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Whackjob KSP Youtube series? Gauging interest.


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I'd be glad to learn from you, sir! Even though we probably won't (or at least I don't think I will) use such huge machines, I know your tricks and tips will be useful. Please do share!

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I knew it! Your video confirmed something I've been strongly suspecting for a while. Anyways, it was good, just a little more video fast forward for the laggy bits and a slightly louder mic would be nice.

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Land your biggest lander on something! Or build one - I'd be very interested to know how you get those massive legs to work and support things.

Was intrigued by that strut/truss system you had going on there at the end - will certainly be using that... What's the maximum sort of load it can support?

Because BLUESTREAK has fat, fat fingers...
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WhackJob. That would be amazing! :) I hope you do a vid or two I would greatly enjoy whatever outcome!

Yeah your lander legs would be a great episode highlight. Another one would be the use of multiple docking port attachments as you know pretty well how to do them.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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While I mull over other things at the office, anyone have any requests or ideas for episode two? Or should I just build something randomly big?

Lander legs sounds great! Be sure to test land the work of whackness on top of the VAB before flying it anywhere else...

Also, could you put a lil' CPU and GPU temp indicator in the top or bottom of the screen? :D That'd be great, cant wait to see episode 2!!! ^^

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Lander legs sounds great! Be sure to test land the work of whackness on top of the VAB before flying it anywhere else...

Also, could you put a lil' CPU and GPU temp indicator in the top or bottom of the screen? :D That'd be great, cant wait to see episode 2!!! ^^

The needle goes to "thorium molten salt reactor". :)

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And I've an idea for more content. I once build a very large rover, but never really did anything with it. How about a couple of episodes? One, building and testing a newer, BIGGER rover, two, trying to launch it into spaaaaace, and three, getting it to the Mun and / or Minmus? I could easily record a few hours of all the work that would entail.

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Very cool content there, Whackjob! I learned 2 new things in as many minutes, and several more over the course of the video.

You could have changed your root part with the root part change tool. I don't know how it would have handled THAT root part, but I've never had a problem with it with more modest designs.

You could have locked the orange tanks exactly centered onto the modular girder segments with the translate tool. I find it very handy though your MGS/Strut solution at the end of the video looks to be a great way to mitigate unwanted torque between engines in spite of them not being perfectly centered.

You should have clipped out the transition stuff, and I agree that speeding up some parts would be nice. That big launch where 25 seconds took like 5 minutes would have been better if it'd only taken a minute to watch :D

All in all, very fun vid. I'll watch more! (And I totally agree with you about Scott Manley)

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