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[WIP][1.9.x-1.12.x] Scatterer-atmospheric scattering (0.0838 - 14/08/2022) Scattering improvements, in-game atmo generation and multi-sun support


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2 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

64GB of RAM?!?! What on earth for??

iMac. There is no sense or reason in anything :^)

I mean, look at those ridiculous stats and then look at the mid class mobile gpu.

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13 minutes ago, Temeter said:

iMac. There is no sense or reason in anything :^)

I mean, look at those ridiculous stats and then look at the mid class mobile gpu.

I'm running 16GB w/ an i7-6700k and an EVGA GTX 970 >.> like... I don't know what on earth I would do with 4x that amount of RAM... the highest spike I've gotten for RAM loading KSP so far was 8GB running Astronomer's pack full HD with 8k planet textures and skybox... not even video editing or image editing has used all the RAM I have... lol

Anyways back on topic, does anyone have any insight to what I asked on the previous page?

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3 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

I'm running 16GB w/ an i7-6700k and an EVGA GTX 970 >.> like... I don't know what on earth I would do with 4x that amount of RAM... the highest spike I've gotten for RAM loading KSP so far was 8GB running Astronomer's pack full HD with 8k planet textures and skybox... not even video editing or image editing has used all the RAM I have...

I had a ram chip burning through, and I'm currently on 10GB. Only time that wasn't enough is with games having huge memory leaks. Or a super heavy modded KSP (RO+RSS at max+douzends of mods). And even then only if my browser also pulls 2GB in the backgrond.

Or planetary annihilation. There, memory decides how big your planets can be.

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21 hours ago, Alshain said:

I'm having an issue that I thought had been fixed some time ago.  Kerbin has an ugly haze over it when viewed from space (or the map) that removes clarity from surface features and makes the planet look far too light blue instead of an earth-like deep blue.  I know I had a version of this at one time where this was fixed.  Is this a setting to turn this awful haze off?  That haze kept me from using or recommending this mod for a very long time and I'd hate to have to go back to that, but for me that is an incredible deal breaker.

Can we see some pics? I suspect you're just talking about extinction and that's what atmospheres generally do to light. You can't disable it at the moment, I'll make a switch perhaps but trust me when i say that it looks much worse without extinction.

As far as I know the color of earth should be about the color of the sky, ie light blue and not deep blue.

13 hours ago, Vandest said:

Seem to work well ! :cool:

Scatterer + SVE + Distant Object + Planet Shine... :

  Reveal hidden contents

Eclipse on Mun:


Back to Kerbin:


Re-entry with plasma:


Kerbin is maybe a little darker when we are on hight orbit, maybe I'm wrong?

Anyway, thanks again to @blackrack for this amazing mod !!

You're not wrong, the blending mode is a bit softer and the config needs to be tweaked a bit if you want it as bright as previous versions.


12 hours ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Is there a way to load different planet configs into the editor? I.E. I want to edit Jool so I load it as the default planet instead of Kerbin in the config tool?

Actually I've got a couple of questions related to the tool :/

* Any way to make the haze stronger or weaker separately from how strong you set scattering? As in to have the atmosphere appear from orbit as the "lite" image, but from the surface have it appear the same color as default?

* Any way to make the sunset edge more exaggerated?

* Can I create multicolor atmospheres? I.E. Purple Eve with a green fringe around it's edge?

- I might find my own answers in time but I'm out of time for experimenting today.

I wish I could make Kerbin more red as it feels rather bland right now, but I can't make it more red without the atmosphere become red on the ground. This is the best I could get:

- There's probably a setting I can change but I'm not sure what?

It's pretty complicated, but in general the trouble of a physically-based sky/atmosphere is that it can limit artistic freedom. Anyway:

-At the moment you can't load configs, you'll have to input the settings manually.

-You can try playing with the various exposure and scatter intensity settings in the config points.

-What exactly do you mean by sunset edge?

-No multicolor atmos atm.

-Probably not, currently, no.

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20 minutes ago, blackrack said:

-You can try playing with the various exposure and scatter intensity settings in the config points.

Will do so :) - So changing intensity and exposure doesn't screw up anything with atmosphere color? I found that changing atmosphere color variables in the configs created very unusual colors if you don't also copy the .RAW files. You noted that in the config tool description so no problems there :)


20 minutes ago, blackrack said:

-What exactly do you mean by sunset edge?

The extinction, the transition from daytime to night time. I remember a few pictures that had the edge lit in a vibrant red hue that looked really cool. Was curious if there was a way to change this? Sunset color?


20 minutes ago, blackrack said:

-No multicolor atmos atm.

;.; k. Messing around in the config tool leads me to believe it would be a very difficult feature to add too. Perhaps best suited as a separate mod just for a bloom effect like I mentioned in PM. Old EVE made it look nice enough from orbit but the coloration would disappear when you pass through it and dramatically change the color of the planet as you pass through. Scatterer fades and is much nicer. 


20 minutes ago, blackrack said:

[Atmosphere looking red from orbit but still blue from the ground?] -Probably not, currently, no.

I think that was what you where answering? - Hm :/ that's interesting because I definitely remember someone posting an image of a more tan-ish red kerbin and I really liked it. I thought it was you actually Blackrack. Could be wrong though. I've been trying to recreate it. This is the closest match I could find of earth on a quick search.

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2 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

Will do so :) - So changing intensity and exposure doesn't screw up anything with atmosphere color? I found that changing atmosphere color variables in the configs created very unusual colors if you don't also copy the .RAW files. You noted that in the config tool description so no problems there :)

Exposure is fine. It's mostly the atmosphere betaR RGB values that don't work well when they don't match the .raw

2 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

The extinction, the transition from daytime to night time. I remember a few pictures that had the edge lit in a vibrant red hue that looked really cool. Was curious if there was a way to change this? Sunset color?

;.; k. Messing around in the config tool leads me to believe it would be a very difficult feature to add. Perhaps best suited as a separate mod just for a bloom effect like I mentioned in PM.

I think that was what you where answering? - Hm :/ that's interesting because I definitely remember someone posting an image of a more tan-ish red kerbin and I really liked it. I thought it was you actually Blackrack. Could be wrong though. I've been trying to recreate it.

Well, I can think of a way to do it, but it wouldn't be very elegant, combining two different .raw files and interpolating between them on the edge, but it sounds like a mess :P I don't like this kind of solution.

For the pics, maybe you just saw the extinction applied to clouds effect?

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Man I butchered that message in editing it again :L

Just now, blackrack said:

For the pics, maybe you just saw the extinction applied to clouds effect?

Maybe... do you happen to have a quick link to it? It was a regular picture of Kerbin but it's atmosphere had it colored more red/tan than anything I've seen recently.

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22 minutes ago, blackrack said:

Can we see some pics? I suspect you're just talking about extinction and that's what atmospheres generally do to light. You can't disable it at the moment, I'll make a switch perhaps but trust me when i say that it looks much worse without extinction.

As far as I know the color of earth should be about the color of the sky, ie light blue and not deep blue.

Ok, so here is SVE.



Here is SVE with Scatterer



And for comparison, here is Earth (courtesy NASA).



Now I used to have it looking brilliant, I thought it was with Scatterer but I'm remembering now it might have been the old Astronomer's Visual Pack: Edge of Oblivion.  Here is a picture of it, I couldn't find one at the same altitude level but you should get the idea.  Notice how it looks much more like Earth.  I may be confusing things, but TBH, the first pic looks better than the second.  I'd rather Scatterer just turn off once I left the atmosphere or went to map mode than have the haze.


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1 minute ago, Alshain said:

Ok, so here is SVE.

  Reveal hidden contents


Here is SVE with Scatterer

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And for comparison, here is Earth (courtesy NASA).

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Now I used to have it looking brilliant, I thought it was with Scatterer but I'm remembering now it might have been the old Astronomer's Visual Pack: Edge of Oblivion.  Here is a picture of it, I couldn't find one at the same altitude level but you should get the idea.  Notice how it looks much more like Earth.  I may be confusing things, but TBH, the first pic looks better than the second.  I'd rather Scatterer just turn off once I left the atmosphere or went to map mode than have the haze.

Well I don't know which SVE version you're using or which configs, but for me, I got this back in 1.0.5 with just the default configs of EVE and scatterer, the scatterer config is still the same but EVE now has thinner clouds:



IMO this is pretty close to what earth would look like and rather close to the NASA ilage you posted.

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8 minutes ago, Alshain said:

Ok, so here is SVE.

  Reveal hidden contents


Here is SVE with Scatterer

  Reveal hidden contents


And for comparison, here is Earth (courtesy NASA).

  Reveal hidden contents


Now I used to have it looking brilliant, I thought it was with Scatterer but I'm remembering now it might have been the old Astronomer's Visual Pack: Edge of Oblivion.  Here is a picture of it, I couldn't find one at the same altitude level but you should get the idea.  Notice how it looks much more like Earth.  I may be confusing things, but TBH, the first pic looks better than the second.  I'd rather Scatterer just turn off once I left the atmosphere or went to map mode than have the haze.


It's funny you say this because I'm trying to lower the haze myself in creating my own set of atmospheres :P - It seems like the haze has gotten much denser than what the mod started at with.

Comparing the image you just posted with the one that BlackRack posted with the extinction shader applied to clouds:



It looks a lot thicker now :/

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@blackrack Well the problem is EVE's stock configs no longer add clouds.  Unless you are trying to play a 'find-the-cloud' game where one might appear every 3rd Sunday of April.  The lack of clouds is the whole reason I use SVE instead of the EVE configs.  But yes, those pictures are beautiful, I just don't see that on my computer.

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2 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

It's funny you say this because I'm trying to lower the haze myself in creating my own set of atmospheres :P - It seems like the haze has gotten much denser than what the mod started at with.

Comparing the image you just posted with the one that BlackRack posted with the extinction shader applied to clouds:

It looks a lot thicker now :/

Could you do a side by side comparison of scatterer 0.0256 vs 0.0255? The softer sky blending may be the culprit here though I'm not sure :D

@Alshain You could maybe just reuse the old EVE cloud texture.

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10 minutes ago, blackrack said:

Could you do a side by side comparison of scatterer 0.0256 vs 0.0255? The softer sky blending may be the culprit here though I'm not sure :D

@Alshain You could maybe just reuse the old EVE cloud texture.

xD I'll see what I can do yeah. - though was 0.0255 the version that everyone was having issues with the ocean disappearing/debug log errors? I was getting those problems on my PC as well but didn't speak up. If you want I can do a side by side comparison with a 1.1.3 scatterer though if that would help? l think I still have it installed.

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Ok, so I decide to eliminate variables and getting rid of EVE/SVE doesn't change the haze.  So I don't *think* that SVE is causing it.  FWIW, I really like what Scaterrer does inside the atmosphere, but being a space game I spend more time looking at the planet like this.



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Im pretty sure the thickness is caused by my cfgs :( i didnt deviate all that much from scatterers stock cfgs though and i even cut the post processing in half. I can have a look and post some pics of the changes i make

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Just now, Galileo said:

Im pretty sure the thickness is caused by my cfgs :( i didnt deviate all that much from scatterers stock cfgs. I can have a look and post some pics of the changes i make

Try the color values 0.0025, 0.003, and 0.008? I think that's what I did for mine. I think we're discovering an exaggerated haze issue though with the most recent release and the color sliders I used are lower than usual to compensate. Atmosphere from the ground might look thinner because of it.

- Oh, btw I wanted to make a suggestion for Laythe - imo it feels very thick in SVE although in stock it has slightly less atmosphere than Kerbin. I'd think that the scatterer effects would paint it as having not as soupy as an atmosphere? It's just my opinion though as I've always been a fan of a more clear light blue color for Laythe, not a heavy blue-green.

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17 minutes ago, Avera9eJoe said:

xD I'll see what I can do yeah. - though was 0.0255 the version that everyone was having issues with the ocean disappearing/debug log errors? I was getting those problems on my PC as well but didn't speak up. If you want I can do a side by side comparison with a 1.1.3 scatterer though if that would help? l think I still have it installed.

Actually you can just grab the shaders folder from 0.0255 and drop it into 0.0256 and it will work and you'll have the old blending, then you can do comparison pics, if you have time of course.

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8 minutes ago, Galileo said:

Im pretty sure the thickness is caused by my cfgs :( i didnt deviate all that much from scatterers stock cfgs though and i even cut the post processing in half. I can have a look and post some pics of the changes i make

@Galileo I don't think it's yours, it happens without SVE at all and a fresh install of scatterer.

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Just now, Alshain said:

@Galileo I don't think it's yours, it happens without SVE at all and a fresh install of scatterer.

@Alshain could you maybe do this

2 minutes ago, blackrack said:

Actually you can just grab the shaders folder from 0.0255 and drop it into 0.0256 and it will work and you'll have the old blending, then you can do comparison pics, if you have time of course.

and do comparisons?


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