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Found 23 results

  1. Hello ! I released an online tool that allows for automatic planning of interplanetary trajectories with multiple gravity assists. https://krafpy.github.io/KSP-MGA-Planner/ The tool provides an interactive 3D replica of KSP's solar system where you can zoom on planets and moons. It al...
  2. Kerbal Transfer Illustrator Link: https://kerbal-transfer-illustrator.netlify.app Description: The Kerbal Transfer Illustrator is a set of mission planning tools inspired by alexmoon's Launch Window Planner, Arrowstar's KSPTOT, and krafpy's M...
  3. Wayfinder https://github.com/Muetdhiver-lab/Wayfinder Wayfinder is a python based Multiple Gravity Assist search tool for KSP, including support for the JNSQ planet pack. It allows for efficient search of gravity assist sequences using state of the art tools using pykep/pygmo pac...
  4. Hello everyone! The capstone of stock KSP missions is the “grand tour” - landing on every planet and moon in the Kerbol system. (You can technically land on Jool but that’s not traditionally counted). A single launch grand tour is a feat of precision engineering, careful mission planning, and t...
  5. (This was first posted on the Space Exploration StackExchange and the AskScienceDiscussion subreddit first, but I want more input, so I'm posting here as well. As forewarning, the most integral details of this question are bolded.) For context, I have been writing an alternate history involvin...
  6. Hello, in this challenge you are going to do a mission similar to that of Voyager 2. Voyager 2 was an interplanetary and interstellar mission and passed through four planets of the solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) taking advantage of the positions of Jupiter and Saturn made the fam...
  7. I've been having trouble rapping my head around slingshot maneuvers. Enter Sphere of Influence (SoI) and exit SoI with changed velocity. It basically breaks down to four maneuvers. A and B are from a higher (faster) orbit, C and D are from a lower (slower) orbit. A and C are leading the ob...
  8. How do I plan a gravity assist using Kerbin similarly to how Juno used Earth to get to Jupiter?
  9. I planned a jool transfer node and can't find a encounter with tylo that slowed me into orbit without spending ridiculous amount of dv , does anyone know how to do it?(I'm going to laythe)
  10. This idea came to me while doing a challenge from discord, which was to launch 5 different sattelites to 5 different celestial bodies, where of 2 of them are different planets, in one launch. So of course, I said to myself, lets launch sats to every single planet and moons, but I taught too : i...
  11. I'm trying to plan a mission to Moho. While I have MechJeb's Delta-V gauge to tell me if I can or cannot fly directly to Moho - fleet construction and organization is another problem - it does not tell me if I have enough Delta-V to do an Eve Gravity Assist to Moho. Here's the story. While plan...
  12. So I am trying to get to duna with as little delta v usage as possible. Is there an efficiënt and doable way to use gravity assists to get to duna? I know of the oberth effect (sorry if I misspelled it). I just need to know how i can do an efficiënt gravity assist to duna. thx Edit: thanks for...
  13. Hello! I’ve been playing KSP for a while now and have become quite confident in my abilities. Although, I’m still having trouble with gravity assists. Is there an equation of some sort that I can use to calculate my speed after the slingshot/brake? Ex. Before assist craft is going x m/s, after...
  14. I'm planing a manned Jool mission for my career save. The focus will be on extracting as much sweet, sweet science as possible from the Jool system before returning home to Kerbin. I'm going to use a NERV powered main mothership with 3 daughter landers to cover all the moons. (The Tylo lander will...
  15. So I was watching this car jump from Minmus and noticed that a pass in front of the Mun tightened the resulting orbit considerably. Then I send my Iktomi explorer to Duna, and managed to pass in front of Ike, or rather, I crossed Ike's orbit just ahead of it. The insertion resulted in a wildly...
  16. as the title says, it would be really nice if we could have a helper with gravity assists, like KER (is that going to be updated for 1.2? if ever?) but for gravity assists, so you could do gravity assists and missions like voyager, so you didn't have to have that much Delta-V on your rocket, so you...
  17. With the current excitement around the Juno mission approaching Jupiter after its earth-gravity-assist journey there'll be a lot of people playing around in KSP with similar goals. One thing that always holds me back in my interplanetary craft design is an efficient transfer as I always feel it is...
  18. Hi everyone. This isn't a first for me. I tend to sling mission together with little regard for tolerances, especially when I am headed somewhere for the first time. So my situation is this: Orbiting Dres (first time visiting Dres yay!) with about 1067m/s Delta V left in the tanks and a requi...
  19. Hello! I'm trying to get a gravity assist to get into Jool orbit. I've never done this before, and I'd be happy to hear any tips! Here's what it looks like: These are my primary questions: How can I see whether I will be in orbit after I've exited Tylo's SOI, before I've entered i...
  20. The challenge: Once in low-Kerbin orbit and you've matched planes with Minmus, position a maneuver-node to allow you, with only one burn, to put your spacecraft on a free-return trajectory around minmus, BUT! also get an encounter with the Mün between escaping from Minmus and Kerbin periapsis. Bonus...
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