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If there were no limits - what would you make?


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  Foxster said:
Realistic to whom?
Realistic to me, how else would I have answered your question? I certainly don't share your frame of reference.
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A moon made of captured asteroids, not just the ability to make it and not crash the game due to lag but for it to have its own gravity and maybe gather an atmosphere as well. Imagine making moons at will, Dres would be a much more exiting place.

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The Ringworld. I think it would be really challenging/fun to land on.

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  regex said:
A realistic spaceflight simulator.

Realistic in what respect?

A realistic space program manager? In which I assume you'd spend most of the game time lobbying politicians, acquitting expenses, appearing at hearings, wrangling contractors and deciding on a media strategy.

A realistic rocket design game? You get an extremely restrictive set of parameters, again need to wrangle contractors A, B and C to provide designs for modules that fit designs already proposed by contractors D, E, and F, and need to alter those designs, when government sub-committee A, requires alterations to contractor E and Fs designs.

A realistic space flight simulator? in other words a really good mechjeb, where somebody else pushes go, and the computer flies while you read off indicators.

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I would implement a space flight simulator and...

Wait I'm recursing again aren't I?

I see several I like already mentioned. Instead of parroting, I will attempt to make unique contributions to the thread.

Making literal planetary drive units to push Gilly and larger around. After that, it's time to smash planets.

Planning interstellar highway missions would also be cool.

Surprised solar sails haven't been getting more hype here recently either.

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Stock propeller bearings. I would then attach them all to so many damn airplanes (Wright Flyer, anyone?)

A replica of the R.M.S Titanic. Now that I think about it, my limitations are probably the water physics, and getting it there.

Lots more. A (proper) Apollo mission pack, A Hubble Space Telescope that can fit into the Mk3 cargo bay, more airliners - all the likes you could imagine from someone ambitious.

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  Tourist said:
A realistic space program manager? In which I assume you'd spend most of the game time lobbying politicians, acquitting expenses, appearing at hearings, wrangling contractors and deciding on a media strategy.

A realistic rocket design game? You get an extremely restrictive set of parameters, again need to wrangle contractors A, B and C to provide designs for modules that fit designs already proposed by contractors D, E, and F, and need to alter those designs, when government sub-committee A, requires alterations to contractor E and Fs designs.

A realistic space flight simulator? in other words a really good mechjeb, where somebody else pushes go, and the computer flies while you read off indicators.

Oh man, that's a premium trifecta of strawmen you're burning there, they should call you for Burning Man this year...

I'd settle for Orbiter natively on Linux with KSP's VAB, but KSP is well on it's way there already, plus I can fly everything manually. Freeform rocketry in our solar system ala KSP with fully realistic systems circa 2015 or plausible extrapolations to 2030~2050.

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This is something I thought of and would love to try. Ok so I set up many different bases all around the mun and build a rocket powered train with a rail and everything to everywhere on the mun. no need to fly space ships to get somewhere on the mun just get on the train

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  Foxster said:
KSP has limits. Some imposed by computing power, some by realism.

If you could build or do anything at all in KSP, what would it be?

A part that cause all the banks in the world to send me 0.001% cash reserves.

Then a part that would send a 200 foot schooner with a gang plank wide enough to pull my truck up and park with all my favorite gear.

And then enough fuel and supplies to sail the Caribbean.

And finally a part that would cause every program to deinstall clean the SSD and HDDS on the computer, box itself up and sell itself on Ebay.

I suspect you really did not mean anything.

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Space elevator (s), ability to add onto a part in a way that would make it still one part instead of multiple parts so I could make a ring and/or sphere around planets, moons and stars. You would need engineers and a system in place to mine And transport the raw materials

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Massive space stations several kilometers in diameter. Capital ships that would really make interplanetary travel and commerce seem feasible. Hangars on both the stations and the ships for holding numerous smaller craft, as seen in so many science fiction settings. All with detail levels that would bring my current computer to its knees.

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I would recreate the entire Imperial Star Fleet from Star Wars, with real size 15km long Super Star Destroyers and obviously a Death Star, which I would use to destroy Dres and create an asteroid belt:D. Then I would make huge ring stations around all the planets and colonise them all with surface bases, and terraform all those with atmospheres. Then I would de orbit Gilly and crash it into Eve, and do the same for Bop into Jool (that's what they get for eating my probes). And once again, the Sith shall rule the Galaxy... Muahahahah:D

Edited by A35K
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I only thought reading the topic, that nothing in particular will change in my playstyle... I rarely break the 300 parts per craft, because I just do not need as much...

Is there something wrong with me?

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;2008944']I only thought reading the topic' date=' that nothing in particular will change in my playstyle... I rarely break the 300 parts per craft, because I just do not need as much...

Is there something wrong with me?[/quote']There is a support group available for you and your kind. They meet on Thursdays in the cupboard behind Hanger 13.

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As far as personal limits go... I'd like my builds to be pretty... I am horrible at that, my builds are often clunky, have an obscene amount of redundancies, yet they get the job done so can't be too upset with that.

As for the game... I would like it to run a bit smoother for higher part count ships, nothing like unlimited parts or anything but around 4-500 parts it starts to get bad, anything above that and its down right unplayable for me. I think I could live with 1000 parts easy enough...

Additionally I would love for things to not go poof if they get more than 2km away from me... A reliable auto pilot (as native, nothing extensive just hold altitude/level off) and more functional/detailed IVA views.

Edit- Forgot one. True orbital/extraplanetary construction. I am not talking about going to the VAB building a ship and poof it winds up in space/on Duna. I am talking about actually building your own ship in space or on another planet, KIS is a great step in that direction.

Edited by annallia
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;2008944']I only thought reading the topic' date=' that nothing in particular will change in my playstyle... I rarely break the 300 parts per craft, because I just do not need as much...

Is there something wrong with me?[/quote']

I'm kind of with you, except if I desire a part (I've gone through the stage of having fusion powered LFOx generators that allow unlimited dV) I build it and I want the end result to be in the magnitude of realistic, so . . . . . . . .

This game gets boring if you can't create stuff that is either off-the-shelf or blender-kinder.

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  annallia said:
. . . . True orbital/extraplanetary construction. I am not talking about going to the VAB building a ship and poof it winds up in space/on Duna. I am talking about actually building your own ship in space or on another planet, KIS is a great step in that direction.

I like the idea but I think it should be a package kit that you have to reach a certain level of launch capability (say 4kt) to get into space, then it has to be built to a final form before it becomes a building platform.

BTW in space the VAB and the lauchpad are the same, and you don't really need a building, though I have already constructed a factory. As soon as you release the ship from a mooring you are launched, you either have to propel the dock construct-retro or the ship dock-retro.

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  jarmund said:
My computer is very potato limiting my builds somewhat, but I'm sure KSP itself would also struggle with this: Battlestar Gallactica, complete with expandable landing bays. Then I would burn through the atmosphere for a landing as done in that scene where they need to rescue surface-trapped humans from the cylons and evacuate. This, ofcourse, by somehow hooking mainsails into the RCS system.

Alternatively, a Dyson Sphere around Kerbol.

I tried to do the Galactica thing when the B9 HX parts first came out. It sure seemed possible but I gave up quickly due to clipping bugs and reasons.

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