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The KSP 1.0 Grand Discussion Thread: Conquering Space Was Never This Easy!


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Something just happened that proved a couple of things: one, that there are still a few bugs that need squashing; two, that Valentina Kerman is truly a badass of the highest order.

Valentina was flying a visual recon mission in kerbin, on board a prototype plane. It was a trusty but primitive plane, since I'm still low in the tech tree, but I had flown a couple of missions on that bird with Jeb. When I tried to reach the last objective on a contract, which was doing a crew report above 19500 m altitude, I learned that my little plane could only reach around 13000 m. So I decided to reload a quicksave (so I wouldn't have to fly half the continent back to the KSC), and suddenly... flameout!

My engines were air deprived. My air intake wasn't getting anything, even though I was at that point only at 1000m high. I tried closing and opening the intake, shutting down and turning on the engines, and nothing. And so I decided to do an emergency landing. But the plane had too little electric charge - since the engines were off and I couldn't recharge the batteries, and I still had no access to solar panels. My power went out while I was still 100m above the surface, and the plane nosedived into the ground. A couple of meters before crashing, though, Valentina bailed out of the cockpit, and bounced maniacally across the grasslands.

With a smile in her face.

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Is it me, or has career gotten a lot harder with this update? I like it! Before, you could cruise through the entire tech tree and never encounter a funding problem... now, I'm short on funds and I still haven't reached the Mun. It's painful, but awesome! :D

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I've only had a little while to take a look at this new update but I must say I'm very impressed with the improved performance and overall feel of the game...

That being said I'm very disapointed by the lack of tier 0 buildings (aka the barn) and the lack of delta-v report... Delta-v is mandatory in this game specially for new players who aren't confortable modding thr game just yet... :-/

The barn... Is the barn!

Still I'm very happy on how the things are looking so far... :-) i just hope there aren't any save breaking updates on the horizon! :-)

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  Broax said:
That being said I'm very disapointed by the lack of tier 0 buildings (aka the barn) and the lack of delta-v report

I noticed the lack of barn straight away, had a look around the net, according to a Squadcast 16 days ago Max said tier 0 would be delayed until 1.1. I'd imagine a lot of the other features, aero overlays, delta-v stats, the barn, other little fixes, were pushed back to 1.1 too, due to the inability to move the release date.

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  klgraham1013 said:
Well, I liked the 1.0 release video until they made it all about explosions. Isn't the vastness of space and the exploration of new worlds more exciting than random explosions and the imminent death of three kerbals? I get it. Some people like Micheal Bay films. Fine. I'm cool with it. I just wish more people would step up and show how cool science and space can be. Can we not leave the explosions to Battlefield trailers and have KSP, one of the few (somewhat) educational games about space, actually advertise whats so cool about space?

Agreed. It gave me uncomfortable parallels to Challenger, as well...

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  NovaSilisko said:
Agreed. It gave me uncomfortable parallels to Challenger, as well...
I was literally in shock at the explosion, it was well-timed and unexpected. The mood was restored a little with pass-the-blame to sandwich guy, but it would have worked much better if sandwich guy had dropped said sandwich, swept all the food wrappers from his desk to reveal an "in case of emergency" button on the console. Some kind of deus-ex-machina to save the pilots, even if pod recovery wasn't shown. You'd still have the laughs from the pass-the-buck routine, and know he screwed up.
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  klgraham1013 said:
Well, I liked the 1.0 release video until they made it all about explosions. Isn't the vastness of space and the exploration of new worlds more exciting than random explosions and the imminent death of three kerbals? I get it. Some people like Micheal Bay films. Fine. I'm cool with it. I just wish more people would step up and show how cool science and space can be. Can we not leave the explosions to Battlefield trailers and have KSP, one of the few (somewhat) educational games about space, actually advertise whats so cool about space?

Agreed. I really wish they would focus on the vastness of space rather than the cramped conditions of a falling cockpit.

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Good things about 1.0-Everything except the things I will list below

Only fueled wings are Delta Wings (Yay, we can build three new things with this!)

Capsules flip over on reentry due to heatshields being glitchy.

Jets are now even more OP.

Overall, pretty good.

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  klgraham1013 said:
Well, I liked the 1.0 release video until they made it all about explosions. Isn't the vastness of space and the exploration of new worlds more exciting than random explosions and the imminent death of three kerbals? I get it. Some people like Micheal Bay films. Fine. I'm cool with it. I just wish more people would step up and show how cool science and space can be. Can we not leave the explosions to Battlefield trailers and have KSP, one of the few (somewhat) educational games about space, actually advertise whats so cool about space?


I think the Build.Fly.Dream. Trailer is way mor represenative of the game and the beauty of space. They should have done an updated version of with the permission of the original author like Start citizen did with their launch trailer. Which was an updated version of a great fan made trailer. That Build.Fly.Dream. trailer should be the video on the steam store page.

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Well, an hour into my first 1.0 career save and Valentina, Henry, and Hudmore Kerman are dead from re-entry heating. This will take a lot of getting used to. Loving the update overall so far.

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45 minutes into the update and these are thoughts: I am impressed with the quicker initial loading and scene switching, even more impressive is the fact that my macbook doesn't sound like it's trying to take off. Atmosphere is taking some getting used to, I haven't burned anyone or anything up... yet. I'm interested in trying airframes but I still need to unlock a few things. I really hope I can learn to fly, I never could get the hang of it in .90.

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