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[1.0.5] regex's Useful Mod Emporium


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Regex, how likely is it for PID tuner to support RSAS alongside regular SAS stability assist? Usually, RSAS (the autopilot module) is the one that has the most problems.

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@Crzyrndm: I use Pilot Assistant. But I like PID tuner better because of its simpler UI. BTW, your SAS tuning fix plugin gave me the inspiration for wanting RSAS values added to PID tuner, so thank you!!

@regex: here is a patch that adds the relative SAS information to the UI and uses the new RSAS module to load and save the current PID values. What is the best way to send it your way? I was not able to find your mods on GitHub for a pull request, so I just used the source code bundled in the download.

I was able to compile and use the plugin without major issues, and only one minor issue: the RSAS module seems not to have a clang value. I set it to 1 and then I divide the ki, kp, kd terms before saving. I also had to use floats in the PIDInput class. Somewhere in the code there was a typecasting error and all RSAS values had rounding errors.

Edited by pacbard
Fixed bug!! Now everything works as intended
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pacbard, sorry for the delay, just got back from vacation and dealing with some IRL stuff. I'll take a look at that patch and roll it in sometime this week. At a quick glance it looks just fine.

I don't have PID Tuner up on GitHub because the code is so small but apparently it's A Thing so I'll put it up there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Regex,

I'm just installing PID tuner to my game and I see it doesn't let you specify different parameters for reaction wheels and rcs. This seems like it might be useful as with some of my craft I'd like to lower the values for RCS while leaving reaction wheel controls as is. I guess it comes down to the ships having underpowered reaction wheel control and overpowered rcs, but it would be nice if the issue could be fixed in flight by tweaking the PID control.

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Here is a perl script for converting Dwarf Fortress language txt files to Kerbal Renamer cfgs. I would post the converted config but the DF license is vague, so better safe than sorry.


$file = "language_DWARF.txt";

open(my $handle, "<", $file);

my @Names;

my @lnm2;

while (my $line = <$handle>)


my ($one, $two, $three) = split /:/, $line;

my ($fob) = split /]/, $three;

if($fob ne "")


$fob .= "\n";

my $key = "\t\tkey = ";

my $key1 = $key;;

$key .= $fob;

$key1 .= ucfirst($fob);

push (@lnm2, $key);

push (@Names, $key1);




my $KR = "KerbalRenamer.cfg";

open(my $nf, ">", $KR);

print $nf "KERBALRENAMER\n{\n\tpreserveOriginals = false\n\tgenerateNewStats = true\n\tfemalePercent = 0.5\n\tbadassPercent = 0.05\n\tuseBellCurveMethod = true\n\tdontInsultMe = true\n\n\tFFIRSTNAME1\n\t{\n";

foreach $k (@Names){

print $nf $k;


print $nf "\t}\n";

print $nf "\tFFIRSTNAME2\n\t{\n\t}\n\tFFIRSTNAME3\n\t{\n\t}\n\tMFIRSTNAME1\n\t{";

foreach $k1 (@Names){

print $nf $k1;


print $nf "\t}\n\tMFIRSTNAME2\n\t{\n\t}\n\tMFIRSTNAME3\n\t{\n\t}\n\tLASTNAME1\n\t{\n";

foreach $k2 (@Names){

print $nf $k2;

print $nf $k2 .= " ";


print $nf "\t}\n\tLASTNAME2\n\t{";

foreach $k3 (@lnm2){

print $nf $k3;


print $nf "\t}\n\tLASTNAME3\n\t{\n\t}\n\tFLASTNAME1\n\t{";

foreach $k4 (@Names){

print $nf $k4;

print $nf $k4 .= " ";


print $nf "\t}\n\tFLASTNAME2\n\t{";

foreach $k5 (@lnm2){

print $nf $k5;


print $nf "\t}\n\tFLASTNAME3\n\t{\n\t}\n}"

Create a new file in the /raw/objects directory of your DF root, then copy the script to the file you created and run it, a KerbalRenamer.cfg will appear in the directory.

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Hello and thank you so much for all of this.

I just wanted to let you know that in KSC Switcher, when i change to Kourou, i can't see the tracking station and other stuff, they are in the ground i guess, same for the launch pad, its invisible, and my rocket is like 4 meters upside the ground in the air.

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Hello and thank you so much for all of this.

I just wanted to let you know that in KSC Switcher, when i change to Kourou, i can't see the tracking station and other stuff, they are in the ground i guess, same for the launch pad, its invisible, and my rocket is like 4 meters upside the ground in the air.

Using RSS, stock, or something else? It says quite clearly in the OP that the launch sites are for RSS and that other configs aren't supported. You may need to adjust the config to your liking.
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So yea, i'm using clearly RSS with provided config, i touched no thing, thank you for thinking i can't read english, but i can xD ^^

I'm french but not stupid xD

My english may not be so good or so understandable, but its still english i believe so xD

Did you checked out if you had the same problem or if in fact it works well for ya?

Anyone else have this prob?

Anyway, i thank you again for your work, but like i said, i have the required config (1.0.x RSS) and touched nothing.

Congratz for the work though :D

If i'm the only one having this prob, it may be a compatibility problem with some other mod, RSS need so much of them, with RO, so i wont put the fault on ya eheh, just wanted to know if that was really from me, look like it is.

Edited by Loup
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thank you for thinking i can't read english, but i can xD ^^

I'm french but not stupid xD

What? No, I thought you couldn't read English because I actually had to ask you what other mods you were using. See, if you had actually read the OP you would have realized there are rules for posting bug reports and asking for help here. But, like many people elsewhere on these forums, you just stepped in here without reading the OP and basically got all rude. That's alright, it happens to every modder but I believe every user should get a second chance.

Now, there are some issues with RSS at this time and I have to see if I can actually fix them but I simply haven't had the time recently. But rest assured it's in the back of my mind and when other obligations have been met, IRL and otherwise, I will dig in and see what I can do.

Edited by regex
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At the risk of sounding like a complete scrub.... Does the "src" folder in TankLock go in the main KSP directory?

Those are the files used to make the mod and thus are unnecessary and may be freely deleted. They are there for licencing purposes.

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Ok thanks for the second chance and sorry for being rude or souding like.

So that was a bug to be fixed when you have the time, i understand i'm not rushing you, i just wanted to know if that was not working because of me or what.

Thanks for the answers too and for your mods :D

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Just thought I'd say that things are slow here right now because we're making an offer on a house and my dad is in town for a week. Hopefully I'll have some extra time sooner rather than later, and thanks for your patience.

And happy Father's Day!

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These mods are good! As for the PID thing, here's an ad from a magazine I read that sums up how I feel:


Anyone have a simpler way to do PID? Wikipedia helps me none.

These are almost as useful as stock bugfix, btw

Edited by waterlubber
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Anyone have a simpler way to do PID?

Only touch scalar. If the response is too quick/vibrating, increase it. If it's wallowing, decrease it. About 80% of the time, that'll sort things out

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Does Kerbal Renamer work with 1.0.4?
Seems to. I'll check them all this weekend and update the KerbalStuff listings.
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Is it possible to add new launch sites with the KSC Switcher? I'm using RSS, and am trying to add North Korea's Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground (aka Musadan-ri) as a test, and it just won't appear. This is directly copied from how I have it in the LaunchSites file. (I'm showing it between the two it should be between, so you can say if I have something between them wrong)

name = jp_uchinoura
displayName = JP - Uchinoura
description = The Uchinoura Space Center (内之浦宇宙空間観測所 Uchinoura UchÅ« KÅ«kan Kansokusho?) is a space launch facility close to the Japanese town of Kimotsuki, in Kagoshima Prefecture. Before the establishment of the JAXA space agency in 2003, it was simply called the Kagoshima Space Center (鹿å…Â島宇宙空間観測所?). All Japan's scientific satellites were launched from Uchinoura prior to the M-V launch vehicles being decommissioned in 2006. It continues to be used for suborbital launches, and has also been used for the Epsilon orbital launch vehicle. Additionally, the center has antennas for communication with interplanetary space probes.
KEYname = KSC
latitude = 31.25186
longitude = 131.07914
repositionRadiusOffset = 53
repositionToSphereSurface = false
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 4500
heightMapDeformity = 80
absoluteOffset = 0
absolute = true
latitude = 31.25186
longitude = 131.07914
name = kp_musudanri
displayName = KP - Musudan-ri
description = The Tonghae Satellite Launching Ground, also known as Musudan-ri, is a rocket launching site in North Korea.
KEYname = KSC
latitude = 40.85
longitude = 129.66667
repositionRadiusOffset = 1126
repositionToSphereSurface = false
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 20000
heightMapDeformity = 80
absoluteOffset = 1073
absolute = true
latitude = 40.85
longitude = 129.66667
name = kz_baikonur
displayName = KZ - Baikonur
description = Baikonur Cosmodrome (ÚþÑÂüþôрþÌÂü «Ã‘ðùúþýуÌÂр») is the world's first and largest operational space launch facility. It is located in the desert steppe of Kazakhstan, about 200 kilometres (124 mi) east of the Aral Sea, north of the Syr Darya river, near Tyuratam railway station, at 90 meters above sea level. It is leased by the Kazakh government to Russia (until 2050) and is managed jointly by the Russian Federal Space Agency and the Russian Aerospace Defence Forces. The shape of the area leased is an ellipse, measuring 90 kilometres (56 mi) east-west by 85 kilometres (53 mi) north-south, with the cosmodrome at the centre. It was originally built by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s as the base of operations for its space program. Under the current Russian space program, Baikonur remains a busy spaceport, with numerous commercial, military and scientific missions being launched annually. All manned Russian spaceflights are launched from Baikonur.
KEYname = KSC
latitude = 45.920278
longitude = 63.342222
repositionToSphereSurface = false
repositionRadiusOffset = 406
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
reorientFinalAngle = -153
radius = 4000
heightMapDeformity = 80
absoluteOffset = 350
absolute = true
latitude = 45.920278
longitude = 63.342222

Edited by Ianwubby
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  • 2 weeks later...

I went though a semiridiculous amount of work to get a config entry to add the actual KSC to KSCSwitcher. This KSC and surrounding area is - to the meter (and much less, maybe to the decimeter or less) *exactly* where the stock KSC is.

Bonus: Even though it's also the exact right height (again, to the meter), the monolith out in the field is perfectly set on the ground and isn't 3/4 buried like in the stock game.

name = kb_ksc1
displayName = Kerbal Space Center
description = Where all Kerbal Space Programs start out.
KEYname = KSC
latitude = -0.0969
longitude = -74.6002
repositionRadiusOffset = 43
repositionToSphereSurface = false
reorientFinalAngle = 345
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 7000
heightMapDeformity = 0
absoluteOffset = 64
absolute = true
latitude = -0.25
longitude = -74.6

If you want the KSC in your otherwise KSCSwitchered game, just splice that into the file. You can also edit the beginning of the file to set " DefaultSite = kb_ksc1" so you actually start there.

I could make it a modulemanager config but can't be bothered, at least right now.

I've also a full config that has my KSC, a "Kairo River Delta" entry, all the entries from the below quoted post, and all of the Earth sites in the original file that aren't in the water. Some of those are amazingly well placed.

I've not updated the config yet for the new version of KSCSwitcher (as I've not yet had time to set it up), but here are the launch sites I was using from 0.24 through 0.90:


I'm not comfortable releasing the file without Cydonian Monk's and regex's permissions, and really it should be a modulemanager config, I just can't be bothered to look up all the syntax right now. But if anybody wants it and PMs me, I'll happily send it your way.

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