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Any confirmation on a rumor floating around about a rare retail boxed copy of Kerbal Train Program?


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Yes, I have been hearing secret rumors behind Kerbal Train Program, the predecessor to this game. One of the conductors/engineers in that game supposedly contains Bill Kerman's Great Grandfather who was behind the design of the very first Hype Train. Screenshots would be handy in confirming this rumor. :P

I would love to see Kerbal Train Program since I have heard it is incredibly rare to find.

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A friend gave me his copy on Steam right before he had to quit playing video games altogether. He wouldn't say where he got it, but I'm downloading it right now!

Edited by Maximus97
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Kerbal Grass Simulator

That was fun


I've heard of that, but I decided not to get it after the release of the Kario Kart 8.

Edited by Dres
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Yes, I have been hearing secret rumors behind Kerbal Train Program, the predecessor to this game. One of the conductors/engineers in that game supposedly contains Bill Kerman's Great Grandfather who was behind the design of the very first Hype Train. Screenshots would be handy in confirming this rumor. :P

I would love to see Kerbal Train Program since I have heard it is incredibly rare to find.

I have heard of it, and funnily enough, there's an additional rumor that Overland developed it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/members/123041-Overland

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Pfft. You kids and your computer games. I remember the original "Kerb-All" model rockets released by Estes in I think it was 1996. They were miniature model rockets meant to be safely launched from a sidewalk, hence the name, but the thin construction made them prone to Rapid Unplanned Disassembly so they stopped selling them. But I believe some surplus ones got flogged off in Mexico in the early noughties and that's when Harvester got his start in rocketry.

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No I got one off eBay. I'm afraid to open it because I think it'll lose its value. When I get home I'll take a pic.

Exposure to light may damage the veiner, you should just paint a picture instead.

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Yes, I have been hearing secret rumors behind Kerbal Train Program, the predecessor to this game. One of the conductors/engineers in that game supposedly contains Bill Kerman's Great Grandfather who was behind the design of the very first Hype Train. Screenshots would be handy in confirming this rumor. :P

I would love to see Kerbal Train Program since I have heard it is incredibly rare to find.

He wasn't Bill Kerman's Great Grandfather, he was Bill Clinton's Great Great Grandfather. It was a true story. I've seen The Hyperocket, whoch is not a rocket, but rather a Hype-converted engine based on the spare boiler for Stephenson's Rocket. It's very neat.

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