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Ask the Mods questions about the Forums!


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Well, you've had a few opportunities to have seen it ;)

Oooh, naughty, naughty sal_vager. :P

What yellow post badge? The "Report Post" button?

(Or is it something to do with posts that have infractions?)


Just looked at the one post with an infraction I ever got, yep, there's a yellow thing. Is that supposed to be a pair of yellow cards? XD

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Sampa, just click your name at the top of the page to view your profile. If you have an "Infractions" tab along with "My Activity", "Visitor Messages", etc, it will list your infracted posts (if they haven't been deleted). If you don't have that tab you have a clean history. :)

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Is the SQUAD account a separate account that someone has to log in to to make a post, or can moderators/forum admins (Kasper, I'm looking at you) post as another user? I would be surprised if the latter was the case.

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We'd have to log in to the Squad account, but it rarely posts something other than automated messages (the Daily Kerbal posts). I used to use it for things such as the "Grand Discussion" threads to give them an official feel, but since I was hired last year I don't use it for that anymore either.

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How long is the process of giving an infraction/warning? Is it just merely clicking on a button in the user profile, or does it have to be widely talked about before being handed out among the moderators?


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How long is the process of giving an infraction/warning? Is it just merely clicking on a button in the user profile, or does it have to be widely talked about before being handed out among the moderators?


I'm also very curious about this!

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It varies. Sometimes it's a quick note. Sometimes we discuss the matter among ourselves. Sometimes we have to put some thought into exactly what to say. See, there's a sequence of a few clicks, but we also hand-write a message to go along with the standard message. And, we check the members' infraction history to see if the person has a history of doing similar things. Repeated offenses get sterner infractions. So it can be quick, or it can end up taking half an hour, depending on the situation.

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(The name of this thread is 'Ask the Mods questions about the Forums, and I have a question about the Forums, so...)

Does anyone know how to set a custom profile background? Do I have to link to an online image (album), such as Imgur, or is there are an album managing feature on the KSP forums? Because according to the FAQ I had to do something over at my User Control Panel, but no 'album' option there either. :confused:

Thank you in advance

The White Guardian

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(The name of this thread is 'Ask the Mods questions about the Forums, and I have a question about the Forums, so...)

Does anyone know how to set a custom profile background? Do I have to link to an online image (album), such as Imgur, or is there are an album managing feature on the KSP forums? Because according to the FAQ I had to do something over at my User Control Panel, but no 'album' option there either. :confused:

Thank you in advance

The White Guardian

Unfortunately not my area of expertise. I'll leave this for another mod to field.

Are there issues with internal mod politics?

If there were, we'd never tell you, now, would we? :P

But on a serious note, we moderators do come from a diverse set of backgrounds, and we do all have our own different views on certain subjects, which does cause some friction from time to time (and not strictly always regarding moderation actions, either). Nevertheless, I believe that among the criteria for moderator selection are a demonstrated willingness to sacrifice your time and effort to be helpful to the community as a whole and the maturity to recognize that holding a different opinion from someone on certain issues doesn't mean you can't still have a beneficial and productive relationship with them, which I think helps to winnow out the sorts of people inclined to play "office politics" games.

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Does anyone know how to set a custom profile background?

Top right of the page. Click "My Profile" then "Customize My Profile". That might be what you're asking for? (You can put URL links into some of the fields, such as "Background")



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What counts as a single thread "view"? Does it involve clicking on it and reading it whole, or does it just involve being on the same page where the thread in question is?

Who knows? I sure don't.

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