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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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Hi there,

Thanks all !

—> Eddiew : if the data file passes by, please jump on it and share ^^ !
—> MinimumSky5 : your link to your AAR story don't work... (what an amateurish :D)

update : newhorizons map v1.1
- now with way out of the system
- eye-care declinaison
- ...

-> [URL="http://www.cubx.net/pub/ksp/newhorizons map v1.1 dark.pdf"]PDF "dark"[/URL] (240Ko) [< link !]
-> [URL="http://www.cubx.net/pub/ksp/newhorizons map v1.1 white.pdf"]PDF "white"[/URL] (240Ko) [< link !]
-> preview of the "dark" declinaison (eye care):
remark: red arrow = possible aerobrake (mention miss)
[IMG]http://www.cubx.net/pub/ksp/newhorizons map v1.1 preview.jpg[/IMG]

- some red arrow probably missing (black line, on the way to SOL)
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Love the mod. Here's a couple of screenies:

[spoiler=Shergar and crew pose for a photo on the way to Serran][img]http://i.imgur.com/juQGLnr.png[/img][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Sonnah and the Mun visible while cruising Kerbin in my roadster][img]http://i.imgur.com/qctG7P1.png[/img][/spoiler]

Now to grab a bunch of science from the Mun and commence ExtraSonnular exploration.
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Found the little file of delta v costs :) Stupidly I didn't map the circularisation burns... by and large, I think they're about half the transfer costs.

Kerbin-Mun 850
Kerbin-Aptur 950 (HMV provides a much more efficient option earlier in this thread, this is the big dumb burn that gets you there at any time)
Kerbin-Serran 785
Mun-Kerbin 300
Mun-Serran 670
Serran-Kerbin 625
Kerbin-Laythe 960 direct (use angular momentum of Kerbin in its orbit around Sonnah!)
Kerbin-Lave 1280 direct (ditto + midway plane change required)
Low Sonnah-Kerbin 2200
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NH works fine with the new version of Kopernicus. Theres some little things i want to get done and I'll bump up a new update, but if anyone updates they should be fine in doing so. Make sure to mention anything wrong that you notice :wink:

Also @Tiroo - great work, looks really good so far, can't wait to see it finished!
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Hi there,

—> [B]eddiew[/B], tanks for the datas

—>[B] KillAshley and all others[/B],
I would be glad sharing this work (@KillAshley: provide it with the mod if you wish).
Please also report all error you meet.
Apart of design tuning and possible corrections (wait for your feedbacks), my concern is now to populate it, but I meet several issues:

- I think when two bodies' orbit crosses (Kerbin/Aptur, Etal/Gilly), the drawing should shown it in some way, no ? Two transfers at same point ?

- I'm not advanced enough to send rockets on perfect optimitic trajectories (and sometimes I try to do rendez-vous ^^), so I need some "circularize manuver avidity" values at some steps. Where to be useful, and how ? draw triangles with capture and loworbit for sample ?

- It will take me years to populate it !! (and I have no wrapping abilities ^^!)
There is a gap between the flies I do (and the values I reach, by chance, mistake and successives attempts), and the process to get some "right" values.
I would basically draw a map of the system while discoverring it, but now I'd rather find a way to finish it fast, and with some accuracy. So if anybody can provide all datas, everybody will appreciate to get a fully filled map instead of dots and lines only.
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[SIZE=4][B][COLOR=#ff8c00]Update 1.7 now available on Github [/COLOR][COLOR=#daa520][SIZE=2](I'll update curse/kerbal stuff later)[/SIZE][/COLOR][COLOR=#ff8c00][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]

This update brings New Horizons into 1.0.5 finally! It is made using kopernicus 0.5.2 so remember to update Kopernicus as you update your games!

[CODE]-On-Demand compatibility
-Removed KerbolPlus (Amarius1 version) compatibility
-Added KerbolPlus (KillAshley version) compatibility
-Converted biome maps & rings to .dds
-Fixed ring scaling for kopernicus 0.5
-Tweaked ring inclination for Arin
-Tweaked orbit inclination for Astid
-Set main menu body to Sonnah & moved cfg to it's own patch
-Removed Module Manager from download (please use the Mm version included with Kopernicus)

[B][SIZE=3]As always please remember to backup your saves before updating, and report any issues straight away so I can get onto them ASAP[/SIZE][/B]
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Hi, I want to report a bug that I had yesterday with the moon Aptur. I landed with my craft on the surface when there was a conjunction with Kerbin. I have brought forward the time to wait the rotation of Kerbin and alignment of the antennas for the transmission of scientific data. Suddenly my craft materialized on sperficie of Kerbin !!!
What is happened?
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[quote name='Oronzo']Hi, I want to report a bug that I had yesterday with the moon Aptur. I landed with my craft on the surface when there was a conjunction with Kerbin. I have brought forward the time to wait the rotation of Kerbin and alignment of the antennas for the transmission of scientific data. Suddenly my craft materialized on sperficie of Kerbin !!!
What is happened?[/QUOTE]

sounds like you entered kerbin's SoI while landed on aptur.

idk if that's possible, but such an issue would explain the Mun bug as well.

I checked some time ago if SoI were overlapping but I think I excluded the possibility.

IDK if that has changed in the latest updates
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First I landed on Aptur, then I brought forward the time to wait the rotation of Kerbin and transmit scientific data, meanwhile Kerbin e Aptur entered in close conjunction and my lander has materialized on Kerbin!
I think Aptur and Kerbal have orbits too close when they come into conjunction. In physics, in those cases, Aptur might be attracted by the gravity of Kerbin and then fall, but the system of planetary orbits of Kerbal does not allow it, so perhaps you should review the orbit of Apturo.
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got the new updated horizons with updated kopernicus and i got crazy 7-8 sec in game stuttering problem.
i didn't download any new mods or did any changes in game,had to re roll back to old version of the mod again and the stuttering is gone.
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Well, some sh.. strange things happened - craft, orbited Serran now orbits Lave, craft from Sonnah orbit moved to Serran orbit, several crafts were on escape trajectories from Sonnah and now they have common orbits, all crafts from Kerbin to Serran now have no interceptions with Serran orbit, craft from Serran to Kerbin now is on escape trajectory from the Sonnah.
Looks like some big problem with planet indexes or something like that ruined the game.
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[quote name='Oronzo']First I landed on Aptur, then I brought forward the time to wait the rotation of Kerbin and transmit scientific data, meanwhile Kerbin e Aptur entered in close conjunction and my lander has materialized on Kerbin!
I think Aptur and Kerbal have orbits too close when they come into conjunction. In physics, in those cases, Aptur might be attracted by the gravity of Kerbin and then fall, but the system of planetary orbits of Kerbal does not allow it, so perhaps you should review the orbit of Apturo.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I'm talking about.

While you are landed on aptur if you enter kerbin soi you will be automatically teleported to be landed on kerbin
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[quote name='Oronzo']......my lander has materialized on Kerbin![/QUOTE]

I'll have a lok at the SOI...possible theres an overlap i have missed somehow. Thanks for letting me know!

[quote name='Proteus']got the new updated horizons with updated kopernicus and i got crazy 7-8 sec in game stuttering problem.[/QUOTE]

Hmmmm what other mods are you running? and can you post your output_log & /logs/ folder for me to have a quick look? I havent noticed any stuttering myself so I'm not sure whats happening.....

[quote name='Alexoff']Well, some sh.. strange things happened - craft, orbited Serran now orbits Lave, craft from Sonnah orbit moved to Serran orbit, several crafts were on escape trajectories from Sonnah and now they have common orbits, all crafts from Kerbin to Serran now have no interceptions with Serran orbit, craft from Serran to Kerbin now is on escape trajectory from the Sonnah.
Looks like some big problem with planet indexes or something like that ruined the game.[/QUOTE]

that happens everytime kopernicus updates I'm afraid. The flightGlobalsindex control each planet and crafts in their SOI's...there is a fix with a bit of cfg editing posted by cantab [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114092-1-0-5-Kopernicus-New-Horizons-v1-7-19Nov15-Back-in-business%21?p=2246794&viewfull=1#post2246794"]HERE[/URL]...but tbh hyperedit is probably easier to get those ships back in place. This is why everytime I update the mod i make sure to remind people to update their save games. Things like is fairly common, even mor so with packs that change the stock system.
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[quote name='Alexoff']Well, I'll continue to use old version until you will check indexes, I have big career and a lot of crafts...[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to be hard-patching the flightGlobalsindex each time i release I'm afraid. Like i said cantab's solution will help you if you want to update your career, otherwise no worries for playing the old version, as long as you continue playing in 1.0.4
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[quote name='KillAshley']I'll have a lok at the SOI...possible theres an overlap i have missed somehow. Thanks for letting me know!

Hmmmm what other mods are you running? and can you post your output_log & /logs/ folder for me to have a quick look? I havent noticed any stuttering myself so I'm not sure whats happening.....

that happens everytime kopernicus updates I'm afraid. The flightGlobalsindex control each planet and crafts in their SOI's...there is a fix with a bit of cfg editing posted by cantab [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/114092-1-0-5-Kopernicus-New-Horizons-v1-7-19Nov15-Back-in-business%21?p=2246794&viewfull=1#post2246794"]HERE[/URL]...but tbh hyperedit is probably easier to get those ships back in place. This is why everytime I update the mod i make sure to remind people to update their save games. Things like is fairly common, even mor so with packs that change the stock system.[/QUOTE]

nvm i reinstall the pack and the problem was gone.
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Not sure if this has been mentioned before but when I load in on a new or previous save, I get a black screen with a white dot on, and the default KSC background audio plays as normal. Is this a bug?

UPDATE: I was pressing some buttons and ended up timewarping till morning, but cancelled halfway through. This is what my screen is now
[img]http://i.imgur.com/kzQ7vDt.png[/img] Edited by doxlulzem
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[quote name='doxlulzem']Not sure if this has been mentioned before but when I load in on a new or previous save, I get a black screen with a white dot on, and the default KSC background audio plays as normal. Is this a bug?

UPDATE: I was pressing some buttons and ended up timewarping till morning, but cancelled halfway through. This is what my screen is now

Hmmmm, very strange, could you send me the <ksp dir>/logs/ folder so I can check? Also what other mods are you using, and what version of NH & kopernicus are you using?
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