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[1.12.x] DeepFreeze (v0.31.0) 12th Sep 2021


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New version imminent. To coincide with update to Ship Manifest updates. Stay tuned next hour.
Version 0.20.4 released. See the Changelog in the OP for full details. As always, Delete OLD versions completely before installing the new version. This is not save game breaking as all point releases should be.
Important things to note:
This version has been released to coincide with Ship Manifest V5.0.1.0 and will work only with that version or above from now on. DeepFreeze is no longer using the old Ship Manifest hard-reference API.
DFInterface.dll has been removed as well, you no longer need this or SMInterface.dll.
There is a bug related to Crew Transfers if you are using Connected Living Spaces and Ship Manifest that causes a kerbal to be lost if you are using CLS passable = NO setting on parts. So I have temporarily changed the settings for the CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R to be passable if you are using CLS until Papa_Joe can fix this bug.

Edited by JPLRepo
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Just wanted to start off by saying that I love your mod and it fits my play style perfectly. I did however start a career mode and found that all of your parts are on the end side if the tech tree. I was hoping/ wondering if it could be moved closer to the start or middle?

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4 hours ago, Hushkadush said:

Just wanted to start off by saying that I love your mod and it fits my play style perfectly. I did however start a career mode and found that all of your parts are on the end side if the tech tree. I was hoping/ wondering if it could be moved closer to the start or middle?

No. I have no intention of moving them earlier in the tech tree.
I believe they are well balanced. (Stock Tech Tree): The CRY-0300 and CRY-0300R become available at "Space Exploration".
The CRY-1300 and Glykerol Tank at "Specialized Construction", and the CRY-2300 at "Advanced Metalworks".
I don't believe moving them earlier in the tree makes sense, what do others think?
BTW: You can always change them in your own install.

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@JPLRepoI don't know if you're familiar with the KeepFit mod, but I'm wondering if DeepFreeze freezes fitness degradation over the duration of the freeze? I was going to make a simple patch that grants all your parts maximum fitness capacity as a workaround, but thought it might not even be necessary.

Edited by Deimos Rast
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42 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

@JPLRepoI don't know if you're familiar with the KeepFit mod, but I'm wondering if DeepFreeze freezes fitness degradation over the duration of the freeze? I was going to make a simple patch that grants all your parts maximum fitness capacity as a workaround, but thought it might not even be necessary.

I'll look into it... once we get onto KSP 1.1. :) Heavily into pre-release work now on all my mods. But This one will need a lot of work as it is heavily impacted by KSP 1.1 changes. :confused:

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5 minutes ago, JPLRepo said:

I'll look into it... once we get onto KSP 1.1. :) Heavily into pre-release work now on all my mods. But This one will need a lot of work as it is heavily impacted by KSP 1.1 changes. :confused:

Yup, I hear you, figured I'd throw it on the pile of "wouldn't it be nice if..." but I talked to timmers_uk and just adding NEUTRAL to all your parts should basically pause the effects G degradation so a simple patch should be fine; I'll try my hand at one today some time, but my install is being persnickity;

Good luck with with the 1.1 woes:)

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6 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

Yup, I hear you, figured I'd throw it on the pile of "wouldn't it be nice if..." but I talked to timmers_uk and just adding NEUTRAL to all your parts should basically pause the effects G degradation so a simple patch should be fine; I'll try my hand at one today some time, but my install is being persnickity;

Good luck with with the 1.1 woes:)

If you want to patch it for 1.0.5 for yourself go for it.
Nice to haves... will have to wait until we get a stable base on 1.1 first. I want to re-factor the GUIs etc. but even those probably will be after the first 1.1 stable release. Trying to do everything at once just creates more problems and work for me. :blush: and I do this for free (because I love it). :cool:

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I 100% hear where you're coming from and agree 100%; not trying to add to your work load; my timing is off of this post is apparently off and honestly prefer to do things myself (notice I said I  would hack at a patch sometime today:P). Was just curious if the two mods were already talking in some way, or if DeepFreeze didn't pull a crazy "make kerbal into a non-entity to avoid all sorts of crazy checks and balances" and thus negate the need for me having to do anything in the first place.

Anyway, again, good luck, I'll leave you be.

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6 minutes ago, Deimos Rast said:

I 100% hear where you're coming from and agree 100%; not trying to add to your work load; my timing is off of this post is apparently off and honestly prefer to do things myself (notice I said I  would hack at a patch sometime today:P). Was just curious if the two mods were already talking in some way, or if DeepFreeze didn't pull a crazy "make kerbal into a non-entity to avoid all sorts of crazy checks and balances" and thus negate the need for me having to do anything in the first place.

Anyway, again, good luck, I'll leave you be.

So, no DF does not talk to KeepFit today....
But yes, DF does pull crazy make kerbals disappear tricks when they are frozen... so I have no idea what impact that has on KeepFit.

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EDITED: Pre-Release version of DeepFreeze available for those who want to help out with debugging.
Only available on GitHub here.

Please Register all bugs on GitHub and remember, this is a pre-release version (with it's own bugs) built on a pre-release version of KSP 1.1 that is still bugged.
DO NOT install this on 1.0.5 or below.

DO NOT USE the Pre-Release Version in KSP 1.1 Turbo Charged Full release. It is still bugged. I am working on a full release version.

Edited by JPLRepo
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2 hours ago, PotentiallyHabitable578 said:

Love this mod. Only concern is that I can't see the Kerbals inside the CRY-0300R freezing chamber from the outside. Am I missing out on something?


You require Raster Prop Monitor. (NB: IF you are currently testing on Pre-Release 1.1 - this feature is not working)

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Wow, this is very cool. This is exactly what I probably need for end-game journeys to other solar systems in RSS (with RSS Extrasolar). There's definitely no way to pack enough life support for several light-year distant planets!

Thanks so much.

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Quick Update, slow progress. I've been busy with real life this week and what time I have had for KSP has been dedicated to RasterPropMonitor getting a new TransparentMod module that will give transparent pods, CRY-0300, CRY0300R, CRY-5000 (Included with Nils mod) fantastic performance and better transparent capabilities. I've picked up a few bugs in the pre-release with DF code, so I need to get into debugging and checking and fixing the code still. If anyone finds bugs in the pre-release please post them on GitHub that will help me tremendously. Here is the CRY-300 and CRY-0300R in test in 1.1 pre-release with new TransparentPod feature.
Spolier pics:


Note the Frame right on the left (and the CRY-0300 in this picture was before I fixed the model)


Here is a pic with them both with new models for 1.1:



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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my favorite, and necessary mods, for inter-planetary travel.  I'm testing your 1.1 dev version now.  THANK YOU!!  Like/Rep-Point to you as well.

Sidebar:  I assume ALL pre-release 1.1 mods will crash.  Even had a couple CTDs already with other mods.  LOL!!!

Edited by Apollo13
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9 hours ago, Apollo13 said:

1)  I am unable to freeze tourists.  Intentional??  I'd like to do this for long trips to other planets.

2)  The frozen kerbal icon is not visible

1) You can only freeze crew, that is intentional. Raise a feature request on GitHub. Most likely will be post 1.1 release as it would require quite a few changes to the code.

2) can you expand on what you are referring to.

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2).  When viewing the vessel, the Kerbals in the vessel are displayed in the lower right corner of the window.  These icons show the crew members and tourists.  Frozen Kerbals are not shown an icon there.

FYI, when the game starts, I get a dialog that says this version is incompatible; says it's compatible with 1.0.5.  The DeepFreezeContinued.version file appears correct.

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2) That is correct. Frozen kerbals are frozen, no portrait camera.

That is correct. DeepFreeze is NOT supported in 1.1 PRE-RELEASE. What you are using is a dev version. I won't be updating the AVC supported version or DeepFreeze version number until KSP 1.1 is released and I have completed updating it for 1.1

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Seeing how 1.1 has now been officially released, I need to get on with fixing all the bugs this mod still has under 1.1. I expect it will take me some time given the number of bugs and issues I have identified under 1.1 pre-release. I was hoping for a number of things to be changed by Squad that would assist, but that doesn't seem to have eventuated. This week is very busy for me with real life and real work so I can't say when I will have this mod ready for 1.1. Stay tuned.

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