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Hello all! Just wanted to share a project I've been working on for entirely too long. I started out wanting to create a more generic launch platform for general use in KSP, but quickly snowballed into an attempted recreation of the Apollo Mobile Launcher and Launch Umbilical Tower. I remember seeing the outstanding documentary For All Mankind when I was a kid and absolutely -loving- the shot from the elevator of the tower going up and seeing the behemoth Saturn V squatting right in front of the camera. Further review informed me that this elevator was actually located on the Mobile Service Structure (MSS), but I was nonetheless inspired to attempt to recreate the launch-day experience of an Apollo astronaut. So far I have created the launch platform (with some interior, even), the ground support structures, the LUT itself, the hammerhead crane, the damper arm, and swing arms 9 and 6 - all with animations. As stated earlier, I wanted the user to be able to experience the actual route taken by the astronauts on launch-day, so I have included functionality to take the ground-to-pad elevator, walk down the mobile launcher corridor to the elevator room, ride the elevator to tower level 320', then traverse the walkway and crew access arm to the Saturn V command module. The screenshots included here are adapted for the FASA Saturn V. I'm trying to gauge community interest in this thing in an attempt to motivate myself to finish it. Here are some videos of the project: The Apollo Astronaut Pad Experience Demo of currently implemented features TODO: Swing Arms: Lights? Complete arms 1-5 and 7-8 Mobile Launcher: Add Blast Shield Tether Tie-Downs 0' - 80': Add equipment boxes, etc. Complete water pipes / quench stuff 100' - 360': Add equipment boxes, etc. Complete water pipes / quench stuff Complete Propellant pipes 200' - 300': Add swing arm walkway supports 300 - Bottom of umbMount z-fighting its support 320': Add escape lines? Car (9-seater)? 380': Crane 25 TON 10 TON sign
The Apollo Program You know it, we all love it: the legendary space program that put man on the Moon. At the time it was considered to be one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken by either side during the Space Race. To this day the accomplishment of the Apollo program still stands as one of mankind's greatest achievements. Below are a collection of stock+DLC replicas I've built to represent the various rockets, spacecraft, and mission profiles that comprised the Apollo program—from its first test launches in 1961 to the very last flight of Apollo hardware in 1975. Currently this page features all of the Saturn I, Saturn IB, and Saturn V flights minus Apollo 13, Skylab, and ASTP. If I have the time I'd also like to include the Little Joe II and LLRV missions, but we'll just have to see how things pan out. In the meantime, check out the spoilers below! They contain a bit of info about the launch history of the Apollo program, utilizing screenshots of every rocket and mission I've built so far. Downloads and flight instructions for each individual craft are featured further down the page. Birth of Apollo and the Saturn Rocket 1961-1963 Early Testing Begins 1963-1967 SA-1 - AS-204 (Apollo 1) The Saturn V Takes Flight 1967-1969 Apollo 4 - Apollo 11 Follow-up Missions and the End of Apollo 1969-1972 Apollo 12 - Apollo 17 Post-Apollo 1973-1975 Skylab 1-4, ASTP ↓↓↓Downloads↓↓↓ Required flags: drive folder: zip: All crafts* built in stock KSP v1.11.2, both DLCs Required *SA-2 and SA-3 built in KSP v1.12.2 Saturn I: SA-1: 600 parts I SA-1.craft?dl=0 SA-2: 609 parts I SA-2.craft?dl=0 SA-3: 671 parts I SA-3.craft?dl=0 SA-4: 809 parts I SA-4.craft?dl=0 SA-5: 1399 parts I SA-5.craft?dl=0 AS-101: 1584 parts I AS-101.craft?dl=0 AS-102: 1661 parts I AS-102.craft?dl=0 AS-103: 2188 parts I AS-103.craft?dl=0 AS-104: 2193 parts I AS-104.craft?dl=0 AS-105: 2177 parts I AS-105.craft?dl=0 Saturn IB: AS-201/202: 1748 parts IB AS-202.craft?dl=0 AS-203: 1096 parts IB AS-203.craft?dl=0 Apollo 5: 2306 parts IB Apollo 5.craft?dl=0 Apollo 7: 1987 parts IB Apollo 7.craft?dl=0 Saturn V: Apollo 4: 3473 parts V Apollo 4.craft?dl=0 Apollo 6: 3458 parts V Apollo 6.craft?dl=0 Apollo 8: 3283 parts V Apollo 8.craft?dl=0 Apollo 9: 4384 parts V Apollo 9.craft?dl=0 Apollo 10: 4424 parts V Apollo 10.craft?dl=0 Apollo 11: 4563 parts Apollo 12: 4582 parts V Apollo 12.craft?dl=0 Apollo 14: 4647 parts V Apollo 14.craft?dl=0 Apollo 15: 4880 parts V Apollo 15.craft?dl=0 Apollo 16: 4919 parts V Apollo 16.craft?dl=0 Apollo 17: 4895 parts Controls Saturn I/Saturn IB/Saturn V + CSM Spacebar (Stage): Start Automatic Flight Sequencer 1: Toggle CSM RCS / Extend Antennas / Reset Robotic Parts 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: Decouple CSM Docking Port 8: Disengage CSM Umbilical 9: Deploy CSM Flotation Bags 0: Decouple from LES Post-Abort Backspace (Abort): Activate Launch Escape System LM (Apollo 5, 9-14) LM (Apollo 15-17) LRV (Apollo 15-17) 1: Reset Robotic Parts 1: Reset Robotic Parts 1: 2: Toggle LM RCS 2: Toggle LM RCS 2: 3: Deploy LM MESA 3: Deploy LM MESA 3: 4: LM Commander EVA 4: LM Commander EVA 4: 5: LM Pilot EVA 5: LM Pilot EVA 5: 6: LM Pre-Ascent Prep. 6: LM Pre-Ascent Prep. 6: 7: Deploy S-Band Antenna 7: Deploy LRV 7: 8: Decouple Antenna from LM 8: Deploy LRV Equipment 8: 9: Deploy Antenna Legs 9: Decouple LRV Equipment (Fore) 9: Engage Equipment Latch (Fore) 0: Deploy Antenna Dish 0: Decouple LRV Equipment (Aft) 0: Engage Equipment Latch (Aft) W/A/S/D: Driving / Steering G: Extend Landing Struts G: Extend Landing Struts B: Brakes U: Rendezvous Lights U: Rendezvous Lights Instructions All instructions are written in the Imgur albums linked below Saturn I / Saturn IB + CSM flight: Saturn V + CSM flight: LM landing, ascent + reentry and splashdown (Apollo 9-14): LM landing, LRV assembly, ascent, reentry and splashdown (Apollo 15-17): Craft Info Started development of this monstrosity back in December of last year, mainly because I wanted to build a high-fidelity replica of the Lunar Module to stack up next to my Soviet LK lander. Well you can't have an LM without a CSM and S-IVB, and if you have those you might as well build the entire rest of the Saturn V, right? And while you're at it, why not slap on an LRV and try to do one of those J-missions? That'd be pretty cool. Anyways, after months of trial, error, explosions, and lazing around I finally managed to put together a Saturn V that didn't explode by, would you believe, adding more struts. After the first successful test flight I managed to find the motivation to complete the design, and it took shape pretty quickly after that. I was also gonna put together a video but at this point it's pretty clear that it'll take a bit longer than usual to create. I don't wanna sit on the craft files while I make the video though so I'm posting them here just to get them out there. In the meantime, stay tuned, and thanks for reading!
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- totm july 2021
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How can I install the mod I'm using version 1.4.4 of the game and the mod but when I open the game the only two items it carries are the Rover and the launch tower.
The Saturn L1-N3V is a rocket that is a combination of a Saturn V and N1-L3 (hence the name). It's the first of what I call, "Combined Rockets", where I take parts of one rocket and combine them with parts of another rocket. The Saturn N1-L3V was created when someone thought: I wonder what would happen if i combined a Saturn V and N1?. This rocket consists of a Saturn V first stage, N1 Block B second stage, S-IVB third stage, a Blok D lander and munar orbit insertion stage, and a Apollo CSM and LK Lander. Images of the rocket in action are below: Saturn N1-L3V on the launchpad Liftoff with the S-IC Saturn V first stage Separation of Stage 1 and 2 N1 Block B second stage ignition Separation of Stage 2 and 3, revealing the payload TMI w/S-IVB third stage S-IVB separation, with Blok D, LK Lander, and Apollo CSM visible Blok D placing the spacecraft into Low Munar Orbit Kerbal doing an EVA to the LK Lander LK Lander undocked from CSM Blok D preforming De-Orbit burn LK Lander about to touchdown Kerbal on EVA next to a flag after successful LK Landing (ignore the Blok D engine firing nearby) Liftoff from the mun w/the LK LK ascending from the munar surface LK nearing the CSM spacecraft LK and CSM docked Discarding the LK Lander TKI burn with the SPS engine Approaching Kerbin Command Module separation from Service Module Re-entry Parachutes deployed Touchdown on Kerbin Craft Stats: mass: 458.49t, cost: 180,600, parts: 182, crew: 3 (Apollo Command Module), 1 (LK Lander) Downloads: KerbalX Steam Workshop Enjoy using this interesting craft, and if you decide to use it in a video, I would like to be credited. But anyways, enjoy using it, and I plan on making more rockets like this soon!
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totm august 2019 Apollo 11 50th Anniversary
Munbro Kerman posted a topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
A replica that I've been working on for over 3 years now, the title and images pretty much explain themselves. 3 years of working on this project on and off due to frustrations with the craft and a little thing called "life", it is ready to be released, and at an appropriate time, too. Since I'm sure no one wants to hear me ramble on, lets get to it. Features Historic Paint Scheme done by fuel cells (don't want to talk about it) Accurate stages (S-IC, S-II, S-IVB) Realistic Lunar Module and Command Module Action Groups AG 1. LES Jettison AG 2. Toggle CSM fuel cells AG 3. Toggle CSM high-gain antenna Flight Manual Before heading to the launchpad, ensure that there are 3 kerbals in the first three Mk1 Command Pods by checking the crew tab At launchpad, click "control from here" on the docking port of the CM (best done by aiming camera on the fairing base and zooming in, then resetting camera) Launch! The first stage will get you to a velocity of ~1,100 m/s before cutoff, so start your gravity turn at about 90 m/s and continue to turn (DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE PITCH/YAW/ROLL, or risk the Saturn V blowing up, but you shouldn't need to do that many attitude adjustments after launching After staging the first stage (don't panic if there are explosions near the engine base, just fuel cells overheating) and allowing for them to distance themselves, stage the second stage engines and go pro-grade, then stage the interstage (make sure to do this or the rocket may explode) I recommend that you enable unbreakable joints and allow part-clipping in the cheat menu, but this may be unnecessary, test at your own discretion. Press AG 1 to discard the LES Use the second stage to finish your orbit insertion (between 80km and 110km is good) and stage to the third stage Stage the S-IVB ullage motors, Use this stage for the munar injection, you should have plenty of fuel and room for error Stage fairings and look over your staging menu (do this often) and make sure that everything is in check before decoupling the CSM from the LM and S-IVB, turn around and dock just as the Apollo missions did. Decouple the LM and CSM from the S-IVB and enter munar orbit with CSM engine, press AG 2 to toggle the CSM fuel cells to "on" and AG 3 for the high-gain antenna (You must enter an orbit of <15km or the descent stage will not have enough fuel to land) Transfer 2 crew from the CM to the LM, undock, and land on the surface; pretty straightforward (click "control from here" on the LM's docking port for landing and takeoff) Munar operations: decouple the "science" package from the descent stage and use "infinite electricity" to flip the package over to expose the solar panels Takeoff from the surface: I recommend that you enable "ignore max temperature" before staging to the ascent stage engine to lower the chance of the descent stage from exploding/jellifying. Rendezvous with the CM in orbit, transfer the crew and discard the ascent stage, use the CSM engine for earth injection burn Stage the CSM at 150km from Kerbin and face retrograde, reenter Stage the docking mechanism at around 300 m/s, stage parachutes at 1,500 m Images Launch Transmunar Injection Operations Munar Operations Mission Recovery DOWNLOAD KerbalX: 11 replies
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The Legendary Saturn V, re-imagined in a more modern and cost saving way, now with the ability to be completely reused! Craft file: This behemoth has a few changes that make it stand out from the original, such as legs, wings, and extra boosters! 4 extra vector engines on the first stage second stage uses 5 vectors instead of skiffs as it needs to make orbit quickly Lunar module has only one stage instead of two to get the whole thing back service module is now a spaceplane capable of verticle landings, instead of a boring command pod no Launch escape tower (safety is for cowards) No mods required, other than the Making History expansion Here is a video of the craft flying:
Today I was reading "Voyage," and it mentioned using a "Saturn V-B" rocket. After doing some research I found out it was a real (cancelled) rocket! Does anybody know some information on it? Diagrams and pictures would be much appreciated.
I have recently improved my Saturn V replica, and conducted a mock mission of Apollo 11 to the Moon (Mun) in KSP, using real NASA Audio. Its made with a 100% stock parts and looks as realistic as I could make it with the help of fairings. I felt it appropriate as the Apollo 11 anniversary is soon coming up. Check out the video: If you want the craft file I have it on Here are some pictures I recorded the video and took these screenshots with the following visual mods (they are pretty good):
A Kerbal Apollo - An individual take on manned Apollo missions Since the Apollo program is my favorite part of historical manned space exploration, I have decided to play some Apollo missions on KSP (You might be aware of this if you have been following the What did you do on KSP today thread, but I am redoing this, this time with pictures and somewhat more detailed descriptions). I only intend on playing the manned missions, so flight tests like Apollo 6 will not be included (This means that I will begin with Apollo 7) and also, these missions will not be exact recreations, albeit I will do their rough objectives. (Apollo 8 for example will still be a Munar orbit mission) I also consider to include some of the cancelled missions (Perhaps Apollo 18 and 19, which means some additional Mun exploration), so this will not be just a purely historical recreation of the Apollo missions. The Skylab and ASTP missions will also be included, since I consider them parts of the core Apollo program as well, due to their use of Apollo hardware. Meet the Apollo Kerbonaut Group 1: - Pilots: Jebediah Kerman, Herfrid Kerman, Dooddon Kerman, Theoler Kerman, Buremy Kerman, Rocan Kerman, Melney Kerman, Geofcal Kerman, Samsel Kerman - Engineers: Bill Kerman, Haldos Kerman, Ludbree Kerman, Sigble Kerman, Jensey Kerman, Rodous Kerman, Mind Kerman, Jenlock Kerman, Newdan Kerman, Harmon Kerman - Scientists: Bob Kerman, Gilely Kerman, Ribley Kerman, Harlong Kerman, Bartgel Kerman, Hanton Kerman, Duwig Kerman, Aldrick Kerman, Macdon Kerman Mods used in this savegame: Bluedog Design Bureau (For the Apollo, Skylab and Saturn parts) Kerbal Attachment System (For the containers to carry mission equipment) Kerbal Inventory System (For the inventory inside the LEM containing equipment) Surface Experiment Pack (For the surface experiments used on the Munar surface) Tantares (For the Soyuz parts used in ASTP) USI Exploration Pack (For the rover) DMagic's Modlets (For several minor modlets) Modular Launch Pads (For the Saturn IB/Saturn V launch towers) Final Frontier (For the ribbons for the Kerbonauts) Feedback is welcome
The journey to the Moon would take a few days and on July 20th, 1969, the LEM would safely touch down. I decided to do a Saturn style Eve mission, actually sending a Saturn V Replica to the surface of Eve. I'll try to return the 3 brave Kerbals in it on July 20th. Do any of you do some Apollo 11 anniversary stuff as well? Update July 20th: We now have confirmation that the lunar excursion module has safely touched down in the sea of tranquility. Congratulations to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin! To celebrate the Moon landing, which occured at this moment 49 years ago, here's the Saturn V from the previous video launching back up from Eve and returning to Kerbin:
So I was thinking about my favourite real world rockets yesterday, and got curious, what are your favourite rockets?(specifically the booster stage, not the payload). I quite like the Soviet R7, an ICBM repurposed as a spacecraft? Hell yeah!
So I'm pretty new to Kerbal Space Program (haven't even really left the kerbal system yet even though a probably could, because I just love mun/minmus missions), and for a while I've been messing around with stock Apollo replicas, and just general stock replicas of real life missions. Making an apollo lander in stock KSP, without any of that fancy DLC is naturally a pretty big challenge, but I'm really proud of this one and felt like sharing It houses 2 brave kerbals, and although the video below was made very lazily using cheats, I can guarantee its ability to land on the mun and then rendezvous with a CSM in any mun orbit (Even at the edge of it's SOI) with a bunch of fuel to spare. One of the things I really dislike about this craft is how easy it is to break the landing legs unless you're going <0.2m/s on a flat surface, but cutting the fuel down enough would change that problem (a better player than me could probably land and return with the ascent stage alone, which quite literally has surplus fuel to the moon and back). If anyone wants the .craft file, let me know. I haven't posted it here because A. I'm not entirely sure how to do so and B. I've heard some people are protective of these files and I can't quite figure out why, or if any of these reasons may apply to me. Crappy "Showcase" video made with OBS, Movie Maker, and a whole bunch of debug menu. Yes, I know that in real life the CSM and LEM docked while still attached to the lunar injection stage. Image Album Thanks for looking
Alright, gents! (and ladies!) I've finished my replica of the Apollo 11 mission and published it to KerbalX for release! It is a fully stock, fully vanilla-KSP replica of the Apollo 11, and I've taken heavy inspiration from the legendary Munbug series. I've included as many features of the Saturn V and Apollo 11 launch as I feel I reasonably can. The craft already sits on the pad at a sturdy 788 parts, standing 49.7m tall and weighing over 850 tons. I have a full mission album of its use at the link below, and some nifty facts and spiffy slides at the KerbalX page. MISSION SCREENSHOT ALBUM KERBALX CRAFT PAGE Features Fixed center engines on the S-IC and S-II Stages Retrorockets on the engine shrouds of the S-IC stage 8 ullage motors and 4 retrorockets on S-II 2 ullage motors and 2 APS motors on S-IVB Physical interstage fairing between S-IC and S-II Deployable Launch Escape System that is staged during the course of a nominal launch (with the correct motors - not the LES itself) Boost protective cover over the Command Module that is staged off with the LES Nose fairing on the C/SM to protect the parachutes Umbilical connection from Service Module to Command Module Munar Module with basically all of the antennas as on the real thing Descent Stage with 4 storage quadrants that mimic the real thing Plume shields under the RCS thrusters of the ascent stage Flight Instructions Before launch, set control to precision mode (Caps Lock), and point straight up until 100m/s (2,000m). Turn off SAS and maintain small movements to begin pointing East. You want to be at 45° right around the end of the first stage (S-IC). Once you climb above 40,000m, you can be more aggressive with the turn. Ideally, the second stage (S-II) will be depleted while you’re still sub-orbital. Stage 3 (S-IVB) can circularize an orbit around Kerbin, and perform the Transmunar Injection burn (TMI). Apollo 11 and 12 put the S-IVB in a Solar orbit after the CSM and lander were decoupled, while Apollo 13-17 were steered into a collision course with the Moon. The CSM can circularize an orbit around the Mun at any altitude you want. The Lander can make it safely to the surface and back to the CSM in orbit, tested so far up to 60,000m above the munar surface. When transferring Kerbals to the lander, there is a Mk1 Lander Can and a Mk1 Command Pod as the two seats the Command Pod is sticking up through the top on the back part of the Lander for you to click on. At certain angles you can click on that hatch to transfer back to the CSM (or use the portraits if you can’t get it).
This is my attempt at making a Saturn V in the new DLC, IT needs some work, but it will function. If you want to fly this, you'll need to decent pilot and manually activate things past the third stage, further instructions are on the KerbalX page, I will be updating this craft soon to make it better and more optimized. As for right now I think its a pretty good replica of the real thing. Craft Download Page
Hi, yesterday I made a Stock Saturn V (AKA The Katurn V) Using Making History Parts. Here are some images of it:
Download From Spacedock Because a Saturn V needs its ever-present companion, the Launch Umbilical Tower, I created a working replica of the Saturn Mobile Launcher. It's not 100% exact, far from it, and has been simplified to eliminate detail that would be tedious to make without any real benefit. It does fetaure retracting swing arms and tail service masts, plus two working elevators to allow crew boarding of the command module from the ground. There is also a hammerhead crane on top that can decouple and rotate using the Q and E (roll) keys. This is a standalone version of the Saturn Mobile Launcher from my Simple Overhaul Project. It has been configured to work with the default Saturn/Sarnus 5 from the Bluedog Design Bureau mod. The mobile launcher was designed for the Saturn V from my Simple Overhaul, which is at 64% scale. It however works rather well with the BDB Saturn V, it just meeded a few tweaks and adjustments. The BDB Saturn V is at a smaller scale, and I didn't rescale the tower, so it's taller than the BDB Saturn V than the real one was. It also can be used with other rockets, there just needs to be a free stack attach node at the bottom of the first/core stage. An engine would work, but it's best to make a Module Manager patch to add a size 5 node to whatever part will be used to attach the launcher base to. The tower and swing arms can be moved using the offset gizmo to adjust the positioning. The Mobile Launcher pack contains the following parts: The Mobile Launcher Base The Launch Umbilical Tower (or just "tower") The Tail Service Mast (three were used on the Mobile Launcher) Nine swing arms representing the actual Saturn V tower arms The hammerhead crane (no hoisting capability). The launcher base attaches to a size 5 node at the bottom of the BDB Saturn V S-IC via another size 5 node in the flame hole. The tower then attaches to the other size 5 node on the base. Three tail service masts and the nine swing arms attach to the other nodes on the base and the front-right vertical beam of the tower. The crane attaches to a node on top of the tower. Both the base and tower include a working elevator for crew access to the the Command Module from the ground. The elevators, swing arms and tail service mast move/retract by an animation; the arms and tail service masts will need to be action-grouped during a launch. Liftoff demo: This mod is being shared under the CC-BY-NC-SA license: Installation: Open the .zip file, and copy the AlphaMensaeMobileLauncher folder to your KSP Gamedata folder. All the mobile launcher parts are put into the "Heavier Rocketry" tech tree node (same as the BDB Saturn V parts) for Career/Science mode. NOTE: The mobile launcher parts were developed and tested with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement installed, so I recommend that KJR be installed if it isn't already in your KSP. I make no guarantees that these parts will work with the stock autostrutting. That being said, I did set the breakingForce and breakingTorque values of the launcher base to 500,000, and those of the tower to 250,000. That alone probably prevents any wobble, but why take chances? Assembly Guide: To make it easier to find the mobile launcher parts, enter "Saturn" in the part list search window, and they will all appear in the part window. First, click on the root part of the BDB Saturn V (usually the Command Module) and using the offset gizmo move it up well above the floor of the VAB Next, click on the S-IVB stage of the Saturn V and rotate the rocket 45 degrees in either direction (can use shift-Q or E) to properly orient the F-1 engines: Next, select the Mobile Launcher Base from the parts list and attach it to the size 5 stack node below the S-IC stage via another size 5 node in the flame hole of the base: Next, use the offset gizmo again and move the whole assembly via the root part so the front legs of the launcher base (farthest away from the VAB door) sit within the white part of the big circle on the VAB floor; this is to properly position the base over the KSP launch pad: Next, select the Launch Umbilical Tower from the parts list and attach it to the other size 5 node on the launch base: Next, select the Tail Servive Mast from the parts list and attach three of them to the small nodes on two sides of the flame hole; they have to be attached separately. Rotate them so the arm points directly at the S-IC stage: After placed, use the rotate gizmo and rotate the tail service masts 5 degrees to correctly align the arms with the stage (just for aesthetics): Next, select the swing arms from the parts list and attach them to the nodes on the front-right vertical beam of the tower. Arm 01 goes at the lowest node, and they then go in order of 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 from bottom to top. Arm 9 is the Crew Access arm. The hammerhead crane is attached to the top node on the tower. It has a built-in decoupler, and after decoupling can freely rotate 360 degrees using the Q and E (roll) keys. Crew boarding is done by taking the elevator up to the crew access floor, then entering the crew arm via the small walkway extension:
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I have decided to post my LEGO Saturn V and some of my other Space-related shtuffs. Enjoy! Here's the box: When I got home after a long day, this box at the front door really made up for my exhaustion. Here's my little "display:" From left to right: Saturn 1B orientation manual, the Apollo capsule splashed-down, the July 21st 1969 newspaper from San Fransisco, showing the headline of the Moon landing, and the 12" Apollo astronaut that my Dad collected a long time ago. Here's stage S-IVB, the LEM service bay, and the CSM, as well as the Launch escape system. I broke the fairing apart and removed the LES to show the LEM in the "garage." The LEM and CSM docked in "Luner" orbit. The engine detail for Stage S-IVB. Here we have Stage S-II. Engine detail for S-II. Stage S-IC: Engine detail for Stage S-IC. Now, for the final "LEGO" pic. The rocket standing straight up in my driveway with a soda can as a "control." The entire thing is THREE FEET TALL!! NON-LEGO PICS: Saturn 1B manual. July 21st 1969 newspaper: 12" Apollo figure. Detail on the pack of the figure. Wow. I think that's it. What do you guys think?
Hey guys, I'm currently reading a lot about the less famous NASA missions, and I've come to a very specific question, that I could not find any precise information on. My question is regarding the second stage of the modified Saturn V rocket, used to launch Skylab into space in 1973. As far as I know, the modified Saturn V actually consisted of the normal first and second stage, with the third stage being replaced by Skylab itself. In case of the "normal" Saturn V, the first and the second stage would usually crash down into the ocean, while the third stage - which carried the instrument unit - could be steered into another directory after the CSM/LM where separated from it. On Skylab however, I can't see, how the second stage would be removed from orbit, after placing Skylab in its orbit and being separated. It does not seem, like the second stage featured the necessary instrumental equipment or the means of RCS necessary. Does this mean, that the second stage was just moved away from Skylab a bit at separation with solid boosters, but left in an orbit slightly different than Skylabs orbit? I hope someone here can provide an answer... Thanks! Regards, Malz
Hello, Today I would like to discuss the matter of the Orion program. I have one major question: why spend billions on R&D making the SLS, when there is already a tested rocket, called the Saturn V, which took people to the moon and back? The Saturn V could take more than 120t into LEO, the Block 1 crew 70t, and even the Cargo version can only support 130t.
Hi All I have been playing KSP for 3 years now, I love this game and I never really got involved with the community so this is my first time :$ - but this time, I wanted to share with you all a mission Ive done to the mum using my version of the Saturn V Awesome experience, not 100% replicated but i'm surprised that worked really well.. although I had to waste half of the fuel in the 3rd stage, i got back with plenty left! my mods include KW rocketry, Tweak scale, kraken science, Apollo lander, scatterer, in between others... all in the new version 1.3 !! waiting for more mods though LOL here is the link to the images in case the below doesnt work, I would love to answer your questions!
Greetings fellow Kerbals, As some of you may remember I made a stock Saturn V a few years ago called the Selene project. It was a 'not to scale' Saturn V focusing on simulating all the parts of the Saturn V rocket and Apollo moon missions. As a distraction from some grander projects I decided to completely remake the Selene Saturn V but this time I would make two different versions with varying part counts and features. I started by making the higher part count version and wanted it to be much larger than my original Selene craft but again not making it exactly to scale but to focus on recreating all the features of the Saturn V rocket. I have made a completely custom lander which is made roughly to scale with the CSM three kerbal pod. This proved to be extremely hard to balance due to some odd behavior possibly brought on by the no offset mod. There is a discrepancy between the COM indicator in the editor and in-game. After a lot of annoyance I have balanced the lander as best I could and it can be easily flown now. The lander has two seats inside that are deliberately pointing inwards and laying flat so that when the Kerbals leave the seat they pop out in the middle of the front of the lander! Just as if they had exited a hatch. The lander has all the details that the real LM had including a two Kerbal rover and a science package. The rover has a reaction wheel so board the kerbal when it releases and simply flip it up on to its wheels! a lot of user made Mun rovers suffer from an inability to be turned over which leads to frustration and crashes. With the reaction wheel the rover is completely stable and easy to flip back up. I then set about making the rocket itself. I spent a huge amount of time making some custom fairings for the payload and two inter-stage fairings of the Saturn V. They are exemplary and release exactly as the real fairings do. I am particularly proud of the payload fairing as each of the four panels lines up perfectly with each other so their shape is the same as the real payload fairings. I have added all the Ullage and retro rockets for very real looking staging events as can be seen in the video below. I have the correct number of engines for each stage except S1 as anyone who has made a large scale SV knows there is no good in between engine for the F1. The Rhino is too big and the Mainsail is too weak so I have 8 Mainsails for the first stage, not that you would notice by looking at it. The center engine has been designed to cut out early, and for an actual reason! The use of radiators as fairings has one drawback, they start to glow on ascent.. I made the center engine cut out early to slow the rockets acceleration to minimize the glowing of the fairings. If you ascend correctly they will not glow at all! I am very proud of that little trick. The slight glowing seen in the video is due to me flying a slightly different ascent path for the video. The CSM has fuel cells but not the lander due to the number of solar panels I used to make the lander (it is the best parts for small custom builds as it is the smallest panel shape part. Oh and the panels do not cause extra lag as some users have said. The ascent stage of the LM is powered by RCS as the heat changes have caused an infinite amount of heat at certain distances so rocket motors destroy the descent stage which is inelegant so to avoid using SRB separators RCS is the best alternative. The Mk1 Selene craft is the low part count version. This was an interesting exercise in minimal part count. It has the same basic shape as my original Selene craft. It was an absolute breeze to make obviously, less parts means less difficulty to make and test. It has an absolutely tiny 126 parts and still has many of the features of the Saturn V. Of course I could not use special, clever custom fairings so all are the stock squad fairings. I have inter-stage fairings and the correct ullage and retro rockets for those nice staging events. The lander has no rover or science package but one could be added if you like. This version was made with as few parts as possible so I ditched those 'extras'. Then center engine does not cut off early as there is no need to do this and may have incurred a part count penalty. As it is now it is fully playable even on low end systems. I get a green timer throughout the entire mission with this craft. The lander is simple and very easy to fly with enough fuel for corrections during those less than perfect descents. As you can see in the video I landed with only a few units of fuel left and that was due to a less than perfect descent. Again the ascent module is RCS powered to avoid the silly infinite heat issue. Ok, I don't want to spend all day typing so I will move onto the flight instructions, pictures and video. This was supposed to be released a week ago but video editing issues delayed it.. ----------------------------------------------------- Selene mk1 instructions (Low part count version) 126 parts Action groups: 1. LES 2. Fuel cell activation 3. LM release after CSM docking This one is very easy to fly, it has good fuel margins for the launch and can be treated very roughly and still hold it's course. Fly as you would any rocket. The video shows an example ascent. You do not need RCS until you leave Mun and as the ascent craft is RCS powered you will want to leave RCS off until then. One of the tanks may be set to off, so if you need it during ascent simply turn it back on. Selene mk3 instructions (High part count version) 709 parts Action groups: 1. LES 2. CSM fuel cell 3. CSM antenna 4. LM pod lights 5. Cargo covers release. This is the big-boy of the two. It is however also very easy to fly needing minimal effort to fly. The only special thing you should do is select follow pro-grade before S1 separation. this is to avoid a minor nose lifting force that can be seen on most large SV replicas. The staging is set up correctly so you can just stage when needed. Let the Ullage and Retro rockets do their thing to put some distance between stages for realism and clean staging events.And clean they are! See vid for details on this. Again keep the RCS off until you leave Mun. It is not required before then and is the fuel for the ascent. Keep RCS on for the mun ascent too. That is about it! Two sides of the building coin, both easy to fly and as clean as builds get. So on to the pictures! And now the video. The following video is 14 minutes long and a bit of a Hodge podge due to my adolescent editing skills and inadequate software, it does however show all the important parts of each rocket in an interesting way and has massive over use of the Apollo 13 movie soundtrack! Yipee! Cinematic! Unfortunately my original video was blocked.. Here is a re-upload but alas I deleted the video and audio files so its just a test render I made before the finished video so it has long patches of no sound.. But it shows the workings of the craft. Thank you all so much for looking and if you have an questions/ complaints/ marriage proposals please do not hesitate to contact me. DOWNLOADS mK3 - High part count version Mk1 - Low part count version MJ out.
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Hey guys. Quick question. What font did they use for the big red "USA" on the S-IC and S-IVB and "United States" on the S-II stages of the Saturn V? Google searches turn up the possibility of Armadillo and Helvetica fonts being used on the S-II stage, but nothing on the other stages. I'm just curious so I can do a quick texture edit for the FASA Saturn V parts and replace the KSP and Kerbal States with their real-life conterparts.
Hello all, Whenever I try to separate the CSM from the 3rd stage, the four fairing pieces that come with the rocket do not detach. I know that I have my staging correct. Does anyone have any helpful tips? Any help is appreciated. mustangpilot51
I made a nice, well-flying Saturn V look-alike using stock and KW Rocketry parts. I also used MechJeb because I like the extra orbital info that it gives, but you can remove the MJ parts if you don't want them. Any comments? I would love to know how I could improve the realism and/or the flyability of this thing. Link to the .craft file: Clicky! Also, this thing was made in KSP 1.2.2. Specs: Part Count: 73 Width: 5m (First stage, Last stage 2.5m) Height: 62m Weight: 439.4t I have a severe lack of any pad screenshots, so most of what you are gonna see here was taken of the CSM/lander around either the Mun or Minmus. Screenshots:!Aj6gaWpn2OKCgRmKfO5dbaE-n0Vo!Aj6gaWpn2OKCgRgjJvl2_pldcPbz!Aj6gaWpn2OKCgRdvc7zqAFE5-0oX (I have Windows set to upload screenshots to OneDrive when I press Print Screen - this avoids filling up my Steam Cloud with them :D) It is also worthy of note that I have successfully recreated an Apollo-style Mun landing using this craft. One note I must make is that the second stage can be a little overzealous when it comes to steering with gimbal. I haven't attempted to fix this myself yet, but for now be sure to keep a watchful eye on the navball.
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