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Do you still play old versions?


Do you still play old versions?  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you still play old versions?

    • I play 1.0.2
    • I play a few versions back, like 0.9 or 0.25
    • I play OLD OLD versions, like 0.7.3 or 0.12

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To be honest, I LOVE the old versions. As of now, I'm playing 0.7.3. Just got into orbit and flew 1,000,000 meters. I want to get 0.12 to land on the Mun, though it won't let me open the file. It doesn't matter what version either, it could be 0.90 or 0.7.3

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I still have my old .22 or .23 heavily modded save lying around, in which I did this:


Ahhh, memories. It was so fun. I remember making a N-1 but never launched it. I also made a Saturn V complete with a CSM (it looked like this) and LM, but I never even got around to launching it for the first time. I stopped playing it after .23.5 got released and made a new KSP_win folder, and never went back since it took 5 minutes to load every time, even with Active Texture Management.

Edited by mythbusters844
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Nope, I only ever played the very first release once to see what that looked like, and I sometimes keep playing old modded saves on old versions for a bit after new updates, but I mostly play on the most recent patch.

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To be honest, I LOVE the old versions. As of now, I'm playing 0.7.3. Just got into orbit and flew 1,000,000 meters. I want to get 0.12 to land on the Mun, though it won't let me open the file. It doesn't matter what version either, it could be 0.90 or 0.7.3

I don't play old versions religiously, I do however would like to get into orbit on a 0.7.3 save, see what Kerbin was like back then. I don't think Mun existed back then, much less the entire Kerbol system.

I AM however a HUGE fan of retrogaming, but that's a whoooole other post... I think I'll make that one in Space Lounge.

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No time for games these days (ask me again in 2 weeks) but I keep 0.90 for the mods, in case the updated mods aren't working as well as they used to. A dual gamer I am I suppose.

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I play the current version, but occasionally I will play 0.13. It's an old enough version to have that early KSP alpha feel to it, yet it also has the Mun and some other parts/features that aren't in the releases before it.

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No, I don't. I've not kept earlier versions except for 0.25 and 0.90. as a 'just in case', but never looked at them since 1.0 dropped so I will most likely carry on using the newest versions as they appear.

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Still playing 0.25 at home. Mostly because 0.90 necessitated a change in how Vertical Snap works in Editor Extensions. Since I spend most of my time building, why "upgrade" to an inferior interface?

I have 1.02 at my office, but other than mining, it's not that interesting.

Edited by FleshJeb
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The only reason I ever played an older version after a new version came out was to finish a mission. I don't upgrade mid-career, and always start a new one.

Hopefully that will change now that 1.0 is out, and I'll just be upgrading like crazy and keeping my save.

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I've got all the way back to 0.20 stored up easily accessed, and back to 0.18 stored in my external drive. I, however, only play back to 0.90 right now. It's how I tend to be. I play the latest version and the version older, but not much further back.

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I'm currently on ksp 1.0, bit lazy to update to 1.0.2, waiting for 1.0.3. I keep a .90 save because updating the game with Mac is rather tedious. The computer ran out of storage, thank goodness for a new hardrive...

*Thanks for the rep!

Edited by SaturnianBlue
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I play 1.02, but I loved (and still do) 13.3, because that's the version I found the game in, and I learned most of what I know, like going to the moon by (time warping til interception is made after) burning towards it, and flying to the sun (with 'mods').

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A link to the old version archives that Squad allow you to share..


this is ONLY for the free versions, please add any of the missings ones requested..

Of course there is no need to remind people that sharing full release versions counts as piracy and can be a bannable offence.

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I'm still playing 0.9, because I want to finish my Eve mission first, than invent some method to migrate my current crew into 1.x.x

Still, not all mods are updated to 1.x.x. Some modders are waiting for 1.0.3 for example.

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