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The Unofficial News About KSP Posted On Other Sites Thread!


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  Renegrade said:
Don't worry man, you'll be able to play with it yourself in just slightly over two hours. I assume it's two hours as they've been coyly hinting 'Monday' and that's two hours away from here (2h 6m right now..) :P

Well, here ('here' being California), it's 5 hours until Monday.

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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Sorry for the bump, but KasperVld tweeted this:

"Dev notes will be out very late today, don't worry though because we have some in-cre-di-ble news to share."

Because twitter hates me, I couldn't get the code to embed it.

I hope that incredible news is that they fixed the game. Now that would be in-cre-di-ble. I am incredulous.

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  Mad Rocket Scientist said:
Sorry for the bump, but KasperVld tweeted this:

"Dev notes will be out very late today, don't worry though because we have some in-cre-di-ble news to share."

Because twitter hates me, I couldn't get the code to embed it.

I think this should do the trick:

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  rabidninjawombat said:
Better a nice well thought out, and complete 1.0.3, then a rushed one, and having to have a 1.0.4 later :P

Oh certainly, not disagreeing. Just amused at what the previous entry in the thread was.

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  rabidninjawombat said:
Better a nice well thought out, and complete 1.0.3, then a rushed one, and having to have a 1.0.4 later :P

I think this mentality is flawed, and it seems that squad shares it. Why let a QA team spend weeks or months and lots of $$$$ when the community can test and duplicate problems much faster than a QA team. Just release and then release again if you have to. What is with all of this hotfix phobia? 1 week < 1 month.

Edited by JedTech
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  JedTech said:
I think this mentality is flawed, and it seems that squad shares it. Why let a QA team spend weeks or months and lots of $$$$ when the community can test and duplicate problems much faster than a QA team. Just release and then release again if you have to. What is with all of this hotfix phobia? 1 week < 1 month.

This has been discussed ad nauseam in plenty of other threads. Basically it boils down to "infinite monkey theory is a crock". A moderately-sized team of focused and trained testers produces far better and more intelligible results than an entire community bashing the software randomly into walls. Yes, some things get missed, but with the wide-scale testing, targeting major issues is much more difficult. And yes, this does include the possibility of doing both. The community testing still has a tendency to cause more noise than it's worth.

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I really hope it's something in the game and not more merch!

Something tells me it is in the game. If it were merch, it would likely be Maxmaps (the business/marketing guy) telling us. Also, we know Max has been under a heavy NDA recently, a deal with someone else, as well as the feature Roverdude has been teasing. I wonder if it's another expansion like ARM, with SpaceX or something.

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  Zucal said:
Something tells me it is in the game. If it were merch, it would likely be Maxmaps (the business/marketing guy) telling us. Also, we know Max has been under a heavy NDA recently, a deal with someone else, as well as the feature Roverdude has been teasing. I wonder if it's another expansion like ARM, with SpaceX or something.

That would be cool.

I await the incredible news stuff in the devlog that's going to be late.

Wonder why it's going to be late though? Huge post? Or maybe just lots of things to construct for the post?

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Kasper said "In-cre-di-ble"

I ran that through some decoding software and got this:


Then I ran that through google translate like eight times to unravel the final code, which was as follows:

ᵚ ᵛ ᵜ ᵠᵞ ᵟ ᵠ ᵡ ᵢ ᵣ ᵤ ᵥ ᵦ ᵧ ᵨ ᵩ ᵪ

Which loosely translates into "New secret feature to be revealed later tonight"

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  Zucal said:
Something tells me it is in the game. If it were merch, it would likely be Maxmaps (the business/marketing guy) telling us. Also, we know Max has been under a heavy NDA recently, a deal with someone else, as well as the feature Roverdude has been teasing. I wonder if it's another expansion like ARM, with SpaceX or something.
I think it is the same thing Max was keeping quiet about, for the last two weeks. Max is the Producer, so he could involve himself in business partnerships to improve the game, or merchandise - any sort of deal. Per last Friday's short Squadcast, Max may be on vacation this week, and thus be letting Kasper (who publishes the Devnotes, anyway) inform everyone.

I also think r4pt0r is onto something. He is consulting an ancient manuscript, that may only look ancient because it came from the future - but was sitting around in a cave, for a very long time ;)

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