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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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When it comes to the "vehicles on launch pad blow up" glitch, that is occuring every time I go to launch a craft. Just out of curiosity, do you have a line on what is causing this bug?

Really? that is very odd, what other mods are you using? what OS?

This is an awesome mod. I love the way you've integrated other planet packs so I can have a truly epic Kerbol system, if my counting is right I've a total of 80 celestials including the Sun.

Cheers dude, just remember which planet is from which pack, and report any problems accordingly :wink:

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This is an awesome mod. I love the way you've integrated other planet packs so I can have a truly epic Kerbol system, if my counting is right I've a total of 80 celestials including the Sun.

I envy your apparent abundance of memory space... New Horizons, Near Future and a bunch of little utilities and I start up at 2.6gb. Don't really want to push it any further, given that it'll crash at 3.1 :(

But you sound like you're ripe for a "one visit only" game :)

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my patch should (hopefully) move Eeloo back to where I intend it to be in my system, In New Horizons Eeloo is a dwarf planet between Titanus and Vanor with Minmus as a satellite orbiting it. If the patch works correctly then it shouldn't be anywhere near Sarnus. Sarnus may have a missing moon, however I wanted Eeloo as a parent rather than a moon, and have moved it back to it's place in my system.

Copy Eeloo around Sarnus, so we have two :sticktongue:

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I envy your apparent abundance of memory space... New Horizons, Near Future and a bunch of little utilities and I start up at 2.6gb. Don't really want to push it any further, given that it'll crash at 3.1 :(

But you sound like you're ripe for a "one visit only" game :)

x64 can work wonders! lol!

Copy Eeloo around Sarnus, so we have two :sticktongue:

tempting, but that would be a little too hacky for me! I'm sure CaptRobau won't mind, but yeah my system is set out pretty specifically, and I would like to keep it that way. Theres still plenty of his own beautiful planets to visit!

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yeah i crumbled to the pressure and now use the x64 windows hack, works pretty nicely actually. I seem to get less crashes than with x32...only downside is that i can't use FAR anymore as it disables itself in 64 bit :mad:

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yeah i crumbled to the pressure and now use the x64 windows hack, works pretty nicely actually. I seem to get less crashes than with x32...only downside is that i can't use FAR anymore as it disables itself in 64 bit :mad:

That's the one thing that really annoys me about FAR, fair enough to not provide support, but disabling it completely seems a little childish to me.

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I can see people seeing it that way, but the way I see it is that people have the right to do their mods how they seem fit. FAR has taken a hell of a lot of work so I can respect the desision to remove support for x64, even if it annoys me!

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I envy your apparent abundance of memory space... New Horizons, Near Future and a bunch of little utilities and I start up at 2.6gb. Don't really want to push it any further, given that it'll crash at 3.1 :(
Linux 64-bit here. Though I actually have only 4 GB of physical RAM, and haven't tested my "planets" install at all extensively, for all I know it could turn out to be a disaster when I actually try and visit these places. It looks cool in the Tracking Station though.
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Yeah I bet it looks good. Just remember that currently my compatibility patches aren't designed to work together, so you may have issues of overlapping orbits around the system. Hoping I can make some that can fit everything in one, would be a truely epic sight!


Technically the temperature is the same as at the poles, if you look at the configs the ASL temperature is the right number...the crack itself is just some clever trickery from manipulating the heightmap.

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Really? that is very odd, what other mods are you using? what OS?

I'm replying to you from my phone, so I am unable to give a list of my mods, although I am speculating that it may be an issue with Kerbal Construction Time and your mod "socializing". My logic behind this bit of speculation is that when I use the simulate feature of KCT to fly a mission, there aren't any weird glitches. When I actually build it and press "launch" from KCT's menu, it bugs out when it loads the craft on the pad. So, either KCT is to blame, or KCT disables something within KSP or itself so the glitch doesn't occur in "simulation" mode.

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I'll look into it for you first thing in the morning fallout, as its almost 4am here. I'm thinking that it could be a pretty good assumption to make though, will suck to have that as an incompatibility!

Thanks, man. If anything, when I have the time maybe I could ask the author of KCT about the differences between "simulation" and "launch" in his mod. Heck, you may even have the technical know-how to diagnose it yourself.

Edited by fallout2077
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Thanks, man. If anything, when I have the time maybe I could ask the author of KCT about the differences between "simulation" and "launch" in his mod. Heck, you may even have the technical know-how to diagnose it yourself.

I'll get out my spyglass and have a peek, see if theres anything that can be done to prevent the premature explosions. I'll let you know when I find something. For now, try removing KCT for the time being.

Is there support for the Final Frontier mod?

not currently :(

I'll have a look at doing it for next release if it's not too hard.

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I'll get out my spyglass and have a peek, see if theres anything that can be done to prevent the premature explosions. I'll let you know when I find something. For now, try removing KCT for the time being.

Alright, no problem. I removed KCT, and there aren't any issues at launch. So, for me anyways, the problem lies with some form of incompatibility between New Horizons and KCT.

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Still getting this weirdness every hour or so while playing with NH. My mind hurts now.


- - - Updated - - -

In entirely different news, a thought for NH re gameplay and balance; the Kerbol system and Sonnah system both have quite heavy inclinations. This means that sometimes you launch from Kerbin and end up at a really wild angle for plotting interplanetaries (although some times are better than others, you can't guarantee it'll match the transfer window). Even MechJeb sometimes struggles and misses the encounters, and I've never managed to plot a course manually, even to near neighbours like Laythe.

Is it worth considering bringing the Kerbol system into a roughly horizontal plane, and reducing the relative inclination of the Sonnah system, so's to give a more predictable inclination and make it easier to create transfers by hand?

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Alright, no problem. I removed KCT, and there aren't any issues at launch. So, for me anyways, the problem lies with some form of incompatibility between New Horizons and KCT.

Sry dude, didn't have time to test today, I'll check it out as soon as I can...work is a little hectic atm!

In entirely different news, a thought for NH re gameplay and balance; the Kerbol system and Sonnah system both have quite heavy inclinations. This means that sometimes you launch from Kerbin and end up at a really wild angle for plotting interplanetaries (although some times are better than others, you can't guarantee it'll match the transfer window). Even MechJeb sometimes struggles and misses the encounters, and I've never managed to plot a course manually, even to near neighbours like Laythe.

Is it worth considering bringing the Kerbol system into a roughly horizontal plane, and reducing the relative inclination of the Sonnah system, so's to give a more predictable inclination and make it easier to create transfers by hand?

To be completely honest, the heavy inclinations was something I thought about for a long time before implementing into NH. The whole idea was to have that gameplay challenge that it brings. I have heard of problems with mechjeb before, however the way I see it is that the challenge it brings is worth the hassle. I've always been able to plot courses to different planets, however they take quite a few corrections. The whole layout was created in Universe sandbox, so the system is stable, however I had to drastically reduce each planets SMA to make it a viable system.

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I saw the corrugated-terrain effect in stock once, when returning to the space centre after having gone a very long away from the Sun. Maybe that helps.

On inclination, I think there's some tradeoffs involved. At the moment the Sonnac-cliptic is more or less aligned with Kerbin's equator, making travel in the Sonnah system simple but adding considerable complexity to interplanetary trips. An obvious alternative would be for the Sonnah system to be more or less co-planar with the solar system. That would make transfers within the Sonnah system a tiny bit trickier, but really you'd only need to get the hang of launching into the Sonnah-cliptic. In return going interplanetary would be rather simplified, with again the only requirement for most cases being to launch into the ecliptic.

Either way, perhaps New Horizons can spur on the improvement of things like Transfer Window Planner? At the moment it really doesn't handle inclined systems well at all, and assumes a departure from an equatorial orbit which is frequently inefficient.

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To be completely honest, the heavy inclinations was something I thought about for a long time before implementing into NH. The whole idea was to have that gameplay challenge that it brings. I have heard of problems with mechjeb before, however the way I see it is that the challenge it brings is worth the hassle. I've always been able to plot courses to different planets, however they take quite a few corrections. The whole layout was created in Universe sandbox, so the system is stable, however I had to drastically reduce each planets SMA to make it a viable system.

Fair enough, if it's an intended design then I'll learn to live with it. Just thought I'd check you knew it makes it a little prickly to get to grips with :)

I saw the corrugated-terrain effect in stock once, when returning to the space centre after having gone a very long away from the Sun. Maybe that helps.

On inclination, I think there's some tradeoffs involved. At the moment the Sonnac-cliptic is more or less aligned with Kerbin's equator, making travel in the Sonnah system simple but adding considerable complexity to interplanetary trips. An obvious alternative would be for the Sonnah system to be more or less co-planar with the solar system. That would make transfers within the Sonnah system a tiny bit trickier, but really you'd only need to get the hang of launching into the Sonnah-cliptic. In return going interplanetary would be rather simplified, with again the only requirement for most cases being to launch into the ecliptic.

Either way, perhaps New Horizons can spur on the improvement of things like Transfer Window Planner? At the moment it really doesn't handle inclined systems well at all, and assumes a departure from an equatorial orbit which is frequently inefficient.

Hmm, if it's a stock thing then maybe it'll turn out to be driver/hardware related... I'll make sure to have a round of updates before next sesh.

Not sure I'm mathematician enough to consider all the complexities of orbital planes ^^; Unless they're both 'horizontal' do you not just end up with there being an AN/DN where Sonnah and Kerbol are in step, but all the rest of the orbits are unhelpful to transfers because your inclination means your orbital prograde is pointing above/below the sun? Anyhoo, seems like it's intended, so I'll just learn to deal with it :)

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