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  1. Hello there! Before you contact me for submitting an entry at leonhojoz@gmail.com or go to my Discord DM's (Hojoz#3678) Please keep in mind that if there's enough interest I'm allowing 16 submissions total, and that I'm not trying to compete with other YouTube fighter competitions. You can discuss the competition on my public Discord server: (https://discordapp.com/invite/hq493Kz)
  2. Inspired by the Regional Jet Challenge Whilst the thread is mainly focused on propeller driven aircraft, jet powered aircraft ARE allowed on the condition that it uses a maximum of 800 units of fuel. Kerbin has gone through an oil crisis; airlines and military around Kerbin are now using aircraft they can no longer fuel and are in desperate need for new aircraft. It is up to your company to provide aircraft for either the military or airlines that have almost the, or better performance then jet powered counterparts. Of course, in most cases it isn't possible to match the speed, however propeller driven aircraft tend to be better in other regards. vvv Note: PLEASE READ vvv _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What is a good aircraft then? The military is in need of aircraft that can either turn well, or perform Boom and Zoom style attacks. The military also wants cheap, easy to maintain and rugged aircraft as well. As for things like bombers, the military is in need of bombers with good defense and bomb load, while being strong enough to take a few hits. The Airlines are in need of aircraft that are safe, reliable, comfortable, have a reasonable price, are easy to maintain and designs that are flexible enough to be put in other uses. Obviously, it's better if the aircraft is cheaper, however the aircraft's performance can compensate (to an extent) a high price tag. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules Must be compatible with 1.4 of KSP. The only mods allowed are Stock parts (duh), BDarmory and Airplane Plus. Maximum of 700 parts. (this can be negotiable if the aircraft only goes slightly over) If the aircraft uses liquidfuel, it is classified as a jet Propellers from Airplane Plus are allowed, but the aircraft is considered a "jet" if it uses liquid fuel. Command seats are allowed as long as a cockpit of some sorts is built around it (an open cockpit is fine). For military aircraft, no missiles are allowed (as these use fuel) For military aircraft, only 50cal weapons (turret included), 20mm vulcan (fixed and turret), and the GAU-8 Cannon are allowed (a plane with an abrams cannon would be amazing if it can be done). (feel free to suggest any more weapons) Part clipping to any extent is allowed. Creating variants for aircraft are allowed (explained down below) What is a Variant in the context of the rules? To make a design more versatile for different roles; it's possible to submit different variants of the same aircraft. A variant of the same aircraft will be counted as a variant if it has roughly the same structural layout of the previous design. You are allowed to change the engines, add more guns, make wings slightly bigger, or lengthen the fuselage. If an aircraft variant is too different from it's original, it will be counted as another plane rather than a variant. Military Categories (closed until BDarmory updates) The specifications do not need to be met as long as the aircraft makes up for it in something else. Like an aircraft having a slow speed, but good turn rate. Fighter Speed of more than 80m/s Armament of at LEAST two 50cals reasonable turn time 1 pilot only 1 engine only Heavy Fighter Speed of more than 100m/s. Armament of at LEAST 6 50cals. reasonable turn time. at least 1 pilot, however 2 or having a turret is preferred. At least 2 engines (maximum of 4). Ground Attacker/Light Bomber Speed of more than 70m/s. Armament of at least 6 50cals. (cannons are preferred) Must carry a few bombs. reasonable turn time. at least 1 pilot, however 2 or having a turret is preferred. Must be easy enough to aim at ground targets Heavy Bomber Speed of more than 60m/s Must have a bomb load of at least 5000lbs (or if you're metric like me, 2267kg) Must have at least 2 pilots and 1 turret (more turrets are recommended) Reasonable turn time (of course, it doesn't need to be fighter like) Must be stable enough to aim bombs properly. Maximum of 6 engines, but must have at least 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Airliner Categories The specifications do not need to be met as long as the aircraft makes up for it in something else. Like an aircraft having a slow speed, but good comfort and passenger count. Like the Regional Jet Challenge: The Mk1 and Mk2 Crew Cabins count as 8 Passengers Mk3 Passenger Module and Size 2 Crew Cabin count as 24 Passengers Seaplane Speed of at least 60m/s Must be able to takeoff and land from water with relative ease Must hold at least 16 passengers. Maximum of 3 engines. Flying Boat Speed of at least 60m/s Must be able to takeoff and land from water Must hold at least 48 passengers Minimum of 2 engines, and maximum of 4 Island Hopper Speed of at least 60m/s Must have short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 16 passengers (max 24) Maximum of 3 engines. Regional Airliner Speed of at least 70m/s Must have reasonably short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 32 passengers (max 48) Must be comfortable Minimum of 2 engines and maximum of 4 International Airliner Speed of at least 80m/s Must have reasonably short takeoff and landing Must hold at least 56 passengers (maximum of whatever you can do) Must be comfortable Minimum of 3 engines, maximum of 6. (optional) Can fly with 1 engine not working. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to Submit Aircraft must have a title in bold, and at least 1 picture so I can figure out what is and isn't a submission. Clarify if the aircraft is a military aircraft/airliner and make sure it is clear what category the aircraft is in. A download link for the aircraft in the post. Price of your aircraft multiplied by 10, but 1000 if it's a jet. Instructions to fly, optimal propeller pitch, and recommended altitudes (Optional) Pitch the aircraft to the military/airlines. Why is your aircraft so good. Why should they buy it. Describe special features of the aircraft (even made up ones). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Military Submissions Fighter Heavy Fighter Ground Attacker/Light Bomber Heavy Bomber _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Airliner Submissions Seaplane Flying Boat Island Hopper Regional Airliner International Airliner _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Judges Just ask if you want to be a judge. @HolidayTheLeek yeah, that's it right now.
  3. I am wondering if there is a mod or something that can make your plane stealth, so that you cannot be detects on enemy radar from BDarmory. I have built a fighter that looks stealthy to me, using quiztechaeropack, BDarmory, and stock. I want to use stealth capability when attacking someone. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
  4. Dornier Dove (Single Prop): https://kerbalx.com/Toadstooliv/Dornier-Dove Dornier Double Dove (Double Prop): https://kerbalx.com/Toadstooliv/Dornier-DoveDouble Image set: http://imgur.com/a/hrWkm Sorry for the non-embedded images, i am unsure of how to do that. Video here though:
  5. I present to you: V7's SW-Series Fighter Aircraft Showcase! (Phew, what a mouthful) The Panavian Air Force has ordered for a new series of military aircraft to be manufactured, and V7 Aerospace Industries has developed a brand-new line of aircraft to rule the skies; The SW-Series. New SW-Series designs will be numbered from 1-onwards. The larger, ground strike aircraft will have their names begin with the letter F, while the smaller, air superiority fighters will have their names begin with the letter S The V7 SW-1 Spectre Next up: The V7 SW-2 Switchblade Now, the first F-class aircraft: The V7 SW-3 Firestorm The only single-engined one of the bunch: The V7 SW-4 Scimitar At last but not least, the largest of the bunch: The V7 SW-V Falcon That's them all! I hope you like 'em! one final picture.
  6. Space Fighter Superiority Championship 1 Are you an engineer? You like Fighting? Is space your thing? If yes, do this challenge. All fighters will be tested in air, in high Kerbin orbit, and on the Mun. There will be separate rankings for each category. This will be a 1v1 fight only. BD Autopilot will be used to steer the craft. Rules: BD Armory must be installed. Each craft must have a weapons manager and an AI pilot. The craft must have at least 500m/s of delta-v when in orbit. Must be able to dock with 1.25m docking ports. Must have at least 1/6TWR. NO TURRETS. Period. Mods allowed: BD Armory is mandatory. KAS/KIS InfernalRobotics Star Wars mod (by @KSP Bros KS) Points: A round won +100pt A round lost +25pt Parts lost (does not include missiles) -10pt/part Weapon -5pt/weapon SSTO capability +100pt Atmospheric champion +500pt Orbital champion +500pt Mun champion +500pt Overall champion +1000pt Atmospheric Championship: Just a standard 1v1 dogfight in atmosphere. All contestants will be tested here. Every spacecraft must be space capable. Orbital Championship: The two contestants will start 100m from each other, with their engines off, and RCS on. First to destroy the other's AI or Weapons Manager wins. All contestants will be tested here. Mun championship: Engines and RCS active, engines only at 25% thrust limit, unless the craft is only able to lift off from the Mun. All contestants will be tested here. Final championship: The two craft will be on the almost same orbit going in opposite directions. Physics load range will be set to 22km. Once in range, contestants can fire away. It will be a 2v2 fight. Two of one kind, going in the same direction, and the other two finalists against them. Only 2 people will get the badge above, the final winner will get a special one.
  7. So I was just up one night, tired from intensive spacecraft testing (which I'll post on the WIP thread soon) and decided to throw something together... It ended up looking like a Su-27 and went, stuff it, i'm doing this. No, it can't "really" do a Pugachev's Cobra, but by definition it still has supermaneuverability, in true, slow speed russian fashion, Max speed at sea level is 285m/s, bleeds speed ridiculously in high speed turns, can do ridiculous maneuvers at low speed (<50m/s), and horibbly unreliable in 4x physics warp (at x3 its on the brink of falling apart), but physics warp is fine at high alt. Can reach 8500m in dry mode and 15000m in wet mode (17000m with low fuel). 1=Afterburner 2=Flaps 3=Close all intakes (immediate engine shut down) 0=Disable Reaction wheels and engine gimbal Sugoi 27 is the original version, Sugoi 27K has the canards on the front DL: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/g22yj0mgpk3tu13/AAD_B0piE8NQjfYaQlUwil8la?dl=0
  8. Show me what stealth aircraft you have built! These are mine! https://kerbalx.com/He_162/He44 https://kerbalx.com/He_162/MBB-Lampyridae I want to see some more of these types of aircraft, and for a few reasons, listed below: 1. They are hard to build due to random angles and wings everywhere 2. They are very hard to get in the air, and to fly right! 3. They look awesome! Spectacular! SO LETS SEE EM!
  9. Valkyrie navel&aerospace industries is an international team of builders and designers, we mostly build replicas of real military planes (fighters,bombers,hypersonic and supersonic plane,drones,awac planes etc) we don't take any requests currently but will start doing that soon
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