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[1.0.2] Kerbol 3.7 - Stock system re-scaled x3.7 (A Kopernicus-based mod)


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Stock system re-scaled to 3.7 times stock size.




This mod came about when I attempted to re-scale Skyrex94's SKY - Scale-up Kerbalism for You mod to only include the stock kerbol system arrangement. Unfortunately, having planets scaled at 3.7 times stock and distances scaled 7.0 times stock means that moons like Minmus lie outside the sphere of influence (SOI) of their parent body.

My solution was to create a 3.7 scaled stock system which was enough of a departure from Skyrex94's original intentions to warrant a new thread.


- Stock KSC location

- Stock Kerbol system arrangement

- All planets' and moons' radii and semi major axes (SMAs) have been multiplied by a factor of 3.7, while holding stock surface gravity constant.


Release 02 (Megalink)

Future possibilities:

- When Kopernicus gets more stable, being an author from Outer Planets Mod I will probably create a separate download option including the re-scaled versions of the OPM planets and moons.


Skyrex94 - For creating the mod that this derived from.



This mod includes:

Kopernicus (“Free software (LGPL) licenseâ€Â)

KSCSwitcher ("BSD 2-clause")


Release 02
- Moho and Tylo are now playable (thanks to KillAshley with this one)

Release 01-3
- Set default KSCSwitcher Location to KSC instead of KSA which was causing issues.

Release 01-2
- Changed Readme wording
- Renamed folder containing rescale config

Release 01
-Initial release

Edited by Eudae55
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I have been holding off on upgrading to 1.0.2 just because I have fallen for 6.4k Kerbin scale (With Telion's amazing OPM config). They seem to be taking ages to get an update out.

I always suspected it would be a fairly simple thing to get Kopernicus to do a rescale I just had no idea how to do it myself, but it should be a fairly simple thing for me to adjust your adjustments to a 6.4 scale increase rather than 3.7?

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this is owersome man! but, to make Tylo and Moho work again I had to remove theyr rescale configs...

They are already disabled in the rescale config meaning the stock scaled ones are present in game. If you happen to know if Kopernicus can remove stock bodies altogether, I might use that technique :)

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Very nice. I was considering doing this myself as I liked the 3.7x rescale, but not the rearrangement, but this saves me a lot of work!

One minor bug, KSCSwitcher has DefaultSite = KSA, but the only site available is tagged as KSC. Might not cause any noticable issues, just noticed it and thought I would mention it.

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One minor bug, KSCSwitcher has DefaultSite = KSA, but the only site available is tagged as KSC. Might not cause any noticable issues, just noticed it and thought I would mention it.

Apparently it does cause issues: KSC has no ground below it.

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One minor bug, KSCSwitcher has DefaultSite = KSA, but the only site available is tagged as KSC. Might not cause any noticable issues, just noticed it and thought I would mention it.

Thanks for pointing this out. I'll make a fix now.

Edit: Done (see OP)

Edited by Eudae55
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FYI - Moho and Tylo are now fully working.

Release 02 now available

So this means that every planet and moon is working. You may start your careers :)

My next goal is to tweak each body's terrain settings so that it isn't flattened so much by the scaling applied to it - until then, everything should be working fine :)

Have fun

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Looking great, some questions though:

Have the "science altitudes" (flight, space low, space high etc.) been adjusted?

I cannot find anything in the config files, but I have no experience with these kinds of mods.

How has the atmosphere changed?

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Looking great, some questions though:

Have the "science altitudes" (flight, space low, space high etc.) been adjusted?

I cannot find anything in the config files, but I have no experience with these kinds of mods.

How has the atmosphere changed?

At this time, terrain max altitudes have not changed and thus don't require the space/low, space/high etc to be adjusted.

I have not changed atmospheres yet as they would only change by a few km. Assuming that a x10 scaled Kerbin has the exact same qualities of Earth, Kerbin at x3.7 only has an atmosphere height increase of about 11km. Though I guess a 15% increase is non-trivial so if that is something you would like, I can make the changes in the next update.

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Hi, I have had a good look through your config and have managed to work out mostly how it is working (the .cfg only, coding the .dll is beyond me) and have managed to adjust the values to generate a 6.4 scale Kerbol system that seems to work quite well.

I'd like to ask for assistance however in working out the PQS stuff as I have no idea how any of that works regarding landscape sculpting. My 6.4 is flatter than flat, the 'mountains' may be grey but they are little more than lumps in the ground ... and KSC is now an island. The 0.90 version of 6.4 was flatter than stock, but not to this extent, I have raised the atmospheres and the science boundaries to match the 0.90 version but the terrain eludes me .... halp?

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I've created a MM config that makes some tweaks to the solar system to make it a little more comparable to our own in certain places, therefore more challenging. The config can be found here: https://gist.github.com/stevehead/d4f9029d20b3249be2b6. To install, just copy config to your GameData folder. This doesn't replace the Kerbol 3.7 scale, it just makes some further adjustments.

The solar system is still in the same arrangement as stock, but with the following adjustments:

  1. The Sun has been scaled to be relatively the same size as the real Sun, with it's mass adjusted.
  2. Semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination have been adjusted for all of the planets (except Eeloo, see below) and the Mun to be relatively equal to their real life counterparts.
  3. Eeloo's eccentricity and inclination equal to Pluto's, but its semi-major axis adjusted to be relatively same to the new Jool orbit.
  4. Minmus is farther out, and its orbit is now slightly eccentric, more inclined, and now orbits retrograde to Kerbin.
  5. Jool's 'surface gravity' has been adjusted so that Jool has a comparable gravity well to Jupiter's... I'd like to see someone do the Jool 5 challenge now with this!
  6. Adjustments to eccentricity and inclination of Laythe, Vall, and Tylo to be equal to Io, Europa, and Ganymede.
  7. Moho's synodic rotation period is set to be in the 2:3 resonance with its solar orbit just like Mercury (I think stock is like this too, IIRC).
  8. Eve's rotation period is proportionally equal to Venus's, and now rotates retrograde.

I just threw this together this afternoon and haven't done a thorough test of it, but what I've seen so far, everything seems to be working fine. Just like to share it if anyone wants to try it out.

Edited by stevehead
Moho info update
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Hi, I have had a good look through your config and have managed to work out mostly how it is working (the .cfg only, coding the .dll is beyond me) and have managed to adjust the values to generate a 6.4 scale Kerbol system that seems to work quite well.

I'd like to ask for assistance however in working out the PQS stuff as I have no idea how any of that works regarding landscape sculpting. My 6.4 is flatter than flat, the 'mountains' may be grey but they are little more than lumps in the ground ... and KSC is now an island. The 0.90 version of 6.4 was flatter than stock, but not to this extent, I have raised the atmospheres and the science boundaries to match the 0.90 version but the terrain eludes me .... halp?

This perhaps isn't the right thread for this sort of assistance, though as the rescale mods (including RSS) are going through a transition period to Kopernicus, there isn't yet a clear place to ask this apart from the Kopernicus thread.

What I can recommend is that you both insert PQS height deformity mods (look in the Kopernicus thread or the configs in Outer Planets Mod for examples) into the rescale config as well as adjust the contrast of the actual body heightmaps. That might get you the result you are after.

I plan to do the above to the bodies of Kerbol 3.7 when I get the chance.

- - - Updated - - -

Any experiences with FAR or DRE and how they play with the resize?


This thread might be helpful to you :)

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My next goal is to tweak each body's terrain settings so that it isn't flattened so much by the scaling applied to it - until then, everything should be working fine :)

Have fun

Good work! Just waiting for better heigtmaps for all celestials, but for now it enjoyes me aswell! Thank you!

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This mod came about when I attempted to re-scale Skyrex94's SKY - Scale-up Kerbalism for You mod to only include the stock kerbol system arrangement. Unfortunately, having planets scaled at 3.7 times stock and distances scaled 7.0 times stock means that moons like Minmus lie outside the sphere of influence (SOI) of their parent body.

I don't think this is true at all. I have a moon that started with a SMA greater than that of minmus (almost double) and still scaled it to 7x and it is still inside the SOI of kerbin. So i don't know why you think minmus would be outside. I even have OPM now with Tal around Wal.

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Does this not include extending the atmosphere 3.7 times as well? Or am I missing some part of the setup.

SKY deliberately leaves the atmospheres at stock height, so this probably does too. Can anyone back me up?

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