some entertaining BDAc dogfights. Add in some player/viewer interaction after the style of Salty Bets and that's the goal. Aside from the above, there will be regularly run manual tournaments (Live Tournaments) up until and after the backend and support are there for the rest of the system. We plan on starting a vote in the next couple days for the topic or "theme" of the first Live Tournament. Feel free to click the discord link below and drop on by, all comers welcome! https://discord.gg/vB5YWP7Tfw
  7. Hello there! Before you contact me for submitting an entry at leonhojoz@gmail.com or go to my Discord DM's (Hojoz#3678) Please keep in mind that if there's enough interest I'm allowing 16 submissions total, and that I'm not trying to compete with other YouTube fighter competitions. You can discuss the competition on my public Discord server: (https://discordapp.com/invite/hq493Kz)
  8. The Tournament It's time once again for a new BAD-T. Like the last four BAD-T tournaments, this will consist of 2v2 dogfights featuring WWII-era aircraft battling around and above sites scattered all over Kerbin. Contestants will submit a craft, which will then be pitted against other submitted craft in a standard tournament ladder format, with fights recorded and posted to YouTube. Defeat means a craft is out of the running, success means it moves up to the next bracket. Depending on the number of entries, a second-tier ladder may also be run, featuring craft that lost during the first round of fights. To enter, simply create a WWII themed aircraft. Replicas of real-world craft are permitted, but not required. Craft design, AI configuration and armament are entirely up to you. As long as it follows the rules and looks like it could have been a real WWII-era fighter, it's a valid entry. Brackets Tier 1 Tier 2 The following mods are required: FAR 'Mach' Aviator Arsenal with the KSP 1.4.5 patch. BDAc 1.3.x, with the BDAc S.I. patch, and DMG_MULTIPLIER = 1000 in the GameData/BDArmory/Settings.cfg. BAD-T Props pack, which requires the FireSpitter .dll Additionally, the following mods are permitted, but optional: B9 Proc wings Procedural parts Adjustable Landing Gear with KSP 1.7 compatibility patch. Aircraft Classes: Entries will fall into one of two categories, Fighters and Heavy Fighters. Fighters are single engine monoplanes. They have one engine. They must have a dry mass of at least 2.5 tons*. They can use up to 100 points worth of engine and armament. Heavy fighters are heavy twin engine monoplanes. They have 2 engines. They must have a dry mass of at least 5.25 tons*. They can use up to 150 points worth of engines and armament. *Dry mass is the empty weight of the craft, wet mass is the loaded weight of the craft with fuel and ammunition. Resources like Oxidizer and Ore which aren't used as fuel or ammo can be used as ballast and count towards dry mass. Points: Weapons cost their diameter in mm, rounded down. *12.7mm MGs cost 12 points, etc Engine cost is indicated by the number in their part name. *'B27-D Brutus' costs 27 points, 'B32-D Gazelle' costs 32, etc. Ammo is free, carry as much or as little as desired. Rules: - Craft must have no more than 60 parts. -No Breaking Ground DLC parts. -Only Aviator Arsenal weapons permitted, with the exception of the Ball Turret. -Only BADT engines allowed (Widshed, Brutus, Gazelle, Wizard, Buzzer, Foxhound, & Falcon). -Space (RCS/Ore/LF/O) fuel tanks are allowed as structural components, but please, no aerospace grade parts (RCS/fairings/heatshields/A.I.R.B.R.A.K.E.s/etc). -No reaction wheels. -Craft must have at least 1 Kerbal, either in a cockpit, or a constructed open cockpit using a command seat. -No BDAc armor panels. Intrinsic part armor thickness is to remain at 10. -Constructed cockpits must be safe, something that a sane (you, not Jeb) pilot would want to sit in. -Part clipping is allowed, within reason. No clipping resource containing parts into other resource containing parts please. Clipping ballast parts into ballast parts is permitted. -If using P wings, keep wing thickness for main wing pieces at least 0.120. -If both craft on a team run out of ammo, they forfeit the match, as they can no longer shoot down the opposing team. -You don't need to add a weapon manager or AI - they've been added to the Mk1 cockpits and command seat. -No text editing of craft files. -Kerbal G limits will be on. -The Eidahill Clause: While cheesy Min-Maxed designs that take advantage of loopholes or game exploits may be technically legal, I ask that contestants respect the spirit of the competition, not just Rules As Written, when designing their airplane. Recommendations - Optional, but might be a good idea: -Try to have at least 15 minutes of fuel. -AI min altitude should probably be above 300m. -Test your plane against the Dummy. if nothing else, this certifies that your craft possesses basic flight-worthiness. Paintball mode may be useful here. -Try to have at least a couple hundred rounds per gun. The AI is both wasteful and inaccurate. Submissions: Craft must be submitted by the deadline, 11:59 PM, Sunday, October 20th. One entry per person. If something goes wrong during submission, or you realize your craft is not rules compliant and needs some changes, contact me via PM. Otherwise, all submissions are final. To submit, upload your craft to KerbalX or similar, and sent me the download link via PM. Sharing links to your crafts in the thread is fine, but only craft I've been sent via PM will count as entries. (This is mainly to make sure I get them and they don't potentially get lost in the thread.) F.A.Q. Tips & Tricks FAR Tutorial The AI
  9. I was Making a MiG-1.44 Replica And I used a Custom Bombbay, When I put it into a dogfight I had to Manually Open it, the AI will not fire a missile until it is open because the missile path is obstruced. Also, My F-14 Tomcat, when operated by a AI, Does not change the wing sweep regardless of the situation, it must be done manually. Is there a Way to Make the AI use the Infernal Robotics Joints Like the Cargo Bays for concealed weapons?
  10. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT I WILL NO LONGER BE MAINTAINING THIS THREAD ... [snip by moderator], I'M DONE Please note that Physics Range Extender and Module Manager are required dependencies for BD Armory Continued Also be advised that using the World Stabilizer mod will cause problems with PRE as it has it's own world stabilization code we refer to as Black Spell ... Only solution to this is to not use the World Stabilizer mod See spoilers below for release notes, videos, Github issues and download links The BDAc family of mods were all created by @BahamutoD, and in his absence, we have taken it upon ourselves to keep the explosions flowing For anything related to BDAc or mods in the BDAc family, I refer you to the Github link for Papa Joe's Soup (Slightly Over Used Parts) where there is listed download links for the mods in question ... If you have questions or concerns, feel free to post here and the team will do our best to assist you I also refer you to our in game KSPedia where you will find a wealth of information on the operation of BDAc Be aware that forcing opengl will result in many shaders showing as pink ... the only solution is DO NOT force opengl If you think you have come across a gremlin or a bug with BDAc or any of the mods we maintain, feel free to post here, however we ask that you also take a look at the issues list on Github to see if your problem has been addressed. We use the built in Github issues tracker to keep record of bugs, enhancements and feature requests as it is difficult to keep track of bug reports and all the great ideas that the community have come up with on the forum (things can get buried and lost under newer posts) Please note that only the most recent version of BDAc is supported at this time and that BDA needs PhysicsRangeExtender to work properly: https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases Also, to correctly install BDAc, first download the latest release from the BDAc releases link posted below (not the source download) and then extract the BDArmory folder contained within the zip file and place it into your KSP/Gamedata folder ... Do not, I repeat, do not place the Gamedata folder contained within the BDAc zip into your Gamedata folder as this will cause umpteen million conflicts to arise as the BahaTurret pickle looks for textures, configs and whatnot in specific places In regards to CKAN ... It is our policy not to provide support for CKAN as we have no control over the process beyond listing when deploying to SpaceDock. If you are having issues with CKAN we request that you take it up with CKAN, otherwise follow the clear instructions posted above and if your issue continues then feel free to ask the team for assistance In regards to support, KSP.log please (Found in the same directory as the KSP executable ... this file is overwritten each time you start KSP ... upload this file to a filesharing site such as dropbox and post the link so the team can take a look) ... I also refer you to the following thread where it describes in detail everything else that is required for us to help you: Best Regards, The BDAc Team @Papa_Joe @jrodriguez @SpannerMonkey(smce) @gomker @TheDog @DoctorDavinci @Eidahlil @TheKurgan BD Armory wiki: http://bdarmory.wikia.com/wiki/BDArmory_Wikia BDAc Release Links: Releases link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases Issues link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues Physics Range Extender (REQUIRED): https://github.com/jrodrigv/PhysicsRangeExtender/releases Papa Joe's Soup Github link: https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup?tab=repositories BDAc Release Notes: BDAc Development Notes: BDAc Family Mod links: Videos: BD Armory Continued was originally developed by Paolo Encarnacion (BahamutoD) and distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. This mod is now being maintained in BahamutoD's absence by Joe Korinek (Papa_Joe) and continues to be distributed under the license CC-BY-SA 2.0. Please read about the license at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/before attempting to modify and redistribute it BD Armory Continued contains code based off of Aircraft Carrier Accessories and is used with permission (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152916-14xaircraft-carrier-accessories/) ... Courtesy of @flywlyx BD Armory Continued also contains code based off of Firespitter. To comply with the requirements of Firespitters' license, the following permission notice, applicable to those parts of the code only, is included below: License: You may reuse code and textures from this mod, as long as you give credit in the download file and on the download post/page. Reuse of models with permission. No reselling. No redistribution of the whole pack without permission. UV map texture guides are included so you can re-skin to your liking. For reuse of the plugin, please either direct people to download the dll from my official release, OR recompile the wanted partmodule/class with a new class name to avoid conflicts https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter
  11. For those that struggle with finding that perfect part or put together that perfect fighter fuselage, this is the mod for you. Brought to you by SM Associates @XOC2008 and @TheKurgan (with some excellent modelling by @SpannerMonkey(smce)!), we bring you Versus! Versus was created with two things in mind, lower part count aircraft to utilize BDArmory and related mods more efficiently, and to put together head-to-head match-ups between aircraft of similar style and function. These fuselages are all-in-one, including cockpit, radar, engine, ammo, and fuel. (On some occasions, the fuselage will also have a weapon integrated such as with the F-15 in this initial release.) Versus contains the following parts: F-15 Fuselage with inegrated 20mm MiG-31 Fuselage Su-25 Fuselage 3 F-15 droptanks in varied sizes 2 Pilot Pitot parts for WM and AI function FAB-100, 250, 500, and 5000 bombs (assets from NKD, rescaled and edited for current BDAc compatibility.) You will of course also need to outfit the vessel with wings, landing gear, control surfaces, weapons, and whatever various odds and ends you'd like. To note: This mod is intended for "full size" aircraft. Tweakscale is not supported, as it can and will most likely alter the weight and flight characteristics with disastrous results. Thrust, velocity, and atmospheric curves have been toiled over to get the most realistic performance we can squeeze out of these aircraft. This mod was designed for and with Stock aero, as such FAR is not supported, but if this works in FAR then all the better for those users. Versus is CC BY-ND 4.0 I know, no pics no clicks! Download on Spacedock or Dropbox. Recommended (but not required) Mods: BDArmory Continued - Required for pilot pitot part to function SM Armory SMI Missiles and Launchers - Full of missiles, especially some perfect Russian ones to outfit your vodka fueled planes. KWS - Cold War BDArmory Extension Kerbal Foundries Procedural Wings
  12. So, to clear the air, yes, I have seen FoxDefenceContracts. I was just wondering if there are any more out there that I could download that are compatible with BDAc 1.2.X . Also, is there a mod that could add in unguided air to ground missiles from the late WW2 to Korean War Era? That would be nice.
  13. Well I had been playing with BdAc for quite sometime and I thought if we could spawn military vehicles with their engines on ,we could simply have a military campaign. So can anyone help me here? PS. Don't be rude like steam. I've been an explorer for a 2yr now n now I wish military expeditions.
  14. I really miss having historically accurate guns on my propeller planes and have I've grown tired of the standard .50cal guns that come with BDAc. Aviator Arsenal is taking a while to update (sorry for complaining Tetryds), and I was wondering if there was already one in development or already released. If yr wondering why I won't just default to KSP pre 1.4.x, its cuz I like the ground AIs.
  15. in my ksp file, which i am using the 1.2.2 version of ksp and the ksp 1.2.2 version of bdac, i am having a bit of a problem. My flak88 has a max range of 8 km but the default detonation range dident change to it, my bombers are set at an altitude of 3 km, so when the flak starts firing, the bombs have already been dropped! ive tried editing the part itself but to no avail, i even searched in the ksp save files, but it dident save when i changed the default detonation range. please tell me, how do i change the default detonation range?
  16. HP and Armor Editor for BD Armory v1.1 I now present for your approval the preliminary release of the standalone HP and Armor Editor for BD Armory Continued v1.1 Edit by part type in the SPH/VAB - All Parts, Command, Wings, Control Surfaces, Fuel Tanks and Ship Hull Still a few glitches such as having to click the Save Armor button twice to save the number entered if setting the armor above 500 (this is due to the HP and Armor auto-calculations in BDAc) as well as Engines, De-couplers and Launch Clamps are excluded from editing due to the code in BDAc that causes degradation of performance on any part that has an engine module or de-coupler module as it takes damage INCORPORATED INTO DCK FUTURETECH
  17. Who wants to play a game of Kerbal war? STATUS: OPEN! TO DO: Update map, add some rules, update launch site spreadsheet General -All launch sites are based around the sea to the west of the KSC. So I've put together a modlist for KSP 1.3.1 with the following mods: Rules and Map Can all be found here. How to play 1) Message me that you would like to participate -If I acknowledge your message then continue. 2) Download the "Actuallywar" save in the folder KSPWAR/Saves/INITIAL-CAZON-1/ 3) Read over the rules while the world downloads 4) Once you've completed reading the rules and asking any questions I'll send a link with some custom configs for some mods. 5) I've already placed troops at my bases, you may start your initial phase and move on to your first turn. 6) When you've finished your first turn upload the save to the KSPWAR/Saves/ and name it PlayerName-TurnName and we'll go back and forth passing saves from there.
  18. This is a BDA tournament with a bit different tournament setup. You must beat literally everyone in a row in order to be declared the King Of The Hill. If someone dies, everyone they killed respawns! TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE: I will randomly pick two living planes from the submissions to do a battle. The loser of a battle is dead. Anyone's entry killed by the loser in a previous battle respawns to fight another day. Battles will always occur if there are 2 or more entries currently alive. The tournament begins IMMEDIATELY as of this post. CRAFT REQUIREMENTS: Keep your planes at 60 parts or fewer. No missiles. This is a gunfight. If you want rocket pods or bombs on a dogfighter for some reason, that's fine. Turrets, if present, must be locked to fixed 0-0-0 position. No drones. These are to be piloted planes. You are however allowed to have secondary pilots or passenger space. No tweakscaling the cockpit. Planes must have radar installed. ANY AI settings are allowed. If you manage to go outside slider limits somehow, that's fine too. Please do not use any of the engines from Quiztech, including the jet RCS thruster, as they are not balanced with the stock meta. SXT engines, both jets and props, are okay. Please do not excessively clip parts. A wing going through a fuel tank is okay. Ten wings and 4 engines clipped most of the way inside a fuel tank is not. You MUST have 15 minutes of fuel at nominal full afterburner. That's 57.4 units of fuel per Juno, 210 per Wheesley, 525 per Goliath, 597 per Panther or Whiplash, and 603 per RAPIER. I'll allow you to round it down by up to 0.5 units of LF. No more. I am completely willing to make you fix a plane because it has 14 minutes and 58 seconds of fuel. If you tweakscale engines, make sure to give them the right amount of fuel. Tweakscale's exponent for engine thrust and fuel consumption is 2.5, so the math is: Fuel needed (tonnes) = ( NewSize / OriginalSize ) ^ 2.5 * Original Thrust (kN) * 900 / ISP / 9.8 So for example, a 2.0-meter-sized Panther needs: (2.0/1.25)^2.5*130*900/3200/9.8 = 9.665 tonnes of fuel. Multiply by 200 to get 1933 units of fuel. This is to power 15 minutes of 421-kiloNewton thrust. Or a 1.0-meter sized Goliath would demand (1.0/2.5)^2.5*360*900/12600/9.8*200 = 53.10 units of LF. Note that changing your engine size has no effect on the TWR of your engine, as the mass scales with the 2.5 power as well. COMBAT SETTINGS: The default competition distance of 8000 meters will be used. Rounds will be 3v3. One battle per round. Best out of one. Any plane which cannot fly or glide is considered dead. The winner should still be able to fly or glide after winning. All deaths count as deaths. The despawn distance will be set to 100 kilometers. If your plane despawns, it is counted as dead. ENTRY RULES: There will be a limit of one entry at a time per person. You may modify or replace your entry at any time. Post here to replace your entry with a link to the new one. I will check this thread every time I'm about to run a new fight. Modifying a dead entry replaces it and the new entry remains dead. Modifying a living entry effectively kills and removes your previous one and spawns in your new one. If your old version has killed any planes, they are re-spawned as well. You must build your own vehicles for your entries. No modifying someone else's. If your entry has been dead for 72 hours, I'll allow you to withdraw your entry and submit a new one which starts alive, with the stipulation that it must be a new aircraft that has never competed in this challenge and not a modified version of your previous entry. Submit your entries here. MOD LIST: BDA continued https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases SXT continued https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SXTContinued Quizztech continued http://spacedock.info/mod/836/QuizTechAeroPackContinued -Remember, don't use the engines! Aviation cockpits http://spacedock.info/mod/658/Aviation Cockpits Tweakscale Github -Don't use this on your cockpits! HALL OF FAME: I'll be posting all Kings Of The Hill in order here, as well as how many planes they killed to get to the top and how many challengers they've beaten, as well as which new plane eventually killed them. I'll have a second leaderboard showing number of battle wins and losses of each contestant. I'll also post the status of the competition as a whole, which planes are alive, which planes are dead and by who, and which entries have been dead for 72 hours. There will also be uploads to YouTube of each battle, although I may decide to trim them or speed up the boring parts if, say, both planes run out of ammo and orbit in the sky for hours. Current entries: Pds314's xFA Iridium: https://kerbalx.com/pds314/xFA-Iridium . - currently alive. DoctorDavinci's O' Revoire: https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/O-Revoire - currently dead. - Killed by Lepidoptera Cherensis drtricky's Dorito: https://kerbalx.com/drtricky/The-Dorito--competition5-gau - currently dead. - Killed by Big Momma Eidahlil's Lepidoptera Malvae https://kerbalx.com/juzeris/Lepidoptera-Cherensis - Currently alive with 1 kill. Triop's Big Momma IV: https://kerbalx.com/Triop/Big-momma-IV - run with 150 extra LF per wing for legality. - Currently alive with 1 kill. K/D leaderboard: Triop's Big Momma IV: 1 win, 0 losses. Killed leader! drtricky's Dorito: 3 wins, 1 loss. Once a King! DoctorDavinci's O' Revoire: 1 win, 2 losses. 1 perfect game. Eidahlil's Lepidoptera Cherensis: 1 wins, 1 loss. (1, 0 in current model) Pds314's xFA Iridium: 0 wins, 2 losses. Kings of the hill: GMT: 10:40, 12/4/2016 to 6:30 12/6/2016: drtricky's Dorito - killed 3. - Killed By Triop's Big Momma. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My entry: https://kerbalx.com/pds314/xFA-Iridium Battles so far!:
  19. Hello There! The mod uses BDarmory And Firespitter Plugins. This is the temporary or not thread for my mod, because the forum derped. I know that there is aviators arsenal who has the same weapons as me, yes thats true but his weapons are just little pods sticking out of the wing , i wanted to have the full weapons so you don't put guns into tiny wings and see that guns are larger(or smaller when you think. I was not trying to make the models to accurate becouse a) this is the first time me modeling absolutely anything. b) it's KSP. Download From <snip> Download From <snip> Weapons list: License You can Click da like button if you want to
  20. On behalf of the BDAc team and development group, I welcome all prospective entrants to this BDAc challenge! The start of the skirmishes shall commence on December 1st, 2016 and will hopefully be completed before December 20, 2016. I will be on holidays from the 21st until the end of the month. If the challenge does not conclude on December 20th, they will recommence until completion on January 1, 2017. From this post on everybody has 12 days to build, fine tune, and submit their planes. The rules as agreed upon: -One submission per applicant -Battles will be 3 vs. 3 round, best of 3 skirmishes . This will be a simple elimination setup. You win a battle, you progress. You lose, you're out. Ties will be delt in a overtime round. If the plane(s) lands intact due to expiration of fuel resources that will count as a loss since your plane will not be able to defend itself. -All planes will be flightworthy. -All planes will be able to taxi down the runway or dirt in a straight fashion. If your planes like to do the wing-slap-shimmy with the dirt or pavement, don't submit it. If it happens during a battle, it will be counted as a loss. -All planes will be tuned to your best abilities at the point of submission either by DropBox or KerbalX. Once your plane is submitted, it will be considered a final draft. -All planes will have the BDA AI and Weapons Manager in plain sight (pardon the pun), preferably on top of the fuselage or airframe. If I have to go looking for them......well, that results in bad Karma, Ju-Ju, or whatever you call it. It's poor manners for the tournament host. Besides, I might have to check on things. -Any AI or weapon manger settings allowed. You are tuning the AI to your plane. Do what you have to. Same with the Weapons Manager. -All BDA guns allowed. NO MISSILES THIS TIME. Rotating turrets will be locked down to 0-0-0 configuration, pointing forwards. I will check. -There will be a hard minimum of 750 metres ASL AI configurations. No maximum ASL altitude limit will be imposed. This is to prevent dirt poisoning or SDT (Severe Deceleration Trauma) mishaps (hitting the ground). -All contests will be within the default 8,000 metre arena. Use this as a yardstick for building your planes. -All planes will be inspected so they have the stock SQUAD parts and the following mods (links will follow): --SXT continued https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SXTContinued --BDA continued https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases --Quizztech continued http://spacedock.info/mod/836/QuizTechAeroPackContinued --Aviation cockpits http://spacedock.info/mod/658/Aviation Cockpits?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> --Procedural Dynamics (wings) https://github.com/Crzyrndm/ProceduralWings/releases --Procedural Parts (airframes, tanks, etc) https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases --Tweakscale Github NO OTHER MODS WILL BE PERMITTED. -FAR or NEAR not approved. Stock game physics only this time around. We shall see in the future. -Default G-limits on planes and Kerbals in full effect. You can build whatever you want, but the pilots have to live until they die (morbid, but true) -Any planes that use Tweakscale on the cockpits will be disqualified. Tweakscale renders the cockpits and other manned structural parts unmannable. If your design calls for a .625m cockpit the before mentioned mods have those in their parts inventory. Same with 2.5m cockpits. Use the proper cockpit for the job. -Tweakscale on engines permitted, however this may not be an advantage due to thrust, fuel consumption, mass, etc. It will be up to the participant to design their plane with this in mind. You have been advised. -All planes will have a minimum of one Kerbal. -All planes will have a maximum of 2 engines -All planes will have a minimum of one BDA Radar unit installed. -All planes will have a maximum part count of 50. That should be plenty. -All planes will have sufficient fuel for a minimum 15 minute flight at maximum throttle. This includes Afterburners. Dogfights with evenly matched planes have been known to last quite a while. -There is no minimum or maximum mass on the plane. -There is no minimum or maximum speed requirements, but it's preferred that your plane can do at least Mach 1.1 for a decent mass-to-thrust ratio. - There will be no hidden wings installed inside the fuselage, UNLESS IT CAN BE PROVEN THAT IT'S A NECESSITY FOR THE STRUCTURE OF THE PLANE. That means no shoving 20 wing surfaces in the space of one using the debug menu to do it. That will be an instant no-fly.
  21. The premise is simple ... Destroy Team B in one mission with extreme prejudice There are 2 floating Jernas Turrets just off the coast of the KSC. There are also 3 ground based Jernas Turrets located to the North, West and South of the KSC as well as one AI Drone at the Island Airport ... All the Jernas Turrets are armed with 4 AMRAAM's each Download the save file, play it, record it or take screenshots and post your results here ... Links to the most notable entries will be posted below in the hall of fame BDAc is required but any mod is allowed ... you are playing on your system after all SAVE FILE: https://www.dropbox.com/s/53iakclr0qdfinn/BDAc Challenge - YOU'RE SURROUNDED.sfs?dl=0 Take a crack at it ... I only managed to take out 3 of the 6 targets with 3 of my Manta GAU's using just BDAc and the Wing Commander module (I highly recommend consulting the in game KSPedia to familiarize yourself with Wing Commander so that you can utilize many craft at once on your attack runs) HALL OF FAME @SpannerMonkey(smce) - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152608-bdac-challenges-youre-surrounded/&do=findComment&comment=2872781 @Eidahlil - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/152608-bdac-challenges-youre-surrounded/&do=findComment&comment=2881912 - Your name here
  22. Hi all We at the BDAc Development Group have decided to begin issuing Official BDAc Team challenges As 1.2 is in pre-release and our coding group are busy squashing bugs, we will not be issuing challenges for 1.2 just yet ... However, in the interim we will be posting an AI challenge for 1.1.3 in the coming days to tide us all over until the pre-release is finished and we have squashed the bugs that have been found with BDAc in KSP v1.2 We also would like to inform you that we are assembling a challenge team to assist with hosting AI battles as well as testing bugs and experimental builds of BDAc ... Feel free to PM myself if you wish to be involved Anyways, the point of this thread is to let all our fellow Kerbo-nots on this forum know that the BDAc team have been planning out some challenges for you guys/gals and to also have a discussion concerning what sort of challenges you would like to see Thoughts or ideas? ... Suggestions? The floor is now open
  23. Due to the public backlash surrounding the newly designed ground launched BGM-86 Cruise Missile, it was decided by the military branch of the KSC that the prototype would be destroyed immediately and all data surrounding it wiped from the record So all the info was erased from the computers and all the schematics were shredded, every bit of information was scrubbed from existence (sometimes you can catch a whisper of 'The Missile That Shall Not Be Named' muttered under hushed voices in the halls of the KSC ... getting caught talking about it is punishable by flames and salty tears) However there was a problem ... It hadn't occurred to anyone that the missile itself needed to be destroyed so they just left it stored at the island airport and when a disgruntled KSC employee by the name of Waldo went postal, management wasn't prepared for what was in store for them ........ ........ this time it is Waldo who is looking for them! ------------------------------------------------------------ THE MISSION The 'Missile That Shall Not Be Named' prototype is at the Island airport and Waldo Kerman, with the help of his minions, is trying to activate and launch the missile at the KSC - It must be destroyed before they can hot-wire it (they're looking for a paper clip) There are 4 turrets defending the area as well as 2 mini drones on the runway with one being inoperable (needs a paper clip) Your mission is to obliterate the missile and anything that stands (or fly's) in your way (as well as any paper clips) RULES - 2 crafts allowed with no cost restrictions Craft #1 - 70 parts Max (must be Kerbaled) Craft #2 - 50 parts max (can be a drone or Kerbaled) - Altitude settings must remain at default (1500 and 500 respectfully) ... All other settings can be changed - No Turrets of any kind - You must have a Weapon Manager and an AI Pilot which are toggled to hotkey '1' (Toggle Guard Mode and Toggle AI Pilot respectively) - Your craft is designated as Team A - YOUR CRAFTS MUST BE ABLE TO LAUNCH AND ATTAIN STABLE FLIGHT UNDER AI CONTROL - You must upload your crafts to the 'It's Waldo's Island' hangar on KerbalX ... https://kerbalx.com/hangars/11010 Mods Allowed: BDAc - https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/releases BDMk22 - https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDMk22Plugin/releases I will record and post video's of each challenger from launch to beautiful disaster on YouTube for all to revel in the glorious destructive ability of BDAc HALL OF FAME 1- TBA - THIS COULD BE YOU 2- TBA - THIS COULD BE YOU 3- TBA - THIS COULD BE YOU 4- TBA - THIS COULD BE YOU 5- TBA - THIS COULD BE YOU
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