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Do you think Squad should leave the Round8 Toroidal Tank alone?

Do you like the Round8 the way it is?  

522 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the Round8 the way it is?

    • Yes! Leave it alone! Use something else for Xenon
    • No. I want it to be Xenon.
    • I don't care/I won't use it either way.

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I don't use the Round-8 often, but when I do, it is because there is no alternative and it is absolutely needed.

I fail to see how it is "redundant with the Oscar-Tank, except in terms of design". Other than being a fuel tank, it has nothing in common with the Oscar. Sure, both hold only a "small" amount of fuel when you consider the entire range of existing tanks. But when you are building something small, it makes a huge difference that one of these tanks holds almost twice the fuel than the other, and has a completely different form factor.

Both tanks are needed and complement each other just fine. I am not disputing that a larger xenon tank would be nice, but pretty please don't take the Round-8 away.

I will try to illustrate my point in The ROUND-8 Memorial Thread later today.

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I absolutely HATE the idea of making it a Xenon tank, as it would make all my Mk1 Lander Can + 2x ROUND8 re-ascent stage obsolete.

Squad should make it have two resources, Liquid Fuel AND Xenon, so that the player may choose to empty the Liquid Fuel and fill up with Xenon.

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In fact. It was the only contender for heat shielded lander cans for 1.0. Can, round 8 and heat shield with some engines and you have a dragon pod. If the new parts don't allow this, I'll mod the old one back in and call it "better than Stock!"

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Darn. You can't remove that part from the LFO family! It's my life ring and I can safely say that it's saved a few of my Lander designs more than once. it is their game though so if they want to change it, so be it. I voted to keep it, but it's the Developers' choice in the end. They've made it this far without any major mistakes. They'll do the right thing wether they change the texture or the fuel.

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OK, Squad, you took away our go-to low-profile little-bit-more-fuel inline LFO tank, because Xenon needed a bigger inline tank. What you gonna give us in return? How about some low-profile little-bit-more-fuel RADIAL LFO tanks? Like in the 20- to 30-unit (total LF+O) range.

Edited by pincushionman
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The round 8 is an amazing piece of engineering! Its incredibility useful for aesthetics and functionality. Also, We have whack job on our side (He's probably in it for the noodle rockets) so be afraid?

In all seriousness, while I would welcome a 1.25 meter xenon tank (along with some engines and reactor *wink wink nudge nudge*), I see no reason why we have to axe this wonderful part. Thankfully, it isn't set in stone yet. There have been several times when Squad has made a decision that we don't like, and they listened to us. Why should this instance be any different?

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How about making the Oscar B tank able to be attached radially instead of having to waste a monoprop tank to do it.

Also more on topic my vote is no, leave it as LFO, unless you want to make a new slightly different tank for the xenon.

Edited by wolfedg
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  One-Way Films said:
Darn. You can't remove that part from the LFO family! It's my life ring and I can safely say that it's saved a few of my Lander designs more than once. it is their game though so if they want to change it, so be it. I voted to keep it, but it's the Developers' choice in the end. They've made it this far without any major mistakes. They'll do the right thing wether they change the texture or the fuel.
  pincushionman said:
OK, Squad, you took away our go-to low-profile little-bit-more-fuel inline LFO tank, because Xenon needed a bigger inline tank. What you gonna give us in return? How about some low-profile little-bit-more-fuel RADIAL LFO tanks? Like in the 20- to 30-unit (total LF+O) range.

I second this! light weight (gold foil) radial LFO tanks would be great!!!



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  Greenfire32 said:
I personally couldn't care less. I was never able to get the stupid tank to work anyway (fuel never drained from it) so the whole thing is pretty "meh" in my opinion.

Really? Thousands of hours in and I have yet to encounter that issue..

Fact is, Squad shouldn't remove a well liked part if replacing it takes about 10 minutes.

Come on Squad! the community have spoken!

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