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  1. Not 100% sure this is the right place to post this, but I created a single-use widget for calculating resonant orbits to deploy satellites into a circular orbit at regular intervals along that orbit. It’s at http://meyerweb.com/eric/ksp/resonant-orbits/. In case you’re wondering “what the heck is this?”, a resonant orbit is most commonly used to set up CommNet constellations around non-Kerbin bodies. Suppose you want to put three relay satellites into circular polar orbit around Minmus. You could launch them one at a time from Kerbin and do all kinds of shenanigans to get them into a common orbit (say, 100,000 km above Minmus) at 120-degree intervals along that shared orbit. Which requires matching inclination and LAN and all manner of stuff, and then trying to jostle them into the right places along the circle. Or, you could build a carrier craft that hauls three satellites to Minmus, then release them one at a time. That solves inclination and LAN problems, but what about timing? The easiest thing is to put the carrier craft into an eccentric orbit with its periapsis at the altitude the satellites should share, and an orbital period 4/3rds the length the satellites will have in their circular orbit. In this example, the satellites’ final orbits at 100,000m above Minmus will have a period of 2 hours, 39 minutes, 29.5 seconds. So you put the carrier into an orbit with a periapsis of 100,000m and an apoapsis of 167,652.4m. That has an orbital period of 3 hours, 32 minutes, 39.3 seconds—exactly 133% the orbital period of the circular orbit. Having done that, you just release one satellite from the carrier as it passes periapsis on each of three successive orbits. Hey presto! You now have three satellites in a polar triangle, sufficient to cover the entirety of Minmus and maintain a network back to Kerbin. Quick, deorbit or otherwise move the carrier’s orbit so it won’t smack into the first satellite you released on its next periapsis. I built some spreadsheets to manage the necessary calculations for myself, but it seemed more fun to build a web-based tool that could draw a diagram of the orbits and all that while also spitting out exact Ap and Pe altitudes. And, while I was at it, show the minimum altitude for a functioning three-satellite setup as well as the edge of the SOI for whatever body I was trying to put satellites around if my orbits were large enough to be a problem, show atmospheres (where applicable), tell me the dV I’d need to inject each satellite into its final circular orbit, and stuff like that. It looks like this: It’s of fairly limited use, but it was fun to make and it supports stock as well as RSS and GPP. I figured if someone out there could make use of it, that was good enough for me to release it. Share and enjoy! (P.S. If anyone has feature requests, I’m happy to hear them, though I may not get around to actually doing them. I mean, I might do them, but I have a tendency to toss these little projects into the wild and then get distracted by some new project and never go back to update the old ones. So fair warning and all that.)
  2. About INSTANTIATOR is the plugin that allows you to place primitives and billboards around the celestial bodies and do a lot of manipulations with them. How to use it? 1. Drop everything from the .zip file to your GameData folder 2. Open the file "Object.cfg" in any text editor (Notepad++ for example) This file contains the list of the objects and its parameters. The object config node looks like this: SCALED_OBJECT { name = ExampleSphere type = sphere scale = 12000, 12000, 12000 shader = Unlit/Transparent main_tex = /example_tex rotation = 0, 0, 0 bodyName = Kerbin invertNormals = false } Let's break it down! name - the name of GameObject type - for now there's 3 object types - "cube", "sphere" and "billboard". NOTE: the objects of type billboard can be applied to the bodies that has the Sun template (or to The Sun itself) ONLY. scale - the scale of the GameObject (x,y,z) shader - You can use any shader that is present in Unity. main_tex - path to the texture rotation - the rotation of the GameObject (x,y,z) bodyName - the name of the parent body invertNormals - inverts the normals of the mesh DOWNLOAD: Compiled (An example is included) Source Planet packs that uses it: Gameslinx's Planet Pack by @Gameslinx Kargantua System Warning! It's the alpha version and it may contain a lot of glitches. If you find a one, please let me know. Planned features: -Edit all the material parameters -Load custom .mu files
  3. KML - Kerbal Markup Lister v0.9.4 - 2023-04-21 Download: GitHub Do you face a problem with broken docking ports or need just a little fuel-cheating? Do you got tired of editing save games in a text editor with long loading time and so much scrolling to compare different parts and vessels? So did I and decided to make a more helpful external editor to display the XML-like structure (the "KML" - Kerbal Markup Language) in a tree view and pick out vessels, kerbals and parts to be displayed in more eye-candy way. The current version is almost feature-complete and functional, and already helps with quite a few problems (or some cheating if you choose to do so). Any feedback, more testing, bug reports and suggestions are very welcome. Screenshots NEW Features in v0.9.4 CLI selected warning like "-ws=0" shows source node - for @darthgently CLI shows all sources nodes for each warning with multiselect "-wm=*" GUI and CLI always name 2 nodes in warning message, even if it is about an attribute (full changelog below) Features open SFS and CRAFT files save files edited or exactly as loaded backup of overwritten files display file structure in a "KML" tree display all vessels in a sorted and filtered list display all kerbals in a sorted and filtered list display vessel's part attachment structure display warnings about structural problems search for nodes, attributes and their content adding, inserting and deleting nodes and attributes change position of nodes (except parts) and attributes copy & paste of nodes and attributes deletion of parts will fix part indices and connections deletion of kerbals and vessels will fix crew assignment support renaming kerbals when assigned send kerbal home to astronaut complex send vessel to low kerbin orbit repair broken docking ports and grappling devices repair broken ID references in contracts refill part resources change vessel flag in all its parts - for @Enceos list all GameData dirs used by vessel parts - for @TheCardinal CLI mode for basic editing and repairs tested with KSP 1.0 to 1.12 (newest KML version should still work with at least all these KSP versions) TODO identify add-on part connections (only a little KAS support for now) more testing (uncommon vessel builds I didn't think of?) support multiple docking ports per part documentation a lot of source code TODOs Install Windows download KML_Windows.zip and extract anywhere you want run the KML.exe and open your save file or choose "open with" on your save file and select KML.exe (command-line arguments supported) Linux, Mac need to have Mono installed download KML_Mono.zip and extract anywhere you want run the KML.exe command-line from the terminal of your choice Instructions, Hints, FAQ Don't find your vessel in the tree (ordered by in-game creation)? Switch to the "vessels" tab to have a sorted list and the possibility to filter by type (debris, ship, etc.) Don't find your kerbal in the tree? There's also a sorted and filtered list in the "kerbals" tab. Want to see how the parts of your vessel are connected? Have a look on the graph displayed in the "vessels" tab. What do the colored lines in that part graph mean? Dark green line is a node attachment in top/down direction Light green is a node attachment in front/back or left/right direction Yellow line is a surface attachment Blue line is a docking connection If parts are arranged in a way you can't see where the connections go, mouse over the part and they are drawn thicker After you found your vessel, kerbal or part in the list you want to see it in the tree? Just make a double click. Sometimes there appears a warnings tab, what do these warnings mean? Some KML elements are more heavily inspected than others, like vessel parts and especially docking or grappling devices. If something is not as expected there is a warning generated. There is a warning but my save game works fine! If the problem is related to stock parts please send me feedback about this problem. If KML has warnings about add-on parts not connected (e.g. KAS): That's ok for now, KML does not support that add-on and can't understand what it has written to the save file. KML just expects all parts to be somehow connected and gives a warning otherwise. Don't fear about saving a file with warnings, unknown add-ons, missing part-connections, etc. KML will save the file as it was read and only apply the changes you made. All unknown data will be kept as it was. Command Line Interface When you download the KML_Mono.zip, you will get no graphical user interface (GUI), but only a command line interface (CLI). The benefit of this version is that it runs on Windows, Linux and Mac. The latter need to have Mono installed. The full Windows version KML_Windows.zip includes the GUI and a CLI. To access the CLI, you just call it with any dashed argument. $ ./KML.exe --help KML: Kerbal Markup Lister 0.9 © 2021 Oliver Pola (Mythos) Use: KML [Opt] <save-file> Opt: --tree | -t : List tree --vessels | -v : List vessels --kerbals | -k : List kerbals --warnings | -w : Show warnings --repair | -r : Repair docking and contract problems, includes -w --select | -s : Show numbers, select one by -s=<Sel> --multiselect | -m : Select all occurences by tag/name, includes -s --version : Show version and check online for updates Actions on selection, need -s=<Sel> or -m=<Sel>, only one of: --export=<file> : Export selection, no -m, defaults <file> to stdout --import-replace=<file> : Import file to replace selection, no -m --import-before=<file> : Import file as new before selection, no -m --import-after=<file> : Import file as new after selection, no -m --delete : Delete selection, -m is allowed Sel: < number | tag-start | name-start >[/Sel] Only in tree you can select by tag or go deep into hierarchy What most users need, is to check for warnings (change path to KML.exe and *.sfs to your situation) $ ./KML.exe saves/test/persistent.sfs --warnings and then repair docking and contract problems automatically. $ ./KML.exe saves/test/persistent.sfs --repair To learn more, check the COMMANDLINE.md introduction. Developers Mythos (initiator, maintainer) pamidur (contributor) Download: GitHub License: GPL Source: GitHub Changelog: If you are interested in progress after latest release have a look at GitHub: Changelog: GitHub
  4. K2-D2 is better than ever : v1.0 !!! The philosophy of this mod is "simple but accurate". No cheat here, we are just using direct control on Thrusts, Maneuver, SAS and direction. Current Pilots are : Auto Execute Node. Landing : do all the brake work to Land in full security. Lift : a precise ascent profile edition and execution. Drone : A funny tool to navigate on planets. Very costly in fuel. (Will be back soon) Attitude : for Planes Docking Pilot added a link with FlightPlan Mod to create cirularize nodes Open it with Alt+O or using the AppBar Link to space dock : https://spacedock.info/mod/3325/K2-D2 Git Hub : https://github.com/cfloutier/k2d2 Full Documentation : https://github.com/cfloutier/k2d2/wiki Licence : CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.
  5. Kerbal Life Hacks v1.2.1 for KSP2 v0.2.1 Download: GitHub or SpaceDock Source code: KSP2Community/KerbalLifeHacks on GitHub License: MIT A counterpart to Community Fixes, this community mod is home to various quality of life improvements and balancing changes, or life hacks, which don't fit into the scope of Community Fixes. Compatibility Tested with Kerbal Space Program 2 v0. Requires SpaceWarp 1.7.0+ Features Currently, this mod includes the following life hacks: UI tweaks Main menu Skip Orientation by tgrkzus - New campaigns default to skipping the orientation. Disabled by default, see the Configuration section for details. Flight view IVA Portraits Toggler by @WiS3 - Adds a button to the app bar to toggle the Kerbal portraits panel. Map Warp To Orbital Points by @munix - Adds buttons to warp to apoapsis, periapsis and SOI change. Orbital Line Colors by @munix - Colors the various orbital lines of the current vessel to make them easier to distinguish. VAB VAB Mission Tracker by @munix - Adds the Mission Tracker button to the VAB app tray. Gameplay Disable Contrails by @munix - Disables contrails and wingtip vortices. Disabled by default, see the Configuration section below for details. Better Experiments by dmarcuse - Automatically resumes paused experiments when re-entering the correct region and ignores animation state. Installation Recommended: Use CKAN to download and install Kerbal Life Hacks. Manual: Download and extract UITK for KSP 2 into your game folder (this is a dependency of SpaceWarp). Download and extract SpaceWarp into your game folder. Download and extract this mod into the game folder. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure: <KSP Folder>/BepInEx/plugins/KerbalLifeHacks. Configuration All life hacks can be toggled on or off in Main menu -> Settings -> Mods -> Kerbal Life Hacks. The changes will take effect after the game is restarted. Life hacks are enabled by default unless otherwise noted. Bug reports You can report bugs or request features on the Issues page on GitHub. Changelog For a comprehensive changelog, visit the Releases page on GitHub. Contributing If you'd like to contribute to this project, please take a look at our wiki.
  6. You can now fly your rockets, planes and Kerbals with a custom-built controller once more! Hit your maneuvers on point with an easy-to-use throttle lever, set the SAS direction with a clearly labeled button instead of fiddling with the mouse to click a tiny button on screen, and enjoy diving under bridges in your plane with precise analog controls. Kerbal Simpit This mod enables KSP 2 to connect to an Arduino (using the companion Arduino lib) to exchange data between KSP and Arduino over a serial connection. This allows for the creation of custom controllers. This is the KSP2 version of the Simpit mod, based on Simpit Revamped for KSP1. You can find more infos about Simpit's functionality and some example controllers there: The KSP2 mod is compatible with existing KSP1 Simpit controllers! If you already have a controller, it mostly "just works" in KSP2. For some features minor adjustments might be necessary, e.g. flipping the translational axes (the new Arduino-library version can detect whether the controller is connected to KSP1 or KSP2). Most features work out of the box. Download: The mod is available on CKAN . This is the easiest and safest option. If you insist on installing it (and its dependencies!) manually, go to the Simpit GitHub: https://github.com/Simpit-team/KerbalSimpit-KSP2 This project is licensed under the Simplified BSD License. Dependencies: Space Warp + BepInEx UITK for KSP2 For your custom controller you can use the Simpit Arduino library: https://github.com/Simpit-team/KerbalSimpitRevamped-Arduino Online documentation Have fun with your controller in KSP2, and keep adding "moar buttons"!
  7. Hello ! I released an online tool that allows for automatic planning of interplanetary trajectories with multiple gravity assists. https://krafpy.github.io/KSP-MGA-Planner/ The tool provides an interactive 3D replica of KSP's solar system where you can zoom on planets and moons. It also provides a time selector to see the KSP's system configuration at a specific date. The trajectory calculator works in two steps: Generation of a planteray sequence : configure the origin and destination body, and constraints on the trajectory (maximum number of swing-bys...). The sequence generation calculates a set of possible sequences that respect the constraints you've specified. Trajectory optimization : once you've selected a sequence, you specify an earliest and latest departure date, and a parking orbit radius around the departure body. The tool will then run an optimization process to calculate a possible optimal trajectory with the given sequence and departure conditions. The details of the nomenclature and each settings is detailed in the "How to use" section. The calculated trajectory will be displayed in the solar system view: interplanetary orbit arcs as well as flyby orbits of each planet encountered. The date and ΔV along each axes of each maneuver are displayed. The trajectory can be vizualised step by step, and you can click on the date of each maneuver to set the system view to that date. July 2022 Update: How to add solar systems The tool can now support different solar systems from mods. Follow these steps if you want to use the tool on a solar system that is not supported: Fork the project from its github repository (https://github.com/Krafpy/KSP-MGA-Planner) and create a new branch for your solar system. Create a new folder in the `data` folder where the solar system data will be stored (e.g. data/some-system). Copy the `config.yml` and `bodies.yml` files from the `data/stock` to the folder you just created and edit them with your solar system data. `config.yml` stores the global configurations of the tool. These parameters must be changed depending on the properties of the solar system (e.g. duration of a day, camera clip distances for large solar systems...). `bodies.yml` stores the description of each bodies in the solar system. Follow rigorously the edit notes. If the solar system uses Kopernicus' .cfg files for configuration, you can directly convert them into a `bodie.yml` file on this page : https://krafpy.github.io/KSP-MGA-Planner/tools/cfg-to-yml/ Add an entry to the `data/systems.yml` file, following the template. Test the tool on your computer with your system. You simply need to run a HTTP sever on the repository folder (I use VSCode live server). Create a pull request to the github repository for me to merge it (only for mods, not personal solar systems). Important notes and current issues : Despite the precision of the maneuvers details, it is very unlikely that following them will give the exact same trajectory in game. They do however result in a similar trajectory to the one calculated by the tool, and most of the time only some fine tunings are needed at each maneuver. There is no guarantee that the calculated trajectory is the best one. Since multiple gravity assists problems can only be solved using iterative optimization algorithm (here it's a differential evolution algorithm which is implemented), the result only approximates the best solution. It is totally possible that a better trajectory than the one calculated exists. A calculated trajectory may be unfeasible (more likely because of unfeasible flybys) in game due to the implementation not (yet) considering some parts of KSP's physics. A calculated trajectory may be complete non sense and absurd because of constraints implemented in the optimization process (this is very likely to occur when you look for trajectory between moons like in the Jool's system). These problems may be solved in the future. I hope this tool may be useful and I'm open to any feedback. Thanks !
  8. Docking Alignment Display Adds a new instrument providing necessary information to dock with precision! Download: SpaceDock | GitHub Installation: It is highly recommended to use CKAN (Download Here) to install Docking Alignment Display! Dependencies: SpaceWarp UITK for KSP 2 Manual Installation: Download the latest release of UITK for KSP 2 Drag the contents of UitkForKsp2's .zip file into your KSP2 directory, commonly located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2" Download the latest release of SpaceWarp Drag the contents of Space Warp's .zip file into your KSP2 directory, commonly located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2" Download the latest release of Docking Alignment Display Drag the contents of the mod's .zip file into your KSP2 directory, commonly located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2" Usage: Planned features: Basic docking informations: tangent offset, misalignment, basic metrics Relative rotation indicator Relative velocity indicator Setting to toggle between linear and log scale for the offset indicator Docking Mode indicator Simple selector for nearby docking ports to target Changelog: Links: Source code License: MIT
  9. Wayfinder https://github.com/Muetdhiver-lab/Wayfinder Wayfinder is a python based Multiple Gravity Assist search tool for KSP, including support for the JNSQ planet pack. It allows for efficient search of gravity assist sequences using state of the art tools using pykep/pygmo packages from ESA. At the moment it's a set of python scripts with no GUI. Requires python 3.6 or 3.7 How does it work : Wayfinder uses a job batch system with the results of said jobs saved in an xslx format for storage and readability. Jobs can be added with the desired parameters (fly-by sequence, insertion type, search space bining, optimizsation level and so on). Once added, jobs can be run in batches, and results will be saved. Once results are saved, the results can be searched and accessed with a few utilites as : - finding the best result in a given set (sequence + launch dates) - display several sequences for comparison in terms of DV cost and Time of flight. - compare different sequences in a DV cost vs launch date line plot - display a job result as a flight plan in a text format References and thanks: This work would not have been possible without - pykep : https://esa.github.io/pykep/ - pygmo : https://esa.github.io/pygmo2/ - transfer planer for JNSQ : https://github.com/LouisB3/ksp-lwp-jnsq - the original transfer planer : https://github.com/alexmoon/ksp Special thanks to ESA to make those package available to the public, it's awesome. An other big thank you to the Jool5 Caveman Challenge , as it kickstarted the whole project.
  10. TUX is a mod created for artists and modders to allow them to inject whatever shader that they want to any part in the game (as long as that shader is loaded into the game). As long as you have your shader's .cfg in tux/configs you can inject it onto any mesh! TUX also allows you to modify textures in game to see what configuration fits best for your parts! All with a complete UI including color and texture preview, texture swapping and even a way for you to navigate into the different meshes on a part (via a dropdown). If a Mesh is Bold it means that its the current mesh, if its Ittalic it means that it's shader is not yet configured, and all others are ready to edit meshes! The Save Override button automatically saves an override to tux/configs/overrides THERES EVEN MORE! TUX alows you to override ingame part's textures and shader settings with a custom .cfg, it is filtered by mesh, that way u have extra control of how your parts look! For now, only 3 Shaders are configured by default, which are KSP2/Parts/Standard Damaged, KSP2/Scenery/Standard (Opaque) and KSP2/VFX/Particles/VFX_Exhaust, if you want me to add a specific shader to the default configs just ask! Download it on github or spacedock See more in the github's readme! LICENSE
  11. Texture Utilities eXpanded, or TUX, is a mod that allows artists to tweak the KSP2 default shader to their liking, giving them more creative freedom when moddeling and texturing their parts. Until we get SpaceWarp 1.1.0, and its colors patch, the only way to get this tool to actually work is if you make a mod with the colors patch on it. You can dm me and i'll create the mod for you. For now, this will be more of an informative post for all artists who want to play with it! Right now this tool is being tested along with @benjee10 to ensure it is working properly, but i'm open to make it available to other artist as well! But why was this tool created? To give all of us better parts! I plan on adding the possibility to save these settings, and loading them in game for players, It probably will be as easy as dropping a .cfg file inside your part's texture folder! Here's some of its funcionalities: There are almost all of the funcionalities of the KSP shader! Only missing albedo, emission and rim color! Planned features: Shader settings save and load set your own detail map set your own detail mask MIT License
  12. Hello everyone, I think it would be a good idea if someone could create a mod (or maybe a separate tool instead) that lets you convert a KSP 1 craft file into a KSP 2 workspace file. However, it would only let you convert a craft if all of its parts had an equivalent in KSP 2. Also, when converting a KSP 1 craft to KSP 2, the tool should be able to let you set the workspace name and description for the craft when setting it up to be converted. And maybe the tool/mod would let you convert KSP 2 workspace files to KSP 1 craft files as well. What do you think? I think something like this would save a lot of time for someone trying to recreate a KSP 1 craft in KSP 2, as you could just convert the original craft instead. Especially if it had a high part count...
  13. Edit: to clarify, as my intentions may not have been clear from the initial post, I'm mostly looking for feedback here and would like to know if there is any interest in using Portmod I've put together a KSP2 mod package repository to use with Portmod https://gitlab.com/portmod/ksp2 I haven't actually tested it properly as I don't have a copy of KSP2 yet, but it happened to be a great way to test some improvements I've been making to Portmod's package generator tool, mostly because ksp mods have direct downloads, standard licenses and very good metadata available, so I could quickly test several new mods without having to enter much manually, and without having to mess with nexusmods for other games (ksp stuff is a pleasure to work with by comparison). But in case anyone's interested, here it is. There aren't any KSP2-specific guides on the Portmod wiki yet, but you can in short: Install Portmod: https://portmod.readthedocs.io/en/stable/install/index.html Setup a prefix with portmod init <prefix_name> ksp2 <ksp_directory> (your choice of prefix name, Portmod stores configuration globally rather than being local to a particular directory like CKAN, so you use 'portmod <prefix_name>' to run commands for a given prefix) Start installing mods (See https://portmod.readthedocs.io/en/stable/basic-usage.html) As mentioned in the Portmod thread, there isn't great support for game engine versioning yet, but it's being worked on.
  14. I started making this online tool that can help players design mining bases. It adds up the total resources consumed, produced and stored, as well as a few other metrics about heat generation, and other things of consideration when building a mining base. This is beta, and still in progress, but the general idea can be seen here: ISRU Heat & Power Calculator Light-mode theme messes with the background, here is a workaround in the meanwhile: Use the green menu, go to Delta-v or CommNet planner, Click the Sun Icon right next to the menu. That switches to dark-theme. Use the green menu to go back to pocket calculators (this ISRU calculator) Fixed - Phew...glad I called it beta I need to confirm a lot of details about the calculations on how the engineer bonus level, ore concentration, and multiple resource processes affect the final outcome for how much heat was generated. Does anyone have some definitive details on this? I will need to verify this tool's results against in-game tests, but the forum posts have gotten me this far at least Anyway, have fun and see if it works well enough for you. Feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  15. KSP Mission Flag Builder V1.0 Flag builder for missions in the Kerbal Space Program. How to use below on .gif image: I created this web application just for my personal use initially, but now I come here to share. Aplication: http://kerbalflags.epizy.com/ *Credit for jfjohnny5 and his topic Customizable Mission Flags - KSP Fan Works - Kerbal Space Program Forums
  16. Gillermoo's Kerbal Engine Mapper is a tool that can help you determine the optimal rocket for your mission. Optimize for either lowest mass or lowest cost. Install here: [snip]
  17. Hello people, I came here to talk about my new project called KSPython. As the name suggests, it is an open source library made in python for the KSP community, to help with designing and developing new rockets. The idea is to have something that empowers the user to make quick prototyping and to verify designs feasibilities. The library also allows the user easy interactivity with other python libraries, in order enable a great deal of functionalities, like plotting and optimization. While still being accessible to new programmers and python users. If you're interesting in checking some examples and learning more about the library, check the repository and documentation at: https://github.com/fred1608/KSPython https://kspython.readthedocs.io/ Also, if you're interesting in contributing to the project, feel free to reach in.
  18. Hi there. I wrote a small tool to allow for rapid prototyping of rockets before actually building them, as I like to tinker with the components until I get just the dv and accelearation per stage I want. Although I play without mods, I believe this does something similar to KER, but without the need to actually build the rocket. As the tool was getting more and more useful to me, I thought maybe other people might like it. So I made it public (and FOSS) and uploaded it to gitlab. I would love to get some feedback. It runs on python3 and I tested it under GNU/Linux, but I don't see why it shouldn't run on Windows/Mac. At its core it consists of a rather intuitive language for speciying staged rockets: 1t + t400 + reliant, 200kg + 2*rocko64 + mainsail (That's a stage 0 of 1t payload, an FL-T400 liquid fuel+oxigen tank and a LV-T30 Reliant engine, on top of a Stage 1 with 0.2t additional payload, two Rockomax Jumbo tanks and a Mainsail) It then prints all stats I found useful about the rocket (such as delta-v). There is a comprehensive README with more information, oh and it has auto-complete so you don't have to memorise all component names. This is what the output looks like for a rocket I built to go to Jool and back again: Also, I'm new here, btw. Hi to all.
  19. The Symmetry Glitch Description: In this topic I will explain a method for multiplying symmetry numbers that allows you to use a practically infinite range of symmetry numbers. The symmetry glitch involves how the game handles symmetry numbers, say you place a part with symmetry, such boosters on a rocket with 4 way symmetry, and you try to attach fins to those boosters with 2 way symmetry, upon doing so the game will automatically jump the symmetry number up to 4. This phenomenon is utilized in the glitch. By placing daughter parts on a parent part with symmetry, and then placing that parent part on a grand parent part with symmetry, the daughter parts are placed with multiple layers of symmetry, often creating far more than the maximum of 8 normally allowed. If you try to place a new part on the daughter parts, the symmetry number will jump up to however many daughter parts there are. This new part can then be placed on the grandparent part , and the abnormally high symmetry value will remain.(or any other part as long as it too is not attached with symmetry, as that will cause the symmetry number to jump to that value) From this information you can imagine the potential range of symmetry numbers: 3 x 6 = 18, 8 x 8 =64, 6 x 8 = 48, etc. Pressing the symmetry number will reset it back to 1 regardless of whatever symmetry value you currently have. However ctrl+x still reduces the symmetry number by 1. Meaning, if you started with 64 way symmetry you could press ctrl+x to get a symmetry value of 63, or 62, 61, 60, etc, all the way down until you get to 8. With the inclusion of a great-grandparent part you could even stack this effect on top of itself, and you can keep going from there. Though be warned, it's easy to crash your game by accidentally going way to high, taking this effect above symmetry numbers of 1000 is not recommended. This is a great tool for anyone who doesn't want to use too many building mods. Though for all it's greatness, you still can't do 5 or 7 way symmetry with it. Procedure: Here I will give a step by step procedure for those who are still having trouble. I will demonstrate how to do 64 way symmetry, although the procedure is the same for any symmetry number -1: Start with a grand parent part, this part will have all of the other parts attached to. This can be anything as long is you can radially attach parts to it, though I recommend that it be something large. You could also simply use the body of whatever craft you may be using this glitch on for this purpose. -2: Attach a parent part anywhere on the grandparent part. It doesn't really matter where as long as you only attach a single part. this part can be anything as long as you can radially attach parts to it, but I personally prefer to use Oscar tanks. -3: Attach a daughter part to the parent part with 8 way symmetry. this part can be anything as long as you can radially attach parts to it. Here again I prefer to use more Oscar Tanks. -4: Detach the parent part and reattach it to the grandparent part with 8 way symmetry. This will result in a total of 64 of the daughter parts -5: Attach a part to the daughter part, it could be anything but in this instance it is yet another Oscar Tank. It should be noted that you don't actually have to place this new part, as long as you mouse over the daughter parts the glitch will trigger. -6: Now place this new part on to the grandparent part, be careful not to mouse over the parent part or any other part on the craft that is placed with symmetry, as described above that will revert the glitch. At this point you can remove the parent and daughter parts, as they have served their purpose. And Voila! You have a part attached with 64 way symmetry, as described above you can reduce the symmetry value in increments of 1 to whatever you'd like. You can also attach any other parts and they will attach correctly with no further glitchy-ness. The game can even handle things like decouplers and engines attached this way. ASK QUESTIONS! If you are need of any further help or have other questions feel free to ask. This glitch can be done and used in various different ways, and I find it to be quite useful. I discovered this glitch around a year ago by accident and have been using it frequently ever since. It can be quite useful when making things like base 10 mechanisms or large circular designs. Have fun poking the kraken with this great building tool!
  20. To whom it may be helpful, I like to share a small tool I have written in Java / JavaFX to "manage" part configuration files of my KSP installation. There are certain parts in the game and some of the mods which I personally tend to ignore because of several reasons. Instead of using other mods like "Janitors Closet" to remove those parts from the game, I wanted a small tool which just renames some part configuration files so the game does not load them at all. The tool has to make it easy to find the parts by name or title and shall give an overview of what is active and purged in an installation folder. Further more, after mod updates via ckan, the freshly updated but previously purged parts shall stay purged but still updated. Also, a list of purged parts of a certain installation has to be persistable in JSON files so the tool can reload and purge parts from another installation directory. So, I wrote the "KSP Part Manager" to fulfill my needs. If someone wants to use it, feel free to do so. Please be aware, that vessels in existing savegames containing parts which you have purged, will not be loaded. Use the tool with caution. Download the latest release: https://github.com/craidler/KPP/releases Inspect source: https://github.com/craidler/KPP The software is licensed under MIT, I have included the license on the Git repo as well as in the downloadable archive containing the executable jar.
  21. A while ago, I attempted to create a tool to animate kerbals, for things like cinematics and other plugins, but I ran into a completely breaking issue, that only occurred on some computers, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Thankfully, my computer began encountering this error thanks to the Windows 10 update, and I was (hopefully) able to fix it. So here it is, Kerbal Animation Suite v1.1.3.2. It runs with KSP 1.0.4, and allows the creation of animations for kerbals on EVA. These gifs demonstrates this mod: http://gfycat.com/DifficultDeterminedGalapagospenguin http://gfycat.com/HilariousNarrowFlies http://gfycat.com/PettyMintyIrishdraughthorse I posted these gifs on reddit a while back, if you recongnized them. The animation files for them are all included in the download. This mod has 2 components: the animator, and the API. Animator: The animator is the main tool, which allows you to create, edit, play, and export .anim files, which can be used by your own plugins. Getting started with the animator Install this mod Launch a ship, or go to one you've already landed somewhere. Go on EVA. The animation tool will only work if the kerbal is standing on dry ground. Click the kerbal face looking button in the App Launcher You will see 4 windows pop up. The Bone Hierarchy window, which is where you select the bones to manipulate. The Manipulation window, which is where you manipulate the selected bone. The Animation window. This is the most important window, it's where you Load animation files, create them, and manage the timeline of the loaded animation. A little window in the top right corner which allows you to hide any of the other 3 windows You will also see, if you right click on the kerbal while you're NOT in the animation screen, there are some new right click actions. You can play any animation anywhere in the GameData folder, and you can reload the animations (Reload Animations) if you want to test animations you've just made. You can also use the 1-9 keys to play animations without the rightclick menu. There are 4 animations included with the download in the Presets folder. Source Code: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KerbalAnimationSuite Download: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KerbalAnimationSuite/releases/latest Latest Version: v1.2.0.0 License: GPL v3.0 [full text]. Code in the API subdirectory is not restricted by this licence, and is in the public domain. API: The API is a file that mod developers can include in their plugins that handles the loading and playing of animation files. Because it is not a seperate dll, there's no need to include the animator with your download when releasing a mod that uses these animations. You do, however, need to include a copy of animation_hierarchy.dat with your mod, which can be found in GameData/KerbalAnimationSuite/Config You can see the API here: https://github.com/HappyFaceIndustries/KerbalAnimationSuite/tree/master/KerbalAnimationSuite/API The API has 2 classes. KerbalEVAUtility class public static void AddPartModule(string moduleName) public static List<KFSMState> GetEVAStates(KerbalEVA eva) public static List<KFSMState> GetEVAStates(KerbalEVA eva, List<KFSMState> states) public static void RunEvent(this KerbalEVA eva, string name) public static void RunEvent(this KerbalFSM fsm, string name) The first method, AddPartModule, is the most important. You can use it to add your own part module to the kerbalEVA and kerbalEVAfemale parts, which aren't supported by ModuleManager, so using a plugin is the only way. This is the reccommended way to handle animations, but if you're feeling adventurous (or stupid) then you can use some other method. The other methods are methods to manipulate the Kerbal's Finite State Machine (KerbalFSM). The KerbalFSM is the engine kerbal's use to handle animations, like walking, swimming, etc. I highly reccomend you research the concept of Finite State Machines if you haven't already, and want to use this. KerbalAnimationClip class public KerbalAnimationClip(string url, bool fullPath = false) public void Initialize(Transform transform, Animation animation) public string Name { get; } public int Layer { get; } public float Duration { get; } public UnityEngine.AnimationClip Clip { get; } Basically, you use the constructor to create the clip object, then load the animation by putting in a path relative to the GameData folder (example: Squad/Animations/bleh.anim), a ConfigNode object, or a full path if you so choose. You can optionally set more values in the Clip property, such as the frame rate, wrap mode, etc. All of the properties are set in the .anim when you create the animation using the animator, but you can edit those values in the Unity animation system later, after you call Initialize. Then, you use Initialize to add the animation to the kerbal's transform/animation components. If you're use a part module added to the kerbalEVA and kerbalEVAfemale parts using KerbalEVAUtility.AddPartModule, then just use transform and GetComponent<Animation>() as arguments. The rest of the code will be done with Unity's AnimationClip, Animation and AnimationState classes. You can see the documentation for those here: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Animation.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/AnimationClip.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/AnimationState.html So far, 1 mod has been made that uses the API: Special thanks to @Xacktar @Fred Cop @Gaiiden @SpriteCoke @SmashingKirby148 @nightingale
  22. Who has never looked for a certain orbit, when wanting to install some stellites? Pausing the game -> going into the Internet searhcing ksp data -> looking for planetary body and then looking for a certain orbit or worse caluclate the orbit itself. OrbitFinder will provide a simple tool in flight and in trackingstation where you can search for an Orbit based on period or semimajoraxis. Options to change the distance measurement between kilometer and meter, timing can be set by minutes or hours. Download: Github Source: Github Changelog: Legal stuff:
  23. So I think i finally understand the ratio entry in the moduleengineFX, and its use with ISP. However, does anyone know of a way to easily calculate what the values should be if i want to, say, add a small amount of ablator/metal (from CRP) consumption to the engine? I don't know the exact amounts yet, waiting of copies of research papers, but is there any way i could input the maxthrust, isp, and ratios and get out the actual amount of resources per seconds? (Or some other combination) Just wondering if any other modders already have their own scripts so I don't go reinvent the wheel.
  24. I've been trying to offset some engines for my first space plane and it seems that after trying to "move" it using the tool, I cannot get anything to work again unless I exit and enter the assembly building again. Also the move itself doesnt work. Once I presset the part I want to move nothing else happens. I cannot offset it at all. Even the other tools like place and rotate wont work once I have attempted to move things. Any ideas? edit: So I tried removing all the mods and reinstalling the game. Still the same... After pressing "Move" nothing works right in the assembly building anymore. I cannot even place new objects. edit2: Starting KSP in 64-bit mode seemed to solve the issue Br Michael
  25. KerbalFactory Resurrecting my old Kerbal Parts Editor project as KerbalFactory, a tool designed to visualize parts and resources spreadsheets. Still in WIP status, an Alpha version is available now for testing! Screenshots Download KerbalFactory v0.1.1 ALPHA Sources and releases are available on Github! Current Features (Alpha) Browse to your KSP Install Folder and get all the existing parts and resource definitions in detailed and customisable spreadsheets. Check many parts parameters with one glance on the list, like costs, mass or drag values. Move, resize, hide or show table columns. See parts resources in Units or Liters, and check total costs, mass and quantities. Use filters and text search to display precise parts or resources. Want to know the density of a resource definition in kg/m3 ? There's a column for that! Planned Features More supported parts parameters and filters. Spreadsheet templates for quick filtering and columns display. Part Editor: check and edit a part parameters, resources and modules, or create a new part. Resource Editor: same thing as above, but for resource definitions. Module Editor: manage and create module templates. Comprehensive help and description of each parameters. Save spreadsheets to clipboard or CSV files. Edit other config files. Backup config files. Support for ModuleManager: List of all MM config files. Choose and preview MM changes. Edit or create MM patchs. Changelog KFUtil.dll This joined DLL file is able to parse KSP config files and produce lists of parts and resource definitions (and modules later). You are free to use it for your own projets, as long as you respect KerbalFactory's license. Note that KFUtil is in Alpha stage and is not ready yet for real use. I will write a documentation to help with KFUtil public functions use. Source is available on Github. Please report any bug or issue here or on Github's issue tracker. Help and suggestions are also greatly welcome! KerbalFactory is licensed under a BY-NC-SA 4 Creative Commons License. Meaning you can do whatever you want with my project if you credit me and don't use if for commercial use.
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