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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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9 hours ago, PocketBrotector said:

I've submitted pull requests to Nertea for USILS patches for his Station Parts and Near Future Spacecraft pods; you can review or grab them at those links. 

I'll have to make sure again, but they should contain them — LSModule.cfg does add replacement parts to modules with crew space, that's why I skipped them.

EDIT: ah, I see what's wrong, there's too little of the recyclables. Got it, but I'll just keep your cfgs, as they make sense, and are already merged.

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Just wanted to let @RoverDude know that I really like all the new modifications to usiLS, especially the hab resource and the new supplies consumption rate.  Everything seems much more fun and realistic now.  I notice it much more on my mun and minimus missions where before and would just add supplies and forget about it, and makes a manned Duna mission planning much more critical.


thx for all the hard work!

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Currently all recyclers consume 1 EC/s. I wrote a patch that sets recyclers' EC consumption as the product of their capacity and efficiency. For example, the science lab consumes 3.5 EC/s (5 capacity x 0.7 efficiency). I'll post it here if anyone is interested:

			@Ratio = #$/MODULE[ModuleLifeSupportRecycler]/CrewCapacity$
			@Ratio *= #$/MODULE[ModuleLifeSupportRecycler]/RecyclePercent$


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Based on your front page notes, a starving kerbal will unlock the red cancel button on your supplies in order to consume them. What's stopping me from disabling supplies, like how we reserve probe battery power, again? I don't think you designed it so that I could feed them a small meal every 15th day.

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3 minutes ago, sardia said:

Based on your front page notes, a starving kerbal will unlock the red cancel button on your supplies in order to consume them. What's stopping me from disabling supplies, like how we reserve probe battery power, again? I don't think you designed it so that I could feed them a small meal every 15th day.

The USI-LS currently ignores the resource disable switch for supplies.  Little red disabled button or not, the Kerbals will consume the supplies if they're attached to the vessel.  If you really wanted to violate the spirit of the mechanic, you could put supplies containers inside a KIS inventory, then use an engineer to take those out and periodically mount them on the vessel.

There really is no way to completely prevent a player from ... getting creative in a sandbox game.  The intent however is that all attached supplies are accessible to the Kerbals and they wouldn't allow them to sit around unused while they go hungry.

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On 25/1/2016 at 1:11 AM, RoverDude said:

Having a lot of people live a really long time in space is an incredibly big deal.  It's not a case of 'slap on a 1-ton part and it magically fixes itself'.  The hab mechanic (and again - this only lights up if you use one of my kolonization mods right now) is absolutely designed to be a game constraint, and require some choices and some engineering compromises.

I really love this part of the hab system, now you can't have a ship for multiple mission and you have to build complete different ship for a mission to moho vs a mission to jool.

My only question is if i can find better informations about the wear system

How i can calculate the replacementparts compsumation ?

Is possible repair stock modules ?

Broken stuff how affect the game ?

Thanks again for this great mod



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1 hour ago, Badsector said:


Thanks again for this great mod



> How i can calculate the replacementparts compsumation ?

Not sure if this works in stock (RP resource is hidden), but with alternate resource panel, you see the RP amount and the time left.

Is possible repair stock modules ?

Yes, same as MKS modules. Bring MaterialKits close, EVA an engineer and right click on the part, click "perform maintenance". MaterialKits are automatically converted to ReplacementParts

> Broken stuff how affect the game ?

The more wear, the shorter the time that a kerbal can spend in the vessel. If all modules are broken, kerbals get homesick really fast

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53 minutes ago, Kobymaru said:

> How i can calculate the replacementparts compsumation ?

Not sure if this works in stock (RP resource is hidden), but with alternate resource panel, you see the RP amount and the time left.

Is possible repair stock modules ?

Yes, same as MKS modules. Bring MaterialKits close, EVA an engineer and right click on the part, click "perform maintenance". MaterialKits are automatically converted to ReplacementParts

> Broken stuff how affect the game ?

The more wear, the shorter the time that a kerbal can spend in the vessel. If all modules are broken, kerbals get homesick really fast

Thanks for the explanation but probably something is missing because i don't get perform maintenance  action, i have try with a 45% wear module and another at 22%.

Other question meterialkits need to be in 150m limits or attached to the part ?

I have try with MPL with 2 kontainer of materialkits attached

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1 hour ago, RoverDude said:

Be sure to do the repair with an engineer

5 star Bill in sandbox with 5000 materialkits attached at mpl


I get those exceptions from USI-LS

[EXC 15:52:21.558] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.get_VesselSupplyInfo ()
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.UpdateVesselStats ()
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.FixedUpdate ()

I have try to add USI_ModuleFieldRepair to the part and now i have perform maintainance but after the game crash with exceptions

[EXC 15:54:54.182] InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].VerifyState ()
	System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].MoveNext ()
	System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[LifeSupport.LifeSupportStatus].MoveNext ()
	LifeSupport.ModuleLifeSupport.CheckForDeadKerbals ()
	LifeSupport.ModuleLifeSupport.PostProcess (ConverterResults result, Double deltaTime)
	BaseConverter.FixedUpdate ()


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1 hour ago, Badsector said:

I get those exceptions from USI-LS

[EXC 15:52:21.558] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.get_VesselSupplyInfo ()
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportManager.UpdateVesselStats ()
	LifeSupport.LifeSupportMonitor.FixedUpdate ()


Your install seems kinda borked. If you use CKAN, uninstall it, delete 000_USITools & UmbraSpaceIndustries folders, then install it again. If you installed from download, delete 000_USITools & UmbraSpaceIndustries folders, then unpack them again.

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I have a bit of a conundrum, I have contract to rescue a kerbal from surface of the mun. However, he is EVA and his timer has expired. I can't switch to him until I get within 2.3km and few seconds after getting into range he goes poof and I get message saying he is missing. I can switch to him before he goes poof, but I haven't found this to be very useful because my rescue ship crashes while I am trying to get him aboard his 'ship'. Currently I am landed a few km outside range.

If it is of any use, his 'ship' is the USI emergency deployable shelter and he spawns next to it.

So, any suggestions for resolving this?

Can I wind back his eva timer? That would fix my immediate problem.

It seems odd that Kerbals that can not be controlled in any way by the player consume resources. Do I have any options for preventing this in the future?

Also, I though USI-LS was non-lethal by default, or has that changed?


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You can change the settings - note that if you have MKS it makes some of the defaults a bit more difficult, but these can be tweaked (and based on feedback they can be scaled back a bit if need be).

Your best bet is to just set the EVA penalties to 0 for now.

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15 hours ago, RoverDude said:

Ok - better to just let me fix that :P

I find that, exception detector have do a mess in my saves, now i have start a new save without it and all seems work fine.

This evening i do 1 very long mission for see if i get again troubles.

Sorry for waste your time



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RE: hab space / timer, is it be possible to provide a recreation module or minimum population which would allow crew to R&R? I'm envisioning a space station in kerbin orbit with a recreational module and 20-30 kerbonauts doing science and such. Docking a reusable spacecraft to allow the crew some shore leave and rest before the next mission.

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7 minutes ago, forsaken1111 said:

RE: hab space / timer, is it be possible to provide a recreation module or minimum population which would allow crew to R&R? I'm envisioning a space station in kerbin orbit with a recreational module and 20-30 kerbonauts doing science and such. Docking a reusable spacecraft to allow the crew some shore leave and rest before the next mission.

Already pretty much possible, I think. Any ship with a sufficiently great habitation space/multipliers will set the hab timers to very high values. 

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