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[1.2.2] Contract Pack: Bases and Stations 3.6.1 (30/04/2017) (formerly Kerbin Space Station)


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I just tried this mod and ran into some issues completing the core space station contract.


I launched a ship with 2 Clamp-o-tron Docking Ports and multiple solar panels, but it seems the contract didn't recognize them. And it seems it didn't recognize the vessel as a station, but I'm not even sure what that means? Am I missing some instructions somewhere? I did notice that there's an extra part in the mod that is a docking port, but it isn't visible in a category because it doesn't have one, so I'm not sure how someone is supposed to know how to use it?

One of the things I dislike about contracts in KSP is how hard it is to understand the conditions for completing one. Hopefully there's an easy explanation.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 11:22 AM, Conventia said:

I just tried this mod and ran into some issues completing the core space station contract.


I launched a ship with 2 Clamp-o-tron Docking Ports and multiple solar panels, but it seems the contract didn't recognize them. And it seems it didn't recognize the vessel as a station, but I'm not even sure what that means? Am I missing some instructions somewhere? I did notice that there's an extra part in the mod that is a docking port, but it isn't visible in a category because it doesn't have one, so I'm not sure how someone is supposed to know how to use it?

One of the things I dislike about contracts in KSP is how hard it is to understand the conditions for completing one. Hopefully there's an easy explanation.


First, if the ship isn't labeled as a station, then it may not be recognized as one.  Go to the flight scene, right-click on the controlling pod, select the "Rename vessel" option.  In there you will see section called "Vessel Type", and under there a number of different icons.  Select the one for Station and hit OK.

Regarding the power generator, are you using stock solar panels?

Finally, there is an update to this mod, I suggest you get it since it fixes a lot of bugs.  The update just came out.



hey Severdsolo,


Any ETA on when the base construction will be merged with this?  No pressure just curious, I know you are working on merging it, I'm slowly updating my new install with the mods that I want, and I keep seeing that mod in my list of missing mods.


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 @Conventia I think you are nearly there, just right click your command part, click Rename vessel and select station. (this is important to make the other contracts work) - assuming you are in the right orbit, the contract should complete. (make sure you are up to date on Cc and my pack as there was a bug regarding this that was just fixed)

@linuxgurugamer I'm running into a weird parsing bug where my expressions for stations aren't working for bases. I'm trying to narrow down whether it's me or Cc at the moment.

I'm also working on simplifying the contracts while still maintaining the core base construction experience.

I'd welcome a second pair of eyes from an experienced contract author actually, I've split it into it's own branch on github while I work out the kinks, if you feel like taking a look at some point.

Short answer: it's coming along slowly 

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  On 12/7/2015 at 1:56 PM, severedsolo said:

 @Conventia I think you are nearly there, just right click your command part, click Rename vessel and select station. (this is important to make the other contracts work) - assuming you are in the right orbit, the contract should complete. (make sure you are up to date on Cc and my pack as there was a bug regarding this that was just fixed)

@linuxgurugamer I'm running into a weird parsing bug where my expressions for stations aren't working for bases. I'm trying to narrow down whether it's me or Cc at the moment.

I'm also working on simplifying the contracts while still maintaining the core base construction experience.

I'd welcome a second pair of eyes from an experienced contract author actually, I've split it into it's own branch on github while I work out the kinks, if you feel like taking a look at some point.

Short answer: it's coming along slowly 


I'd be happy to take a look.  What's the github url for it?  Is this it:  https://github.com/severedsolo/Contract-Pack-Base-Construction


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  On 12/7/2015 at 3:55 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'd be happy to take a look.  What's the github url for it?  Is this it:  https://github.com/severedsolo/Contract-Pack-Base-Construction



Actually, I split it into it's own branch of KSS it's here: https://github.com/severedsolo/KerbinSpaceStation/tree/Base-Construction

Base Construction folder (obviously)

The DATA nodes are giving me headaches (there are probably others, but I got frustrated and gave up for a while)

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  On 12/7/2015 at 6:02 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

What sort of headaches?  I'll look at it this evening


Well, my main one is that the Vessel Finding stuff in the Create folder (off the top of my head I think it was BasePopulation).

        type = Vessel
        requiredValue = true
        targetVessel1 = AllVessels().Where(v => v.VesselType() == Base && v.IsLanded() && v.CrewCount()>0).Random()


This just won't validate! and I have no idea why, it works fine for Stations, but doesn't like Bases. I can't see anything wrong with it, but it may be me, and don't want to be chasing down @nightingale if it's my fault.

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Actually it was Base Self-Sufficiency - but I just spotted the problem. Welcome to take a look anyway though!

I guess sometimes you just can't see it for looking.

Edit: So, a little break has done me good. I've managed to fix all the validation errors so progress is coming along nicely again :) thank you for the motivation @linuxgurugamer

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So I just updated on this mod pack, and ran into a curious thing:


Got a contract to put a crew on Unity Station, because there is no crew. And this was a refreshed contract, not an old one, but...


Unity Station has crew? Is it just generating this, because there is unused space on the station and it's saying oh look, more crew can fit, or is this a bug?

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  On 12/7/2015 at 8:05 PM, vardicd said:

So I just updated on this mod pack, and ran into a curious thing:


Got a contract to put a crew on Unity Station, because there is no crew. And this was a refreshed contract, not an old one, but...


Unity Station has crew? Is it just generating this, because there is unused space on the station and it's saying oh look, more crew can fit, or is this a bug?


Well that's odd. I didn't make any changes to that contract. @nightingale - could the changes to HasCrew() caused this? (doubtful?)

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  On 12/7/2015 at 6:30 PM, severedsolo said:

Actually it was Base Self-Sufficiency - but I just spotted the problem. Welcome to take a look anyway though!

I guess sometimes you just can't see it for looking.

Edit: So, a little break has done me good. I've managed to fix all the validation errors so progress is coming along nicely again :) thank you for the motivation @linuxgurugamer


Always glad to be a motivator.


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  On 12/7/2015 at 8:05 PM, vardicd said:

So I just updated on this mod pack, and ran into a curious thing:


Got a contract to put a crew on Unity Station, because there is no crew. And this was a refreshed contract, not an old one, but...


Unity Station has crew? Is it just generating this, because there is unused space on the station and it's saying oh look, more crew can fit, or is this a bug?

  On 12/7/2015 at 8:10 PM, severedsolo said:

Well that's odd. I didn't make any changes to that contract. @nightingale - could the changes to HasCrew() caused this? (doubtful?)


That's a stock contextual contract, so you'd want to talk to @Arsonide about that one.  Is it possible you had no crew on it at some point in the past 3-4 game days?  It's possible that it was generated when there was no crew and is still sticking around.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 9:11 PM, nightingale said:

That's a stock contextual contract, so you'd want to talk to @Arsonide about that one.  Is it possible you had no crew on it at some point in the past 3-4 game days?  It's possible that it was generated when there was no crew and is still sticking around.


This is not a stock contract or parameter, but your theory is probable - that it was generated before a change was made to the vessel. I've had very similar issues with contextual stuff.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 9:21 PM, Arsonide said:

This is not a stock contract or parameter, but your theory is probable - that it was generated before a change was made to the vessel. I've had very similar issues with contextual stuff.


Whoops, silly me, I was sure that was a contextual one!

I don't think any changes I made in 1.9.0 would've affected that, my best guess is still that it was generated early and stuck around.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 9:11 PM, nightingale said:

That's a stock contextual contract, so you'd want to talk to @Arsonide about that one.  Is it possible you had no crew on it at some point in the past 3-4 game days?  It's possible that it was generated when there was no crew and is still sticking around.


I'm playing with Kerbal Construction Time, had a contract to build the station, sent it up unmanned, because I wasn't sure it would make it up. then got a contract to crew it, took me 20-30 days to build the craft, with KCT. flew crew up to the station and returned home. Went looking for new contracts, didn't see one that I liked, so started cancelling the available ones, and this contract popped up. It wasn't there already, it came up after contracts were cancelled.

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  On 12/8/2015 at 12:34 AM, vardicd said:

I'm playing with Kerbal Construction Time, had a contract to build the station, sent it up unmanned, because I wasn't sure it would make it up. then got a contract to crew it, took me 20-30 days to build the craft, with KCT. flew crew up to the station and returned home. Went looking for new contracts, didn't see one that I liked, so started cancelling the available ones, and this contract popped up. It wasn't there already, it came up after contracts were cancelled.


Raised [#388].  It looks to be an issue with the fact that the contracts get "pre-generated"... as a result you can occasionally get something out of date.  Have a couple ideas on how to improve that a bit.

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  On 12/7/2015 at 1:56 PM, severedsolo said:

 @Conventia I think you are nearly there, just right click your command part, click Rename vessel and select station. (this is important to make the other contracts work) - assuming you are in the right orbit, the contract should complete. (make sure you are up to date on Cc and my pack as there was a bug regarding this that was just fixed)


Thanks, that worked perfectly. I guess the vessel rename having different ship types is something that isn't very visible. Ah well.

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You have to excuse the formatting. The new forum downgrade is total garbage at cross posting.
23 minutes ago, nobodyhasthis2 said:

thank you once again for a quick answer. Sorry I am feeling a bit version number challenged :blush: . I don't know if I should be asking Severedsolo the next question.

Doing a version check for two reasons...

I have 1.7.8 on CKAN. Just checking if it will throw out a higher version number. It should not because it should be set to version strict as per your pull request. Have seen the max KSP ver shows 1.0.5 (With version 1.9.0). So had to double check that 1.7.8 was the latest compatible build for KSP 1.0.4. Seems everything has worked out. It will only update to 1.9.0 if it detects KSP 1.0.5

Sorry that sounds clear a mud :blush:. Short answer is it working fine. It is loading the right version thanks to your pull request.

The second reason is I have a warning from AVC on initial menu about using Severedsolo's contract pack Useful space stations. It says that I need contract configurer 1.8.0. The really interesting thing about this warning is I actually have the other similar contract pack called Kerbin Space Station. Which is version 3.0.2. Useful space stations is not installed.

So I am not sure if I should take the warning seriously or remove Severedsolo's contract pack. Any advice?



You'll have to talk to @severedsolo about that one.  When he updated his contract pack for KSP 1.0.5, he updated the required Contract Configurator version (even though he probably didn't have to).  However, he didn't mark his version file as requiring KSP 1.0.5.  So you can either hack the .cfg file to bump the CC version down, or downgrade KSS.  I don't know what the actual required version of Contract Configurator is for the different versions of KSS, I added a number of features in 1.9.0, and I'm not sure if severedsolo has taken advantage of any of those yet.

Oh and KSS and USS are now the same thing (they used to be different).



So any advice on this Serveredsolo?

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Mobile forum, excuse the formatting 

I messed up the 3.0.2 release. My intention was to shut 1.0.4 users down at KSS 3.0.1 but I didn't update the version file. 

The reason is simply I'd rather keep everyone on the latest versions of everything. 

There is no technical reason KSS 3.0.2 will not run on 1.0.4 - just open KerbinSpaceStation.cfg in your favourite text editor, and update the min version line to whatever the 1.0.4 version of CC was. You may also need to do this in usefulspacestations.cfg

KSS 3.0.3 onwards will not work on 1.0.4.because I've made changes that need the newer versions of CC. 

At the weekend I'll push a special ckan friendly version of 3.0.2 that will fix this going forward.  


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  On 12/9/2015 at 6:17 PM, severedsolo said:

Mobile forum, excuse the formatting 

I messed up the 3.0.2 release. My intention was to shut 1.0.4 users down at KSS 3.0.1 but I didn't update the version file. 

The reason is simply I'd rather keep everyone on the latest versions of everything. 

There is no technical reason KSS 3.0.2 will not run on 1.0.4 - just open KerbinSpaceStation.cfg in your favourite text editor, and update the min version line to whatever the 1.0.4 version of CC was. You may also need to do this in usefulspacestations.cfg

KSS 3.0.3 onwards will not work on 1.0.4.because I've made changes that need the newer versions of CC. 

At the weekend I'll push a special ckan friendly version of 3.0.2 that will fix this going forward.  



Still not sure if this is the right action. I really don't want to give you any extra work in providing a wonderful contract pack.

Technically only AVC checking is throwing out the warning. If you say it works users can just ignore the pop up and carry on without editing anything. It is only making check in with you for advice and not stopping the modpack from running or have got that totally wrong?

As an example AVS also throws warnings for mods complied for 1.0.2 like toolbar which work perfectly well under 1.0.4. It just a pop up to remind the user to check everything is up to date surely?  

If you say KSS 3.0.2 will run on 1.0.4 then I will believe you and not AVC

EDIT a version lock on  KSS 3.0.3 onwards greatly appreciated and helps everyone. Thank you! 

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  On 12/10/2015 at 4:47 PM, nobodyhasthis2 said:

Still not sure if this is the right action. I really don't want to give you any extra work in providing a wonderful contract pack.

Technically only AVC checking is throwing out the warning. If you say it works users can just ignore the pop up and carry on without editing anything. It is only making check in with you for advice and not stopping the modpack from running or have got that totally wrong?

As an example AVS also throws warnings for mods complied for 1.0.2 like toolbar which work perfectly well under 1.0.4. It just a pop up to remind the user to check everything is up to date surely?  

If you say KSS 3.0.2 will run on 1.0.4 then I will believe you and not AVC


KSS 3.0.2 will not run on KSP 1.0.4 - because it fails the Contract Configurator version check, Contract Configurator disables it.

What he means though is that it will work if you change the minimum Contract Configurator version.

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  On 12/10/2015 at 4:49 PM, nightingale said:

KSS 3.0.2 will not run on KSP 1.0.4 - because it fails the Contract Configurator version check, Contract Configurator disables it.

What he means though is that it will work if you change the minimum Contract Configurator version.


Ok understood now.

 Thank you very much indeed for the clarification. :D

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I have this mod installed, and Im still getting stock contracts to launch space stations - at least, I assume they are stock. I have one contract to Launch the The Mun Space Station, as well as several other contracts to launch a new space station around Duna/Minmus/Ike. Should those other contracts be disabled?

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If they say "launch the <body> space station! They are mine. If they say "launch a new space station in orbit of <body>" or similar, they are stock. 

To answer your original question, yes stock missions should be disabled.

I just checked and the stock disabler is definitely turned on, so if it's not working please report it to nightingale 

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