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The Apollo Applications Program: 1.0 Edition

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Okay!!!. I've finished the Apollo Program missions. (I just completed my first "K Mission" involving long duration and a rover) I still have 5 Sarnus V's from my initial batch order of 15 and I plan to perform at least one more K mission before my space program begins considering what other applications these heavy rockets can do and place a order for a small run of modified launch vehicles. I'll update this post with a link to a dramatized mission report in the Fan Works section tomorrow.

Total mission points for tier 1: 158

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Work kept me from getting that mission report started. (Sigh) But I did start work on designs for my first Kane Applications Program mission profile. Listed as StarLab, a modified Sarnus IB S-IVB will become a wet workshop for KASAs first semi-permanent space station.Plans are already being drawn up on how to adapt a Munar Module Ascent stage for use as a telescope mount.


Edited by Daelkyr
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Your lander is looking good.

Skylab's original design was a wet workshop S-IVB stage boosted into orbit on a Saturn IB. I'm following that design because using @Angel-125 amazing MOLE mod. That's why the engine stays attached. The wet workshop design also called for a LEM ascent stage with a freaking telescope mounted to the bottom to be flown up and docked to the nascent station because the Saturn IB couldn't lift it with the rest of Skylab.

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Daelkyr, awesome designs! Is your design for Skylab able to use the wet workshop idea of using the booster to get to orbit then ditching the last of the fuel, and refurbishing the LOX tank as the crew space? 

I didn't think that was possible in KSP unless you part clipped.


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I've been working on the challenge the last few days with a totally stock, realism-focused rocket layout. I've completed the normal Apollo missions, plus S-1b and other technology. I'm working on my MLV series and an ASTP recreation in the next few days. Here's a couple pics to whet your appetites.



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@Servo That's a very nice Saturn V! Its 100% stock? Incredible!

Also here's my Apollo 4 mission!


Point Total Currently:

Saturn V uses 5 engines on the first stage, 5 on the second stage, 1 on the third. +20

Lander stored behind a fairing. +10

Launch Escape System. +5

Use Fuel Cells for power generation. +10

Use a life support mod. +26

Current Point Total: 71

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100% stock. I'm really proud of this one, I think I finally did it justice.

As promised, here's the rest of the normal Apollo program:


- Saturn Five uses 5 engines on the first stage, 5 engines on the second stage, and one engine on the third stage. +20

- Free-Return Trajectory until in Mun's SOI. +10

- Lander stored behind a fairing. +10

- Leave Descent Stage on Mun. +5

- Include ALSEP Science Package on Apollo 11-18 +5

- Include Lunar Rover on Apollo 11-18 +10

- Include Lunar Landing Escape System (And test it in a quicksave-simulation) on Apollo 11-18 +7

- Include Lunar Subsatellite on Apollo 11-18.+5

- Stock. +20 (Use only stock parts)

- Launch Escape System. +5

- Use fuel cells for power generation only +10

- Fly a mission to Minmus using Apollo/Saturn hardware. +30

Regular Program Total: 132 points

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  On 8/10/2016 at 4:09 AM, Daelkyr said:

Work kept me from getting that mission report started. (Sigh) But I did start work on designs for my first Kane Applications Program mission profile. Listed as StarLab, a modified Sarnus IB S-IVB will become a wet workshop for KASAs first semi-permanent space station.Plans are already being drawn up on how to adapt a Munar Module Ascent stage for use as a telescope mount.



I missed this screenshot! That looks awesome!

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Well I've gone and completed Apollos 8,9 and 10. 11 to come shortly, real life got in the way, moving sucks!

First attempt at Kronal, hopefully it turns out alright.


http://imgur.com/a/MUuAJ - Album of my 3 missions, still cant seem to figure out embedding albums in a post haha.

In my mission report thread I also intend on adding an Alternate History timeline, random scribbles I have come up with. Everyones missions are looking awesome.

Edited by RedCapDan
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I'm working on a story with a story arc that's loosely based on the Apollo Applications Challenge. I've been playing the game and writing the story in-between working on my MOLE mod for KSP. Anyway, I made some blueprints today, this is the hardware used for the missions:





I have a mission list but that would be giving away too many spoilers. But you can infer a few things from the above sheets.

Thanks for a great challenge. :)

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  On 8/24/2016 at 1:35 AM, Daelkyr said:

@Angel-125 These sir, are beautiful rockets. I'm truly impressed with the work you put into them. They scream "Saturn V" but are so clearly your own design that my head is exploding with your brilliance.


Thanks! :) I found that making a 3-stage Jool V would have a ridiculous amount of delta-v, and if I were to use 5m tanks for the lower stage, it would be even worse. So went for a design that would be reminiscent of the iconic vehicle but were made for KSP's unique environment. Nice to see that I pulled it off. :) I've almost research all the tech I need to light these off in my story/MOLE career play test, and have 12 missions planned thus far using the Jool I/Jool V. One is an uncrewed test flight akin to Orion's EM-1, another is a mission to the Mun orbiting Das Goot space station that the vonKerman Republic built.

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  • 1 month later...

Here are some of my rockets, using RSB, because I had it installed already. For balance, I will use ballast to increase the mass that the rockets need to lift, making it a fair challenge.

Saturn INT-20:


Saturn MLV S-25L:



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  • 2 months later...


So i decided to start working on the rockets i am going to use for this.I did use some of the Eyes turned skyward style Apollo craft to show that the program will evolve over time as continuations to Skylab are built, and that the fact that technology will improve over time as well as the Service module having way too much delta V for LKO missions. I intend to go a little bit farther, going far enough for a von-braun style duna mission.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm currently playing with a rather...interesting solar system layout. Whilst it lacks OPM, it does include Arkas, Xen's Planet Collection and Kerbol Origins, and many planets from the latter have been moved to balance the system better and avoid conflicting orbits (as well as Eeloo being moved back into orbit around the Sun, rather than Sarvin where Kerbol Origins places it). It's also all at 4x scale.

I am bringing this up because, although it will take me a while to get through the early parts of this challenge, I do want to eventually conduct exploration missions to every celestial body in this extended solar system with Apollo-influenced (as much as possible) technology. I'm not quite sure how points would work out (amongst the celestial bodies I have installed are a planet beyond Joolian orbit with 2.7g of surface gravity, a planet with an equatorial ocean, and a comet in an incredibly eccentric solar orbit, just for a couple of examples), but I very much hope that by the time I'm done with it, all of these things will be considered "impressive". But in any case, when it becomes relevant, would you be willing to individually judge the points acquired by exploring these various celestial bodies, or would it be better to wait until I'm entirely done with this challenge?

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