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In your opinion, how good is KSP?

Mr Tiddles

How good is KSP?  

316 members have voted

  1. 1. How good is KSP?

    • The best game ever made, tops anything else
    • Not the best ever, but somewhere in the top 10
    • Definitely a top 20 sorta thing
    • Somewhere in the top 50
    • Quite good, but not outstanding

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Or he likes to chat and play the game at the same time. Done that before. But, yeah. It all depends on what the individual has played before and what you are compairing it to. In the terms of space games and having played games like Wing Command Series, Privateer 1&2, Freelancer, Star Lancer, Tachyon the Fringe, Star Wars, Star Trek: Klingon Academy, Space Engineer and a few other space themed games (not played orbiter). In terms of what can be done in the game Tops all the others except Space Engineer. Which does something different. In that the terrain is destructable and you literally are building every component of your craft which in turn you can destroy. But, tthat currently has the problem that the roids don't move (at least not that I'm aware of) there are no orbital mechanics, currently no planets which are very likely to be static dots hanging in space, artifical speed limit and lag lag lag depending on how big of a box you play in as well as ship you build. While I would love it if KSP had planets as well as roids that could be destroyed. Just feel that it would be just as laggy.

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Depends, i play computergames since 1974 when i got a phongbox and got addicted to gaming, and in time i seen a great share of good and bad games, some games like BaldursGate, LeisureSuit Larry in the land of Lounge Lizzards, Hero's Quest, Police and Kings Quest, Planescape Torment, Wingcommander, Xwing vs Tiefighter, even MS-Flightsimulator are games i never will forget, KSP is also one of those games that made it in my personal list of Best of All time games.

What is my most favorite game... TBH i dont know, to many of those, but that KSP is high in my list thats for certain.

Still when i compare KSP to many games released nowerdays, it stick out with head and shoulders above the rest.

Finnaly a good game that emphasis on gameplay, instead brute graphical force and shallow gameplay, very refreshing to play.

Games like GTAV and such, dispite they are stunning to look at, and fun to play, they tend to bore me after a few weeks, KSP, still going strong with me, even after 3 years of play, still enjoying it

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  Fengist said:
No offense RIC, but after almost 8,000 posts I'd venture to guess you find the forums more unique and compelling than the game itself.

Not really an either/or proposition there. I spend a lot of time on the forums because I like helping people with the game; and it was really difficult for me to learn the game at first, having little physics/engineering background. I also spend a lot of time playing KSP, because I still love it after all this time.

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Arma 3


NationStates (I run a nation called The United Republic of Halco :D )



Heroes of the Storm

sleep (not a game i just love sleeping)

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  Robotengineer said:
IMO, the lack of an end game sets KSP apart from other games. How many other games have you logged thousands of hours in?

Perhaps end game is a poor choice of words. An example perhaps: Once you have that base built on the Mun, what's it's purpose? Other than things you contrive of out of your own imagination, what function does that base serve? (other than perhaps helping you get other pointless things to their destination).

Things built in KSP have all the purpose and lifespan of a sand mandalla. Enlightening to create perhaps, spiritual to contemplate I suppose, and if you share it with others and it's particularly inspiring, they'll go, "ooohhh" and "ahhhhh." But once done with all the admiration, you have nothing to do but go create yet another.

KSP is a game for artists who utterly fail at paint brushes. And I'm no exception. In one directory of KSP images that I have posted on these forums there's 380+ images. They served no other purpose than to 'ooohhh' and 'ahhhhh' those who peruse this form. And EVERY SINGLE ship, base, plane, etc. in those images... is long gone. Returned to the sand pile because they served no other purpose.

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  klgraham1013 said:
These sort of comments are coming up way to often.

Again, it wasn't meant as offensive and I'm glad he didn't take it that way. Point being, if a game kept me completely entertained, I wouldn't feel any need to create 150+ posts every month. Hell, the 600+ I'm at now tells me I spend more time here than I do in the game.

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  Red Iron Crown said:
I also spend a lot of time playing KSP, because I still love it after all this time.

And I still enjoy it too. But now, I find myself spending more time contemplating the game rather than actually playing it. I keep thinking, "what can I do that I haven't done before," and I keep coming up with the same answer, "why do it anyway?" Once I've defeated my self-imposed challenge I'll be right back to wondering what I can do next.

Edited by Fengist
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  Fengist said:
Perhaps end game is a poor choice of words. An example perhaps: Once you have that base built on the Mun, what's it's purpose? Other than things you contrive of out of your own imagination, what function does that base serve? (other than perhaps helping you get other pointless things to their destination).

Things built in KSP have all the purpose and lifespan of a sand mandalla. Enlightening to create perhaps, spiritual to contemplate I suppose, but once done, you have nothing to do but look at it and go create yet another.

Exactly. KSP is decent but it's not great. There's no point to doing anything after a while except as challenge for its own sake, which is not really interesting to me, nor a lot of people who would otherwise be interested in a space simulator. I like building for the sake of making things that do something; colonization and infrastructure development are the biggest things, but being able to divine actual "science" from the game in a way that doesn't require me to install a bunch of mods or open up Excel and start plugging numbers into spreadsheets would be nice, too, instead of the half-hearted system of gathering arbitrary "science points" to unlock new parts. If that's the way a game about exploring the vast, unknown solar system is going to work, you might as well just remove science points altogether since it's basically funds by another name - you even get both resources for the most part in almost the same way, by successfully completing space missions; the only difference being that you can gain science without having an active contract out.

There also really ought to be options on the poll below the smattering of "It's really great, with only a few caveats at most!" The fact that there isn't is rather telling... I've sank many hours into KSP in the past, but that doesn't necessarily make it a great game, only an addicting one, and there's a big difference between the two.

Edited by Accelerando
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  Fengist said:
Perhaps end game is a poor choice of words. An example perhaps: Once you have that base built on the Mun, what's it's purpose? Other than things you contrive of out of your own imagination, what function does that base serve? (other than perhaps helping you get other pointless things to their destination).

Things built in KSP have all the purpose and lifespan of a sand mandalla. Enlightening to create perhaps, spiritual to contemplate I suppose, and if you share it with others and it's particularly inspiring, they'll go, "ooohhh" and "ahhhhh." But once done with all the admiration, you have nothing to do but go create yet another.

KSP is a game for artists who utterly fail at paint brushes. And I'm no exception. In one directory of KSP images that I have posted on these forums there's 380+ images. They served no other purpose than to 'ooohhh' and 'ahhhhh' those who peruse this form. And EVERY SINGLE ship, base, plane, etc. in those images... is long gone. Returned to the sand pile because they served no other purpose.

And even if there was a grand goal to the game or purpose for those craft, they're still digital nothings and you would likely move on to making others simply "for because". Kind of like life; there's no real purpose beyond what you yourself give it.
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  regex said:
And even if there was a grand goal to the game or purpose for those craft, they're still digital nothings and you would likely move on to making others simply "for because". Kind of like life; there's no real purpose beyond what you yourself give it.

Now see, you've taken my comments out of context. You've tried to expand them into some awe inspiring revelation about life. It's really not that philosophical. I play games to be entertained. Escapism, plain and simple. The fact that they're digital nothings is irrelevant. Entertaining me IS relevant. While the creation phase of KSP entertains me and the destination phase entertains me, there is no phase beyond that because the creations lack any in-game purpose. I can imagine all sorts of contrived purposes, none of which will keep me going back to that Minmus base. I play to read and participate in the book, not write it.

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While I don't think KSP has caught up to Civ III or Sim City 2000 in terms of the sheer number of hours I have put into it, it has made an IMPRESSIVE run at it, considering the comparatively short time that I have been playing it. Its easily the most entertaining game I have piked up in the past 5 years or so.

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  Fengist said:
Now see, you've taken my comments out of context. You've tried to expand them into some awe inspiring revelation about life.
Eh, no. Just pointing out that even if your craft had some other higher purpose they'd still be digital nothings for entertainment. Some people are quite happy writing that book themselves for their own entertainment, others need to be guided through the story in order to derive solid entertainment. KSP has always been about the player writing the story, finding purpose for those vessels, kind of like life (in a non-revalational, matter-of-fact way of speaking.)
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  • 3 years later...
  On 5/24/2015 at 1:46 PM, eddiew said:

I don't want to say I like KSP better than Minecraft, because MC has that nice multiplayer aspect that KSP lacks... but for a single player game, it is exceedingly good. If you like this sort of thing :)

I feel there's a few testing and quality control issues that could do with handling better, but the basis of the game is spot on.


yes, if they added multiplayer to KSP, I might not ever do singleplayer ever again (just like MC)

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I must saidIm going to get so wrecked by everybody on this fórum... KSP is a preety bad game.First

of all the graphics suck.And i know about EVE but im talking about the stock game.Yeah that one no ones uses.

And the development is bad.The updates are unfinished.1.6 looks like its going to be another part overhaul.

And dont get me started with carrer mode and how empty the planets are.

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  On 11/6/2018 at 9:30 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

I must saidIm going to get so wrecked by everybody on this fórum... KSP is a preety bad game.First

of all the graphics suck.And i know about EVE but im talking about the stock game.Yeah that one no ones uses.

And the development is bad.The updates are unfinished.1.6 looks like its going to be another part overhaul.

And dont get me started with carrer mode and how empty the planets are.


Don't worry, I see your point here - although how you know what's in 1.6 is beyond me..

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  On 11/6/2018 at 9:30 PM, KerbolExplorer said:

I must saidIm going to get so wrecked by everybody on this fórum... KSP is a preety bad game.


Not going to wreck you, but I hear similar complaints about other games I also think are astounding, and must confess I never understand why someone continues to play a game that is - as they describe it - bad.

When I play a game that I think is bad, I stop playing it. And I surely don't hang around its forums.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Best game I’ve ever played.

Of course, there are flaws, but they are ultimately cancelled out by the awesome stuff. While the stock game is brilliant by itself, it’s made even better by the mods, which allow you to shape the game however you wish.

And I might be in a minority here, but I do appreciate SQUAD revamping the parts, and I’m always looking forward to the next update where we’ll get more shiny stuff to play with!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best game? - difficult to define, its just not comparable to most types of game, for example 'God of war or KSP?' I couldn't even compare! Although I'd say KSP I bet most 'gamers' would say God of war. (I'm not bashing God of war by the way, just an example of vast differences) Some like fast-paced action, others immersive storytelling, KSP I would bundle with RTS and simulation games but the sheer variety in this category alone makes comparison difficult.

@SiriusRocketry your top 5 is a good example, clearly a fan of driving/racing games yet you have picked KSP for the no5 spot but if I where to ask you why you think gran turismo 4 is better than KSP it would come down to personal preference. I'd be curious how to know many other driving games KSP beat to your no 5 spot.

IMO - KSP has been both the most rewarding and infuriating gaming experience to date.


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  On 11/23/2018 at 7:23 PM, se5a said:

Back in my day, we had 8 bit ascii graphics and we *liked* it, because back then it was about gameplay, not shiny. so many games these days are just shiny with  no gameplay.


Yeah. Having shiny graphics is nice, but for me it's always gameplay not graphics.

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  On 11/23/2018 at 7:32 PM, RealKerbal3x said:

Yeah. Having shiny graphics is nice, but for me it's always gameplay not graphics.


Same with TV. I'll take garbage sfx and a great story and characters any day over some pretty shiny show full of tropes and boring.

And I've not bothered with visual mods except for doe for years, and doe is in more for the info it provides than anything else.

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KSP is a very bad game. It's the mods that make it a good game, but, there is a problem: After a while.... there is nothing left to do. We need something nice to do at the planets. Cave exploration? Artifact hunting? Some random lore? Dont know.... but after the challenge of reaching and landing is complete, there is nothing left  to do.

Why build rover if a touchdown and take off mission will yield the same results?

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