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  1. JNSQ Volumetrics Volumetric Clouds & Updated Scatterer Configs for JNSQ Dependencies JNSQ ModuleManager EVE Release 4 & Scatterer Recommended mods JNSQ_ParallaxScatters JNSQ Parallax Continued Kerbin Renewal: JNSQ launch site pack Weather Driven Solar Panel 32k Planet Textures For JNSQ Download SpaceDock GitHub Installation Install JNSQ and it's dependencies. If you used CKAN, remove Scatterer and Environmental Visual Enhancements from GameData. Download Environmental Visual Enhancements and Scatterer from blackrack's Patreon. Drop EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, Scatterer, StockScattererConfigs and StockVolumetricClouds into GameData. Drop JNSQVolumetrics into GameData. Have fun! Feel free to share some screenshots in the comments, I'd be delighted to include them here! Images Changelog Credits Sunflare Aurora Textures Huygen Fog Config Huygen Polar Hood Texture
  2. Kopernicus Planetary Config Guides ---------------------------------------------------------------- The goal of this thread, is to provide a better understanding of Kopernicus planets. Other tutorials are allowed to be linked/posted here. So you want to make planets? To start, let's make one of the simplest planets: a gas giant. Make sure you have a config. It should be like (name here).cfg Make sure you have a folder with the mod name, inside are 3 more folders, Configs; this is where you will store the, well, configs for the planets. The configs need to end with a .cfg Then a folder called Cache. Then a folder called Textures, with a folder inside called PluginData. For texturing, please reference the Planetary Texturing Guide Repository. Now start with this. @Kopernicus { Body { } } Then we need to add two things, a file path and the internal name. Like so. @Kopernicus { Body { name = GasPlanet2 cacheFile = Example/Cache/GasPlanet2.bin } } GasPlanet2 is not a necessary name, it is just an example. The cacheFile is the planet in the map view or far away. This is also known as the scaled version. It also tells Kopernicus where to put the model. Then, in the body node, under the cacheFile thing, add this. Template { name = Jool } The Template node gives a stock planet to base your planet off of. In this case, we use only Jool as it is the only gas giant. Any way, now in the body node, below the Template node, add this. Properties { displayName = Tutora^N //Name of body in-game. description = Tutora is the second gas giant in the solar system. //Description of the body ingame. radius = 5000000 //Radius of body, in meters. geeASL = 0.75 //G force when the altitude meter hits 0. rotates = true //Does the body rotate? rotationPeriod = 46800 //Rotation period, in seconds. Delete this if tidallyLocked is set to True, or rotates is false. tidallyLocked = False //If the body is tidally locked to its parent. This means that it takes as long to rotate as it does to make a full orbit around its parent. timewarpAltitudeLimits = (numbers) // Determines at which altitude above sea level certain timewarp altitudes become available. 0 30000 30000 60000 100000 300000 600000 800000 means that 1x timewarp is available at 0 meters, 5x timewarp at 30000 meters all the way up to the max timewarp starting at 800000 meters. Keep 1x timewarp always at 0. isHomeWorld = false //Determines if this is the body that houses KSC, so for stability's sake it's recommended to keep this at false for any bodies you add. ScienceValues { landedDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "landed" science. splashedDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "splashed down" science. flyingLowDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "flying low" science. flyingHighDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "flying high" science. inSpaceLowDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "in space low" science. inSpaceHighDataValue = (number) //Science multiplier for "in space high" science. recoveryValue = (number) //The recovery value for this body. Multiplies the funds you get back and science. flyingAltitudeThreshold = (number) //The altitude when "flying low" becomes "flying high." spaceAltitudeThershold = (number) //The altitude when "in space low" becomes "in space high." } } The config in full should look like this. Okay, now that’s done. But we haven’t specified a orbit! So, like with the Properties node, under Properties, add a orbit node like this one: Orbit { referenceBody = Sun //Body the planet/moon is orbiting. semiMajorAxis = 123792956456 //The average altitude that a body orbits, meters. Kerbin's is 13,599,840,256 meters. eccentricity = 0.062 //Deviation of a orbit from a circle. 0 is a perfect circle, but ONLY USE LESS THAN 1 inclination = 1.125 //Tilt of the orbit. longitudeOfAscendingNode = 54 //Look at Wikipedia, for this and all below, except color. argumentOfPeriapsis = 3 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.01 epoch = 0 //KEEP AS 0 color = (numbers in RGBA) //Color of orbit in tracking station. } Yay! Now you have an orbit set. But, we have no texture set. Like, you know how planets in KSP look in the tracking station? You need a ScaledVersion node. (remember that?) ScaledVersion { type = Atmospheric //Three types; Atmospheric, Vacuum, and Star. fadeStart = 0 fadeEnd = 0 Material { color = 1,1,1,1 specColor = 0,0,0,0 shininess = 0 rimPower = 1 rimBlend = 1 Gradient //Important! { 0.0 = 0.3, 0.6, 1, 1 0.1 = 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 1 0.2 = 0.3,0.15,0,1 0.4 = 0,0,0,1 1.0 = 0,0,0,0 } } OnDemand //Important! { texture = Example/Textures/PluginData/TutoraColor.dds //Actual texture ingame. normals = Example/Textures/PluginData/TutoraNormal.dds //Provides "shape" of planet. } } —————— Some other tutorials include:
  3. Originally created by Starstrider42: https://github.com/Starstrider42/TestFlight-Configs The mod was never updated again since 2020. So, I've decided to adopt the config pack to revive, update, modify and expand it. This will be known under the new name "TestFlight-Stock" although you can still call it "TestFlight-Configs Revived" if you like. What is TestFlight? TestFlight is an add-on originally made for the RSS/RO/RP-1 massive mod-suite that gives engines failure rates and modes, just like OhScrap and Kerbalism, and records reliability and ignition chance seperately. However, it also includes two unique features of it's own: Rated burn time and throttle curve. The former refers to the ability of an engine to perform reliably for a certain amount of time: After it passed that threshold, the failure chance increases significantly. Some engines also have TESTED burn time, which provides another certain amount of time where you can keep burning the engine after the rated burn time safely, and culmulative burn time, which means that the engines' rated burn time will be reset again after being shut down for a while. Throttle curve is an entirely new feature of TestFlight that provides unique throttle response rate for some liquid fuel engines. Just like OhScrap, an engine will become more reliable the more you fly and test it out. An engine can acquire at most 10000 "du" points through launches/flights that can help increase the reliability of the part. I thought TestFlight already have it's own config pack, why use this? TestFlight Config Stock, the official non-RO pack for TestFlight, is no ModuleManager config add-on. It's actually a set of JSON files written in order to lazily attach configs to the stockalike parts, and does not make full use of TestFlight's true potential. With TestFlight-Stock, failure rates are much more balanced and individualized: They will depend on the complexity, propellant type and tech level of the engines, whether being written in the part description itself (whether the part is stated to be explode-y or not is also taken in mind) or from the actual real-life designs of those engines. It also allows tech transfers, which is when an engine shares some of it's "du" with another identical/similar part. Parts can only share technology to those in the same manufacturer, propellant types, design/engineering principles and part families. For more information, visit the GitHub repository down below. What's different between Starstrider's original mods and your's fork? Visit the GitHub page for more info. For a short summary, I have decided to retreat TestFlight support for heat shields, add even more mod supports, balance starting and ending failure rates, fixing the MM blocks originally written by Starstrider to be compatitable with TestFlight 2.0, and more. NOTE: This is a BETA release, do not expect things to work flawlessly. Suggestions are always welcome. If you see a bug that shouldn't be there, feel free to open an issue on Github. DOWNLOAD: Github: https://github.com/Starcatcher2009/TestFlight-Stock/releases/tag/v0.4.2-beta SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3077/TestFlight-Stock (TestFlight-Configs-Revived Now available on CKAN! SOURCE: https://github.com/Starcatcher2009/TestFlight-Stock BUG TRACKER: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/211274-testflight-stock-bug-tracker/ LICENSES: MIT + GNU General Public License v3.0 Supported mods: Cryogenic Engines Near Future Launch Vehicles/Propulsion/Spacecraft USI Exploration/Survival Pack, Sounding Rockets Extraplanetary Launchpads Kerbal Atomics Taerobee Lack's Stock eXTension (SXT) Continued Bluedog Design Bureau (partially) ...More to come! CONFLICTS: OhScrap/ScrapYard TestFlight Config Stock (the official one) 0.3.0 Changelog: Updated configs to work with TestFlight 2.0 and beyond Added support for Taerobee, USI Sounding Rockets, Near Future Launch Vehicles and Making History DLC Removed support for heat shields 0.4.0 Changelog: Complete overhaul of TestFlight Generic Configs Added support for SXTContinued and partial support for BDB Added support for throttle curves Separated electrothermal failure modes from electromagnetic ones Added support for KSP-AVC 0.4.1 Changelog: Fix typos in BDB.cfg and Generic_Engines.cfg Abandon development of Generic_Parts.cfg (sad) 0.4.2 Changelog: Added support for Cyro Engines (credits to Starstrider42!) Future plans As KSP2 Early Access is now released, you may see a significant drop of interest in development of this add-on. There may be further work in porting the mod to KSP2, but as of now, there's no telling which direction I will take on TestFlight-Stock.
  4. A small mod that puts Scylla from Extra Moon into an orbit around the Mun and might in the future fixe it's terrain bugs. Extra Moon: https://spacedock.info/mod/3163/Extra Moon (No forum page) Scylla (Extra Moon) Patch and Config: https://spacedock.info/mod/3678/Scylla (Extra Moon) Patch and Config
  5. I'm making configs for mods so that they can be used in Realism Overhaul. Configs for our favorite mods! Currently working on configs for: TBD Planned configs: Bluedog Design Bureau Tantares (SP, LV, and Neptune Camera support) Nertea's 'Near Future' mod suite, 'Cryo Engines' suite, and possibly 'Far Future Technology' KNES Endurance Restock and Restock+ Suggestions for more are welcomed! Unplanned/Won't Happen Configs: Tundra Exploration (Due to conflict with FAR. If this changes, I might consider) Benjee10's mods (S.O.C.K, reDIRECT, HabTech2, and Planetside) including Kertemis Program mod All configs are written with Kerbalism and Deadly Reentry in mind. If you prefer to use TAC Life Support, I am considering making a branch for you as changing the configs around to use TAC instead of Kerbalism is pretty easy. Download here: GITHUB Obviously, these configs are for Realism Overhaul Special thanks to: All mod authors, artists, and associated persons for all Mods listed above License:
  6. As the tilte suggest I made a config for JNSQ and I am releasing my first stable-ish configuration. This is the first config I have ever written for KSP. It´s stable-ish version but not the final version as I am still configuring some settings, there are still some known and unknown issues. [If you find any issues let me know, I will try to fix them, may take some time]. [Also working on custom textures, may take a while though] Currently known issues: Planets turning into a silver mesh thing ,I assumme this was caused by my old config [Fixed as I haven´t encountered it again, maybe?] Random gray squares [happend once fix below] Asteroid alike planets having white dots on their terrain If you have any visual anomalies like the gray squares appearing, please go to the trackingstation and back to your vessel that should fix it. I used kopernicus for ksp 1.11.1 and made this config for that version specifially. Important Before you download, if you care about your saves test this config in a sanbox save first. I would suggest turning off true lightning and shadows in the parralax global config. Scatter performance is currently unknown test at your own risk. Rover are quite lets say bouncy turn down your springs and turn up your dampers, drive safe everybody. Download from google drive. Feedback is really appreciated as it helps me to iron out some issues, if this config is done, I may even make some for other planet packs. Installation Requires Parallax, JNSQ, Kopernicus. You have to rename your Parallax_StockTextures to ParallaxJNSQ. Then you drag the the contents of the zip into that folder replacing all. My fps is around 80~90 fps in my newest config with a 1080 and Ryzen 5 1600, varying on diffrent planets. Eye candy included: Higher Quality version of the gif below here. On a lonely planet far away from home, Jeb watches as the sun rises above the horizon. I like this one quite a lot tbh. Duna and Huygen are definelty worth checking out Eeloo gives of creepy vibes check it out for yourself. Dragonfly wannabe taking flight on Huygen Higher Quality version of the gif below here. Distributed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License. Special thanks to: @Gameslinx for making such an amazing mod and just being awesome in general. @R-T-Bfor continuing and updating Kopernicus and giving me permission to use his configs. @Galileo and the whole JNSQ team for making such a unique planet system.
  7. Kerbals of All Trades (KOAT) This addon will let your kerbals have many more skills than typically given and adds four new kerbal types. Each one is a different merging of skills and abilities. Scientist / Pilot — Engineer / Pilot — Scientist / Engineer — Team Leader These new types will let you go on manned expeditions without the need for excess pod weights. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Exodus_Solis adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo See more Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom! (BOOM) MoarKerbals (MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Precise Maneuver (PM) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Solar Science (SOL) Transparent Pods (PODS) TweakScale (twk) Tags config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎
  8. Hot Beverage Inc (HBI) Agent, flags and common configs for Hot Beverage Inc (HBI). By zer0Kerbal, inspired by @Ph34rb0t an original creation by KerbSimpleCo Preamble by Ph34rb0t Part I Part II See more Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Hot Beverage Inc (HBI) agency, flags, and common files Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Hot Beverage Inc (HBI) Irradiated Parts (HBEx) experimental parts HBFuelCells (FUEL) Fuel Cells Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG) Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators Kerturn (KAT) Sensor Modules (SENS) Service Modules (SERV) Biomatic (BIO) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom! (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLife! (LIFE) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) TweakScale Supports Irradiated Parts (HBEx) HBFuelCells (FUEL) Stack Fuel Cells Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators (RTG) Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators Kerturn (KAT) Sensor Modules (SENS) Service Modules (SERV) Either Module Manager /L 3 Module Manager 4 Tags agency, flag, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Ph34rb0t for the inspiration to create this mod! see Attribution for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  9. Lunatic Aeronautics Ltd (LAL) Agent, flags and common configs for Lunatic Aeronautics. By zer0Kerbal, inspired by @ximrm and Tuareg an original creation by KerbSimpleCo See more Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Lunatic Aeronautics Anti Grav Room (LA/AGR) K-MAS (KMAS) Rover Anti Gravity System (LA/RAGS) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale Supports Either Module Manager /L 3 Module Manager 4 Tags agency, flag, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @ximrm and Tuareg for the inspiration to create this mod! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!↩︎
  10. Klockheed Martian Ltd (KM/L) Our Mission is Kerbol Agent, flags, and common files for Klockheed Martian addons. By zer0Kerbal, inspired by @dtobi an original creation by KerbSimpleCo See more Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Suggests Klockheed Martian (KML) Asteroid Cities (KM/AC) Space Shuttle Engines (KM/SSE) Special Parts Division (KM/SPD) Insight Lander (INSIGHT) GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) Kaboom (BOOM) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) TweakScale Supports Either Module Manager /L 3 Module Manager 4 Tags agency, flag, config red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @dtobifor the inspiration to create this mod! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!
  11. How is Atmosphere Curve calculated? is there a formula? (I'm talking about this:)
  12. A thread to put reconfigs I have done, mostly of stock Squad parts, to open up the possibilities of making new things. So as not to clog up other threads.
  13. Download on Curseforge or Github or SpaceDock. Also available on CKAN. KGEx Brings you: Universal Storage Stock Resource Fuel Cell (QBUS) Module Manager Script for converting the Universal Storage Fuel Cell to use Liquid Fuel and Oxidizer instead of other resources. Available on CKAN as UniversalStorageStockResourceFuelCell. Supports Fuel Cells in Universal Storage. (CKAN: UniversalStorage) Adopted by @zer0Kerbal, originally by @QuickBASIC Cabin notes WIP - work in progress Am open to adding more features, great project for someone! I have not personally tested the patches Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub. How to support this and many other mods by @zer0Kerbal Discussions See Discussions or [KSP Forums][MOD:threads] for discussions and news on this mod Installation Directions Use CKAN Changelog Summary See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes Known Issues See Known Issues for full details of feature requests, and known issues Dependencies Kerbal Space Program may work on other versions (YMMV) Module Manager Universal Storage Recommends Kerbal Change Log Suggests SimpleConstructon! (SCON!) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!) Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) The Gold Standard! (GOLD) Stork Delivery System (SDS) Komplexity (KPLX) KaboOom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today Solar Science (SOLS) Stock Inline Lights (SIL) Mini Sample Return Capsule (MSRC) Pteron (MSRV) Solar Science (SOLS) Jack-O-Lantern (JACK) MoarKerbals(MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC)) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) PicoPort Shielded (PPS) Transparent Command Pods) (TCP) More Hitchhikers) (MHH) Biomatic (BIO) B9 Stock Switches (B9S Oh Scrap!: ScrapYard: DaMichel's AeroRadial (DAR) DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB) DaMichel's Fuselage (DMF) DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST) Simple Cargo Solutions (SCS) KerGuise Experimental Engineering (KGEx) Kerbal Changelog Community Resource Pack TweakScale Supports Kerbal Change Log Conflicts none known Replaces none Tags config, resources *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Credits Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License) Current Forum: Thread Source: GitHub License: Original Thread Download Source: GitHub License: Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date v1.0.0.0 original: 11 Aug 2018 0K updated: 06 Sep 2021 zed'K
  14. Download on Curseforge or Github or SpaceDock. Also available on CKAN. KGEx Brings you: ISRU Thanks But No Tanks (QBTT) Module Manager config patch to allow mining and converting Ore without storage tanks by adding a small amount of Ore storage to all ISRUs. Available on CKAN as ISRUThanksButNoTanks. Supports ISRUs in Stockalike Mining Extension by @SuicidalInsanity. CKAN: StockalikeMiningExtension Adopted by @zer0Kerbal, originally by @QuickBASIC Cabin notes: WIP - work in progress Am open to adding more features, great project for someone! I have not personally tested the patches Have a request? Glad to have them, kindly submit through GitHub. Discussions: See Discussions or KSP Forums for discussions and news on this mod Installation Directions: Use CKAN Changelog Summary See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes Known Issues See Known Issues for full details of feature requests, and known issues Dependencies Kerbal Space Program may work on other versions (YMMV) Module Manager Recommends Kerbal Change Log Stockalike Mining Extension Suggests SimpleConstructon! (SCON!) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!) Not So SimpleConstructon! (NSSC) Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) The Gold Standard! (GOLD) Stork Delivery System (SDS) Komplexity (KPLX) KaboOom! (BOOM) another way to not go to space today Solar Science (SOLS) Stock Inline Lights (SIL) Mini Sample Return Capsule (MSRC) Pteron (MSRV) Solar Science (SOLS) Jack-O-Lantern (JACK) MoarKerbals(MOAR) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) Docking Port Descriptions(DPD) PicoPort Shielded (PPS) Transparent Command Pods) (TCP) More Hitchhikers) (MHH) Biomatic (BIO) B9 Stock Switches (B9S Oh Scrap!: ScrapYard: DaMichel's AeroRadial (DAR) DaMichel's CargoBays (DCB) DaMichel's Fuselage (DMF) DaMichel's Spherical Tanks (DST) Simple Cargo Solutions (SCS) KerGuise Experimental Engineering (KGEx) Kerbal Changelog Community Resource Pack Supports Kerbal Change Log Stockalike Mining Extension Conflicts none known Replaces none Tags addon, resources *red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support* Credits Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License) Current Forum: Thread Source: GitHub License: Original Thread: none Download Source: GitHub License: Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date v1.0.0.0 original: 11 Aug 2018 0K updated: 06 Sep 2021 zed'K
  15. So i want to use the SSTU Petal adapter from shadowmages SSTU mod to not just deploy like a decoupler, but also to close back up as well. When this part is deployed it cannot be closed again. I tried a copy-paste of the close animation of the cargo bay doors but it crashed. So if anyone has advice on either editing the cfg file for the part or a mod that can do what i need it to do? that would rock.
  16. Hi all. So, I've been looking for a sunboost config. For example. @Zorg has a sunboost config for JNSQ that makes the sun brighter, but so far I've been having trouble finding a sunboost config for the stock system except for an outdated one from 1.2.1. Could any of ya'll point me to a working one for 1.9.1 stock?
  17. so, where can i set minimum and maximum for an axis, even wiggling the axis did not set the min-max, resulting in max-min-step-max behaviour. you cant test the controls in the settings, and you have to go all the way in to flight to test them, then just to find they were not working right. edit: why does alt-tabbing out of the program in win 10 64-bit make it white-hangup, crash?
  18. Report bugs and suggestions here SSTO Project Overview SSTO Project adds very powerful engines to the Kerbal Space Program Part list Engines SuperJet - most versatile engine in the pack NSABRE - a nuclear jet/rocket hybrid engine XN-1 "Chernobyl" Nuclear Engine(below): Planned parts Engines SpaceSoarer - quad-mode (Reverse Jet, Forward Jet, Rocket and Interstellar) - engine intended for interstellar transport. The engine will come in SSTO Project Interstellar Pack Planned packs (after mod is cut up): Interstellar This pack helps design spacecraft for extremely long journeys Heavy Lifters This pack includes 5m, 6.25m, 7.5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, HX and Daedalus Consortium Megastations compatible engines: Super Nukes Very large nuclear engines. For bigger than 3.75m ones, see Heavy Nukes Getting it Instructions for manual installation Extract the archive Place the SSTOProject directory inside GameData With CKAN, just check installation checkbox and apply Relevant websites: GitHub: https://github.com/Monniasza/SSTO-Project SpaceDock download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2417/SSTO Project
  19. So I copied the rear_hover and hover cfg from the Lynx parts that are part of a rover mod into a new folder as new titled parts. Near the middle is "max thrust" and "thrust speed" and when I attempt to change the value to be higher; it will not reflect in game. I can change the scale to 0.25 as I wanted, can change the electric charge used, even the description; but the thrust will not change. There is no min thrust anywhere. Also in the cfg files the thrust says 80, but in game it is 100? And on the second engine it says 130\\80. Where can I actually change the value of thrust and have it reflected in game for the custom part? I want to combine the power usage and thrust of several of these electric engines so I can make an electric lifter/super sonic jet engine with a reduced part count as I put 40 of these in a fuselage and got it to mach 4.19; now i want to add the power of 20-40 into one. Can't I "weld" them together or something? Can I create a brand new part, use an already used mesh, and just add that it is electric and has that thrust? So I am trying to make a series of power sucking electric engines that need an MPS nuclear power system and cooling to operate, and in Lynx I found the perfect candidate. So I copied the rear_hover and hover cfg from the Lynx parts that are part of a rover mod into a new folder as new titled parts. Near the middle is "max thrust" and "thrust speed" and when I attempt to change the value to be higher; it will not reflect in game. I can change the scale to 0.25 as I wanted, can change the electric charge used, heat generated, (which is much higher so it requires cooling for balance) even the description; but the thrust will not change. There is no min thrust anywhere. Also in the cfg files the thrust says 80, but in game it is 100? And on the second engine it says 130\\80. Is a patch overriding these values somewhere?? Where can I actually change the value of thrust and have it reflected in game for the custom part? I want to combine the power usage and thrust of several of these electric engines so I can make an electric lifter/super sonic jet engine with a reduced part count as I put 40 of these in a fuselage and got it to mach 4.19; now i want to add the power of 20-40 into one. Can't I "weld" them together or something? I'd prefer it to be a new part based on the hover engine mesh, allows tilt or rotor deployment (rotor deployment is muuuuch lower and seems to work well for angling the engine.) that allows for a different challenge like power consumption, power storage, and high speed supersonic heat reduction using multiple forms of cooling and secondary power systems. I want this to require nuclear power to run from the power draw for balance. I figure I can do this by just increasing the power requirements enough to need nuclear power. If anyone can point me just in the right direction with the right place to look it would allow me to start building the mod for 1.3.1 KSP and up as I want a unique challenge here. Below is the code for the Lynx Hover Engine and then the new part copied and edited as Sonic Engine 1: This is the Original Hover Engine File for the Lynx: "PART { //The hover engine for the Lynx Rover of the Feline Utility Rover series //---Metadata--- name = Lynx_Hoverengine module = Part author = Nils277 //---Visual--- MODEL { model = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Assets/Parts/HoverEngine } rescaleFactor = 1 //---Nodes and Attachment--- attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 node_stack_front = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 CoMOffset = -0.8, 0, 0 //---Costs & Tech--- TechRequired = landing entryCost = 15000 cost = 8000 //---Descriptions--- category = Engine title = #LOC_FUR.hoverengine.title manufacturer = #LOC_FUR.manufacturer description = #LOC_FUR.hoverengine.description vesselType = Rover subcategory = 0 //---Physical--- mass = 0.01 crashTolerance = 20 maxTemp = 1200 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = srf //---Drag--- dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 //---General--- tags = #LOC_FUR.hoverengine.tags //---Effects--- EFFECTS { running { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Sounds/sound_hoverengine volume = 0 0.07 0 0 volume = 0.05 0.6 0.7 0.7 volume = 1 1 0.4 0 pitch = 0.0 1.0 pitch = 1.0 1.2 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/FX/fx_impeller transformName = EffectTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.25 0.5 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0 0 0 18.65 speed = 0.05 0.4 0.75 0.75 speed = 0.5 0.7 0.52 0.52 speed = 1 1 0.52 0 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_medium loop = false } } disengage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft loop = false } } } //---Control Modules--- MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngine thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform heightTransformName = RotorCase maxThrust = 80 thrustSpeed = 1 engineType = Turbine maxHoverHeight = 4 minHoverHeight = 0.4 allowHover = true PID-PROFILE { planet = Kerbin values = 1.5, 2.0, 1.0 isDefault = true } PID-PROFILE { planet = Duna values = 3.0, 1.0, 1.0 } PID-PROFILE { planet = Laythe values = 1.5, 2.0, 1.0 } PID-PROFILE { planet = Eve values = 0.5, 1.5, 1.0 } MODE { name = Electrical engineType = Electric needsAtmosphere = true flameoutThreshold = 0.1 PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 7 } consumptionCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.5 0.35 1.2 1.2 key = 1 1 1.7 } velocityCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 90 0.75 -0.009 -0.009 key = 180 0.1 0 0 } atmosphereThrustCurve { key = 0 0 0 8.5 key = 0.01 0.1 5 5 key = 0.04 0.2 2.5 2.5 key = 0.16 0.4 1.25 1.25 key = 0.36 0.6 0.83333 0.83333 key = 0.64 0.8 0.625 0.625 key = 1 1 0.5 0.5 key = 4 2 0.25 0.25 key = 9 3 0.125 0.125 } } MODE { name = Air Breathing engineType = Turbine needsAtmosphere = true needsOxygen = true flameoutThreshold = 0.01 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.135 //Equal to an ISP of ~12000 } consumptionCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.5 0.35 1.2 1.2 key = 1 1 1.7 } velocityCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 90 0.75 -0.009 -0.009 key = 180 0.1 0 0 } atmosphereThrustCurve { key = 0 0 0 8.5 key = 0.01 0.1 5 5 key = 0.04 0.2 2.5 2.5 key = 0.16 0.4 1.25 1.25 key = 0.36 0.6 0.83333 0.83333 key = 0.64 0.8 0.625 0.625 key = 1 1 0.5 0.5 key = 4 2 0.25 0.25 key = 9 3 0.125 0.125 } } } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngineControl thrustTransformName = ThrustTransform referenceTransformName = ReferenceTransform engineName = Hover Engine animationID = RotorAnimation maxAngleRate = 90 controlAngleRate = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = RotorFold moduleID = RotorAnimation startEventGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.unfold endEventGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.fold actionGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.toggle } //---Visual Modules--- MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngineAnimation engineName = Hover Engine transformName = Rotor maxRotationSpeed = 100 minRotationSpeed = 3 speedChangeRate = 1 speedCurve { key = 0 0 0 50 key = 0.05 0.8 0.63 0.63 key = 1 1 0 0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterConstrainedLookAt sourceTransformName = ThrustTransform destinationTransformName = RotorArm referenceTransformName = ReferenceTransform constrainedAxis = X } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterConstrainedLookAt sourceTransformName = ThrustTransform destinationTransformName = RotorCase referenceTransformName = RotorArm constrainedAxis = Y } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEditorMesh transformNames = Pointer availableInFlight = false } }" This is the one i built that does not reflect the thrust change in game: "PART { //The Improved hover engine made for sub-sonic and super sonic jats that run of nulcear power. //---Metadata--- name = Sonic Electric Engine 1 module = Part author = Nils277 //---Visual--- MODEL { model = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Assets/Parts/HoverEngine } rescaleFactor = 0.25 //---Nodes and Attachment--- attachRules = 1,1,0,0,1 node_stack_front = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 node_attach = 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 CoMOffset = -0.8, 0, 0 //---Costs & Tech--- TechRequired = landing entryCost = 15000 cost = 8000 //---Descriptions--- category = Engine title = Sonic Electric Engine 1 manufacturer = FSEJE description = The Improved hover engine made for sub-sonic and super sonic jats that run of nulcear power. vesselType = Rover subcategory = 0 //---Physical--- mass = 0.001 crashTolerance = 20 maxTemp = 1200 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 bulkheadProfiles = srf //---Drag--- dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 1 //---General--- tags = Sonic //---Effects--- EFFECTS { running { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/Sounds/sound_hoverengine volume = 0 0.07 0 0 volume = 0.05 0.6 0.7 0.7 volume = 1 1 0.4 0 pitch = 0.0 1.0 pitch = 1.0 1.2 loop = true } MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE { modelName = KerbetrotterLtd/FelineUtilityRover/FX/fx_impeller transformName = EffectTransform emission = 0.0 0.0 emission = 0.25 0.5 emission = 1.0 1.0 speed = 0 0 0 18.65 speed = 0.05 0.4 0.75 0.75 speed = 0.5 0.7 0.52 0.52 speed = 1 1 0.52 0 } } engage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_medium loop = false } } disengage { AUDIO { channel = Ship clip = sound_vent_soft loop = false } } } //---Control Modules--- MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngine thrustVectorTransformName = ThrustTransform heightTransformName = RotorCase minThrust = 80 maxThrust = 1200 thrustSpeed = 10 engineType = Turbine maxHoverHeight = 4 minHoverHeight = 0.4 allowHover = true PID-PROFILE { planet = Kerbin values = 1.5, 2.0, 1.0 isDefault = true } PID-PROFILE { planet = Duna values = 3.0, 1.0, 1.0 } PID-PROFILE { planet = Laythe values = 1.5, 2.0, 1.0 } PID-PROFILE { planet = Eve values = 0.5, 1.5, 1.0 } MODE { name = Electrical engineType = Electric needsAtmosphere = true flameoutThreshold = 0.1 PROPELLANT { name = ElectricCharge ratio = 500 } consumptionCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.5 0.35 1.2 1.2 key = 1 1 1.7 } velocityCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 90 0.75 -0.009 -0.009 key = 180 0.1 0 0 } atmosphereThrustCurve { key = 0 0 0 8.5 key = 0.01 0.1 5 5 key = 0.04 0.2 2.5 2.5 key = 0.16 0.4 1.25 1.25 key = 0.36 0.6 0.83333 0.83333 key = 0.64 0.8 0.625 0.625 key = 1 1 0.5 0.5 key = 4 2 0.25 0.25 key = 9 3 0.125 0.125 } } MODE { name = Air Breathing engineType = Turbine needsAtmosphere = true needsOxygen = true flameoutThreshold = 0.01 PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 0.135 //Equal to an ISP of ~12000 } consumptionCurve { key = 0 0 0 0 key = 0.5 0.35 1.2 1.2 key = 1 1 1.7 } velocityCurve { key = 0 1 0 0 key = 90 0.75 -0.009 -0.009 key = 180 0.1 0 0 } atmosphereThrustCurve { key = 0 0 0 8.5 key = 0.01 0.1 5 5 key = 0.04 0.2 2.5 2.5 key = 0.16 0.4 1.25 1.25 key = 0.36 0.6 0.83333 0.83333 key = 0.64 0.8 0.625 0.625 key = 1 1 0.5 0.5 key = 4 2 0.25 0.25 key = 9 3 0.125 0.125 } } } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngineControl thrustTransformName = ThrustTransform referenceTransformName = ReferenceTransform engineName = Hover Engine animationID = RotorAnimation maxAngleRate = 90 controlAngleRate = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleAnimateGeneric animationName = RotorFold moduleID = RotorAnimation startEventGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.unfold endEventGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.fold actionGUIName = #LOC_KERBETROTTER.engine.anim.toggle } //---Visual Modules--- MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEngineAnimation engineName = Hover Engine transformName = Rotor maxRotationSpeed = 100 minRotationSpeed = 3 speedChangeRate = 1 speedCurve { key = 0 0 0 50 key = 0.05 0.8 0.63 0.63 key = 1 1 0 0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterConstrainedLookAt sourceTransformName = ThrustTransform destinationTransformName = RotorArm referenceTransformName = ReferenceTransform constrainedAxis = X } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterConstrainedLookAt sourceTransformName = ThrustTransform destinationTransformName = RotorCase referenceTransformName = RotorArm constrainedAxis = Y } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbetrotterEditorMesh transformNames = Pointer availableInFlight = false } }"
  20. I'm doing a cinematic that required 24 frames per second, and I have a motion blur mod installed. The blur is therefore too "short" when capturing the game running at a higher framerate. Is it possible to set the limit this low?
  21. Is there a mod/way to make solar panles less effective? It's just that is sometimes feels like cheating because you don't really need panels that much.
  22. I am currently creating a part and it has many functionalities. One of it is a cargo door. Is there any way I can add a sound effect to the door opening animation. How would I go about doing this? Any help and feedback is appreciated.
  23. So I am trying to create Space-X's Starship in the game. I attach the ModuleDockingNode in the part's configuration file but in the game I can't see the decouple node option. I can see all the other options just not that one. But I can see it on the opposite side docking port I have connected it to. So what seems to be the problem. As fas as I can tell everything is done correctly. I thought maybe it was the NodeSize because it was size3 but even with the same piece attached to one another it still wouldn't do anything. PART { name = superHeavy module = Part author = Rukongai mesh = SuperHeavy.mu rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 34, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -33, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 3 TechRequired = start entryCost = 46600 cost = 13000 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 title = Super Heavy manufacturer = Space-X description = The pinnacle of Space-X boosters. This beast equipped with 37 Raptor engines is capable of lifting over 5000t to orbit. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 200 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 6 breakingForce = 1000 breakingTorque = 1000 maxTemp = 5000 bulkheadProfiles = size3, srf tags = fuel fueltank ?lfo propellant rocket berth capture connect couple dock fasten join moor rockomax socket MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = size3 stagingEnabled = False } RESOURCE { name = LiquidFuel amount = 300000 maxAmount = 300000 } RESOURCE { name = Oxidizer amount = 360000 maxAmount = 360000 } }
  24. I want to write some Module Manager patch files for a 1.7.3 install that includes both Kopernicus, Bluedog Design Bureau, and Unkerballed Start. This install has well over 20k+ Module Manager patches applied - trying to read the individual config files for a part and individual part patches is proving to be a real headache. I'm wondering if there is a way to view / export what the part's config file looks like AFTER all of the MM patches have been applied. I want to be able to select a part, see what MODULES have been added / applied, then write my own config to do the final tweaking. Ideas?
  25. Well, once again my install of KSP corrupted... The physics are whacked again and all craft pull to the right for no reason. A fresh install solved the problem (again) and it continues to work fine after putting my mods back (again). But now I've gotta redo all my game bindings and various settings. I have multiple installs of the game and was wondering which file(s) I might be able to copy across to the new install to bring back all of my graphics, game, joystick, and key binding settings? Anyone know which file(s) I would need to copy across?
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