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The 'new forum' is a joke.


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I'd rather use reddit than the new forum.

Exactly, and actually i think that this is a pretext to "close" the forum to transfer to Reddit. I hope it is.

Paying for thread older than 3 months? Guys are you really seriously? This is science-fiction.

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If this is going to happen, then I am leaving the Forum indefinitely.

I can't afford the $25 needed to really get the most out of the Forum.

Asking every single user for their age, gender and location is uncomfortable.

I don't need Gene telling me what to do, as nice as he is.

I was happy with this Forum and not Reddit because I don't like Reddit's system very much.

I'll probably still lurk, and maybe even post occasionally. But really, I don't see myself doing more than that.

...well, it's been nice being part of the Forum community. You guys are the best, and I'll miss you deeply. I'll give my formal goodbye in about a week, if this actually pans out.


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Paying for access to forum features that are already expected as free and normal of all forums on the web? Seriously guys, this is not cool. At all. It would make Squad look bad, and discourage new users from the community. It's not April 1st yet, is it? No, it's not. Was this announcement posted 10 days too early?

You know why online forums haven't changed since the 1990s? Because they work. Any time you have an intelligent device helping you, it's shortcomings are frustrating because they're not your own fault. And 140 character-only posts? That's not a forum at all, that's just a messaging system.

At the very least, if you're going to have a paid forum, don't have the paid features be features that you would expect as normal and free on any other forum. No ability to post videos or use signatures or avatars? This just causes classism to begin. Poorer people won't be able to afford these features.

The Kerbal Space Program community has long been the best, and most supportive community on the internet. This is a sure way to destroy that. When I first saw the paid features list, I had to take a break from the internet so that I wouldn't submit a post of pure rage.

Screw this. I'm driving the HypeTrain as far away as possible from the new forum. I'm going to cherish every moment I get to spend on the old forum.

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This is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard! I can understand paying to access maybe a super secret portion of a forum, I've at least seen that before, but to charge for access to emojis, search engine access and especially threads older than 3 months? It's preposterous!!

oops, I've used too many characters already... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Better get these in while I can...

edit: Good joke Squad, you got me, it better be a joke though....

Edited by Thnd3r
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Exactly, and actually i think that this is a pretext to "close" the forum to transfer to Reddit. I hope it is.

Paying for thread older than 3 months? Guys are you really seriously? This is science-fiction.


Of the... I can't remember. Some extreme capitalism race in a space trader game, with a weird name. The guys that are ruled by a corporation, have a contract with their God for religion, and throw people into furnaces for fuel. And all families are mini corporations meant to make a profit.

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This is the final step to a new dimension of the game where everything is: "HEYY I'M 12 LET'S BOOM BOOM THAN SHARE WITH YOUTUBE JEBEDIAHXD MOAR BOOSTERSXD SHARE SHARE PAYPAL"

I assume it's Squad's definition of "fun"

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Ahahaha... this is hilarious.

If it's not a joke, Squads sense of marketing and community management needs flushing down the toilet with the rest of the excrement being pushed out recently.

Tell 'Penfold' and 'Hero Hair' (the two Squad owners) to stop having good ideas. They suck.

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Who has taken over the bridge over there at Squad? This is not the company that we fell in love with. Please leave the forums the way they are. We have a great community with lots of volunteers who do fabulous things. Those fabulous things make KSP what it is today. This new forum is destined to be an empty place and thus the end of our fabulous community.

Seriously Squad, please find out who is authorizing these horrible ideas and get rid of them before KSP becomes a forgotten game.

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And if it's an old mod, you'll have to pay to see it. Preposterous.

That would be a good reason to release a mod under a permissive license - the only way the non-paying public will see it is if you fork it every 90 days and post the new fork as a new mod. Of course it'll have to have a new name to get around the auto-thread-merging bit, but modders are creative, right? Should be easy to come up with a new name 4 times a year.

This may be a better solution for cleaning out old, unsupported mods than deleting SpacePort. ;)

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If this is going to happen, then I am leaving the Forum indefinitely.

I can't afford the $25 needed to really get the most out of the Forum.

Asking every single user for their age, gender and location is uncomfortable.

I don't need Gene telling me what to do, as nice as he is.

I was happy with this Forum and not Reddit because I don't like Reddit's system very much.

I'll probably still lurk, and maybe even post occasionally. But really, I don't see myself doing more than that.

...well, it's been nice being part of the Forum community. You guys are the best, and I'll miss you deeply. I'll give my formal goodbye in about a week, if this actually pans out.


I've got the upper hand: I've already announced my retirement! :P

Seriously, though, me too, unfortunately. :(

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