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Nominate names for locations on pluto


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Didn't find anything related via search.

Today i came across this NASA page:


here you can suggest names for locations/landmarks on pluto and his moons which might be choosen then after the "New Horizon" arrived in june and took hopefully nice pictures.

For sure "Jebediah Kerman" was already nominated under " Fictional explorers and travelers" but was not yet accepted as suggestion.

Maybe some of you have also good ideas to submit and later we can use the power of the community to vote for KSP related names :)

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Color approach imaging begins on April 9th... maybe we'll begin to see some features in detail then? Keeping my fingers crossed. Nice find Ringkeeper.


I went and made a submission, (the) Red Peri. In honor of Stanley Weinbaum, author. More information about The Red Peri is here.

Edited by LordFerret
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I suggested Robin Williams under Underworld Travelers since that actor has effectively begun his journey into the Underworld and to honor the man who many of us have learned to love and transcended the generations

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I suggested Tombaugh because he discovered it. I also submitted "Brown" in honor of Mike Brown, the astronomer who discovered Eris and many other TNO's, but then I saw it said they can't name after living beings. Oh well. :)

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From what I understand, this is really pretty disconnected from actually naming the features. The IAU and the New Horizons Team (the latter of which is running this site), have not really been getting along; the IAU is pretty set on following underworld theme for Pluto (literature for Charon, if I am not mistaken), and the New Horizons people, are having been proposing a bunch of different things unrelatedly.

Consequently, I am pretty skeptical that this is going to get very much on the actual nomenclature for the planet, it just seems rather strange.

Alan Stern has been involved in a somewhat questionable site contrary to the IAU already, confounding Uwingu, which among other things sell names to Martian Craters, which the IAU heartily called a scam some time ago.

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