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[1.12.x] USI Life Support


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  On 12/30/2015 at 3:15 AM, DBowman said:

Soylent extends TACLS by adding new kinds of recycling based on algae (etc micro-biome). When I get some bandwidth I intend to adapt it to USI-LS.


But Soylent doesn't really look to be a Life support mod and more of an addon to TACLS.  From your OP It is only cosmetic standalone, or extends TACLS.

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Well I have a kerbal refusing to work, despite having access to supplies... I launched a DERP pod mun lander, with 15 supplies in ther derp pod part, EVAing into the pod on the launchpad, and landed on the mun. I did an EVA to plant a flag, but then when a boarded the pod again, my kerbal decided to stop working.  JLJjAHp.jpg

Perhaps it's something to do with the derp pod's supplies? I notice they don't show up as a resource until the pod is inflated...

Edit: I just checked the USILS toolbar icon, and it said this pod was at negative 295days and counting of life support. As you can see, this pod was only launched less than 2 days ago.


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  On 12/30/2015 at 10:55 AM, Kowgan said:

Thanks for the update.

Are you still planning on adding the Home/Rest features?


Yet another reason why we need extendable stock attributes in KSP for our Kerbals :)

Maybe the base game doesn't use them, but some pre-defined attributes like "fed" (0-100%), "rested" (0-100%), "morale" (0-100%), "laziness" (0-100%) would be nice in addition to the existing "stupidity" attribute.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 11:42 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I just had a problem where crew was refusing to work on the launchpad.  Adding some LS supplies fixed the problem.  However, I recruited a new pilot and she was willing to work.


More details:  The crew who was refusing to work was Jebedia and Valentina, both of whom had several missions under their belts.

I wonder if the mod isn't resetting the time since their last meal?

I just looked in the save file, and I'm guessing that's the problem.  Here is the status data, when no one is in space.  Neselle was the kerbal I recruited, notice the last meal values:

                KerbalName = Jebediah Kerman
                LastMeal = 2797139.62094199
                IsGrouchy = False
                OldTrait = Pilot
                LastUpdate = 2797139.62094199
                KerbalName = Valentina Kerman
                LastMeal = 2420403.18696142
                IsGrouchy = False
                OldTrait = Pilot
                LastUpdate = 2420403.18696142
                KerbalName = Neselle Kerman
                LastMeal = 3832232.72435278
                IsGrouchy = False
                OldTrait = Pilot
                LastUpdate = 3832300.04435284



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  On 12/30/2015 at 3:07 AM, goldenpsp said:

Ok stupid question.  This IS a life support system.  Why would you ever try to use 2 different life support systems?

Short answer is no, I don't know of ANY life support mods that work with any other life support mods.


Ummm....snacks is an LS mod that works along side pretty much any other LS mod, and rover has even included a an easy bake oven for making snacks out of substrate in the mks mk II form factor in the past.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 5:58 PM, Errol said:

Ummm....snacks is an LS mod that works along side pretty much any other LS mod, and rover has even included a an easy bake oven for making snacks out of substrate in the mks mk II form factor in the past.


Yes Rover made a snack oven for MKS.  He even makes converters for TAC-LS.  But I don't see where you would run Snacks AND USI-LS at the same time.  They act completely differently and while they wouldn't "conflict" per se you are gonna have severely confused kerbals trying to deal with 2 varieties of "food".  Similarily if you tried to run USI-LS and TAC-LS you technically can, but they are gonna bump into each other in usage.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 4:41 AM, Rodger said:

Edit: I just checked the USILS toolbar icon, and it said this pod was at negative 295days and counting of life support. As you can see, this pod was only launched less than 2 days ago.



What about EC?  You need that too, or lots of sadness.


  On 12/30/2015 at 5:58 PM, Errol said:

Ummm....snacks is an LS mod that works along side pretty much any other LS mod, and rover has even included a an easy bake oven for making snacks out of substrate in the mks mk II form factor in the past.


In fairness, I provided that for folks using it as their sole LS mod, it was never really intended to work side by side with another LS system.  They would have competed for resources.

  On 12/30/2015 at 11:59 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

More details:  The crew who was refusing to work was Jebedia and Valentina, both of whom had several missions under their belts.

I wonder if the mod isn't resetting the time since their last meal?



It probably was since orange immunity is now off by default, let me know if you see more jinkiness

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  On 12/30/2015 at 8:14 PM, RoverDude said:
  On 12/30/2015 at 11:59 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

More details:  The crew who was refusing to work was Jebedia and Valentina, both of whom had several missions under their belts.

I wonder if the mod isn't resetting the time since their last meal?



It probably was since orange immunity is now off by default, let me know if you see more jinkiness


But, they were on the pad.  Not in space.  New vehicle.  Why would they be hungry if they just went there from the VAB?

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A couple of questions, looking at USI-LS settings:

- are the Vets names in in the setting corresponding to their actual name in the game? because if it should be yes, Jeb is not "Jeb" but should be "Jebediah" (asking just in case i wanna promote to vets some future crews :P)

- is "NoSupplyEffectVets = 1" meaning that ALSO oranges (as Vets) will starve and becoming tourists? Should it be "0" to mantain the old "oranges immunity" from starvation?

- Looking to actual values, I understood that a "Greenhouse" (the small one) should be able to feed 1 kerbal. But if a Kerbal eat "SupplyAmount = 0.00005        //Supplies consumed per Kerbal per second", and the Greenhouse producing 0.000025 (per second, I guess), is it actual feeding only "half kerbal"?

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Potentially silly question: I was going in to the settings.cfg to adjust the options to taste (Praise to Options!), and I noticed the VetNames has an oddity.

VetNames = Jeb,Valentina,Bill,Bob

I poked at the code, but the only places were isVet was called didn't seem to do any particular handling of this case. (Entirely C# noob though, doing the reading.)

Is Jeb's name being... Jeb'ed here, likely to cause issues down the road? Or has he cunningly figured out a way to go on strike under the radar of the KSC overlords?

Having a blast with the addon, in any case!

(This was with a fresh install; I blew away the old folder and dropped the new one in place.)

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  On 12/30/2015 at 8:14 PM, RoverDude said:

What about EC?  You need that too, or lots of sadness.


Well that pod didn't have EC generation, so maybe that's it, but there was still at least power available. It didn't seem to even try use any supplies or EC. No resource was going down at all; according to the resource panel set to time remaining, there was no change.

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Hi everyone,  using the updated usi ls on a new save... I am experiencing refusing to work and conversion to tourist for my orange kerbals.  Both,  Val and Jeb have been converted. 

In both cases conversion occurred after an Eva.  I tried a manual mod install and ckan and was able to replicate the bug. 

I have no supplies on the ships and just using pod EC,  however,  these are orange kerbals,  and I'm not even to orbit yet. 

I know it is usi ls cause bug goes away when the mod is removed... Just a heads up for u

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  On 12/29/2015 at 10:00 PM, Snarfster said:

The asteroid station doesn't see the Minmus Akademy, the latter doesn't recognize that the shuttle is empty (parked next to it) and the asteroid station has 8 crew and 4 tourists.

It IS a lot cleaner now though. :) Loving it.


I agree, for the "vessel in flight" view it is a lot cleaner.

I am still missing the "fleet management" feature - have the LS icon in the space centre and/or tracking station scene, and when clicking it see *all* vessels with their respective LS timers. So you can quickly see & check who is going to need a resupply mission soon...


I swear it worked liked this before KSP 1.0.5..., then my LS icons in space centre and tracking station disappeared. Am I hallucinating, or can anyone confirm this?



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I've been using this in a new career to test, and have set it up like this:

	NoSupplyEffect = 5			//Effect if a Kerbal has no supplies or EC
	NoSupplyEffectVets = 1		//Effect if a Kerbal is a vet and has no supplies or EC

So Jeb, Bill, et al should not die, right?


While the image is of a capsule from the HGR mod, I tested with he mk1 pod and it did the same thing.

This happens with any craft upon leaving the VAB (worked last night, though).

Here are the LS persistent bits before flying them:

		name = LifeSupportScenario
		scene = 5, 7, 6
				KerbalName = Bill Kerman
				LastMeal = 8762161.63406847
				IsGrouchy = False
				OldTrait = Engineer
				LastUpdate = 8762161.63406847
				KerbalName = Bob Kerman
				LastMeal = 681610.894688611
				IsGrouchy = False
				OldTrait = Scientist
				LastUpdate = 681922.781973735
				KerbalName = Jebediah Kerman
				LastMeal = 8762161.63406847
				IsGrouchy = False
				OldTrait = Pilot
				LastUpdate = 8762161.63406847

And here are the roster values:

			name = Jebediah Kerman
			gender = Male
			type = Crew
			trait = Pilot
			brave = 0.5
			dumb = 0.5
			badS = True
			tour = False
			state = Available
			ToD = 0
			idx = 0

			name = Bill Kerman
			gender = Male
			type = Crew
			trait = Engineer
			brave = 0.5
			dumb = 0.8
			badS = False
			tour = False
			state = Available
			ToD = 0
			idx = 1


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Hey Roverdude,

I've been experiencing an odd bug that I finally figured out is related to your LS mod. Here's what happened...

Conducted a flyby of the moon, thought I had plenty of supplies, brought a 1.25 diam LS container for two kerbals. Don't recall seeing any warnings about low supplies. During the return Bill exited the craft to gather up the science before ejecting that part of the ship to land the crew capsule. Upon reentering the capsule, Bill can no longer EVA to get the other half of the SCIENCE! It was giving me a statement along the lines of "Tourists can't exit the vehicle". I thought that was odd, but sent Jeb out to get the other half. After reentering the capsule now he can no longer EVA either with the same tourist warning, and the controls are dead. Once I was done panicking, I quicksaved and downloading hyperedit to bring the capsule down safely. Don't judge me!

Anyway, after running a few tests, I had this occur on the launchpad too. Bob and Val both exited the vehicle on the launch pad, reentered, and suddenly unable to EVA. Now all my orange suits were listed as tourists in the crew roster. If I hired someone new though, I didn't have that issue. Didn't have it in a new career game on the launch pad, nor in a sandbox game. After reverting to the quick save doing the above again a few times, when I splashed down in water instead of land, I noticed it state "Jeb and Bill have returned to duty" or something along those lines. Now they were no longer tourists. Well, after chasing my tail for about an hour, I finally equated this issue to the USI LS mod. To test I put a capsule on the launch pad, and fast forwarded until they refuse to work, upon recovery they are listed as tourists in the crew roster. Is this working as designed? Shouldn't they reset when recovered? Any reason why EVA was insta-touristing kerbals on the launchpad after EVA? I also found it odd that they did reset at splashdown but not when they land in an open field.

Edit: Just saw the above posts about a similar issue...I do believe I was out of EC at the time I EVA'd. Heck, I was out of EC since my moon flyby probably. No solar panels and left SAS on afterall. I could just use thrust a bit as needed to get some. Of course that begs the question, why didn't they refuse to work BEFORE they eva'd? I had full control of the ship until the eva.

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I reset death for non-vets to grouchy and retested. Now Jeb is grouchy upon leaving the VAB. I stuck a supply can on the side of his mk1 pod, and retested, and he was good for 92 days. Perhaps the 15 day thing is not working?

When I played last night, I had added supplies my craft, as I knew my munar orbiter mission could take a while (the rescale is 6.4X distances).

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