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No shielding for spaceplanes?


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Im hoping its either slider or just default adequate protection for most aerobraking/reentry maneuvers. Quite interested with the ablative heat shileds when it comes to combat. After my mod that Bahamuto implemented, the autocannons and machine guns do heat damage insted of a % chance to destroy. This makes me thing you can have in theory armor that cant be touched by autoguns.

Anyways, mods aside, im hoping for either slider or just inherent resistance to heat at the bare minimum for stuff that must be exposed the whole time, wings, fuselage (MK-2, MK-3, and some of the inline stuff such as jet fuel tank, cockpits, landing gears, flaps, control surfaces, air intakes, ect). Slider would actually be nicer as you could specifically pick what parts you want to be heat proof, and then ignore parts you know will never be affected by heat such as the rear/top parts that usually arent ever exposed during reentrry (assuming its modeled such that heat doesnt heat up every part in the ship, one part should block another part for realism).

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I'm thinkin' SQUAD will just make spaceplane parts impervious to heat effects.



I do believe there are some parts that have heat-shielding capabilities built in (those black tiles) so spaceplanes should be covered in that area. All that should be required on the player's part is proper alignment when entering atmo. No more aligned-to-prograde! XD

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With this you're venturing into the realm of procedural parts. SQUAD clearly stated on many occasions they do not want procedural parts with infinite possibilities.

The way B9 Aerospace switches between versions of the same part is much better. It retains the modular philosophy but still gives you the option to choose between light and vulnerable or heavy and sturdy without increasing part count.

Why would they not want procedural parts, what's wrong with that?

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Your going to have to turn to mods. It's not the only sensible thing they are omitting. Plane builders are going to require mods for Flaps and Spoilers, it makes no sense not to have them with realistic aerodynamics, but guess what?

At least we're going to have air-breaks (modeled by Porkjet). Scott Manley mentioned this in his latest stream

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At least we're going to have air-breaks (modeled by Porkjet). Scott Manley mentioned this in his latest stream

Actually in the last devnote tuesday roverdude mentioned that the heating was going to affect the color of the heatshields. It would be incredible if scorched marks showed up on spaceplane parts.

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Spaceplane parts don't need heat shielding, players need to learn how to re-enter correctly.

Amusingly, the only thing that seems to survive is the spaceplane cockpit.
Probably has a higher mass and so heats up slower.
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That was my thought as well when I saw the video; "or on second thought..."

but as 5thHorseman pointed out, the spaceplane parts seem to be surviving.



I guess that depends on what you consider spaceplane parts.

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I hope that the shielding is not directional on spaceplanes because otherwise my bolmb bays might melt!

Probably not directional, as you say bomb bays/ bottom loaded cargo bays, add that its very hard to see up and down on lots of parts.

And it will take lots more work than unidirectional shielding

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Relax people. Spaceplanes are an important part of KSP. They won't make it so that they don't work anymore.

Aerobraking propably still works fine. If you are coming in very fast, do a aerobraking maneuver to just barely capture into an highly elliptic orbit and then do multiple passes through the upper atmo to slow down.

Spaceplane parts are confirmed to have relativly high heat tolerances. In the new video you see a spaceplane reentering too steep, and parts explode. Thats to bee expected if you do it wrong.

Scott Manley is on the experimental team. He said that there are going to be air brakes. Who knows, maybe they'll even add flaps.

Also Scott mentioned, that he is testing on a Macbook Air ... so performance should be increasing aswell in 1.0.

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Scott Manley is on the experimental team. He said that there are going to be air brakes. Who knows, maybe they'll even add flaps.

Wow, really? This is good news, air brakes have been missing since forever. They were virtually mandatory with FAR, especially ever since the body lift was implemented.

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Spaceplane parts are confirmed to have relativly high heat tolerances.
Citation? What parts count as spaceplane parts?
Also Scott mentioned, that he is testing on a Macbook Air ... so performance should be increasing aswell in 1.0.
Just wanted to point out that there is literally no correlation between Scott Manley using a Macbook Air and performance increasing in KSP. He was probably testing on a Macbook Air way before 1.0. Performance is apparently increasing anyway, but Scott Manley using a Macbook Air for testing has nothing to do with that one way or another.
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We have been told that cargo bays and equipment bays will protect vulnerable parts from re-entry heat. Therefore spaceplane parts will be fairly tolerant to re-entry heat, but a lot of the things we used to stick to the outsides of our ships will now need to be placed inside bays.

My expectation is that there will be a clear distinction between re-useable spaceplane parts and expendable rockets. The spaceplane parts will be intended for re-useable vehicles, and will therefore have thermal protection, which will increase their mass. Rocket parts, such as liquid fuel tanks, will be more flimsy, and will need heat shields to survive re-entry.

I also expect that the heat shields (and perhaps also the fairings) will be used for aerobraking and atmospheric entry at other planetary bodies. Spaceplane parts might be desirable for re-useable landers.

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We have been told that cargo bays and equipment bays will protect vulnerable parts from re-entry heat. Therefore spaceplane parts will be fairly tolerant to re-entry heat, but a lot of the things we used to stick to the outsides of our ships will now need to be placed inside bays.

My expectation is that there will be a clear distinction between re-useable spaceplane parts and expendable rockets. The spaceplane parts will be intended for re-useable vehicles, and will therefore have thermal protection, which will increase their mass. Rocket parts, such as liquid fuel tanks, will be more flimsy, and will need heat shields to survive re-entry.

I also expect that the heat shields (and perhaps also the fairings) will be used for aerobraking and atmospheric entry at other planetary bodies. Spaceplane parts might be desirable for re-useable landers.

My standard lifters in 0.9 tend to be an core with SRB as first stage, core is reusable. Main problem with this in 1.0 is probably not reentry heat but rater that the new aero will make mechjeb landing autopilot more inaccurate. Yes it has to be changes, one idea might be to replace the grinders used for landing legs with wing parts who can manage more heat, might even use the new landing wheels.

in DR engines worked well as heat shields problem was everything mounted radial, here the new service compartment is nice. Main issue will be the landing legs so I probably use wings instead.

One wilder idea who should work with engine clusters is to bring an heat shield up below the payload inside the fairing. Now after doing the deorbit burn, you release the fairing, rotate rocket and dock the heat shield module to the docking port on an grinder in the center of engine cluster, deorbit protected by the heat shield, now as you prepare for landing, deploy parachutes, drop heat shield and probably bottom grinder so you can use engines to land.

Decent chance we will come down faster the last km as the atmosphere is less soup.

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