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[1.12.x] Mk2 Expansion v1.9.1 [update 10/5/21]

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Maybe I'm missing something here, but extra cooling I try and add to the Rontgen doesn't seem to actually be cooling it.  I have NFE installed, so it's configured for that.  I put a couple of extra stock radiators on there - attached directly to the Rontgen, but it doesn't cool down any faster than it does when the radiators are shut off.  Unless I have the engine going, it doesn't seem to cool much at all when the reactor is at 100, and even then, it's insufficient.

How do I cool this thing off more quickly?  Obviously since it's in-atmosphere, any deployable radiator won't work.

I don't know of any other mods for the current KSP version that provide better radiators.  Maybe KSPI-E, but that's way more complicated than I want to deal with.

Also, it doesn't seem to be producing any electric charge.





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I don't know about extra radiators, but I think just running the engine cools it enough, and you're meant to shut it down when not in use? I haven't had much heat problems actually flying with one anyway, and at the speeds it goes at, you're going to get atmospheric cooling too.

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@barfing_skull: The apparent lack of cooling is most likely due to the Rontgen's 3000K operating temp with NFE; radiators don't reduce heat generation until the target core heat has been reached. If you're planning on turning the Rontgen's reactor on but not using the engine, it'll need 800kw of cooling, or 4 large stock radiator panels, but when in use, the engine will provide the necessary cooling for the reactor automatically without the need for external sources of heat control.

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51 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Fr8monkey: I'm guessing you're using NFE? NFE adds reactor heat mechanics to nuclear engines; you'll need to start the jet's on-board reactor before the engine will generate thrust via either an action group or the right-click action menu.


I think there is also an issue with NFE that to get a reactor to start the vessel has to be staged.

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On 3/3/2017 at 3:51 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@barfing_skull: The apparent lack of cooling is most likely due to the Rontgen's 3000K operating temp with NFE; radiators don't reduce heat generation until the target core heat has been reached. If you're planning on turning the Rontgen's reactor on but not using the engine, it'll need 800kw of cooling, or 4 large stock radiator panels, but when in use, the engine will provide the necessary cooling for the reactor automatically without the need for external sources of heat control.

Can confirm the issues with the Rontgen. I get two minutes of full, 100% power, then it hits 3400 Kelvin core temp and shuts down. Yes, I have Near Future installed, as well as Heat Control. Even slapped on some extra flush radiators and tried it. The extra radiators actually got COLDER as the engine ran and I accelerated. Kinda scratching my head here and very confused. This is a critical part of my plans for exploring Eve, and if it's not able to work at all, I've got a bit of a problem.

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@folorot: The engine FX? The only way I know of reducing/turning off engine FX is to edit the engine .cfgs and remove the various PREFAB_PARTICLE and MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE code segments from the .cfg's EFFECTS section.

@MaverickSawyer: What throttle are you running the Rontgen at, and what is the total radiator capacity attached to the Rontgen? I don't know if Heat Control is messing with things, but with just NFE, the Rontgen will only overheat (temp > 3000K) if running at less than 100% throttle without enough radiators/any radiators attached and active; the Rontgen will never overheat if 800kW of radiators are attached to it and active, regardless of throttle, though in practice a full 800kW is usually overkill, since 800kw of cooling assumes the throttle never goes above 0%

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
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For some reason when I load the game, I don't receive the parts. Everything is downloaded properly. The only change I made is that I updated Interstellar Fuel Switch.

Also, you should update Interstellar Fuel Switch.



-BDArmory Continued

-Updated IFS

-This mod.


Update: Redownloaded on Github without updating IFS, same result.

Edited by Grand Ship Builder
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14 minutes ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Grand Ship Builder: I'm going to need your Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Output_Log.txt before i can tell what's wrong. If running the KSP_x64 version, it'll be in KSP_x64_Data instead

Do I have to have KSP running and which part of the Output_Log.txt?

Edited by Grand Ship Builder
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@Grand Ship Builder: KSP will have to have been run, but does not need to be running for a output_log; as for which bit of the log, ideally the whole thing, if possible. If it isn't, then open it up and search for "Config(PART) Mk2Expansion",  "Load(Model): Mk2Expansion/Parts/", and "PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/" and give me those sections.

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15 hours ago, SuicidalInsanity said:

@Grand Ship Builder: KSP will have to have been run, but does not need to be running for a output_log; as for which bit of the log, ideally the whole thing, if possible. If it isn't, then open it up and search for "Config(PART) Mk2Expansion",  "Load(Model): Mk2Expansion/Parts/", and "PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/" and give me those sections.

is it okay if I censor?

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On 3/15/2017 at 9:16 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

@folorot: The engine FX? The only way I know of reducing/turning off engine FX is to edit the engine .cfgs and remove the various PREFAB_PARTICLE and MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE code segments from the .cfg's EFFECTS section.

@MaverickSawyer: What throttle are you running the Rontgen at, and what is the total radiator capacity attached to the Rontgen? I don't know if Heat Control is messing with things, but with just NFE, the Rontgen will only overheat (temp > 3000K) if running at less than 100% throttle without enough radiators/any radiators attached and active; the Rontgen will never overheat if 800kW of radiators are attached to it and active, regardless of throttle, though in practice a full 800kW is usually overkill, since 800kw of cooling assumes the throttle never goes above 0%

I was running at 100% power, full throttle, and had more than 800kw of radiator capacity.

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@MaverickSawyer: I just downloaded a fresh copy of KSP, grabbed the latest versions of M2X(1.7.35), NFE(0.8.6) and Heat Control(0.3.4) from SpaceDock, and spent over an hour testing the Rontgen; The Rontgen worked as it's supposed to, the Heat Control radiators, on the other hand, didn't. SpaceDock says the mod is outdated, might have something to do with it. Rontgen at 100% throttle cooled the reactor to 3000 if core temp was below that to begin with, or very slowly down to 3k if above it. Engine off and cooling with radiators only, Stock radiators cooled indefinitely, Heat Control radiators briefly provided core cooling and then stopped, resulting in core overheat. I was unable to get the core to overheat when the Rontgen was running and had active radiators, either HC or stock.
Based on test results, your issues are probably linked to Heat Control in some way. If you remove the HC radiators and replace them with Stock ones, does the issue persist?

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Yeah I've had issues with heat control too, though I haven't properly tested with stock radiators. And no idea what's different in their configs ether that could cause a problem. I was using your Stockalike Mining Expansion to make an asteroid tug, and even with some beefy Heat Control radiators it was overheating like crazy... I think it's time for me to actually properly test them out now.

Edit: OK, still getting overheating with stock radiators... Using a Terravore (100kW), 2.5m ISRU (500kW), and 1.25m USI reactor (150kW), with 4x medium deployable radiators. Shouldn't that be 750kW required heating with 4x 250kW radiors, so no problem? Or am I misunderstanding core heat?

Just tested the rontgen with 4x stock large radiators and no thrust though, and it worked fine.

Edited by Rodger
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4 hours ago, FellipeC said:

I'm getting overheating issues too. Even running it at 100%

First off, thanks for the video, I know what's going on now. Short answer, you're using an outdated version of M2X, and need at least the most recent version of the NFE patch (below). Long answer, earlier versions of M2X's NFE patch lacked an exhaustCooling value, which is why the Heat Rejected value for your Rontgen stays at 80kw instead of 880kw at full throttle. Replace the contents of your Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality.cfg with this:


@mass = 2.8
	!MODULE[ModuleActiveRadiator] {}
	!MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}
		name = FissionReactor
		StartActionName = Start Reactor
		StopActionName = Deactivate Reactor
		UseStagingIcon = true
		UseForcedActivation = false
		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = true
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
		OverheatAnimation = ThermalAnim
		HeatGeneration = 65000	
		NominalTemperature = 3200
		CriticalTemperature = 3600
		MaximumTemperature = 3800
		CoreDamageRate = 0.01
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium
		GeneratesHeat = false
		FollowThrottle = true
			key = 0 0

			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.0002
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.0002
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 3200					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 3800				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 1300					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small
		name = FissionFlowRadiator
		passiveCooling = 65
		maxEnergyTransfer = 65000
		overcoolFactor = 0.20
		maxLinksAway = 1
		isCoreRadiator = true	
		exhaustCooling = 1300	
		name = FissionEngine
		HeatUsed = 1300
		Priority = 2
			key = 300 0
			key = 1000 0.2
			key = 3200 1.0
			key = 4000 1.3
		name = FissionGenerator
		Priority = 1
		PowerGeneration = 20
		HeatUsed = 65
		name = EnrichedUranium
		amount = 55
		maxAmount = 55
		name = DepletedFuel
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 55
		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5
		@heatProduction *= 0.1

@mass = 2.8
		name = FissionReactor
		StartActionName = Start Reactor
		StopActionName = Deactivate Reactor
		UseStagingIcon = true
		UseForcedActivation = false
		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = true
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
		HeatGeneration = 40000	
		NominalTemperature = 3000
		CriticalTemperature = 3400
		MaximumTemperature = 3800
		CoreDamageRate = 0.01
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium
		GeneratesHeat = false
		FollowThrottle = true
			key = 0 0

			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.0002
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.0002
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 3000					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp = 3800				//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 800					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small
		name = FissionFlowRadiator
		passiveCooling = 80
		maxEnergyTransfer = 40000
		overcoolFactor = 0.20
		maxLinksAway = 1
		isCoreRadiator = true
		exhaustCooling = 800	
		name = FissionEngine
		Priority = 1
		HeatUsed = 800
			key = 300 0
			key = 1000 0.2
			key = 3200 1.0
			key = 4000 1.3
		name = FissionGenerator
		Priority = 2
		PowerGeneration = 1
		HeatUsed = 65
		name = EnrichedUranium
		amount = 40
		maxAmount = 40
		name = DepletedFuel
		amount = 0
		maxAmount = 40
		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5
		@heatProduction *= 0.1		
	!MODULE[ModuleAlternator] {}

@mass = 2.0
@description = A stripped down experimental fission reactor intended for use aboard aerospace assets that produces up to 500kW of electric power. Comes with integrated radiators.
!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
!MODULE[ModuleOverheatDisplay] {}
		name = FissionReactor

		StartActionName = Start Reactor
		StopActionName = Deactivate Reactor
		UseStagingIcon = true
		UseForcedActivation = true
		UseSpecializationBonus = false
		AutoShutdown = true
		DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
		HeatGeneration = 15000
		NominalTemperature = 800
		CriticalTemperature = 1300
		CoreDamageRate = 0.008
		OverheatAnimation = Reactor_Heat
		FuelName = EnrichedUranium
		GeneratesHeat = false
			key = 0 0 //60000		
			ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
			Ratio = 0.00000140
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
			ResourceName = DepletedFuel
			Ratio = 0.00000140
			DumpExcess = false
			FlowMode = NO_FLOW
	!MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] {}
		name = ModuleCoreHeat
		CoreTempGoal = 800					//Internal temp goal - we don't transfer till we hit this point
		CoreToPartRatio = 0.1				//Scale back cooling if the part is this % of core temp
		CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0			//Dynamic goal adjustment
		CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1			//What percentage of our core energy do we transfer to the part
		HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05		//If the core is hotter, how much heat radiates?
		CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0		//If the core is colder, how much radiates?
		HeatTransferMultiplier = 0			//If the part is hotter, how much heat transfers in?
		CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01	//If the part is colder, how much of our energy can we transfer?
		radiatorCoolingFactor = 1			//How much energy we pull from core with an active radiator?  >= 1
		radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01		//How much energy we push to the active radiator
		MaxCalculationWarp = 1000			//Based on how dramatic the changes are, this is the max rate of change
		CoreShutdownTemp =  6000					//At what core temperature do we shut down all generators on this part?
		MaxCoolant = 320					//Maximum amount of radiator capacity we can consume - 50 = 1 small

		name = FissionGenerator
		PowerGeneration = 500
		HeatUsed = 300
	!RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] {}
		 name = ElectricCharge
		 amount = 600
		 maxAmount = 600
	!RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] {}
		 name = DepletedFuel
		 amount = 0
		 maxAmount = 90

	!RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] {}
		 name = EnrichedUranium
		 amount = 90
		 maxAmount = 90

		name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
		DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
		SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
		EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
		// What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
		EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
		// Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
		MaxTempForTransfer = 400
		// kW of heat per unit of waste
		HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5



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