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What is the purpose of life?


What is the purpose of life? (in your opinion)  

89 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the purpose of life? (in your opinion)

    • To End.
    • To create more life!
    • To survive long enough to reproduce.
    • To make the world a better place
    • To make more money!! ($ v $)
    • I demand to be called Vroomfondel!
    • Potatoes
    • To forge your own destiny
    • Other (Please say below!)

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Erm, there is none. Life is what you make of it. Assuming you are an animal that has the mental capacity to create a meaning for it.

(So for me the purpose of life is to make my own country, with blackjack and hookers)

Edited by ZedNova
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The purpose of life is to access the free chemical and photo energy available in a variety of niches, thereby increasing the entropy of the Universe.

Nature abhors unused energy just sitting there.

Edited by Brotoro
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life in the biological sense is about continuing on the species, every creature before has that drive. if you meant in a metaphysical, human "why am i here" way, then i agree with stupid_chris.

That was my view on it for a long time, but I have come to agree more with the thought that it is meaningless. As I see it, the reason that all the organisms we see try to reproduce and further their genes, is not that that is inherent to life, but that the organisms that are best able to, and most predisposed to reproduce have more offspring, and thus are more populous.

Take four bacteria. One really does nothing, it just sort of floats around in the water, another one who likes to eat copious amounts, number three which divides with abandon, and number four, which both eats and divides, it will probably not be long before only the offspring of number four are still around. Maybe number three will have some success, but not nearly as much. One and two were not going against some inherent rules of life, they just did not have any duplication of their genes.

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Life is a collective name of external manifestations of a self-organization of the matter in form of cyclically self-reproducing process with accumulation of the thermodynamical information (i.e. decreasing of entropy).

This mechanism implements negative feedback, making the whole system stable.

Plants stabilize river beds and the ground, atmospheric gas balance, albedo, soil humidity, air temperature.

Animals stabilize plants.

Sentient animals do all this directionally, not randomly, replacing a natural biosphere with an artificial one (cows instead of deer, corn instead of grass).

So, the life itself cannot have any purpose, as it is not a tool, but a manifestation of a stabilization process.

But even consuming different chemical things and producing more or less the same a human brings his/her penny to this process.

Brooming a street, he/she does this on more complicated level.

Writing mods for KSP, he/she organizes the matter in even more effectively and absolutely exactly increases the Universe efficiency.

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weeeeellll, you'd have to degine what exactly you mean by "meaning" or "purpose". In my opinion, life was never created or evolved with a singular goal in mind, so going off of that assumption you could say "it has no meaning/purpose". However, life did spring from self-replicating molecules (at least according to most current theories) so from that standpoint, you could argue that the "purpose" is to replicate/procreate. Actual meaning I don't think can be attributed to life, unless you believe life was created or evolved for a singular purpose, which seems highly unlikely to me, especially with the way evolution works. Evolution isn't targeted, it just rolls with whatever works best at the time. That's also the reason why evolution sometimes comes up with ridiculously intricate and complex solutions to problems which no logical thinking mind would ever come up with (seriously, have you seen the mechanics involved in human hand and finger motions?) but hey, they work.

Personally, I just don't think about it too much. Purpose or not, my life has whatever purpose or meaning I give it. And I have decided that that purpose is to try and be as awesome as possible :cool:

And of course there's always 42 :)

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What about getting the fundamental awnsers we(humans) havnt figured out yet, like:

Why is the Universe

how did life created itself and how many times did it happen.

Will we be able to travel to another earth like planet sometime

Will we kill each other?

- - - Updated - - -

but the true purpose of life is to give it a purpose

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